Заранее приношу извинения, что на английском, но лучше пока не нашёл, а сам переводить не решился 
Рекомендую к прочтению
NOTE: None of the items you acquire during training quests can be taken back
to the village. Only rewards you get after the quest is over, are yours
to keep.
NOTE: Monster and items locations remain the same during day and night for
training quests, unlike regular quests. Seasons also have no effect on
NOTE: The more Training quests you clear, the more items you'll be able to buy
from the Training instructor. An new item will come on sale every time
you cleared all training quests of 1 subgroup of training quests (which
are Basic Training: Basics/Weapons/Carrying/Hunting and Advanced
Training: Field Hunting/Arena. Clearing all training quests will bring
the "Instructor Order Form" on sale. It's a ticket that will allow you
to buy training weapons with only that, a regular common item and some
Basic Training: Basics
No. |Quest Name |Location |Fee |Objectives |Reward
01: Basics Jungle 0 (M)Deliver 2 Meat 30
(M) Grab supplies from the blue box first. Then go to other areas and kill
herbivoric animals (Aptonoth, Kelbi, Mosswine) and carve them up to get
Meat. Deliver 2x Meat in the red box in camp.
02: BBQ Jungle 0 (M)Deliver 1 Well-done Steak 40
(M) Get Meat (see previous quest) and cook it with the supplied Portable
Spit. The timing has to be right (a few seconds after the music stops),
so it will require a bit of practice.
03: Gathering Jungle 0 (M)Deliver 2 Honey 50
(M) Honey can be found at beehives, which are located in areas 3,9 and camp
(climb the vines), so you don't even have to leave camp to clear this
quest if you don't want to. Deliver in the red box.
04: Combining Jungle 0 (M)Deliver 1 Potion 70
(M) Combine a Dayherb (can be found in area 4 and other areas) with a Blue
Mushroom (can be found at any mushroom spot or carved from Mosswine).
Deliver in the red box.
05: Fishing Jungle 0 (M)Deliver 1 Sushi Fish 70
(M) Sushi Fish look red-brown, thin and small shaped. Grab the Worms from the
blue box and go to the fishing pond in area 9. Throw out your bait and
press circle when the line goes down. If you're out of bait, gather at
the stone spot in area 3. Or gather at the honey spot in area 3 and north
mushroom spot area 1 for bait. Deliver in the red box.
Basic Training: Weapons (+ Weapon controls list)
There are 6 Velociprey in area 7. Kill them with any weapon type of your
A list of controls for every weapon will be given now.
R1: Right shoulder button 1
RA F: Right Analog stick Forward
RA L/R: Right Analog stick Left/Right
RA B: Right Analog stick Back
RA P: Right Analog stick Pressed
X: Action (X) button
No. |Quest Name |Location |Fee |Objectives |Reward
01; Sword 'n Shield Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Block
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack/unsheathe weapon while standing still
RA L/R: Attack sideways
RA B: Jumping attack
RA P: Attack upward
R1+RA F: Attack while blocking
Square (while weapon unsheathed): use item
Circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA B, RA F (5x), RA L/R
02; Great Sword Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Block
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L: Attack sideways
RA R: Upward Swing
RA B: Charge attack (3 levels of charge)
RA P: Kick
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA F, RA L, RA R, RA B, ... (infinite combo, multiple
varations possible)
03; Hammer Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Unsheathe weapon/charge (keep pressed)
Level 1 charge: Single attack
Level 2 charge: Double attack
Level 3 charge:
- Let go while running: Spinning attack, press RA F to finish
- Let go while standing still: Superpound attack
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L/R: Attack
RA B: Quick attack (low damage)
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA B, RA F (x3)
04; Lance Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Block
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L/R: Attack
RA B: Attack upwards
RA P: Trampling charge (hit RA B to finish, or RA F for finishing attack)
R1+RA F: Attack while blocking
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA F (x3) or RA B (x3)
05; Dual Swords Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Demon mode
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L: Spinning attack to the left
RA R: Spinning attack to the right
RA B: Charge attack
While in Demon mode:
RA F: Attack
RA L: Double spinning attack to the left
RA R: Double spinning attack to the right
RA B: Demon combo
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: in demon mode: RA F (x3), RA L/R (interrupt with next attack
after first spin), RA B
06; Long Sword Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Spirit Blade attack (press multiple times when bar is full)
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L/R: Sweep attack with backstep
RA B: Sweep attack with backstep
RA P: Stab attack
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA F (x2), RA P, RA F (x2), ... (infinite combo, can link with
Spirit Blade attacks)
07; Hunting Horn Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Play first note
After R1: RA L/R: Play first note
RA F: Play second note
RA B: Play third note
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Superpound attack
RA L: Swinging attack to the left
RA R: Swinging attack to the right
RA B: Quick attack (low damage)
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: RA B (x2), RA L, RA R, RA L, RA R, ... (infinite), finish with
08; Gunlance Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Block
R1+RA B: Reload shells
R1+RA P: Wyverian Fire (reloads itself after a while)
RA F(while running): Unsheathe attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Attack
RA L/R: Attack
RA B: Upward attack
RA P: Shoot shells
Square/circle: Put away weapon
X, then RA B: Reload shells
Max combo: RA F (x3), RA P, RA F (x3), RA P, ... (until you're out of
OR: RA B, RA F (x2), RA P, RA F (x3), RA P, RA F (x3), ... (until
you run out of shells)
09; Light Bowgun Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: N/A
R1+RA B: Reload weapon
RA F: Unsheathe weapon
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Melee attack (very low damage)
RA P: Fire shots
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: N/A
10; Heavy Bowgun Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: N/A
R1+RA B: Reload weapon
RA F: Unsheathe weapon
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Melee attack (very low damage)
RA P: Fire shots
Square/circle: Put away weapon
Max combo: N/A
11; Bow Jungle 0 (M)Kill 5 Velociprey 100
(M) R1: Unsheathe weapon
RA F (while standing still): Unsheathe weapon
RA F (while running): Unsheathe melee attack
While weapon unsheathed:
RA F: Melee attack
RA B: Draw bow string back (hold RA B to charge, lvl. 3 MAX*) release to
fire arrow
RA P: Dip arrows in coatings (if you have any and if the bow you equipped
can use the coatings)
Square/circle: Put away weapon
X: Backstep
* Bows can have a 4th level of charge if you have the "Loading" armour skill.
Basic Training: Carrying and Hunting
No. |Quest Name |Location |Fee |Objectives |Reward
01- Egg Thieving Jungle 0 (M)objectives 150
(M) The Egg is in area 7. Kill the Velociprey first and go via area 3 and 4.
02- Monster Jungle 0 (M)objectives 200
Hunting (S1)
(M) Kill Velocidrome. He rotates between areas 6,7,3 and 8.