Tracie Long Training Better Burn... Better Buns [2006, фитнес, DVDRip, ENG]

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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 19-Май-10 11:20 (14 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 03-Июн-10 06:41)

Tracie Long Training Better Burn... Better Buns

Год выпуска: 2006
Страна: USA
Жанр: фитнес
Продолжительность: 00:56:10
Язык: Английский
Fitness instructor Tracie Long presents a challenging exercise program based on strength training and corework. This volume requires a medicine ball for an invigorating workout that sculpts and strengthens the hips, abs, thighs, and buns.
Better Burn...Better Buns is one of the initial four videos offered via Tracie Long's last venture, Tracie Long Training (TLT). Tracie herself leads this workout, which is mainly cardio with a lower body toning emphasis; also, because it is functional fitness in nature, you'll be working your core throughout. Equipment used includes a medicine ball (2-5 lbs.), a dowel or stick, and something to use under your feet for gliding work (e.g., rags for hardwood floors, paper plates on carpet). Tracie is joined by Sherry, who shows easier modifications, and Stephanie, who displays more advanced versions, including some higher impact.
The workout begins with a warm-up using the medicine ball with simple moves such as heel life, chest press, "rocking horse," knee lifts, twists, and squats. Setting down the ball, Tracie then moves into a series dynamic stretches; the hips, glutes, and legs receive special attention here, and Tracie notes that the moves are great for runners (the warm-up/stretch segment is about 7.5 minutes total). To continue preparing the body for cardio, plank work comes next (3 minutes). You use the stick here, moving back and forth over it first with your hands, then with your legs. Tracie then moves into cardio with the ball: you'll do lunges with rotations, optional jacks, squats with rotations, optional jumps, and standing supermans to work on balance (3.5 minutes). Then, without the ball (using the stick for balance if needed), you'll work the hips/glutes with standing side leg pushes. After transitioning with additional superman balances, you'll further tone this area with gliding work: with your rag/plate under one foot, you move your leg in and out and then around while remaining in a low squat. After doing one leg only, Tracie offers some quick stretches and then goes back to cardio with standing side crunches. This segment includes front lunges and rear dips while weaving the ball through the legs plus a fast side-to-side squat. Next comes a sort of agility drill segment where you'll do fast side-to-side toe taps moving to leg swings and ending with in and out hops and quick runs. This long series (12 minutes) ends by repeating the toning work on the other leg.
Tracie continues with additional medicine ball cardio. There are some more traditional moves here, such as speed skaters, glute lifts, and squats (with optional jumps; the few higher impact moves in this workout are very easily modified). However, Tracie adds functional work with twists plus a "stir the pot" move with the arms that you will really feel in your core (4.5 minutes). Additional toning/balance work follows: you'll do standing side leg lifts and more gliding work, this time sliding the rag/plate in and out of a back lunge and then in a diagonal fashion. Again, Tracie goes into a cardio segment before moving on to the other leg. Here you'll do "hurdles," first taking a wide leg step over an imaginary hurdle and then squatting to duck under one; Tracie adds push-ups onto this sequence and then ends this segment ends with a shuffle move. The medicine ball is used for the final cardio segment, which includes v-steps forward and back plus side lunges and knee repeaters (adding a weave with the ball through the legs). Following this, you complete the "standing mop" toning work on the other leg (the entire series is 12 minutes long).
Next it's down to the floor for abs work. Lying supine with your arms overhead, you'll crunch up, moving your hands to touch your feet (first same side, then twisting). Then you'll keep your feet in the air and touch the ball to your toes; finally, you'll weave the ball through your ankles in a figure 8. Following this, you'll need two rags/plates for bridge work: keeping your hips elevated, you'll slide one foot in and out. More crunch work follows, this time using the stick. Tracie starts with her knees bent, stick under her feet, then she brings the stick up, around her feet, and overhead. The 8.5 minute core work segment ends with v-sit twists and side plank work, both of which were quite tough! The workout concludes with an excellent 6.5 minute stretch segment which particularly focus on the hips. She incorporates many moves from yoga, including cat/cow, down dog, crazy dog, lunge, double pigeon (with nice posture work), Sage twist, and forward bends--this was a perfect end to such a lower-body intensive workout. The entire workout clocked in at just under 56 minutes (all individual segment times are approximate).
Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI
Видео: DivX 5, 592 x 400, 1.480, 1 390 Kbps, 25.000 fps, 0.235 b/px
Аудио: MPEG-1 Audio layer 3, 96.0 Kbps, CBR, 44.1 KHz, 2 ch.
Данное видео является недостающей на форуме частью комплекта
Tracie Long Training Fitness Collection 4 Pack

Tracie Long Training Finding Your Core >>>
Finding Your Core - with Susan Harris Firm your abdominals and core. Improve your posture
and balance with a variety of techniques. Tone your abs and create long lean muscles.
Tracie Long Training Endurance For Movement >>>
Endurance For Movement - with Tracie Long - Winner Best of Fitness Award from Health Magazine Create
long lean abs with core exercises that challenge your body in new ways. Slenderize your hips and thighs
with kicking cardio routines. Strengthen stubborn muscle groups with targeted exercises.
Tracie Long Training Strength In Movement >>>
Strength In Movement - with Jen Carman Create lean muscle and improve energy
levels with unique aerobic intervals. Lift and shape your lower body, especially those
hard to work areas. Improve your strength with a total body workout.
Отзыв с Амазона
This series of four DVDs is the latest offering from Tracie Long Training (TLT). Although many recall instructor Tracie Long-Matthews from her Firm and FitPrime days, she has since struck out on her own down a new path, that of functional fitness training. Functional fitness is designed to train your body for how it moves in everyday life, and there is a focus on core work, balance, and agility along with more traditional strength training. In addition, the body is worked through all planes of motion, so you see a lot more twisting, turning, an moving on an angle in functional work. The workouts have a very strong, athletic feel to them, and the wide variety of exercises in each makes the time fly by.
This series is a follow-up to Tracie's first functional fitness efforts with her previous company, Tracie Long Productions (TLP). Although the TLPs workouts (which included Core Foundations, Functional Strength, Dynamic Strength & Power, Nitty Gritty & the Whole Shebang, and the Functional Foundations set) were great workouts themselves, they were also extremely challenging and inaccessible to most people. With her new TLT workouts, Tracie has created workouts that are much more user-friendly, from a much-improved set and camera work to the inclusion of three levels of modifiers (easier, intermediate, and more challenging). All of the workouts in the TLT series follow this new format, and I have broken down each of the four workouts individually below.
Better Burns...Better Buns (BBBB).

Led by Tracie Long, 56 minutes. This is a mostly cardio workout that also includes lower body toning. It uses a medicine ball, and optional balance stick, and rags or paper plates (depending on whether you have smooth flooring or carpet) for sliding your feet along the floor. The cardio is fun, with lots of athletic-type drills, including some plyometric exercises, and the "rag work" will definitely fry your lower body. There is also two very challenging core work segments, a plank section early in the workout and a very unique crunch series at the end. Finally, as with all of the DVDs in this series, there is a great stretch series to finish, which includes yoga-based hip openers here. I think this is my favorite video of the series.
Endurance for Movement (EFM). Led by Tracie Long, 60 minutes. This workout alternates cardio and strength work, and it uses a stability ball, several sets of weights, and a rag/plate. The is more high impact cardio than in the other TLTs, and I found the first half of this workout particularly challenging. The weight work is quite unique, and I found the rag work a bit easier than in BBBB overall, although the "mountain climbers" with both feet on the rags were extremely challenging! The final stretches do a great job of utilizing the stability ball. I think this is the toughest of the 4 TLT workouts, and I found it to be the most similar to Tracie prior TLP series.
Strength in Movement (SIM). Led by Jen Carmen, 55 minutes. This an interval workout which alternates cardio and strength work. It uses a medicine ball for the cardio and several sets of weights for the strength moves. Much of the upper body training emphasizes posture, and the lower body work includes many different squat/lunge variations (ie, 1-legged squats, side lunges, transverse lunges, etc.)--as a result, I always really feel this workout in my glutes the next day! I didn't find the cardio segments here to be quite as fun as in the above two workouts and I didn't like the core work as much, but again, the final stretches are very good.
Finding Your Core (FYC). Led by Susan Harris, 49 minutes. This is the only TLT workout that doesn't include cardio intervals. Rather, it is a strength workout which uses a stability ball plus various sets of weights to work your entire body while emphasizing your core. Like SIM, the upper body work contains many excellent moves to benefit your posture in general and to train your shoulders in particular. The lower body is targeted with various pelvic tilts/glute squeezes on the ball plus an extremely challenging hamstring work segment towards the end. A nice 6 1/2 minute stretch segment using the ball concludes this workout.
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 395

MarTer1977 · 19-Май-10 12:12 (спустя 51 мин.)

Тренироваться с Трейси Лонг я просто обожаю. Она для меня олицетворяет функциональный тренинг таким, какой он должен быть. В ее программах всегда радует небанальный подход к тренировочному процессе, хорошие балансовые позы и грамотные комбинированные упражнения. Современная серия Longevity мне нравится, возможно, даже больше, чем эти 4 диска, но в целом стиль тот же. Сейчас на подходе новая серия из 4 дисков - Tracie Long's Focus (, так что, Olu6ka, вся надежда только на Вас...
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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 19-Май-10 12:16 (спустя 4 мин.)

Я уже давно ищу эту серию по трекерам.. увы...
Только сегодня в очередной раз разглядывала картинки и читала описания
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 265

Евгения31 · 19-Май-10 15:20 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 19-Май-10 15:20)

Только что докачала с другого сайта))))ну мы с вами прям по одним тренировкам ходим))))Приятно,спасибочки вам за труды
Ого!хочу!!!!!ох теперь ждать буду,красотища!
Они там тряпочку просто кладут под ногу,когда водят ногой,там что главное,чтоб скользко было?Я вот думаю мне по паркету чем лучше возить)))?
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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 19-Май-10 15:36 (спустя 15 мин.)

Евгения31 писал(а):
Я вот думаю мне по паркету чем лучше возить)))?
Обычное маленькое полотенчико - замена глайдингу
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 265

Евгения31 · 19-Май-10 15:59 (спустя 22 мин.)

Спасибо,завтра пробую....ух,довольная)
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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 19-Май-10 21:21 (спустя 5 часов)

Уверена, что поделишься мнением-впечатлением!
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 265

Евгения31 · 21-Май-10 02:03 (спустя 1 день 4 часа, ред. 21-Май-10 02:03)

Конечно Вот делюсь.Вчера сделала и чтоб вы думали,сегодня болит попа После Дебби давно уже ничего не болит,а тут прямо праздник какой-то Нуона для меня вообще открытие,я с ней первый раз занималась,придумщица большая!!!Столько новых вариаций.Единственное путалась я иногда Уж очень быстро она прыгает и меняет позиции,но это ясно,тренировку делаю первый раз.Очень понравилось возить ногой по полу на тряпочке кстати я выход отличный нашла,новые тряпчки для уборки по дому,прям как для этих целей и покупала Тренировка не изматывающая,но пульс не падал,семь потов сошло,но после я не падала с ног.Вердикт-очень понравилось.Надо разучить хорошо и включать обязательно!
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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 21-Май-10 05:55 (спустя 3 часа)

Спасибо за отзыв по треньке!
Евгения31 писал(а):
Тренировка не изматывающая,но пульс не падал,семь потов сошло,но после я не падала с ног
Очень важно! Значит, урок выстроен грамотно!
Евгения31 писал(а):
кстати я выход отличный нашла,новые тряпчки для уборки по дому,прям как для этих целей и покупала
Ну, русский человек всегда выход найдет!
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 265

Евгения31 · 21-Май-10 08:24 (спустя 2 часа 28 мин.)

Теперь пошла на ту красивую стройную девушку в желтом купальнике))Просмотр меня очень впечатлил.Отпишусь обязательно потом.Спасибо вам за вклады в наше общее дело))
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 23

Лимошечка · 10-Июл-10 20:27 (спустя 1 месяц 20 дней)

Очень интересная тренировка. Понравилось применение обычных тряпочек!!!!
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Top Seed 06* 1280r

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 21773

Olu6ka · 10-Июл-10 20:41 (спустя 14 мин.)

Спасибо за отзыв..
из 70 человек - только двое отозвались...
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Christine Daae

Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 10

Christine Daae · 03-Апр-18 22:40 (спустя 7 лет 8 месяцев)

От всей души благодарю за раздачу. Вот хотела спросить, никому ли не встречалось примерное расписание, как выполнять тренировки данной серии? (по мере тренированности, в идеале 4 за неделю?) Я понимаю, что каждый смотрит по себе, но может существуют какие-то рекомендации? Буду очень признательна за совет.
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 65

oranzhela · 30-Окт-19 18:12 (спустя 1 год 6 месяцев)

Друзья, 3% закачалось с 12.10
Помогите докачать, пожалуйста!
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