(Score) Альфред Шнитке - Музыка к кинофильмам [4 CD] / Alfred Schnittke - Film Music Edition Vol. 1-4 (Schnittke / Шнитке) - 2005-2009, MP3 (tracks), 320 kbps

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Стаж: 17 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 13

oppenheimer1664 · 27-Окт-09 16:25 (15 лет 4 месяца назад, ред. 11-Ноя-09 19:15)

Schnittke - Film music edition Vol. I-4
Жанр: Оркестровая, Score
Год выпуска диска: 2005-2009
Производитель диска: Германия
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 4:00:00
Исполнитель: Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Strobel, Frank, Conductor, arrangement
О киномузыке Шнитке
It is a little known fact that Schnittke wrote the music for numerous films. Although Alfred Schnittke wrote the music for more than 60 films, music that supported his life in more than one sense, we should no longer be surprised at what musicological arrogance did not want to believe at first: This film music reveals much, if not practically everything that distinguishes Alfred Schnittke’s music, contributing to the fascinating whole of his musical character together with his symphonies, concertos, chamber and vocal music as well as the operas. Schnittke’s protagonists are not shining like heroes made of steel and glass. Instead, they are mistaken, laugh and triumph, as people do. This is what kept him from the ivory tower into which many of the composers in the 20th century moved like lemmings.
“Schnittke experimented a lot in his film music and continued the development of certain elements. One has to imagine that he wrote a score for each film that is, on average, of 45 to 60 minutes’ duration. This is a great compositional achievement that I would not hesitate to place next to his concerti grossi, symphonies and other works.” (Frank Strobel)
Schnittke - Film music edition Vol.I
The Story of an Unknown Actor
1 Thema - Titelmusik 2:44
2 Agitato l - Schlitten 3:15
3 Agitato ll - Reise 4:42
4 Walzer (Abschied) 3:32
5 Thema und Marsch 2:26
6 Epilog - Finale 2:08
The Commissar
7 1. Spaziergänge d. Wawilowa durch die Stadt 4:24
8 2. Hochzeit 1:37
9 3. Attacke 3:21
10 4. Spiel 4:12
11 5. Einzug in die Stadt 2:43
12 6. Liebe 3:30
13 7. Keller 6:15
14 8. Regen 7:40
15 9. Traum 6:25
16 10. Wanderung der Verdammten 4:28
17 11. Einsicht 2:51
Schnittke - Film music edition Vol.II
Clowns and Children
1 Title music 1:41
2 Intermezzo 1:38
3 Acrobats 1:19
4 In the hospital 2:35
5 Waltz 1:44
The Waltz
6 The Building Site 3:43
7 Carriage 2:37
8 Factory 3:27
9 Vovka 1:22
Glass Harmonica
10 The Musician and the Carillon 1:50
11 The Procession 1:23
12 Faces - Flights - Pyramids 13:26
13 The Musicians - The Awakening 4:07
The Ascent
14 Sotnikov's Death 6:56
15 On the Sled 4:33
16 Remorse 2:46
Schnittke - Film music edition Vol.III
Das Marchen der Wanderungen (The Fairytale of the Wanderings)
1. In der Fledermaushohlen (In the Bat Cave) 00:04:48
2. Absturz der Kutsche - Das Meer (Crash of the Carriage - The Sea) 00:05:30
3. Liebeserklarung - Orlandos Thema (Pledge of Love - Orlando's Theme) 00:05:22
4. Katz - und Maus - Spiel (Cat and Mouse Game) 00:02:46
5. Maitanz - Spelunke - Jagd (Mayday Dance - Dive Bar - Hunt) 00:08:05
6. Pest (Plague) 00:05:54
7. Minuet 00:02:05
8. Tanz - Walzer - Orlandos Tod (Dance - Waltz - Orlando's Death) 00:04:48
9. Zerstorung des Schlosses (Destruction of the Castle) 00:02:32
10. Finale 00:03:05
11. Titelmusik (Title Music) 00:03:33
12. Bedrohung und Rettung (Menace and Rescue) 00:07:00
13. Nacht (Night) 00:04:29
14. Legende (Legend) 00:00:58
15. Kampf (Fight) 00:04:51
16. Epilog (Epilogue) 00:03:12
Schnittke - Film music edition Vol.IV
Sport, Sport, Sport Suite
1. I. Titelmusik: Interview 00:01:42
2. II. Griechenland - Das Bad: Adagio - Pesante 00:06:28
3. III. Zukunft: Menuett 00:01:40
4. IV. Das Lied des Kaufmanns Kalaschnikow: Allegro 00:05:18
5. V. Schlachtenbummler: Menuett - Fugue: Allegro 00:04:48
6. VI. Der moderne Sport: Training - Sieger - Finale: Allegro molto - Andante 00:05:25
Adventures of a Dentist
7. I. Maschas Lied: Tempo di valse 00:03:18
8. II. Gloria: Maestoso 00:03:20
9. III. Der Park: Tempo di valse 00:02:12
10. IV. Pantomime: Allegretto 00:03:47
11. V. Charleston 00:01:57
12. VI. Fruhling 00:02:56
13. VII. Walzer: Moderato 00:02:03
14. VIII. Verzweiflung: Andante 00:02:24
15. IX. Finale 00:03:39
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 2

vittotto · 16-Ноя-09 21:02 (спустя 20 дней)

Шнитке?! Попробую скачать!
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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 6

blur6 · 23-Ноя-09 23:35 (спустя 7 дней)

У шнитке очень своеобразный стиль, его очень интересно слушать! Спасибо!
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 203

sir_michael · 20-Фев-10 00:04 (спустя 2 месяца 26 дней)

Первая скачка после торпедирования торрента!
Скачиваю раздавать буду. Спасибо за раздачу.
Два вопроса - есть ли коврики и нет ли наводки на музыку Шнитке к фильму "Сказ о том, как царь Петр арапа женил"? Никак не могу найти...
Буду очень благодарен, если подскажете, где искать.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2

Manista · 03-Мар-10 15:52 (спустя 11 дней)

Только что скачала, слушаю и наслаждаюсь. Немцы намного лучше Шнитке понимают, генетически что ли?
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