Valeron писал(а):
Hello! The catalog numbers are:
Nevermind 424 425-1
In Utero 424 536-1
Unplugged 424 727-1
Hi there, sorry for bumping a very old thread here and thanks for your brilliant rips!
I've compared this exact version of Nevermind that you've ripped here to over 20 other rips as well as a few of my own vinyl copies over the years; and it is still without a doubt the best sounding version. Something about the way the drums hit, it has something extra. The opening drums and soundstage in the solo of Smells Like Teen Spirit sounds amazing!
I'd like to get my own copy of this exact version but I don't know which specific pressing it is..
Menscfiend did a redistribution of your rip in FLAC
HERE and mentions in one
POST it's a "UK Simply Vinyl repress". Though this doesn't match with your catalogue numbers, nor does it line up with posts on various audiophile forums saying the Simply Vinyl UK pressings were bad quality. The only copy that matches that and the fact that you listed "UK" in your post is
THIS unofficial blue marble one which supposedly released after your original post.
Also, the catalogue number you provided for Nevermind applies to up to 72 different copies on Discogs, with ~20 of them released before your rip; and as with many popular albums there's a lot of quality/mastering variations between them..
If it's not too much to ask, would it be possible for you to link to the exact version on Discogs that's featured in this rip? It would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
I've got a Discogs link
HERE and if you scroll down to the list in the light grey box area, you'll see I've already used the filters to narrow it down to 20 different pre-2009 vinyl copies with that catalog number featured on them.. adding any additional identifying features/codes or matrix/runouts to the filter, as well as checking the pictures and details on any copy's page it should be quite easy and quick to narrow down which copy yours is/was.
Again, thank you for the great rip! Even though I own a couple of other copies myself and have tried many other needledrops, this rip is my go to version. I'd just really love to know which exact version it is so that I could physically own one myself; and if you could help, that would be much-appreciated. Assuming you still have it after all these years!
Also, I'm an English speaker, so I hope this comes across reasonably well via translation (if required).
EDIT: I just looked at some of your other distributions and came across your YouTube, I assume based on your Nirvana video mentioning the "424 425-1" as the EU/DE 2001 Reissue "320"; that this rip is either from
THIS (Maroon Labels) or
THIS (Grey Labels)..?
Kind Regards,