(Progressive rock, art-rock , neoprogressive) Asgard - Gotterdammerung - 1991, FLAC (image+.cue), lossless

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ppuuppss · 23-Фев-10 21:27 (15 лет назад)

Asgard - Gotterdammerung
Жанр: Progressive rock, art-rock , neoprogressive
Год выпуска диска: 1991
Производитель диска: Germany
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: image+.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 54:56
1. Antiquum (3:41)
2. Warriors Of The Ideal (13:24)
3. Last Flight Of The Silver Drakkar (3:58)
4. Mysterion-Sophia (8:55)
5. Alone, With My Spiritual Introduction (2:04)
6. Laud (To The God Of High Places) (2:57)
7. New Myths (4:09)
8. more New Myths (4:19)
9. ... Voices (11:25)
Доп. информация: Спасибо релизёру Жэка
Asgard biography
Although it began in Treviso (Northern) Italy, Asgard has strong ties to Germany as well. The origin is in a band named Fire Dusk, formed in 1984 by guitarist Massimo (Max) Michieletto, drummer Marco Michieletto, basist Glauco Giacchello, and Alberto Ambrosi on keyboards. They became a popular local band, won many contests, and appeared on radio and T.V. Shows. Fortune smiled when they went to Ibiza, and got the chance to work with Nick Griffiths (former Pink Floyd producer), and recorded a few tracks. These ended up on the sampler "Italian Rock Invasion," and another from a Dutch label called "Exposure '88." Soon after, Giacchello was replaced by Chris Bianchi d'Espinosa, and lead singer Francesco (Chicco, or Kikko, depending in which article you read) Grosso was also welcomed to the mix.
In 1991 they signed with German label WMMS, and were given to producer Peter Wustmann. This began the band's heyday. The first proper release was 1991's "Gotterdammerung." In 1992 work was begun on an EP, but it evolved into a short album that became "Esoteric Poem." This was also when the first lineup change occurred. Michieletto left, and was replaced by another drummer named Marco (this one with the surname of Ferrero). Later that year, a darker path was explored on "Arkana." With three solid efforts under the band's collective belt, the time was right to pull out all the stops. So, in 1993 (true to prog form) the epic concept album "Imago Mundi" was recorded. After its release, Franchesco Grosso left, and was replaced by Franco Violo. In late '94, co-founder Max Michieletto also said his goodbyes. Andrea Stefani sat in to cover tour dates.
The website tells a tale of how two of the members wished to stay in Germany, while the others left the band and returned to Italy. Other sources site a financial dispute. The truth is most likely a combination of the two. So, Alberto Ambrosi and Chris Bianchi d'Espinosa would now remain the core of the group. In 2000, the urge to record again came upon them, and "Drachenblut" was released on their own label. This time the other positions were filled by Sergio Ghiotto on guitars, Peter Bachmayer on drums, and Ivo Gallo taking on lead vocals.
By the turn of the Millenium, Ramsau Germany was home base, and through the revolving door came vocalist Dietrich Kuhn, guitarist Michael Brandt and drummer Markus Hinzmann. Information suggests work being done on a fifth album to be titled "Ragnarøkkr," usi...Although it began in Treviso (Northern) Italy, Asgard has strong ties to Germany as well. The origin is in a band named Fire Dusk, formed in 1984 by guitarist Massimo (Max) Michieletto, drummer Marco Michieletto, basist Glauco Giacchello, and Alberto Ambrosi on keyboards. They became a popular local band, won many contests, and appeared on radio and T.V. Shows. Fortune smiled when they went to Ibiza, and got the chance to work with Nick Griffiths (former Pink Floyd producer), and recorded a few tracks. These ended up on the sampler "Italian Rock Invasion," and another from a Dutch label called "Exposure '88." Soon after, Giacchello was replaced by Chris Bianchi d'Espinosa, and lead singer Francesco (Chicco, or Kikko, depending in which article you read) Grosso was also welcomed to the mix.
In 1991 they signed with German label WMMS, and were given to producer Peter Wustmann. This began the band's heyday. The first proper release was 1991's "Gotterdammerung." In 1992 work was begun on an EP, but it evolved into a short album that became "Esoteric Poem." This was also when the first lineup change occurred. Michieletto left, and was replaced by another drummer named Marco (this one with the surname of Ferrero). Later that year, a darker path was explored on "Arkana." With three solid efforts under the band's collective belt, the time was right to pull out all the stops. So, in 1993 (true to prog form) the epic concept album "Imago Mundi" was recorded. After its release, Franchesco Grosso left, and was replaced by Franco Violo. In late '94, co-founder Max Michieletto also said his goodbyes. Andrea Stefani sat in to cover tour dates.
The website tells a tale of how two of the members wished to stay in Germany, while the others left the band and returned to Italy. Other sources site a financial dispute. The truth is most likely a combination of the two. So, Alberto Ambrosi and Chris Bianchi d'Espinosa would now remain the core of the group. In 2000, the urge to record again came upon them, and "Drachenblut" was released on their own label. This time the other positions were filled by Sergio Ghiotto on guitars, Peter Bachmayer on drums, and Ivo Gallo taking on lead vocals.
By the turn of the Millenium, Ramsau Germany was home base, and through the revolving door came vocalist Dietrich Kuhn, guitarist Michael Brandt and drummer Markus Hinzmann. Information suggests work being done on a fifth album to be titled "Ragnarøkkr," using singer Priska Schwarz, guitarist Robert Schönleitner and drummer Thomas Kocher. It was scheduled to be released in 2005. However, there is no evidence (at this time in early 2008) to suggest that this album has been completed.
As you may have guessed, the name is taken from Norse mythology. The lyrics keep within this theme, yet the band says that they still relate cotemporary subjects. They claim Queensryche, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, In Extremo, Spock's Beard, Gabriel era Genesis, Pink Floyd, and Saga as their main influences. They are also cited as metal (or metal influenced) on many sites, but I actually hear Fish era Marillion more than anything else.
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 8. января 2010, 18:39
Asgard / Gцtterdдmmerung
Дисковод: ASUS DRW-1814BLT Adapter: 0 ID: 1
Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Да
Коррекция смещения при чтении : 6
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Нет
Интерфейс : Установленный внешний ASPI-интерфейс
Выходной формат : Пользовательский кодировщик
Выбранный битрейт : 1024 kBit/s
Качество : Высокий
Добавление ID3-тэга : Нет
Утилита сжатия : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Дополнительные параметры : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d
TOC извлечённого CD
Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:41.32 | 0 | 16606
2 | 3:41.32 | 13:24.68 | 16607 | 76974
3 | 17:06.25 | 3:58.50 | 76975 | 94874
4 | 21:05.00 | 8:55.00 | 94875 | 134999
5 | 30:00.00 | 2:04.52 | 135000 | 144351
6 | 32:04.52 | 2:57.48 | 144352 | 157674
7 | 35:02.25 | 4:09.07 | 157675 | 176356
8 | 39:11.32 | 4:19.08 | 176357 | 195789
9 | 43:30.40 | 11:25.35 | 195790 | 247199
Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках
Выбранный диапазон
Имя файла C:\Downloads\01\Asgard - Gцtterdдmmerung-1991\Asgard - Gцtterdдmmerung-1991.wav
Пиковый уровень 98.8 %
Качество диапазона 99.9 %
CRC копии 73F8ECE3
Копирование... OK
Ошибок не произошло
AccurateRip: сводка
Трек 1 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [80DBE97F], AccurateRip вернул [74FB9F6E]
Трек 2 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [BCD00150], AccurateRip вернул [A639F000]
Трек 3 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [3D78CDBC], AccurateRip вернул [82B5BE20]
Трек 4 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [ED08123A], AccurateRip вернул [54F6DCFF]
Трек 5 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [A0E5F328], AccurateRip вернул [FE4871A1]
Трек 6 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [C9FB583F], AccurateRip вернул [295FE37E]
Трек 7 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [03E034D4], AccurateRip вернул [DCF91B06]
Трек 8 точность не определена (достоверность 3) [907371A9], AccurateRip вернул [299455A0]
Трек 9 точность не определена (достоверность 2) [5C872A48], AccurateRip вернул [7233E226]
Ни один трек не прошёл проверки на точность
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Конец отчёта
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Путь: ...\1991 - Gotterdammerung
1 -=- Asgard - Gotterdammerung-1991.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
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erro · 24-Фев-10 01:35 (спустя 4 часа)

Использование указателей C2 : Да
# сомнительно
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Стаж: 16 лет

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hamuk987 · 24-Фев-10 11:41 (спустя 10 часов)

А нет ли у кого скана самого диска?
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Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц

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Johnik1958 · 04-Июл-13 05:46 (спустя 3 года 4 месяца, ред. 04-Июл-13 05:46)

Давеча обновился рипами ,а вот первый диск Gotterdammerung найти не удалось. По инету гуляет тока моя болвань неизвестного происхождения купленная на горбушке в 1998 году за 8 долларов. Риповалось тогда лишь бы как и неизвестно чем.
Просьба: у кого есть фирменный диск, рипаните пожалуйста со всеми наборами сканов
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