Yuliyatrix · 15-Янв-10 02:33(15 лет 1 месяц назад, ред. 15-Янв-10 03:04)
Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows - 10th Anniversary Collector's EditionГод выпуска: 2009 Вид спорта: Рестлинг Участники: Bret Hart Продолжительность: ~01:35:00 + ~01:30:00 Комментарий: Любительский (одноголосый), профессиональный (двухголосый) Язык комментариев: АнглийскийОписание: Bret "The Hitman" Hart is undisputed one of the most famous and loved World Wrestlers of all time. In 2004 Bret was also voted as one of the top 50 Canadians of all time on CBC's Greatest Canadian. Director Paul Jay was given unprecedented access to the world of Bret Hart and pro wrestling as his camera followed Bret "The Hitman" Hart for one year. His film goes behind the tightly guarded walls of wrestling's spectacle and theater to explore the meaning of today's wrestling morality plays. As fantasy crosses into real life, the true story of Bret Hart's struggle with Vince McMahon, the legondary owner of the WWF, is revealed. Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows climaxes with the tale of the biggest double-cross in pro wrestling. Описание: Брет ''Киллер'' Харт один из самых непобедимых и любимых всеми суперзвезд мирового рестлинга всех времен. В 2004 году Брет так-же вошел в ''Топ 50 Канадцев всех времен'' по версии телеканала CBC и телешоу ''Величайший Канадец''. Режиссеру Полу Джею был дан беспрецедентный доступ к жизни Брета Харта и вселенной про-рестлинга, именно благодаря этому камера смогла показать многое уже в течении первого года повествования о жизни Бретта. Повествование его фильма идет позади кулис надежно охраняемых стен рестлинг-индустрии, преследуя цель максимально полно раскрыть смысл сегодняшнего места морали в нынешнем рестлинг-бизнесе. Настоящая история противостояния Брета Харта и легендарного владельца WWF (нынешнего WWE) Винса МакМена постепенно раскрывается. ''Киллер Харт: Рестлинг с Тенями'' в конце рассказывает о величайшей подставе в мировом рестлинге, о ''Монреальском Обломе''. Качество: DVD5 Формат: DVD-Video Видео кодек: MPEG-2 Аудио кодек: AC3 Видео: 720x480 (4/3), 29.970 fps, ~5000 kbps kbps Аудио: 48 khz, 2 ch, 192 kbps
Disc 1 - BRET HART: WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS Bret Hart, five times' champion of the World Wrestling Federation, sits in a hotel room - one day before the most important fight of his life. What Bret doesn't know, is that he will be the target of the biggest double cross in the history of professional wrestling. This is the story of the real life battle between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon, owner of the WWF. Why does any of this matter? It matters if integrity and ideals matter this is one whale of a tale. - Newsday "Frankly, there's not a dull moment in the 93 grueling minutes of film." - Vancouver Province Disc 2 -THE LIFE AND DEATH OF OWEN HART Owen Hart, was killed when he fell from the rafters of a Kansas City arena while doing a dangerous stunt. He was supposed to swing down from the ceiling to the ring on a wire - but his safety harness unexpectedly opened, and Hart fell 75 feet to his death in front of thousands of horrified fans. Rather than stop the show, the WWF chose to continue it after Hart's damaged body had been removed from the ring. "Wrestling is not that much different than a lot of other things that are go on in our society,"said director Paul Jay "Everything is about making money, and there doesn't seem to be many other values - The New York Post Exclusive Bonus Interviews Bret Hart Interview: 10 years later Brett reflects back on Montreal and his life since the biggest double cross in wrestling history. Paul Jay (Filmmaker) Interview: Paul Jay recalls the events of 1998 and relates the wrestling world's good vs evil melodrama to 9/11 and today's real world.
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