[L2]TITAN · 26-Фев-09 11:30(16 лет назад, ред. 27-Фев-09 11:08)
Digital Tutors 3ds Max Collection Производитель: Digital Tutors Язык: английский Дата выпуска: 2008 - 2009 Видео кодек: QuickTime Разрешение: 1024 х 768 System requirements:
• Windows/MacOS
• 512MB RAM
• Web Browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later)
• Apple® QuickTimeTM Player 7.2 or later
• 1024 x 768 screen resolution (recommended) Digital Tutors Automotive Modeling in 3dsMax (4CD / Total Run Time: 7:37:37)
Product Details
Learn a production workflow to automotive modeling in 3ds Max and a multitude of Polygon, NURBS, and Spline-based techniques that can be used for Film, Games, and Automotive Design. Contains over 7.5 hours of project-driven training. Popular highlights include: * Viewport Background Images
* Establishing Automotive Line Flow
* Creating Multiple Fitted Panels
* Redrawing Topology
* Adding Resolution to Tighten Edges
* Adding Edge Loops with Connect Tool
* Edge Loop and Ring Selections
* Converting Sub-object Selections
* Adding Geometry with Bridge
* Cloning Geometry and Shapes
* Attaching and Detaching Geometry
* Building Geometry with Splines
* Building Geometry with NURBS Curves
* Mirroring Geometry
* Symmetry Modifier
* Converting Parametric Geometry
* Previewing Smooth Geometry
* Creating Detail with Extrude Tool
* Importing Adobe Illustrator Curves
* Creating and Adding Realistic Materials
* Adding Bump Maps to Materials
* Creating UV Layouts
* Creating Geometry with Primitives
* Changing Geometry Creation Parameters
* Welding Vertices
* Creating Splines and Patches
* Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote Lesson Outline: 1. Project Overview 0:44
2. Setting up Viewport Background images 3:29
3. Modeling the wheel arches 9:48
4. Bridging geometry between the arches 2:57
5. Extruding edges up along the side 5:34
6. Extruding out the back 4:24
7. Extruding out the front 9:25
8. Tweaking the topology on the front fascia 8:04
9. Extruding across hood 11:53
10. Extruding across the back and bottom 10:18
11. Detaching the belly pan 6:48
12. Detaching and shaping the hood 7:59
13. Adding edge detail to the front fascia 10:20
14. Extruding in the front vent area 10:33
15. Adding struts to the grill 9:37
16. Adding remaining fascia details 11:28
17. Building the side vent 9:29
18. Finishing the fascia details 9:36
19. Refining the headlight interior 11:17
20. Refining the topology of the trunk 11:28
21. Detaching the trunk and taillights 9:35
22. Finishing the taillights 10:45
23. Adding body detail to the side 9:43
24. Detaching the panels 7:51
25. Building the top of the cab 7:04
26. Extruding down the sail panel 8:00
27. Building the roof 11:20
28. Detaching the door frame 4:47
29. Adding thickness to the panels 12:59
30. Adding the rocker panel 4:01
31. Adding details to the back end 9:47
32. Creating the exhaust pipes 5:03
33. Detaching the doors 4:34
34. Adding door handles 12:09
35. Cloning the quarter panel 3:09
36. Modeling the fuel cap 8:13
37. Building the windshield 7:51
38. Modeling the back light 6:59
39. Adding windows to the doors 5:22
40. Modeling covers for the quarter windows 10:27
41. Adding a scoop to the hood 11:23
42. Building a spoiler 12:23
43. Modeling the trunk emblem 4:57
44. Modeling the grill mesh 9:32
45. Building head lamps 11:39
46. Adding an emblem to the grill 5:18
47. Building a tire 4:46
48. Adding the wheel 5:17
49. Finishing the shape of the wheel 8:29
50. Adding detail to the wheel 11:39
51. Adding disc brake and caliper 8:03
52. Modeling the rearview mirror 8:29
53. Creating a UV layout for the tire 4:15
54. Adding a car paint material 7:45
55. Creating reflector materials 6:18
56. Setting up a material for the tire 4:05
57. Adding remaining materials 8:02
58. Performing final material changes 5:43 Total Run Time: 7:37:37
Digital Tutors Creating Cartoon Characters in 3dsMax (4CD / Total Run Time: 7:32:37)
Product Details
Learn a production workflow to creating organic cartoon characters and time-saving techniques to creating animation-friendly topology, exaggerating proportions, and adding appeal. Contains over 7.5 hours of project-driven training for artists learning the artistic processes of creating stylized cartoon characters as seen in animated feature films. Popular highlights include: * Working with Reference Art
* Creating Animation-friendly Topology
* Using Splines to Create Geometry
* Attaching and Detaching Polygons
* Adding Viewport Backgrounds
* Exaggerating Proportions
* Adding Detail Strategically
* Bridging Polygonal Geometry
* Creating Stylized Hair
* Working with Multiple Pieces
* Creating the Illusion of Detail
* Cloning Geometry for Reuse
* Building from Primitives
* Using Extrude, Inset, and Bevel
* Modifying Sub-objects
* Working with Selections
* Setting up Non-spherical Eyes
* Previewing Smooth Geometry
* Using the FFD Space Warp
* Working in Symmetry
* Adding Temporary Color to Objects
* Simplifying Shapes
* Troubleshooting Edge Flow
* Sharpening Corners with Edges
* Modeling Wrinkles into Clothing
* Adding Seams to Cloth
* Using FFD Modifiers
* Creating Teeth
* Capping Border Edges
* Cloning Edges
* Working with Groups
* Adding Appeal Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction and Project Overview 0:44
2. Adding Viewport Backgrounds 9:03
3. Starting the head 11:52
4. Creating a framework for the head 10:17
5. Continuing the head framework 10:01
6. Adding lip geometry 12:42
7. Building the nose area 8:07
8. Filling in the upper lip 9:26
9. Filling in the lower lip and cheek 10:02
10. Building the eye socket 10:07
11. Finishing the eye socket 7:01
12. Completing the forehead 8:58
13. Adding the neck 7:17
14. Adding the ear 9:29
15. Finishing the ear and back of the head 12:03
16. Filling in the top of the head 6:33
17. Building the nose 9:37
18. Adding detail around the lips 9:48
19. Modeling the lips 10:08
20. Adding the mouth interior 6:09
21. Building the teeth 7:19
22. Adding the gums 7:20
23. Modeling the tongue 11:23
24. Building the hair 13:00
25. Finishing the hair pieces 12:50
26. Placing hair and eyebrows 7:49
27. Creating a base for the body 15:54
28. Modeling the legs 14:02
29. Modeling the arms 13:08
30. Starting the hand 12:24
31. Finishing the hand 13:53
32. Shaping the lab coat 7:20
33. Adding seams to the shoulders of the coat 6:05
34. Building armbands 5:55
35. Adding a collar to the coat 8:40
36. Building the elastic band 7:12
37. Building pivot geometry with primitives 7:29
38. Creating trim pieces 14:09
39. Adding thickness to the coat 12:53
40. Adding pockets to the coat 10:18
41. Deforming the lab coat 9:50
42. Adding wrinkles to the coat 19:06
43. Building shoes and socks 13:46
44. Creating the eyes 8:40
45. Finishing the eyes 5:31
46. Adding the moles 6:58 Total Run Time: 7:32:37
Digital Tutors Introduction to Animation in 3dsMax (1CD / Total Run Time: 3:05:04)
Product Details
Learn the fundamentals of animation and achieve greater results using a time-saving workflow to effectively using and learning the animation tools available in 3ds Max. Contains over 3 hours of project-based training for artists new to animation. Popular highlights include: * Overview of Animation Tools in Max
* Manipulating Animation with Curve Editor
* Methods for Fine-tuning Animation
* Ghosting Animation
* Animating with Expressions
* Wiring Parameters
* Real-time Previewing
* Cloning Key-frames
* Exploring Dope Sheet
* Path Animation
* Layering Animation
* Seamlessly Cycling Animation
* Saving and Loading Animation
* Trackbar Menu
* Understanding Trajectories
* Motion Mixer Overview
* Creating Track Sets
* Filtering F-curves
* Scaling Keys in Time and Value
* Breaking Continuity of Tangents for Weight
* Animating with Link Constraint
* Setting Default In and Out Tangents
* Understanding the Time Configuration Dialog Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction 11:23
2. Overview of Max's Time Controls 12:34
3. Understanding Max's Time Configuration dialog 7:46
4. Basic ways to set and remove keyframes in Max 5:53
5. Moving, Scaling, and Cloning keys on the Trackbar 7:13
6. Adding animation offsets using list controllers 5:14
7. Working with Time Tags 7:15
8. Exploring the Dope Sheet 3:37
9. Working with Max's Curve Editor 3:19
10. Examining Max's F-curve tangent types via the Curve Editor 4:46
11. Cloning keys and F-curves in the Curve Editor 8:40
12. Manipulating tangent handles 5:33
13. Modifying tangent handles for moving holds in animation 9:28
14. Breaking the continuity of tangents for weight and impact 10:20
15. The menus of the Track View 7:34
16. Using the Euler Filter to correct gimbal flipping issues 8:50
17. Ghosting animation and viewing Key Brackets 9:43
18. Working with the Parameter Curve Out of Range dialog 9:26
19. Animating seamless cycles - setting keyframes 5:37
20. Animating seamless cycles - tweaking F-curves 9:06
21. Creating Out of Range keys 8:29
22. Working with the Motion Mixer 9:13
23. Blending animation clips 7:07
24. Layering animation 6:30
25. Animating along a path 5:43
26. Utilizing trajectories 12:05
27. Working with the Link Constraint 4:31
28. Automating animation with expressions 6:43
29. Animating with Wired parameters 5:47
30. Mapping animation 2:46
31. Collapsing animation from the Track View-Curve Editor 10:08
32. Outputting animation for a real-time preview 10:05
33. Render settings to be mindful of 7:00 Total Run Time: 3:05:04
Digital Tutors Introduction to Lighting in 3dsMax (1CD / Total Run Time: 2:15:56)
Product Details
Learn an essential workflow to lighting in 3ds Max and fundamental techniques to establishing moods and adding greater realism to your scenes through lighting. Contains over 2 hours of project-based training. Ideal for new and beginning artists. Popular highlights include: * Overview of Standard Light Types
* Overview of Photometric Lights
* Controlling Light Decay and Attenuation
* Modeling Environments to Scale for Accurate Lighting
* Using Shadow Maps for Efficient Rendering
* Utilizing Accurate Raytraced Shadows
* Creating Soft and Diffuse Shadows
* Real-world Lighting Profiles with Photometric Lights
* Exposure Controls to View HDR Renders
* Outdoor Lighting with Daylight System and Skylight
* Altering Rendering Controls for Objects
* Adding Glow Effects to Geometry and Lights
* Creating Volumetric Lighting Effects
* Radiosity to Simulate Indirect Illumination
* Using the Light Lister
* Creating Gobo Effects Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction and Project Overview 1:36
2. Intensity and Attenuation controls of Standard Lights 9:52
3. Specialized parameters of spot lights 7:14
4. Understanding and using Direct lights 5:17
5. Using Photometric lights in 3ds Max 9:11
6. Adding Shadow Maps to rendered scenes 8:42
7. Using Raytraced shadows in 3ds Max 4:22
8. Utilizing Area and Advanced Raytraced shadows 11:29
9. Shadow parameters of mental ray lights 4:45
10. Altering the Rendering Controls on individual objects 4:16
11. Adding glow effects to geometry and lights 8:11
12. Adding volumetric effects to lights 7:22
13. Including and excluding objects from individual lights 4:42
14. Using the Skylight to create outdoor illumination 7:35
15. Creating outdoor lighting using the Daylight system 11:38
16. Using radiosity to calculate realistic indirect illumination 7:48
17. Methods for refining and enhancing radiosity results 10:48
18. Using the Light Lister in 3ds Max 2:09
19. Using the Advanced Effects for greater lighting control 8:52 Total Run Time: 2:15:56
Digital Tutors Introduction to Mental Ray in 3dsMax (1CD / Total Run Time: 2:55:36)
Product Details
Learn an essential workflow to rendering with mental ray and techniques for fully utilizing the tools available inside 3ds Max to save time and see better results. Contains over 2 hours of project-based training for artists new to mental ray and experienced artists seeking a refresher. Popular highlights include: * mental ray Overview
* Global Illumination Workflow
* Final Gather Workflow
* Caustics Workflow
* Emitting GI Photons from Light Sources
* Photon Energy and Decay Parameters
* Controlling Final Gather Accuracy
* Adding Secondary Final Gather Bounces
* Mixing Final Gather and Global Illumination
* Saving and Reusing Lighting Data
* Image-based Lighting
* HDR Exposure Controls
* Emitting Caustic Photons from Lights
* Optimizing Caustic Photon Use
* Subsurface Scattering Shader
* Ambient Occlusion Shader
* mental ray Architectural Material
* Utilizing the Material Editor
* Contour Line Rendering
* Using Render Elements
* Scene States
* Compositing Rendered Passes Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction 1:38
2. Setting mental ray as the default renderer 3:12
3. Using photon-based Global Illumination 11:07
4. Adjusting the photon properties of lights 8:16
5. Using Final Gather in mental ray 13:33
6. Combining Global Illumination and Final Gather 5:01
7. Saving and reusing indirect illumination data 9:45
8. Setting up image-based lighting in mental ray 10:00
9. Using and optimizing caustic photons 12:28
10. Exploring mental ray's Architectural Materials 10:23
11. Overview of the mental ray Car Paint shader 7:07
12. Using Subsurface Scattering in mental ray 11:19
13. Utilizing ambient occlusion to enhance shadows 9:28
14. Adding depth of field effects to renders 8:17
15. Rendering a depth of field pass for compositing 8:04
16. Special mental ray light parameters 7:47
17. Understanding contour outlines 12:07
18. Using Render Elements for compositing purposes 7:24
19. Compositing multiple render passes 7:59
20. Using Scene States to output multiple renders 10:31 Total Run Time: 2:55:36
Digital Tutors Introduction to Modeling in 3dsMax (2CD / Total Run Time: 3:53:56)
Product Details
Learn a fundamental workflow to Polygon, NURBS, and Splined-based modeling and time-saving techniques to creatively utilizing the robust tools available in 3ds Max. Contains nearly 4 hours of self-paced training for artists new to modeling in 3ds Max and experienced artists seeking a refresher. Popular highlights include: * NURBS Workflow
* Polygon Workflow
* Splines and Patches Workflow
* Scene Organization with Layers
* Smoothing Methods
* Working with Sub-objects
* Sub-object Selection Methods
* Adding Viewport Background Images
* Scale Deformation
* Cloning Geometry and Shapes
* Mirroring Geometry
* Sweep Modifier
* Shell Modifier
* Symmetry Modifier
* Surface Modifier
* FFD Modifiers
* Lathe Modifier
* Modifier Stack
* Moving Pivot Points
* Transforming Geometry and Shapes
* Modifying Creation Parameters
* Creating Booleans
* Attaching and Detaching Objects
* Welding Vertices
* Rendering and Viewing Curves
* HSDS Modifier for Subdivision Surfaces Lesson Outline: 1. Working with polygons 7:15
2. Working with NURBS 5:28
3. Working with smoothing and subdivision surfaces 6:22
4. Working with splines and patches 7:02
5. Project overview and interface setup 3:12
6. Adding viewport background images 3:08
7. Setting up a layer scale template 3:47
8. Building pivot geometry with primitives 6:28
9. Adding resolution to the pivot 6:04
10. Building a full section from the pivot geometry 10:50
11. Creating caps from the full section 7:38
12. Modeling the saw 8:50
13. Building the screwdriver 8:16
14. Finishing the saw layer 13:35
15. Modeling the magnifying glass 12:33
16. Building the small knife 7:45
17. Finishing the magnifying glass layer 5:54
18. Modeling the bottle opener 9:24
19. Finishing the bottle opener layer 9:32
20. Building the corkscrew 13:56
21. Starting the scissors 10:28
22. Finishing the scissors layer 8:22
23. Creating the large knife blade 9:29
24. Adding an indentation and hilt to the large blade 6:35
25. Finishing the large knife blade layer 13:27
26. Assembling the parts of the knife 8:43
27. Building the chain connector 4:54
28. Modeling the chain 7:42
29. Adding the key ring 4:32 Total Run Time: 3:53:56
Digital Tutors Introduction to Rigging in 3dsMax (2CD / Total Run Time: 3:18:56)
Product Details
Learn essentials of rigging and establish a solid foundation. Learn flexible rigging methods, several rigging and character setup tools, and the essentials of building animator-friendly controls with 3ds Max. Contains over 3 hours of project-based training. Popular highlights include: * Reference Coordinate System
* Choosing an Axis Order for Control Objects
* Custom Toolbars
* Customizing Quad Menus
* Layers
* Expressions
* Wired Parameters
* Forward Kinematics vs. Inverse Kinematics
* List Controllers
* Position Constraint
* LookAt Constraint
* Orientation Constraint
* Link Constraint
* Control Objects
* Control Object Reservoir
* Bone Tools
* Mirroring Bones
* Scaling Bones
* The IK Solvers of Max
* Creating an FK Spline Rig
* IK FK Snapping
* Skin Modifier
* Morpher Modifier
* Skin Morph Modifier
* Skin Wrap Modifier
* Rigging Techniques
* Custom Parameters
* Smooth and Rigid Skinning
* Painting Weights
* Weight Tool and Weight Table
* Mirroring Envelopes
* Exporting Envelopes
* Angle Deformers
* Quick and Easy Muscles with Bones
* Selection Sets Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction 1:14
2. Establishing naming conventions 6:47
3. Linking objects to create parent/child hierarchies 7:44
4. Creating bones in Max 7:02
5. Editing bones in Max 9:32
6. Working with a bone's fin adjustment tools 10:22
7. Utilizing the HI IK and Limb IK Solver 8:13
8. Rigging with the Spline IK Solver and creating IK Solvers 9:19
9. Building bones for the leg and connecting an IK Solver 5:48
10. Setting up control objects in the leg rig 7:12
11. Working with Max's Position and Orientation Constraint 9:15
12. Utilizing the LookAt Constraint 7:47
13. Rigging with the Link Constraint to avoid bone skewing 3:05
14. Rigging with Groups 5:03
15. Customizing Max's user interface 5:15
16. Wiring Parameters to control parameter values 5:06
17. Working with Expressions 8:27
18. Choosing a suitable Axis Order for control objects 3:07
19. Using Layers to organize your scene 9:47
20. Deforming a mesh with bones via the Skin modifier 7:55
21. Fine-tuning envelope deformations with the Weight Table 7:59
22. Editing envelopes with the Paint Weights Tool 7:46
23. Mirroring weights to save time 4:33
24. Exporting and importing envelope data 3:11
25. Using Max's Bulge Angle Deformer to correct deformations 5:09
26. Exploring the Skin Morph modifier 10:06
27. Rigging for lip-sync animation with the Morpher modifier 13:48
28. Controlling mesh deformations with the Skin Wrap modifier 8:11 Total Run Time: 3:18:56
Digital Tutors Modeling Interiors in 3dsMax (3CD / Total Run Time: 5:23:01)
Product Details
Learn a production workflow to interior set modeling and time-saving techniques that can be used in Film, Games, and Architectural Visualizations. Contains 5.5 hours of project-based training. Perfect for intermediate artists. Popular highlights include: * AEC Walls
* AEC Foliage
* Parametric Doors
* Parametric Windows
* Parametric Stairs
* Customizing Parametric Objects
* Editing Parametric Objects
* Creating Complex Shapes with Splines
* Using Booleans on Geometry and Splines
* Inserting Edge Loops with Connect
* Drawing Geometry with Cut Tool
* Cloning Geometry, Shapes, and Sub-objects
* Adding Thickness with Shell Modifier
* Lattice Modifier
* Adding Surface Detail with Paint Deformation
* Working with Primitives
* Sweep Modifier
* Sections with Sweep Modifier
* Rendering Splines
* Adding Resolution to Spline Segments
* Editing Splines
* Extracting Splines with Section
* Converting Edge Selections to Splines
* Using Extrude, Bevel, and Inset
* Linking Objects Together
* Noise Modifier
* Attaching and Detaching Splines and Geometry
* Modifier Stack
* Instancing Geometry
* Lathe Modifier
* Adding Thickness to Splines with Modifiers
* Working with Groups * Once purchased, access free bonus content for this product by logging into your store account. Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction and Project Overview 0:43
2. Building the walls of the room 7:49
3. Adding windows 10:04
4. Building the front door 5:37
5. Creating the vaulted ceiling 4:59
6. Adding the floor and ceiling 5:09
7. Adding trim along the ceiling and floor 5:33
8. Building the stairway 7:21
9. Cutting out the elevated doorway 6:49
10. Adding a television to the front wall 5:20
11. Starting the large shelf along the front 6:53
12. Finishing the shelf 8:23
13. Creating and positioning recessed lighting 5:34
14. Building the window coverings 14:41
15. Finishing the window coverings 4:44
16. Starting on the sofa 11:06
17. Refining the sofa 13:27
18. Finishing the sofa 11:55
19. Adding legs to the sofa 6:37
20. Modeling the coffee table 9:30
21. Completing the coffee table 4:38
22. Starting the fireplace 8:32
23. Refining the fireplace 7:17
24. Finishing the fireplace 9:39
25. Beginning the chair model 7:06
26. Refining the chairs 5:02
27. Completing the chairs 11:54
28. Adding pillows to the chairs and sofa 8:31
29. Building the wall art and shelves with splines 10:58
30. Adding small plants near the steps 8:37
31. Building the large plant 8:38
32. Creating wall art using Section splines 5:28
33. Building the mesh sculpture 7:20
34. Modeling the AV component 9:28
35. Building the overhead light fixture 7:49
36. Modeling the track lighting 13:36
37. Modeling the floor lamp 11:12
38. Adding the handrail 4:19
39. Adding a knob to the door 4:13
40. Building the picture frames 5:15
41. Adding area rugs 10:56 Total Run Time: 5:23:01
Digital Tutors Motorcycle Modeling Techniques in 3dsMax (4CD / Total Run Time: 7:59:29)
Product Details
Learn production techniques to hard surface modeling, creative tips and tricks to building complex geometry, and a proven workflow to modeling detailed motorcycles and parts. Contains over 8 hours of self-paced training for artists using 3ds Max 2009. Popular highlights include: * Modeling from Blueprints
* Hard Surface Modeling
* Polygon Modeling Techniques
* Spline-based Modeling Techniques
* Understanding Metal-working Process
* Motorcycle Parts Overview
* Modeling Detail for Realism
* Surface Tools
* Creating Seam Detail
* Creating Complex Shapes with Booleans
* NURBS and Splines for Tubes and Wires
* Creating Geometry from Existing Pieces
* Adding Welds to Metal Pieces
* Adding Bevels to Edges and Polygons
* Modeling Different Types of Materials
* Materials and Lighting
* Texture Maps
* Image-based Lighting
* Reference Images
* Tire Treads with Bump Maps
* Setting up Hierarchies
* Posing for Final Shots Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction and Project Overview 1:15
2. Motorcycle parts and terms 6:18
3. Adding a Viewport Background image for reference 5:04
4. Drawing out the frame using splines 9:43
5. Creating geometry along the bike frame 7:38
6. Putting the frame together 11:48
7. Adding welds to the motorcycle frame 9:22
8. Modeling an initial spline cage for the gas tank 16:05
9. Finishing the tank spline cage 7:47
10. Connecting the gas tank splines 10:55
11. Finishing the gas tank 10:36
12. Detailing the tank 13:51
13. Starting the seat splines 10:14
14. Finishing the seat 9:02
15. Building a wheel 11:15
16. Adding the tire 5:12
17. Creating brake rotors using splines 9:22
18. Adding front and back wheels 16:51
19. Building the fork tubes 12:10
20. Building the front fender 11:32
21. Adding the triple tree 11:24
22. Adding the subframe with splines 11:01
23. Finishing the subframe 5:59
24. Drawing out the swingarm frame 10:59
25. Continuing the swingarm frame 8:06
26. Finishing the swingarm frame 5:51
27. Starting the exhaust pipes 6:47
28. Adding the mufflers 9:12
29. Detailing the exhaust pipes 9:29
30. Adding the swingarm body 13:53
31. Starting the engine 10:12
32. Modeling the right side of the engine 8:45
33. Creating the heads 9:01
34. Adding the rocker covers 10:06
35. Modeling the left side of the engine 12:23
36. Adding wiring to the engine 6:31
37. Building the rear suspension 7:16
38. Adding the rear fender and detail 8:17
39. Adding taillights 7:09
40. Building the radiator 6:48
41. Adding the head lamp 7:12
42. Modeling the front lamps 8:22
43. Building the handlebars and grips 13:47
44. Adding the mirrors and instrument display 11:13
45. Detailing the handlebars 9:16
46. Adding brake calipers and lines 10:24
47. Adding the rear sprocket 4:32
48. Building the drive chain 8:44
49. Looking at finishing touches 3:11
50. Setting up a hierarchy 6:24
51. Setting up lighting 6:09
52. Adding materials 7:02
53. Adding textures to the bike 7:38 Total Run Time: 7:59:29
Доп. информация: Все видеоуроки помещены в отдельные папки, Вы можете загрузить как все уроки целиком, так и по отдельности.
T-DruiD посмотри внимательно где как галки стоят в уроке. + для полного просмотра картинки в вьюпорте (без ухудшения качества) поставь галку в: customize - preference - viewports - configure driver - background texture size - match bitmap size as closely as posible
T-DruiD Ребята кто может подсказать в чем проблема?
Устанавливаю чертежи на фон, как в уроках, но после изменения масштаба фотка растягивается на все окно((( Попробуй - VIEWPORT BAGROUND / Lock zoom/pan + /asect ratio match bitmap
или лажа с самими background ами. Безотказный вариант
Uninstall-Max2009 и install max 7-9
T-DruiD Ребята кто может подсказать в чем проблема?
Устанавливаю чертежи на фон, как в уроках, но после изменения масштаба фотка растягивается на все окно((( Безотказный вариант
Uninstall-Max2009 и install max 7-9
Ну ты блин посоветовал ... а также не забыть перейти на Windows 95 и Photoshop 4.
Я всёже склоняюсь что это глюк драйверов, нужно переставить дрова на видеокарту.
Я не мoгу скачать, когда я пытаюсь скачать файл, то появляется сообщение, что мой рейтинг 0.02 и нужно что-то отдать из своих прошлых закачек. Что и как мне нужно сделать? заранее спасибо
Супер! Автору большое спасибо! Жаль только что Digital Tutors по Максу выпустил на порядок меньше таких учебников, чем по Майе, а по Синеме вообще нету....
Спасибо огромное!!!! Очень удобно когда все в одном месте. Только я все скачал по отдельности Раздавать будете с добавлением новых дисков от DT, когда таковые будут появляться, или это окончательный вариант?
Ребята кто может подсказать в чем проблема?
Устанавливаю чертежи на фон, как в уроках, но после изменения масштаба фотка растягивается на все окно(((
Поставь галочку Match Bitman, Display background... и (твоя проблема) Lock Zoom\Pan...это все находится в Views-Viewport Background...или ALT+B(при активном окне)...и так на каждое окно(кроме перспективы)
dancer27 О, да, я как раз имею несколько вопросиков. 1. Создал геометрию (3дсМакс). Применил Displace, на который поставил Instanced Radial Gradient Ramp. Поколдовал чуть-чуть. Смотрю, геометрию нужно бы увеличить. Растянул её немного и в параметрах Displace нажал Use Existing Mapping, на что результат вышел, как-будто, Tiling зашкаливает, хотя он стоит 1:1, мне всего-то яму нужно сделать или бугор. 2. При DirectX10 а) всё что чертил в Poly рисует, как Mesh.
б) Blueprints для авто были выполнены в виде поскостей двухсторонних, теперь же одна сторона прозрачная!
в) из Win. папки в M.Editor Drag&Drop не сделать
г) в sub-object выбираю грань, подсвечивается, кликаю по втрой ни одной не видно Это первое, что мне бросилось в глаза. Поможешь?
За раздачу спасибо...
Но, очень хреново, что всё в iso шках...((((
Отдельно нужные части уроков не выкачаешь(((((
Зачем по удаляли предыдущие (отдельные) раздачи?!