Emerson E.R. / Эмерсон Э.Р. - The story of the vine / Книга о вине [1902, DjVu, ENG]

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belzizz12 · 24-Янв-10 17:25 (15 лет назад)

The story of the vine / Книга о вине
Год выпуска: 1902
Автор: Emerson E.R. / Эмерсон Э.Р.
Жанр: о вине
Издательство: G.P. Putnam's sons
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 252
Описание: Книга рассказывает об истории возникновения вина и его современном производстве. Описаны винные традиции Англии, Франции, Испании, Португалии, Африки, Индии, Китая, России, Турции, Венгрии, Италии, Германии, Швейцарии, Америки.
A few years ago I made an extended tour abroad, so timed that I could visit the important wine-producing centres of Europe at their vintage seasons. My object in so doing was to increase my knowledge of the wine industry with the intention of using such information for the betterment of conditions as they existed in America at that time. The practical experience thus acquired has proven of much benefit both to myself and others. What I saw and what I heard I have tried to the best of my ability to tell in the succeeding pages.
It is hardly necessary to say that I am a sincere advocate of the use of pure wines. I honestly believe that their use would do more towards the solving of the temperance question than all other efforts combined. Pure food is one of the all-important problems before the country, and wine, though its general social use has been often overlooked, still enters into the universal good health of the community in the same ratio as flour, and no laws with penalties attached can be too severe to deter adulteration. In this respect does wine differ from the usual goods of commerce in that it is vital for health when health is low and waning, and therefore adulteration cannot be too severely condemned.
If what I have written serves in any degree to open the eyes of my fellow-citizens I will feel that I am amply repaid.

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myshunya · 26-Янв-10 09:41 (спустя 1 день 16 часов)

belzizz12, если на обложке книги ни слова не написано и ничего не изображено, лучше ставить вместо неё в постер титульный лист (возможно, книга была переплетена и это не родная обложка, а новенький переплет). Заменила Вам
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