(HELP) How to use and to be useful for torrents.ru in ENGLISH (Как пользоваться и быть полезным, хелп для заграничных пользователей) - 2009

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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 21-Авг-09 18:11 (15 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 22-Июл-10 16:08)

How to use and to be useful for rutr.life in ENGLISH
(Как пользоваться и быть полезным, для заграничных пользователей)
Жанр (genre): HELP
Год выпуска диска: 2009
Продолжительность: endless
Hello blues fan/lover,
This topic is for you
-if you can't sleep until your friends around the world hear a piece of your music collection
-or if you simply want to share it with us.
First of all - be patient (we promise to be patient with you) and if you have a wish we will help you.
There is a rutr.life admin rule - everyone has to use Russian here, but you may use a custom spoiler tag "ENG"
to add question/comments/etc in english
[spoiler="ENG"]your comments/questions in english here[/spoiler]
Please don't just put the Google Translate text into the msg, often it's very hard to understand.
Please place the original text into the "ENG" spoiler tag.
First step: forum search
you have to search tracker for existing releases - duplicates are not allowed except
cases when previously released stuff has uncertain status {#сомнительно} and you are going to share
your own rip from original CD.
(you also have to know - lossy releases are not duplicates for lossless releases)
you have to search over entire tracker through ALL categories (все имеющиеся)
with minimal and sufficient key words (Ключевые слова [?]) -
- {Поиск}(search) butt. at the top of any page

and at the next page don't do anything except entering key-words then e.g. you'll get:

then press search {Поиск} button.
Second step: EAC ripping
it's strong rule here - EAC, with correct settings, must be used for ripping
( http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ http://www.exactaudiocopy.org/ )
Good place to get info is http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/
[TIP] use google search string e.g.: eac guide site:www.hydrogenaudio.org
Header of Log file you've got from EAC must be as follows:
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : place your drive value here
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used output format : User Defined Encoder

you must use one of lossless codecs (FLAC APE WV)
here is command-line option for FLAC codec
 -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d
It's strongly recommended to scan your CD-disk and covers (300-400dpi) and place scans into release.
Also, you have to prepare 500x500(max) - 200x200(min) picture of CD box cover for the release topic.
Third (and last): create release topic
to start you have to click the {НОВАЯ ТЕМА} (new theme) button

in the relevant tracker section e.g. here in {Зарубежный Блюз (lossless)} (Foreign Blues Lossless)
you will get an empty page (here it with my comments/directions)

when done, click {Продолжить} (continue)
on next page you must select and download the .torrent file created by e.g. uTorrent with files you are going to share
by using (загрузить файл) button (far left)
[TIP]: ignore request of tracker name at creation time - it will be done automatically
when you download your .torrent file from the server

by using {Предв. просмотр} you may pre-view->edit->pre-view->edit until you'll be satisfied with results you've got
then press {Отправить}
at next (last) page you must download your .torrent file from server to your client
(link to it somewhere at 2nd line at the left {нужно его скачать ....} )
and then start it in your torret client....
[TIP] if you are sharing not your own rip from an original CD - you must perform audCD-lossless check and place its log in "check" spoiler
[TIP] you have to use tag pre for y-soft audCD checker and EAC logs and in other cases when you want preserve text formatting e.g.:
[spoiler="audCD check"][pre]place y-soft checker log here [/pre][/spoiler]
[TIP] it'll be a good practice to take a look at a few (not old) existing releases with (проверено) status to understand this explanation.
that's all
hope it helps
Good Luck
ps: any questions?
ps: useful links
default pic hoster {http://ipicture.ru/} has problems now. so you may use any alternate
* http://www.radikal.ru/
* http://www.imageshack.us/

* http://www.bayimg.com/
* http://www.ImgFiles.ru/
* http://www.keep4u.ru/
* http://www.funkyimg.com/
* http://www.Immage.de/
* http://www.xs.to/
* http://www.directupload.net/
* http://www.zikuka.ru/
* http://www.imagehost.org/
* http://www.tinypic.com/
* http://www.opicture.ru/
* http://www.picturehosting.ru/
* http://www.hfimg.com/
hydrogenaudio.org forum
Exact Audio Copy (EAC)
EAC Helper
http://eachelper.okamihost.com/ - temporary dead
http://eachelper.uphero.com/ - new link
EAC Setup & ripping guide
audCD checkers:
http://y-soft.org/English/products/auCDtect-Task-Manager/ !!!
CueTools - very useful tool for AccBase check, CUE sheet creation.... e.t.c.
SOME EXTRA HELP & INFO IN ENGLISH (for link thanx goes to si_freebee)
from http://www.torrent-invites.com/tracker-reviews/24973-torrents-ru.html
The National bit torrent tracker
This is the largest Russian tracker and actually one of the largest trackers in the world.
Main page: https://rutr.life/forum/index.php
SignUp: https://rutr.life/forum/profile.php?mode=register
general, open \ public with rating control system
Quick stats (as of 22 May 2009):
Registered users: 3,471,973
Torrents: 622,466 active: 562,765 total size: 808.449 TB
Peers: 9,315,578 seeds: 8,670,782 leeches: 644,796
Total throughput: 30 GB/s
Rating system:
if your rating is
>= 1 and upload >= 100 Gb allows you to download 20 torrents simultaneously
>= 0.6 allows you to download 12 torrents simultaneously
< 0.6 allows you to download 1 torrent
< 0.3 allows you to continue downloading 1 torrent but you are not able to download any new torrent files. This rating will get you banned.
Bonus rating available:
If you seed your own upload – your upload amount doubles (you uploaded 50Mb, but 100Mb would be counted towards your rating)
if you are the only seeder on any torrent – your upload amount doubles
The site engine is forum based i.e. all discussions are taking place in the same post where the torrent file was posted (see screenshots).
The site is moderated with strict enough rules, so everything is pretty well organized and the quality of releases is almost always very good.
Huge selection of everything: movies, music, games, apps, etc (no adult content though) including very rare and hard to find stuff. Decent speed. Very well organized / moderated.
Any language other than Russian is prohibited, movies without Russian track are prohibited (with very minor exceptions), no freeleech whatsoever.

Please, use Google Russian->Engl. tarnslator
pps: please note - this help oriented mostly to users of Зарубежный Блюз (lossless) section,
so there may be some special requirements in other sections of the tracker - ask for help there!
пожалуйста, исправляйте добавляйте комментируйте...
please, post your corrections, questions, comments!
Спасибы внёсшим лепту в создание документа:
( Thanx to )
Stormhunter, jlhjlh, Носитель, y-soft, рмх222, Solyaris_88,blues_man....
si_freebee, Xinclair
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 19 лет

Сообщений: 1781

Stormhunter · 21-Авг-09 18:19 (спустя 8 мин.)

Может лучше переименовать тему в нечто типа "Несколько слов для наших зарубежных гостей" Ведь там не только про раздачи, но и про поиск, общение
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 21-Авг-09 18:32 (спустя 13 мин.)

ок, а вот так?
как пользоваться и быть полезным
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 21-Авг-09 19:34 (спустя 1 час 2 мин.)

рмх222 писал(а):
Luchano писала: ....ватлелей
а че ... мне даже исправлять не оч хотелось - красивое ведь слово....
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Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 197

harpdog · 21-Авг-09 20:25 (спустя 50 мин., ред. 21-Авг-09 20:25)

тханк ёу фор трыинг то хелп тхе но руссиан спеакинг цоммуниты. И щант то шаре мы ларге цоллецтион бут алщаыс хад троубле доинг со бецаусе И цаннот реад руссиан анд гоогле транслатор анд транслатор.ру до нот маке ит цлеар то ундерстанд сометимес. Ёур хелп ис аппрециатед бы ме
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 21-Авг-09 21:54 (спустя 1 час 28 мин.)

your comments are welcome....
but text "тханк ёу фор трыинг то хелп тхе но руссиан спеакинг цоммуниты. " is more difficult to understand than googes does....:)
i think it was "thank you for trying to help the no rus. speaking community"
the better way is to create "eng" spoiler and place original text there...
and i hope that english texts will be allowed for this once in this thread (imho)
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Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 7

Solyaris_88 · 21-Авг-09 22:28 (спустя 34 мин.)

ps: useful links
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Top Bonus 06* 50TB

Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 696

blues_man · 24-Авг-09 23:06 (спустя 3 дня)

Руководчтво по настройке EAC (для потрековых рипов) - http://xs.vc/eac/Rip/rip1.html
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Top Bonus 06* 50TB

Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 696

blues_man · 24-Авг-09 23:20 (спустя 13 мин.)

пожалуйста, в самый раз для забугорных друзей.
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Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

si_freebee · 18-Окт-09 02:48 (спустя 1 месяц 24 дня, ред. 18-Окт-09 02:48)

Thank you for this info, it took me some time to get a torrent uploaded - but with your help I did have sucess. (Eminem - So you wanna freestyle - FLAC)
Would it be possible to explain the general rules of rutr.life, in english, for us non Russian contributers? This would be a great help to many people.
I think I am getting an error message regarding my share ratio that stops me from DL new torrents but I have no idea if this is correct, or how to avoid getting it in future. Thanks again
SOME EXTRA HELP IN ENGLISH http://www.torrent-invites.com/tracker-reviews/24973-torrents-ru.html
The National bit torrent tracker
This is the largest Russian tracker and actually one of the largest trackers in the world.
Main page: https://rutr.life/forum/index.php
SignUp: https://rutr.life/forum/profile.php?mode=register
general, open \ public with rating control system
Quick stats (as of 22 May 2009):
Registered users: 3,471,973
Torrents: 622,466 active: 562,765 total size: 808.449 TB
Peers: 9,315,578 seeds: 8,670,782 leeches: 644,796
Total throughput: 30 GB/s
Rating system:
if your rating is
>= 1 and upload >= 100 Gb allows you to download 20 torrents simultaneously
>= 0.6 allows you to download 12 torrents simultaneously
< 0.6 allows you to download 1 torrent
< 0.3 allows you to continue downloading 1 torrent but you are not able to download any new torrent files. This rating will get you banned.
Bonus rating available:
If you seed your own upload – your upload amount doubles (you uploaded 50Mb, but 100Mb would be counted towards your rating)
if you are the only seeder on any torrent – your upload amount doubles
The site engine is forum based i.e. all discussions are taking place in the same post where the torrent file was posted (see screenshots).
The site is moderated with strict enough rules, so everything is pretty well organized and the quality of releases is almost always very good.
Huge selection of everything: movies, music, games, apps, etc (no adult content though) including very rare and hard to find stuff. Decent speed. Very well organized / moderated.
Any language other than Russian is prohibited, movies without Russian track are prohibited (with very minor exceptions), no freeleech whatsoever.
Main Page
Click this bar to view the full image.
Click the image to open in full size.
Top 25
Click this bar to view the full image.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click this bar to view the full image.
Click the image to open in full size.
How to search for torrents:
From the main page
Click this bar to view the full image.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click this bar to view the full image.
Click the image to open in full size.
If you have a question (if it is not too long ) pertaining any specific release just post it here. I will ask it in Russian there and post the reply back here.
Last edited by RuslanI; 05-26-2009 at 02:32 AM.
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 18-Окт-09 03:00 (спустя 11 мин., ред. 18-Окт-09 03:00)

it'll be too hard to explain all the rules
so the simplest way is: you ask for your problems... and we''ll try to help solve them
don't ignore this advice:
[TIP] it'll be a good practice to take a look at few (not old) existing releases with (проверено) status to understand this explanation.
in your 1st release i see mostly two problems:
-you have to place extraction log into spoiler e.g.
[spoiler="extr log"]place  log here[/spoiler]
-you have to start seeding of your torrent file
good luck
ps: 2nd - solved - it seems seedind is ok
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

si_freebee · 18-Окт-09 05:08 (спустя 2 часа 7 мин.)

Thanks for such a speedy reply. I now understand the log file / spoiler requirements thanks. Sorry I uploaded my second torrent the same as the first (Dr.Dre - Detoxification FLAC), future posts will be better.
The second section, In my previous post (from http://www.torrent-invites.com/tracker-reviews/24973-torrents-ru.html) did help explain some basics including the rating system. Is this infomation correct?
Thanks again for helping us non russian speakers. I think this thread will become very popular as more non-russians discover the wealth of content on offer at rutr.life. - and then come searching for help in English
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2290

Luchano · 18-Окт-09 06:31 (спустя 1 час 23 мин., ред. 18-Окт-09 06:31)

you have to edit your 1st share (button at left up corner of your 1st post) with [Изменить] (Edit) text
and hide your extract log into same SPOILER as in your 2nd share
also [imho] it's worth to change cover hoster there from http://cunm.net to something more stable
e.g. http://www.imageshack.us/
(look at ps: useful links spoiler in 1st post of thread for pics hosters URLs)
thanx for engl. info
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

si_freebee · 19-Окт-09 04:44 (спустя 22 часа)

I have several complaints on my share. when i translate i get warnings about teapot & kettles. I do not understand. Can you help explain?
Thankyou again. When I have learnt the rules I will try and make an english guide
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Top User 12

Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 97

ozmik · 22-Окт-09 01:12 (спустя 2 дня 20 часов, ред. 22-Окт-09 01:12)

about (hip-hop / rap) Dr. Dre - Detoxification - 2009, FLAC (tracks), lossless
ganggrave13 wrote:
All these tracks are upconvert from mp3 to FLAC.
What is the reason to share this? I've downloaded it for nothing.

Is that true? If this is realy upconvert than the release will be deleted because this is not satisfy the rules of the site.
about (hip-hop / rap) Eminem - So You Wanna Freestyle - 2009, FLAC (tracks), lossless
add this https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=27723996#27723996 picture to the first post please under spoiler tag.
about "kettler" - nothing important.
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Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

si_freebee · 22-Окт-09 05:00 (спустя 3 часа)

In the last few days the quality of the "Google Toolbar" translation option has greatly improved. It makes navigating and using Russian sites much easier for English speakers. Make sure you are running the latest Google Toolbar and set it to auto translate Russian>English. Give every page a few seconds to translate and you should get enough translation correct to understand what to do.
Good Luck
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Top Seed 01* 40r

Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 957

14+ · 24-Окт-09 20:08 (спустя 2 дня 15 часов, ред. 24-Окт-09 20:08)

Чего бы не сделать хотя бы английскую версию сайта, не понятно....ведь вроде громедный трекер? За примером далеко ходить не надо, та же Пиратская Бухта!
Я, конечно, понимаю, что генерировать идеи, как и забивать голы бразильцам прямиком с дивана, каждый горазд, но это вроде не так сложно в жизнь воплотить: пара человек, прилично знающих английский, и руки Мейтара
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1703

samoeONO · 24-Окт-09 21:47 (спустя 1 час 39 мин.)

Для «если б да кабы да хорошо бы» есть тема, а здесь (это лично моё мнение) лучше всё-таки общаться более предметно, и особенно замечательно было бы флудить на языке, понятном в данной ветке для всех — элементарная вежливость, угу?
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Top Seed 01* 40r

Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 957

14+ · 24-Окт-09 22:25 (спустя 37 мин., ред. 24-Окт-09 22:25)

samoeONO писал(а):
Для «если б да кабы да хорошо бы» есть тема, а здесь (это лично моё мнение) лучше всё-таки общаться более предметно, и особенно замечательно было бы флудить на языке, понятном в данной ветке для всех — элементарная вежливость, угу?
you're so witty that i couldn't find my way when i need your opinion, i'll tell u, that's for sure! Aha №1?
i found this thread durind Ozmic's userbar, and i has far more important things in my life than watching all the topics concerning improvements of our tracker.
And as for my post, I had far more respect in it than your's one, aha #2?
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1703

samoeONO · 24-Окт-09 22:32 (спустя 6 мин.)

it's not _my_opinion_ what you do need, it's
samoeONO писал(а):
элементарная вежливость, угу?
But you've turned better since — that's nice
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Seed 01* 40r

Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 957

14+ · 24-Окт-09 22:42 (спустя 10 мин., ред. 24-Окт-09 22:42)

samoeONO писал(а):
it's not _my_opinion_ what you do need, it's
samoeONO писал(а):
элементарная вежливость, угу?
But you've turned better since — that's nice
u'r incorrigible
the only i've got from the thread above is that there'll be no english version and that's a pity imho...
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Стаж: 18 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 353

Above&Below · 20-Дек-09 06:11 (спустя 1 месяц 26 дней, ред. 20-Дек-09 06:11)

... if you sharing not your own rip from original CD
Может все таки - if you're sharing....from an original cd или if you're sharing somebody else's rip
a look at few
at a few наверно
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Стаж: 18 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 353

Above&Below · 20-Дек-09 15:45 (спустя 9 часов)

ну если уж исправлять, я бы еще тут поменял.
you have to use tag pre
You must () use the tag
hope it helps
Hopefully that was helping
sections of tracker
of the tracker
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 93

schizoid21k · 02-Янв-10 19:10 (спустя 13 дней, ред. 02-Янв-10 19:10)

Приветствия все & С новым годом!
Во-первых, я желаю возблагодарить Luchano для поистине полезного перевода. Как раз что я искал (samoeONO спасибо). Оно очень смущает для non-Русских визитеров и было бы славно если это место предложило вариант для того чтобы переключить языки.
Я имею одну проблему с инструкциями пробуя создать новый столб и uploading мое словоизвержение: Третье (и последн): создайте тему отпуска для того чтобы начать вас щелкнуть новую кнопку темы
Когда я щелкаю {НОВАЯ ТЕМА} новую кнопку темы в уместном разделе отслежывателя (ПРИМЕР: https://rutr.life/forum/viewforum.php?f=2089&start=100), новое окно открытое вверх с только этими 2 вариантами: http://post.rutr.life/forum/posting.php?mode=newtopic&f=2089&tpl=1
В этом разделе создание новых тем запрещено
Вы можете попробовать создать тему в соответствующем подразделе
1. Вернуться в форум
2. Вернуться на главную

В настоящее время я пробую способствовать путем uploading видео- словоизвержение, но don' t знает что я делая неправильно и I' d оценивает любую полезную информацию.
скрытый текст
Greetings all & Happy New Year!
First, I wish to thank Luchano for the truly helpful translation. Just what I was looking for (thanks samoeONO). It is very confusing for non-Russian visitors and it would be nice if this site offered an option to switch languages.
I do have one problem with the instructions when trying to create a new post and uploading my torrent: Third (and last): create release topic to start you have to click new theme button
When I click the {НОВАЯ ТЕМА} new theme button in the relevant tracker section (EXAMPLE: https://rutr.life/forum/viewforum.php?f=2089&start=100), a new window opens up with only these two options: http://post.rutr.life/forum/posting.php?mode=newtopic&f=2089&tpl=1
In this division the creation of new themes is forbidden
You can try to create theme in the appropriate subsection
1. To return to the forum
2. To return to the main thing

Currently I am trying to contribute by uploading a video torrent, but don't know what am I doing wrong and I'd appreciate any helpful information.
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Top User 12

Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 97

ozmik · 02-Янв-10 21:59 (спустя 2 часа 49 мин.)

Thank you. Happy New Year to you too
Please write here what exactly you are going to upload and then I hope we can help you
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 5

StrayChild · 03-Янв-10 00:22 (спустя 2 часа 22 мин.)

Thanks a lot, now I know that I have to use this tag to express myself on English, the bad thing, though is that I don't know a little bit of Russian. I think the suggestion of having the rules on English is a very good idea (or at least an optional place to look at them), I mean, I do know that a rule is to post everything on Russian, but, as a newcomer is a little hard to find what the rules are. It could be that I'm not used to the site as well.
I think that looking at the source code to know what the buttons do, could help me in the meantime.
Anyway, I have to agree that having this option rather than using google translate, is a good think to know, sometimes translations make you look like you're talking Cavern Frankenstein monster language.
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ozmik · 03-Янв-10 15:00 (спустя 14 часов)

There was a topic about English rules in rutr.life: Torrents.ru in english!!!!. The problem is performance of the server.
You don't have to look at source code of forum try to ask me something about buttons or rules using private message (ЛС). In general the rules are to upload as much as possible
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schizoid21k · 03-Янв-10 18:40 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 03-Янв-10 18:40)

Thanks for the kind offer ozmik! However I think I figured it out?
Although it was misplaced into a different thread than the one intended, I finally was able to post and upload my torrent: https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30638483#30638483
Despite that small mistake, it currently seeding and everything looks OK thus far.
Oh and you hit it right on the nose StrayChild. Translation from English over to the Russian language is a bitch. For example, just look at the response from my post above and you'll get a better idea. Guess now I just need to find a good online translator that doesn't "scrabble" all the words... making me look like an idiot !!!!!!
Anyway... it's very fortunate that there are cool and helpful folks here and I thank you all again for the help!
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Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

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ozmik · 03-Янв-10 21:42 (спустя 3 часа)

Thank you for the release (see my answer there)
To moderators:
Мне кажется, эту тему нужно перенести в другой раздел.
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 93

schizoid21k · 05-Янв-10 06:57 (спустя 1 день 9 часов)

Hey thanks a lot ozmik!
I took your advice and believe I got my post all cleaned up now.
Sure is much to learn, but I'm getting there!
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