Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Apr 2009

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ezterra · 15-Апр-09 15:06 (15 лет 10 месяцев назад)

Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Apr 2009
Описание: Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007 - Update Apr 2009
This is the April 2009 update to the Great Science Textbooks DVD Library 2007,
the 17th DVD.
This update adds around 250 new titles, bringing the total number over 4000. It's possible that this is the last update as the library is reasonably complete now, as far as basic coverage of the various topics is concerned.
|-- Algebra & Trigonometry
| |-- Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics - M. Gould, E. Hurst (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf
| |-- Chipot - Elliptic Equations - An Introductory Course (Birkhauser, 2009).pdf
| |-- Davenport - The Higher Arithmetic - Introduction to the Theory of Numbers 8e (Cambridge, 2008).pdf
| |-- Derbyshire - Unknown Quantity - Real and Imaginary History of Algebra (JHP, 2006).pdf
| |-- Faria - Mathematical Tools for One Dimensional Dynamics (Cambridge, 2008).pdf
| |-- Fauvel - Music and Mathematics - From Pythagoras to Fractals (Oxford, 2003).djvu
| |-- Geometry
| | |-- DeBerg - Computational Geometry - Algorithms and Applications 3e (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Geometry - Euclid and Beyond - R. Hartshorne (Springer, 2000) WW.djvu
| | |-- Larson - Geometry (McDougal, 2007).pdf
| | `-- Serra - Discovering Geometry - Investigative Approach (Key Curriculum, 2008).pdf
| |-- Givant - Introduction to Boolean Algebras (Springer, 2008).pdf
| |-- Kammler - First Course in Fourier Analysis (Cambridge, 2007).djvu
| |-- Lavine - Understanding the Infinite (1994).pdf
| |-- Maor - Trigonometric Delights (Princeton, 1998).pdf
| |-- Mason - Thinking Mathematically (AW, 1982).djvu
| |-- Murdock - Discovering Advanced Algebra - Investigative Approach (Key Curriculum, 2008).pdf
| |-- Murdock - Discovering Algebra - Investigative Approach (Key Curriculum, 2008).pdf
| |-- The Pythagorean Theorem - A 4000-Year History - E. Maor (Princeton, 2007) WW.djvu
| `-- Wells - You Are a Mathematician - Introduction to the Joy of Numbers (Wiley, 1995).djvu
|-- Biology
| |-- Bilezikian - Principles of Bone Biology 3e [volumes 1,2] (AP, 2008).pdf
| |-- Biochemistry
| | |-- Food Lipids - Chemistry, Nutrition and Biotechnology 2nd ed - A. Akoh, D. Min (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf
| | |-- Frey - Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms (Oxford, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Hormones 2nd ed - A. Norman, G. Litwack (AP, 1997) WW.pdf
| | |-- Physics of Bio-Molecules and Cells - H. Flyvbjerg, et al., (Springer, 2002) WW.pdf
| | `-- Principles of Biochemistry - G. Zubay, W. Parson, D. Vance [bw, no ocr] (WCB, 1995) WW.pdf
| |-- Clark - A Means to an End - The Biological Basis of Aging and Death (Oxford, 2002).pdf
| |-- Cracraft - Assembling the Tree of Life [biology, taxonomy] (Oxford, 2004).pdf
| |-- Dawkins - The Ancestor's Tale (2004).pdf
| |-- Encyclopedia of Foods - A Guide to Healthy Nutrition (AP, 2002) WW.pdf
| |-- From Complexity to Life - On The Emergence of Life and Meaning - N. Gregersen (Oxford, 2003) WW.pdf
| |-- Gregory - Biometrics for Dummies (Wiley, 2008).pdf
| |-- Hoffman - Handbook of Ecotoxicology 2e (CRC, 2003).pdf
| |-- Ivancevic - Natural Biodynamics (WorldSci, 2005).pdf
| |-- Kato - Electromagnetics in Biology (Springer, 2006).pdf
| |-- Molecular Biology
| | |-- Models of Cellular Regulation - A. Aguda, A. Friedman (Oxford, 2008) WW.pdf
| | |-- Prescott - Microbiology 5e (McGraw, 2002).pdf
| | |-- Rasmussen - Protocells - Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter (MIT, 2008).pdf
| | `-- Zuckerman - Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology 6e (Wiley, 2009).pdf
| |-- Neuroscience
| | |-- Broks - Into the Silent Land - Travels in Neuropsychology (Atlantic, 2003).pdf
| | |-- Dennett - Sweet Dreams - Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness (MIT, 2005).pdf
| | |-- Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Garcez - Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning (Springer, 2009).pdf
| | |-- Hobson - Dreaming - Introduction to the Science of Sleep (Oxford, 2002).pdf
| | |-- Hofstadter,Dennett - The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul (1981).pdf
| | |-- Karch - Neurochemistry of Abused Drugs (CRC, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Karch - Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Abused Drugs (CRC, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Kolb - Fundametals of Human Neuropsychology 5e (Worth, 2003).pdf
| | |-- Pinker - The Language Instinct (Penguin, 1994).pdf
| | `-- Wheeler - The Whole Creature - Complexity, Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Culture (Lawrence, 2006).pdf
| |-- Plants and Mushrooms
| | |-- Bernath - Poppy - The Genus Papaver [opium] (Harwood, 1998).pdf
| | |-- Howard - The Mycota VIII - Biology of the Fungal Cell 2e (Springer, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Kavanagh - Fungi - Biology and Applications (Wiley, 2005).pdf
| | |-- Money - Mr. Bloomfield's Orchard - The Mysterious World of Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycologists (Oxford, 2002).pdf
| | |-- Pallardy - Physiology of Woody Plants 3e (Elsevier, 2008).pdf
| | |-- The Mycota [Plant Relationships V] 2nd ed - H. Deising (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf
| | |-- Varma - Mycorrhiza 3e [mycology] (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | `-- Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook 7e (Springer, 2008).pdf
| |-- Rose - Lifelines - Biology Beyond Determinism [poor layout] (Oxford, 1998).pdf
| |-- Rutter - Genes and Behavior - Nature-Nurture Interplay Explained (Blackwell, 2006).pdf
| |-- Viral Sex - The Nature of AIDS - J. Goudsmit (Oxford, 1997) WW.pdf
| `-- Waigh - Applied Biophysics - Molecular Approach for Physical Scientists (Wiley, 2007).pdf
|-- Calculus
| |-- Differential Equations
| | `-- Agarwal - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Springer, 2008).pdf
| |-- Gibilisco - Calculus Know-It-All - Beginner to Advanced, and Everything in Between (McGraw, 2009).pdf
| |-- Kelley - Complete Idiot's Guide to Calculus 2e (Penguin, 2006).pdf
| |-- Mendelson - Schaum's Outline of Beginning Calculus 3e (McGraw, 2008).pdf
| |-- Sales - Calculus - One Variable 10e (Wiley, 2006).pdf
| `-- Seber - Multivariate Observations [mathematics] (Wiley, 2004).pdf
|-- Chemistry
| |-- Adamson - Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 6e (Wiley, 1997).djvu
| |-- Allen - Biophysical Chemistry (Blackwell, 2008).pdf
| |-- Analytical Chemistry
| | |-- Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances [Vol 1] - K. Florey (AP, 1972) WW.pdf
| | |-- Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances [Vol 2] - K. Florey (AP, 1973) WW.pdf
| | |-- Ekman - Mass Spectrometry - Instrumentation, Interpretation, and Applications (Wiley, 2009).pdf
| | `-- Microbiology for the Analytical Chemist - R. Dart (RSC, 1996) WW.pdf
| |-- Atomic Charges, Bond Properties and Molecular Energies - S. Fliszar (Wiley, 2009) WW.pdf
| |-- Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry - Making the Connections - B. Murphy, et al., (RSC, 1998) WW.pdf
| |-- Bishop - Introduction to Chemistry (Cummings, 2001).pdf
| |-- Electron Transfer in Chemistry [4 Vols] - V. Balzani (Wiley-VCH, 2001) WW.pdf
| |-- Food - The Chemistry of its Components 4th ed - T. Coultate (RSC, 2001) WW.pdf
| |-- Frenkel - Understanding Molecular Simulation - From Algorithms to Applications (AP, 2002).djvu
| |-- Hinchliffe - Molecular Modelling for Beginners 2e (Wiley, 2008).pdf
| |-- Inorganic Chemistry - J. House (AP, 2008) WW.pdf
| |-- Karukstis - Chemistry Connections - Chemical Basis of Everyday Phenomena 2e (Elsevier, 2003).pdf
| |-- Marine Geochemistry 2nd ed - H. Schultz, M. Zabel (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf
| |-- Modern Coordination Chemistry - The Legacy of Joseph Chatt - G. Leigh, N. Winterton (RSC, 2002) WW.pdf
| |-- Molecular Symmetry - D. Willock (Wiley, 2009) WW.pdf
| |-- Organic Chemistry
| | |-- Caffeine - G. Spiller (CRC, 1998) WW.pdf
| | |-- Cairns - Essentials of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3e (RPS, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Daintith - Dictionary of Organic Chemistry (FOF, 2004).pdf
| | |-- Lednicer - Strategies for Organic Drug Synthesis (Wiley, 2009).pdf
| | |-- MCAT Organic Chemistry 7th ed - J. Orsay (ExamKrackers, 2007) WW.pdf
| | `-- Solvent-Free Organic Synthesis 2nd Compl. Revised edn - K. Tanaka (Wiley-VCH, 2005) WW.pdf
| |-- Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials - Ions and Electrons in Solids - J. Maier (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf
| |-- Physics and Chemistry of Ice - W. Kuhs (RSC, 2007) WW.pdf
| |-- Smith - Organic Chemistry 2e (McGraw, 2008).djvu
| |-- Supramolecular Chemistry 2nd ed - J. Steed, J. Atwood (Wiley, 2009) WW.pdf
| |-- The Theories of Chemistry - J. Boeyens (Elsevier, 2003) WW.pdf
| `-- Vickerman - Surface Analysis - The Principal Techniques 2e (Wiley, 2009).pdf
|-- Computer Science
| |-- Alsuwaiyel - Algorithms Design Techniques and Analysis (Worldsci, 1999).djvu
| |-- Artificial Intelligence
| | |-- Bourg - AI for Game Developers (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
| | `-- Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision 2nd ed - R. Hartley, A. Zisserman (Cambridge, 2003) WW.pdf
| |-- Channelle - Beginning OpenOffice 3 (Apress, 2009).pdf
| |-- Collins - Game Sound - Introduction to Video Game Music and Sound Design (MIT, 2008).pdf
| |-- Cryptography
| | |-- Hoffstein - Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Koc - Cryptographic Engineering (Springer, 2009).pdf
| | |-- Konheim - Computer Security and Cryptography (Wiley, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Sencar - Data Hiding - Fundamentals and Applications (Academic, 2004).pdf
| | |-- Stallings - Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practices 4e (Prentice, 2005).chm
| | |-- Wayner - Disappearing Cryptography 2e [steganography] (Morgan, 2002).pdf
| | `-- Wobst - Cryptology Unlocked (Wiley, 2007).pdf
| |-- Databases and SQL
| | |-- Bales - Beginning PL-SQL - From Novice to Pro (Apress, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Bryla - Oracle Database Foundations (Sybex, 2004).chm
| | |-- Date - SQL and Relational Theory (O'Reilly, 2009).chm
| | |-- DeHaan - Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL Plus (Apress, 2005).pdf
| | |-- Elmasri - Fundamentals of Database Systems 4e [bw] (Pearson, 2004).pdf
| | |-- Han,Kamber - Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques 2e (Morgan, 2006).pdf
| | |-- Lans - SQL for MySQL Developers - Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (AW, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Piattini - Advanced Database Technology and Design (Artech, 2000).pdf
| | `-- Yadava - The Berkeley DB Book (Apress, 2007).pdf
| |-- DiMarzio - The Debugger's Handbook [software debugging] (Auerbach, 2007).pdf
| |-- Discrete Mathematics
| | |-- Applebaum - Probability and Information - Integrated Approach 2e (Cambridge, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Bergmann - The Logic Book 5e [ocr, discrete maths] (McGraw, 2009).pdf
| | |-- Brualdi - Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and Its Applications (CRC, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Discrete Mathematics with Applications - T. Koshy (2003) WW.pdf
| | |-- Greene,Knuth - Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms 3e (Birkhauser, 1990).djvu
| | `-- Krantz - Discrete Mathematics Demystified (McGraw, 2009).pdf
| |-- Dorf - Modern Control Systems 11e (Pearson, 2008).pdf
| |-- Fleischer - Experimental Algorithmics (Springer, 2002).pdf
| |-- Game Programming
| | `-- LaMothe - Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus 2e (Sams, 2002).chm
| |-- Kakde - Algorithms for Compiler Design (Charles River, 2002).chm
| |-- Keogh - Data Structures Demystified (McGraw, 2004).chm
| |-- Kleinberg - Algorithm Design (Pearson, 2006).pdf
| |-- Leiss - Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis (Taylor, 2007).pdf
| |-- Linux and UNIX
| | |-- Brown - Using Samba 2e (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
| | |-- Johnson - Performance Tuning for Linux Servers (Prentice, 2005).chm
| | |-- Levine - Lex and Yacc [parsers, UNIX] (O'Reilly, 1992).pdf
| | |-- Mauerer - Professional Linux Kernel Architecture (Wrox, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Seth - TCP-IP Architecture, Design and Implementation in Linux (Wiley, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Thelin - Foundations of Qt Development (Apress, 2007).pdf
| | `-- Vadala - Managing RAID on Linux (O'Reilly, 2003).pdf
| |-- Modern Processor Design - Funds of Superscalar Processors - J. Shen, M. Lipasti [dp] (TAT Mc-Graw-Hill, 2005) WW.djvu
| |-- Networks
| | |-- Babbin - Security Log Management - Identifying Patterns in the Chaos (Syngress, 2006).pdf
| | |-- Held - TCP-IP Professional Reference Guide (Auerbach, 2001).pdf
| | |-- Hersent - IP Telephony - Deploying Voice-over-IP Protocols (Wiley, 2005).pdf
| | |-- Oppelman - Extreme Exploits - Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks (McGraw, 2005).chm
| | `-- Stockebrand - IPv6 in Practice - A Unixer's Guide to the Next Generation Internet (Springer, 2007).pdf
| |-- Operating Systems
| | |-- Phung - Professional Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (Wrox, 2009).pdf
| | `-- Stallings - Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles 6e (Prentice, 2008).pdf
| |-- Peck - Beginning GIMP - From Novice to Pro 2e (Apress, 2009).pdf
| |-- Programming Languages
| | |-- C, C++, C Sharp
| | | |-- Kelley,Pohl - C by Dissection 4e [ch14,ch15 missing,ocr,index,poor scan] (AW, 2000).pdf
| | | |-- Lischner - Exploring C++ - Programmer's Introduction to C++ (Apress, 2009).pdf
| | | |-- Loudon - Mastering Algorithms with C (O'Reilly, 1999).chm
| | | |-- Pohl - C++ by Dissection (AW, 2002).pdf
| | | `-- Smart - Cross Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets [C++,wxWindows] (Prentice, 2005).chm
| | |-- HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax
| | | |-- Chaganti - Google Web Toolkit - GWT Java AJAX Programming (Packt, 2007).pdf
| | | |-- DeBolt - Mastering Integrated HTML and CSS (Wiley, 2007).pdf
| | | |-- Dewsbury - Google Web Toolkit Applications [GWT] (Prentice Hall, 2008).pdf
| | | |-- Dwyer - Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT (Apress, 2008).pdf
| | | |-- Gupta - Accelerated GWT - Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications (Apress, 2008).pdf
| | | `-- Syngress - XSS Attacks - Cross Site Scripting Exploits and Defense (Syngress, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Java
| | | |-- Barcia - Persistence in the Enterprise [Java,Hibernate,OpenJPA] (IBM, 2008).chm
| | | |-- Bloch - Java Puzzlers - Traps, Pitfalls and Corner Cases (AW, 2005).chm
| | | |-- Chen - Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming Using JOGL and Java3D 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | | |-- Fleury - JBoss 4.0 - The Official Guide (Sams, 2005).chm
| | | |-- Forman - Java Reflection in Action (Manning, 2005).pdf
| | | |-- Geary - Core JavaServer Faces (Prentice, 2007).chm
| | | |-- Gehtland - Better, Faster, Lighter Java (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
| | | |-- Harrop - Pro Spring (Apress, 2005).chm
| | | |-- Hatcher - Java Development with Ant (Manning, 2003).pdf
| | | |-- Hatcher - Lucene in Action - Guide to the the Java Search Engine (Manning, 2005).pdf
| | | |-- Holzner - Ant - The Definite Guide (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
| | | |-- Kalin - Java Web Services - Up and Running (O'Reilly, 2009).chm
| | | |-- Kodali - Beginning EJB 3 Application Development - From Novice to Pro [Java] (Apress, 2006).pdf
| | | |-- Kumar - Pro Apache Geronimo (Apress, 2006).pdf
| | | |-- Loughran - Ant In Action (Manning, 2007).pdf
| | | |-- Massol - JUnit in Action [Java testing framework] (Manning, 2004).pdf
| | | |-- McLaughlin - Java and XML 3e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
| | | |-- Minter - Beginning Spring 2 - From Novice to Pro (Apress, 2008).pdf
| | | |-- Moodie - Pro Apache Ant (Apress, 2006).pdf
| | | |-- Nusairat - Beginning JBoss Seam (Apress, 2007).pdf
| | | |-- Panda - EJB 3 in Action [Java, persistence] (Manning, 2007).pdf
| | | |-- Pohl - Java by Dissection 2e (2006).pdf
| | | |-- Rischpater - Beginning Java ME Platform (Apress, 2008).pdf
| | | |-- Sam-Bodden - Beginning POJOs - From Novice to Pro (Apress, 2006).pdf
| | | |-- Spell - Pro Java Programming 2e (Apress, 2005).pdf
| | | |-- Sullins - JMX in Action [Java] (Manning, 2003).pdf
| | | |-- Thomas - Java Data Access - JDBC, JNDI and JAXP (Hungry, 2002).pdf
| | | |-- Weiss - Java Cryptography Extensions (Elsevier, 2004).djvu
| | | `-- Zammetti - Practical DWR 2 Projects [AJAX, Direct Web Remoting for Java] (Apress, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Lee - Programming Languages - An Active Learning Approach (Springer, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Macromedia Flash
| | | `-- Braunstein - ActionScript 3.0 Bible (Wiley, 2008).pdf
| | |-- PHP
| | | `-- Sirovich - Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP [SEO] (Wrox, 2007).pdf
| | |-- Perl
| | | |-- Foley - Pro Perl Debugging (Apress, 2005).pdf
| | | `-- Wainwright - Pro Perl (Apress, 2005).pdf
| | |-- Peters - Expert Shell Scripting (Apress, 2009).pdf
| | |-- Python
| | | |-- Summerfield - Professional Programming in Python 3 (AW, 2008).chm
| | | `-- Ziade - Expert Python Programming (Packt, 2008).pdf
| | |-- Visual Basic and ASP
| | | |-- Rammer - Advanced .NET Remoting (Apress, 2005).pdf
| | | `-- Thorsteinson - dotNET Security and Cryptography (Prentice, 2003).chm
| | `-- Watt - Beginning Regular Expressions (Wrox, 2005).pdf
| |-- Roberts - Thinking Recursively [algorithms] (Wiley, 1986).pdf
| |-- Sherrod - Game Graphics Programming (Thomson, 2008).pdf
| `-- Skiena - The Algorithm Design Manual 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf
|-- Electronics
| |-- Braga - Mechatronics for the Evil Genius (McGraw, 2009).pdf
| |-- Comprehensive Microsystems [3 Vols] - Y. Gianchandani, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf
| |-- Hickman - Analog Electronics 2e (Newnes, 1999).pdf
| |-- Huang - Antennas - From Theory to Practice (Wiley, 2008).pdf
| |-- Klauk - Organic Electronics - Materials, Manufacturing, and Applications (Wiley, 2006).pdf
| |-- Rabaey - Digital Integrated Circuits 2e (Prentice, 2003).pdf
| |-- Saha - Digital Principles and Logic Design (Infinity, 2007).pdf
| |-- Semiconductor Device Physics and Design - U. Mishra, J. Singh (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf
| |-- Tooley - Electronic Circuits - Fundamentals and Applications 2e (Newnes, 2002).pdf
| `-- Weise - How Video Works - From Analog to High Definition 2e (Elsevier, 2007).pdf
|-- Geology
| |-- Adams - Principles of Horticulture 5e (Elsevier, 2008).pdf
| |-- Dictionary of Earth Science 2nd ed (McGraw-Hill, 2003) WW.pdf
| `-- Warren - The Agri-Environment [agriculture] (Cambridge, 2008).pdf
|-- History and Philosophy of Science
| |-- Bedau - Emergence - Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science (MIT, 2008).pdf
| |-- Boyer - History of Mathematics 2e (Wiley, 1991).pdf
| |-- Brown - Philosophy of Mathematics 2e (Routledge, 2008).pdf
| |-- Grafen - Richard Dawkins - How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think (Oxford, 2006).pdf
| |-- Hanlon - Ten Questions Science Can't Answer Yet (Macmillan, 2007).pdf
| |-- Hoffman - The Man Who Loved Only Numbers - The Story of Paul Erdos [mathematician] (1998).pdf
| `-- The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind - J. Feist (Yale, 2006) WW.pdf
|-- Miller - The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Science of Everything (Penguin, 2008).pdf
|-- Physics
| |-- Astronomy & Cosmology
| | `-- Harra - Space Science (Imperial, 2004).pdf
| |-- Budynas-Nisbett - Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 8e (McGraw, 2008).pdf
| |-- Budynas-Nisbett - Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 8e - Solutions.rar
| |-- Cook - Flight Dynamics Principles 2e (Elsevier, 2007).pdf
| |-- Electromagnetics & Electrodynamics
| | `-- Bondeson - Computational Electromagnetics (Springer, 2005).pdf
| |-- Ginsberg - Engineering Dynamics (Cambridge, 2008).pdf
| |-- Gravity's Arc - The Story of Gravity - D. Darling (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf
| |-- Physics for Scientists and Engineers - A Strategic Approach 2e - R. Knight (Pearson, 2008) WW.pdf
| |-- Quantum Physics
| | `-- Zettili - Quantum Mechanics 2e (Wiley, 2009).pdf
| |-- The Art of the Helicopter - J. Watkinson (Elsevier, 2004) WW.pdf
| `-- Vigran - Building Acoustics (Taylor, 2008).pdf
|-- Probability & Statistics
| |-- McClave - First Course in Business Statistics 8e [bw] (Prentice, 2000).pdf
| `-- Woolfson - Everyday Probability and Statistics - Health, Elections, Gambling and War (Worldsci, 2008).pdf
|-- Psychology
| `-- Psychiatry 3rd ed [Vols 1 and 2] - A. Tasman, et al., (Wiley, 2008) WW.pdf
|-- Social
| |-- Armesto - Civilizations - Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of Nature (Free Press, 2001).pdf
| |-- Armesto - Millennium - A History of the Last Thousand Years (Scribner, 1995).pdf
| |-- Armesto - Near a Thousand Tables - A History of Food (Free Press, 2002).pdf
| |-- Armesto - Truth - A History and a Guide for the Perplexed (Thomas Dunne, 1997).pdf
| |-- Christensen - How to Live Safely in a Dangerous World (Desert, 1996).pdf
| |-- Gisslen - Professional Cooking 6e [textbook, college edition] (Wiley, 2007).pdf
| |-- Greene - Archaeology - An Introduction 3e (Taylor, 1995).pdf
| |-- Hewitt - Music Theory for Computer Musicians (Cengage, 2008).pdf
| |-- Izhaki - Mixing Audio - Concepts, Practices and Tools (Focal, 2008).pdf
| |-- Jared Diamond - Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Penguin, 2005).pdf
| |-- Propaganda and Mass Persuasion - Historical Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2003).pdf
| |-- Toussaint-Samat - History of Food - New Expanded Edition (Blackwell, 2009).pdf
| `-- Walklate - Understanding Criminology 3e (Oxford, 2007).pdf
`-- dvdlist.txt
40 directories, 251 files
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[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 3689

Nick222 · 15-Апр-09 17:00 (спустя 1 час 54 мин.)

Какая это на фиг социология:
Gisslen - Professional Cooking 6e [textbook, college edition] (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Hewitt - Music Theory for Computer Musicians (Cengage, 2008).pdf
Izhaki - Mixing Audio - Concepts, Practices and Tools (Focal, 2008).pdf
Помойка, ИМХО...
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 12

ezterra · 16-Апр-09 03:24 (спустя 10 часов, ред. 16-Апр-09 03:24)

Nick222 писал(а):
Какая это на фиг социология:
Gisslen - Professional Cooking 6e [textbook, college edition] (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Hewitt - Music Theory for Computer Musicians (Cengage, 2008).pdf
Izhaki - Mixing Audio - Concepts, Practices and Tools (Focal, 2008).pdf
Помойка, ИМХО...
Social may be just "social sciences" or simply "society". This compilation is no better no worse than the previous 16. Why should you care? Bugger off and don't download it.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 1

alexanderalexela · 30-Апр-09 00:51 (спустя 13 дней)

Очень качественный подбор материала в каждом из выпусков. Спасибо большое! Жду еще.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Loader 04* 1TB

Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 105

Igor7807 · 30-Апр-09 06:50 (спустя 5 часов)

alexanderalexela писал(а):
Очень качественный подбор материала в каждом из выпусков. Спасибо большое! Жду еще.
уже вышел майский апдейт
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 