[CD] Рандеву с Ариной [ENG] (2009, Simulation) Flash, Эротика) (5.5)



Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 12-Мар-09 17:32 (16 лет назад, ред. 12-Мар-09 21:56)

Рандеву с Ариной. (вер. 5.5) (Анг.)
Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: Dating Simulator Game
Разработчик: http://arianeb.com/
Издательство: http://arianeb.com/
Платформа: PC
Системные требования: WindowsXP и позднее.В оригинале не оговариваются. Типичные для 2009 года.
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Арина, новая героиня для геймеров. Красивая, сексуальная, раскрепощённая.
Не любит хамства, назойливости, Любит ласку, нежность, секс. По утрам очень эро-
тична в своём прозрачном халатике, когда даёт оценку, твоим сексуальным подвигам.
Мила и очень нежна. В игре, во время секса, предусмотрена пауза для отдыха.
(Промежуточный финиш.)
Она, в этот момент лежит в очень томной позе (вся такая ожидающая).
В папке загружено несколько вариантов прохождения.
Раскрываем папку WinRAR-ом и загружаем в выбранное место.Открываем Firefox-Mozilla :Firefox-Mozilla
Доп. информация: Это следующий вариант Арианы. Версия 5,5. По утверждению разработчика, в ней ни чего
кроме графики не изменилось, она потяжелела на 8 Мгб.Вроде бы в действительности рисунок стал
более насыщенным, выразительным и более ярким.И хотя я помещаю в папку прохождения, которые были
в папке с 5,0-й версией, должен предупредить, что в стрипбаре она раздевается только до трусиков. Доведение
до секса стало на много сложнее, в чём причина, не знаю.
Вместо темноты демонстрация слайдов в Finalsex Теперь уже два вида: снизу и сидя на партнёре.
И ещё одно, открыть игру напрямую из знака, не удастся.Открываем папку datasimulator, и где-то в последней
четверти значков Mozilla Firefox, находим ярлык " Start". Его нажимаем правой кнопкой и находим строку "открыть
с помощью...Mozilla Firefox..Ярлык вытаскиваем на рабочий стол.В окне кликаем " Click here to begin" и играм...
Ещё напомню: в этой игре опять можно использовать "Гуди." (выделить, копировать, вставить.)
Rutracker.org не распространяет и не хранит электронные версии произведений, а лишь предоставляет доступ к создаваемому пользователями каталогу ссылок на торрент-файлы, которые содержат только списки хеш-сумм
Как скачивать? (для скачивания .torrent файлов необходима регистрация)
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 12-Мар-09 20:57 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 29-Апр-09 11:41)

Внимание! На сайте Арианы появились два новых выпуска! В нём очень многое дополнено!В одном много,а в другом,
вот, что об этом говорит автор:
скрытый текст
Hi, GBD, you are one of those, who would like to see Ari in her undies? You'd use your phantasy! Look: When you are with her in the livingroom after, let's say, candlelight dinner at home, you can do a lot of actions. But you also can make use of Ari's mood for makeing out on her couch. As you would do it in real life, you should kiss her, run your fingers through her hair, massage her shoulders, then touch her breast and take off her top. You can grab her butt and take off her trousers. And, what have we now? Lovely Ariane in her undies, lying on the couch! Now you can go with her in th backyard, there is a lot to do.If I'd be you, I'd look at the stars with her, and when you are right in pointing at the stars or the moon, she would then let you grab her breasts again. Thereafter you'll get in back and proceed until the successful and sexy end of making out.
But you also can after playing basketball in the park take her fully dressed to the convenience store, buy some beer, return home and drink beer in the kitchen. After drinking beer she starts to take off her clothes and a little while later you also have her in her slip, ready for more. http://www.sharks-lagoon.fr/avatars/2.gif
А вы решайте.
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 13-Мар-09 03:51 (спустя 6 часов)

как замутить с ребеккой?
нашел ее в магазе , потом они танцевали вместе, потом плавали, а потом ребека сваливает((
че делать?
и нельзя ли както онлайн перевод сделать?
это в версии 5,0. в этой чет совсем разобраться не могу((
хелп пошагово, кому лень
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 06:01 (спустя 2 часа 10 мин., ред. 13-Мар-09 06:01)

Шрам писал(а):
как замутить с ребеккой?
нашел ее в магазе , потом они танцевали вместе, потом плавали, а потом ребека сваливает((
че делать?
и нельзя ли както онлайн перевод сделать?
это в версии 5,0. в этой чет совсем разобраться не могу((
хелп пошагово, кому лень
С Ребекой всё просто, в момент появления их возле бассейна левее Арины, (но не по ней) находим английскую надпись:
"пойти в дом выпить". Выпить один "дринк" и последовать за Ребекой. А дальше по обстоятельствам.
А перевод? Попробуй сам сделать.
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 13-Мар-09 14:47 (спустя 8 часов)

трабл блин
это на 5 версии ребеку было просто домой затащить
а щас в баре меня посылают((
кк там себя вести, подскажи плиз
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 16:10 (спустя 1 час 22 мин., ред. 13-Мар-09 16:10)

Здесь прохождения, на все случаи жизни:
скрытый текст
Entry 332
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 3 has been tested on version 4.8.
Update: This walkthrough has been tested on version 5.0. Other tutorials for ArianeB 5.0 can be found at ArianeB 5.0
This scenario is a variation of the previous, but with a different outcome. Instead of taking the boat at the lake ArianeB prefers a nightly photoshoot. Start the game and do the basic introduction as explained in Behavioral Studies (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 1).
Steak Dinner
Get back to the couch.
Go to another room.
Get wine to drink.
Finish drink.
Get steaks for dinner.
Drink wine.
Finish drink.
Wait for the steaks.
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
Go for a drive.
From here on the scenario differs from walkthrough 2...
Go for a drive.
Go to gas station.
Fill up tank. ArianeB has bought a camera.
Hit the road.
Head to outskirts.
Take a scenic drive out of town.
Continue drive.
Get out and look around.
Enjoy the view.
Ask to take her picture.
Take snapshot.
Offer to take her pic.
ArianeB will only model if you encourage or compliment her after each picture. If you forget this or go to fast she will end the session.
Update: version 4.6 added 7 new shots to this scene.
Ask her to try a modeling pose. Say 'Georgeous'.
Ask her for an even sexier pose. Say 'Very sexy'.
Ask her to pose topless. Say 'You could sell jeans to me'.
Ask her to be less modest, more sexy. Say 'You are so beautiful'.
Ask her to take her pants off. Say 'I couldn't help it, you have a nice butt'.
Ask her to pose in her underwear. Say'Wow, now that is sexy!'.
Face the camera and slowly lower your panties. Say 'The innocent look is so cute'.
By now ArianeB is getting a bit scary and she asks you what to do next.
Say 'I'll let you decide. You can quit anytime.'
Say 'That was a brave sexy move.'
Say 'Let's try an artistic nude by the car'.
Say 'You are too hot to be arrested'.
Ask her for something more erotic. Say 'You are really getting into this'.
Ask her for full backside nudity. Say 'Nice ass'.
Ask her for a tigh boob shot. Say 'Your breasts are beautiful in any position'.
Ask her to touch her lower regions. Say 'Very nasty, but there are only two pics left'.
Money Shot
As there is nearly no more film in the camera you may want to...
Give her the camera.
Take off your clothes and pose nude.
Is this sexy enough?
How about my P in your P. (I let you guess what these P's are standing for. Did I just say standing?)
Got the money shot!
Alternative ending
This scenario has an alternative ending. Follow the walkthrough Introduction - Dinner - Modeling but skip the Money Shot section. Do the following instead:
Give her the camera.
Take off your clothes and pose nude.
Is this sexy enough?
How about you touching my P?
Blimey, just ask for it. Do I have to explain everything to you?
Alternative ending in version 4.6: After the BJ and before returning home you can return the favor to ArianeB. This results in a new image and text: "A little to the left... AAAUUUUUHHHHH..." You can also take ArianeB home and have some extra fun...
Update version 5.0: This walkthrough also works with version 5.0.
Skinny Dipping With A Twist (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 4)
Entry 333
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 4 has been tested on version 4.8. This walkthrough will not work with version 5.0 and later. Please check ArianeB 5.0
In this scenario ArianeB (together with the horny wanker behind the computer screen) will go to the city instead of the lake. Start the game and do the basic Introduction as explained in Behavioral Studies (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 1). After the basic introduction you take the Steak Dinner, as in walkthroughs Part 2 or Part 3 so I won't repeat those steps here (I know, that is just an easy way to generate some extra traffic on this blog). If you are using this walkthrough on version 5.0, the outcome will be different from here on...
Go For A Drive
Go for a drive.
Go to gas station.
Fill up tank.
Hit the road.
Man's way to a woman's heart is done by... shopping.
Go downtown.
Go lingerie shopping.
Go in the lingerie store.
Wait for her to model the choices.
That's pretty...
Very nice...
Buy lingerie piece 2.
Wait for her to get dressed.
Agree to drinks at the club with Ariane and Rebecca.
Ask Ariane to dance.
Go back to the bar.
Buy the next round of drinks.
Watch the two of them dance together.
Let them continue to dance.
Take Ariane and Rebecca back to Ariane's place.
Pool Games
Vote for skinny dipping.
Take your clothes off.
Get in the pool.
It is Ariane's turn.
Close your eyes and say MARCO.
Chase after Ariane.
Let go of Ariane's breast.
Say goodbye to Rebecca.
Inside Job
Go back inside.
Take a shower.
Follow her into the bathroom.
Wait for her to get out.
Take a shower.
Get liquor from kitchen.
Drink whiskey.
Finish drink.
Kiss her.
Kiss her.
Stop kissing.
Gee! Find the right spot. (3 possibilities, don't be too much of a gentleman)
Finish the bottle.
Carry her to bed.
Alternative Ending
Go back inside.
Take a shower.
Follow her into the bathroom.
Wait for her to get out.
Take a shower.
Get liquor from kitchen.
Drink whiskey.
Finish drink.
Kiss her (once, not twice).
Grab her breasts.
Stop fondling her boobs.
Gee! Find the right spot. (3 possibilities, don't be too much of a gentleman)
Finish the bottle.
Carry her to bed.
Listen to the Blind Boy Fuller tune: What's That Smells Like Fish?
The Couch Trip (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 5)
Entry 334
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 5 has been tested on version 4.8. This walkthrough works with version 5.0 although the lingerie shop questions have been altered. For more ArianeB 5.0 tutorials check: ArianeB 5.0
This scenario is a bit different than the others. We wait before we start dancing and we keep those actions for after the wining and dining. Also the steak dinner is a bit different...
Short Introduction
Compliment her outfit.
Say someting smart.
Kiss her cheek.
Go to another room.
Steak Dinner
Have a barbecue steak dinner.
Get wine and go outside.
Wait for the steaks.
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
Go for a drive
Go for a drive. (2x)
Go to gas station.
Follow her into store.
Buy snackfood and head for the Jeep.
Go downtown.
Have Some Culture
I'm not sure if you need these steps, probably not, but it shows you one of the several mini games inside the simulation.
Go to the art museum.
Start tour.
ArianeB will show you some paintings. If you can persuade her to be an art lover you will get some extra attention (she loves smart guys). The possible answers are:
Van Gogh
Shopping Is Fun
If you are using this tutorial on version 5.0 go to After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3). After answering the lingerie shop questionnaire you can get back here and continue.
Hang out downtown.
Go lingerie shopping.
Go into the lingerie store.
Wait for her to model the choices.
That's pretty...
Very nice...
Buy lingerie piece 2.
Wait for her to get dressed.
Politely decline and take Ariane home.
Home Again
Go freshen up in the bathroom.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Use the bathroom.
Go to the livingroom.
Turn on some music.
Kiss her while dancing.
Stop kissing.
Dip and kiss her neck.
Stop necking.
Go back to the couch.
Drink some wine.
Stop drinking.
Body Fluids
Kiss her.
Stop kissing.
Kiss her
Stop kissing.
French kiss her.
Stop kissing.
Anatomy For Dummies.
Massage her shoulders.
Stop massaging shoulders.
Drink some wine.
Stop drinking.
Caress her breasts.
Stop fondling her breast.
Take of her shirt.
Help her take off her top.
Caress her breasts.
Stop fondling her breast.
Kiss her nipples.
Stop sucking her tits.
Give her a back rub.
Quit rubbing her back.
Take off her pants.
Grab her butt.
Take off her panties.
Help her out of her pants.
Grab her butt.
Quit massaging her butt.
Take off her panties.
You can handle it yourself from here right?
There are two satisfactory endings. Afterwards you can go home or, to quote Steely Dan, do it again... (This alternative ending may have disppeared in version 3.8 or maybe it is triggered at random.)
It's A Gas! (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 6)
Entry 335
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 6 has been tested on version 4.8. This walkthrough will not work with version 5.0 and later. Please check ArianeB 5.0
It doesn't always need to be elaborate, here is something short and sweet... Start the game and do the basic introduction as explained in Behavioral Studies (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 1). Dining will be at the patio, it is a fine chance to see ArianeB in her bikini.
Steak Dinner Pt. 1
Go back to the couch.
Go to another room.
Get wine to drink.
Finish drink.
Get steaks for dinner.
Drink wine.
Finish drink.
Waiting for The Moon
Probably this is not necessary, but it shows one of the mini games.
Sit and look at the sky.
ArianeB wants to check your knowledge of astronomy. Only one question out of 4 will be asked, and you better have it right. ArianeB will ask you to pinpoint:
Moon (medium): Crater Copernicus
Hotpoint: point here
Location: 317-188-371-240
There are 2 hotpoints with the same label, be sure to choose the right one. It is a small round crater a bit up and left from the center, NOT the big grey area a bit up and right from the center with the same label.
Moon (easy): Sea Of Tranquility
Hotpoint: may be here
Stars (very hard): Triangulus
Hotpoint: pick here
Location: 231-253-449-359
All hotpoints carry the same name but the one we are looking for is situated in the middle of the screen.
Stars (easy) : Aries
Hotpoint: Maybe here?
Situated left and up from center.
If you win the game ArianeB gives you two choices: flash my boobies or eat dinner in a swimsuit.
Eat dinner in a swimsuit.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Steak Dinner Pt. 2
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
Hot Tub Truth Or Dare
Get in the hot tub.
Kiss her.
Stop Kissing.
Have some wine.
Stop drinking. If you are trying this tutorial on ArianeB 5.0 this is where the story takes a different path.
Suggest playing 'Truth or Dare'.
Have you ever had sex in the bath tub?
Dare her to take her top off.
Help her.
I consulted different walkthroughs on the web and most say you should choose 'Dare her to go to a convenience store only dressed in a towel'. This has never worked out for me (well, not without cheating anyway). I take the following option instead:
Dare her to go skinny dipping in the pool.
Skinny Dipping
Take off your clothes and skinny dip.
Keep swimming naked.
Get out of the pool.
Go back inside.
Take a shower.
Follow her into the bathroom.
Wait for her to get out.
Take a shower.
Lot Going On On The Parking Lot
Go to the convenience store.
Offer her 20$ to buy beer naked.
Offer her 20$ to buy beer naked.
Buy snack food and head for the jeep.
Drink some beer.
Have sex in the parking lot. Why not?
(Alternative endings include a nude drive through the city.)
Take The Long way Home (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 7)
Entry 336
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 7 has been tested on version 4.8. This walkthrough will work with version 5.0 although there are some (minor) differences - an updated version can be found here: After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3)
This is the longest scenario, or better said a combination of different situations that seem to fit well together. It involves going out to dinner, starting a fight at the nightclub, going to a sleazy striptease bar and collecting the physical reward for saving the damsel in distress. Start the game and do the basic introduction as explained in Behavioral Studies (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 1).
Fueling ArianeB with two glasses of wine here will trigger the strip show later on.
Go back to the couch.
Go to another room.
Get wine to drink.
Finish wine. First glass.
Drink wine.
Finish drink Second glass.
Suggest going out to dinner.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Go out to dinner.
Be seated.
Order dinner.
Continue to eat.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Don't be a scrooge and...
Pick up the check (it triggers the events that will follow).
Head out.
Go to bar.
I'm driving so club soda please.
Ask her to dance.
Keep dancing.
Protect Ariane.
Get her away from this guy.
Get out from the club.
Meeting Rebecca
The lingerie shopping scenarion has completely changed in version 5.0. An updated version can be found at After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3).
Go lingerie shopping.
Go into the lingerie store.
Wait for her to model the choices.
That's pretty...
Very nice...
Buy lingerie piece 2.
Wait for her to get dressed.
Normally Rebecca would ask you to dance at the nightclub, but since you have been kicked out there, she looks for another place to go.
Discuss other options with rebecca.
Be adventurous and take a chance.
Stripclub Contest
Rebecca doesn't mind stripping at all.
Stay and watch Rebecca's show.
Continue watching (4 x until Rebecca's show is over).
See if you can talk ArinaeB into stripping (she needs to be a little drunk for that).
See if Rebecca can talk her into it.
Encourage Ariane to dance.
Offer her to be her coach.
Probably this is not the only solution but the wrong move stops the show.
Remove Jacket
Pole Dance
Remove Skirt
Pole Dance
Remove Vest
Rub Body
Sexy Dance
Chair Dance
Remove Bra
Rub Body
Chair Dance
Sexy Dance
Remove Thong
Sexy Dance
Chair Dance
Rub Body
Live Sex Act
End routine.
Contest results
Get dressed and celebrate victory.
ArianeB is exhausted and wants to relax in the hottub.
Take her back to her place.
Follow her in the bedroom.
Let her finish getting ready.
Go naked hot tubbing.
French kiss.
Stop kissing.
Massage her shoulders.
Stop massaging.
Grab her breasts.
Stop fondling her breast.
Kiss her nipples.
Stop sucking her tits.
Rub her lower back.
Quit rubbing her back.
Grab her butt.
Quit massaging her butt.
Massage her pussy.
Make love.
You can leave ArianeB after the hottub debauchery or you can have some extra nookie.
Suggest spending the night...
Odds And Sods (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 8)
Entry 337
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
The dating simulator can be found on the following website: ArianeB. I strongly suggest downloading the offline version as the online game (that has some minor changes) is often down or produces connection errors.
Update: Walkthrough 8 has been tested on version 4.8. Not all suggestions of this tutorial will work with version 5.0 and later. Please check ArianeB 5.0
The previous walkthroughs all guided to the moment suprême with ArianeB (and she likes to enjoy these at different places). But as there 670 possibilities inside the simulation one can understand that it can be very funny to go off track and try another way out.
Alternative Starts
The walkthroughs on this blog mostly started with the same sequence. Other paths can be followed that will add (or in some cases: subtract) some credibility or romance credits:
Say something funny.
Read some poetry.
Run fingers through her hair.
Give her a hug.
Some moves will (obviously) result in an early exit:
French kiss her.
Touch her boobs.
Dancing can be done at a later stage. ArianeB will dance in her bikini (after the patio lunch) or only dressed in a towel (after skinny dipping).
On several occasions ArianeB will change clothes, take a shower, go to the bathroom. You can decide if you will follow her or not. If she is in a romantic mood and has had a few drinks she will let you take a peek. Do this on the wrong occasion and the game ends. Some scenarios will only be triggered if you have taken a peek, others require you to stay in the hallway...
Most situations can take place at different intervals. Depending on the situation ArianeB's garments will be adjusted accordingly. The simulation has kitchen, living room, patio and gas station shop scenes with ArianeB in dress, jeans, bikini, towel or no towel at all. There is even a nude driving scene through the city.
Inside Games
Several mini games are present and the previous walkthroughs already guided you through some of these:
Truth or Dare
The Truth or Dare game is used in walkthrough but can lead to other situations as well. Walking naked in front of the house to name just one.
Art Museum
The art museum game is explained in The Couch Trip (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 5).
The astronomy game is explained in It's A Gas! (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 6).
Rock - Paper - Scissors
At the introduction there is a possibility to play some Rock - Paper - Scissors.
If you win ArianeB will let you choose what to do next, otherwise she will decide the next move.
Home Decor Store.
Downtown you can go to the Interior Design Store. ArianeB will show you some pictures she is interested in.
First test: vote for the right picture.
Second test: vote for the left picture.
Third test: vote for the right picture.
ArianeB will buy the picture and will take you back to the living room.
Dress Shopping
The dress shop is a memory game. There are 12 clothing racks with 6 blouses and 6 skirts.You need to find a matching outfit to win the game. If you hand ArianeB two skirts or two blouses the game is over, if you hand her a skirt and a blouse you can try again until a match is found. If ArianeB goes dress shopping in her evening dress you might want to loose...
Spin The Bottle
Directly after lunch you can go to the kitchen to have dessert, drink some liquor or play Spin The Bottle. The bottle will pick a random situation out of four possibilities (these 4 situations may not always be the same). One of these contains an alternative scenario that can only be accessed through this mini game:
Park Fountain Photo Shoot.
Go take modelling photos.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Follow her to the park.
Ask her to drop the towel.
Looks fine for the first photo.
Ask for a sexy pose.
You pose, I shoot.
Are you willing to pose topless?
Let's take the chance.
Help her.
Very nice.
OK, on my count, 1, 2, 3...
Nice, but a silly picture.
Go for it.
All right.
Go home.
(The Park Photo Shoot will end the game.)
Other Alternative Places
Amusement Park
Sometimes after a restaurant lunch ArianeB wants to go to the amusement park. She will try the roller coaster and the log ride. The amusement park scenario will end the game.
Beach Walking
Instead of doing the photo shoot or water skiing you can also opt for a romantic walk. ArianeB will fall in the water, undress and ask you to bring her home were the game will end.
Jazz and Soft Rock will add points to ArianeB's romantic mood. Country and Rock will raise her amusement level. If she is only dressed in a towel she might drop it.
The Italian Job (Not An ArianeB Walkthrough)
Entry 338
This is probably my last ArianeB post for a while, listing some loose stuff I encountered during my enquiry.
Some people have written about loose ends inside the ArianeB game and often give the Park Fountain Shoot as an example. That scenario, however, is playable, although it depends on cheer luck to get it triggered. More info can be found on walkthrough 8 of this blog.
Browsing through the 670 and even some more pictures the simulation contains brings up an intriguing situation that really is a loose end. In an early version of the game the player had the choice to have a steak or spaghetti dinner with ArianeB. Giving ArianeB spaghetti with meatballs to eat would result in a bad garlic breath and abruptly end the game. The only trace that is left of it in the game is this image as the actual code has been deleted from the game. Update 4.6: this picture has been deleted in version 4.6.
Update 5.0: he spaghetti scenario has been restored (and improved) on version 5.0
ArianeB Blogspot
ArianeB has a blogspot of her own. It contains some saucy pictures that I didn't dare to publish on my own blog. So you young and innocent juveniles out there beware!
ArianeB Comics
ArianeB Aspiring Video Game Star is a series of comic strips with ArianeB.
ArianeB FAQ
Querycat collected some questions about ArianeB that actually seem to have been ripped off from the previous blog.
ArianeB Modelling Portfolio
ArianeB (or a very close relative of her) has a portfolio on the official site of the game.
ArianeB MySpace
ArianeB has a somewhat neglected MySpace page as well.
I'm gonna get me a life now, perhaps watch some vintage Star Trek (not the restyled ones, whaddayathink!) or listen to some Pink Floyd. In mono, of course.
ArianeB 4.6
Entry 340
My fingers were still hurting from making all those different ArianeB walkthroughs, eight in total, when the website in question announced that a new version was ready for download.
Download is version 4.6 as of 9/24, more bug fixes, slightly modified photo shoot.
The walkthroughs on this blog have been tested with version 4.6 and they still function. There are 3 main differences with the previous version.
First: most scenario endings seem to be a bit longer. ArianeB now asks if you want to stay the night or not, an offer which you are free to accept or decline.
Second: the photo shoot at the lake has been upgraded with 8 new darkish pictures.
Third: after an exquisite cutaneous treatment by ArianeB you can now return her the favour in a fine gustatory way. Call it dessert if you want. Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 3) has been upgraded and explains how to get there.
The spaghetti incident
Version 4.6 omits some pictures that have become redundant. Amongst the deleted pictures is the famous spaghetti dinner that was a leftover from the very first version of ArianeB.
ArianeB 4.8
Entry 364
The dating game ArianeB has been updated a while ago and should now also work in Firefox (previous versions only worked in Internet Explorer and Opera).
My walkthroughs still seem to work (I have been updating bits and pieces of these as well):
Behavioral Studies (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 1)
Sport'n Spicy (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 2)
Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 3)
Skinny Dipping With A Twist (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 4)
The Couch Trip (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 5)
It's A Gas! (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 6)
Take The Long way Home (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 7)
Odds And Sods (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 8)
There is also a new ArianeB cartoon available at: http://arianeb.com/comic10.htm.
One last hint. If you play ArianeB on the web there are two differences in the game:
the game asks if you are over 18 years old and...
a secret page can be found on her laptop
To find the secret page, just start some rock'n roll music and click on her laptop.
ArianeB 5.0
Entry 520
People who know me fairly well (or the dozen of them who happen to read this blog) know that I am a big fan of the dating simulator game ArianeB. You can read about it in some of my previous posts, so I am not going to repeat all that shit again. To quote my LA-girl, who is still firmly asleep when I type this: "If you are going to tell me everything twice I will have to live two hundred years to listen to that crap of yours."
But although I am a fan of ArianeB, I am not obsessive about her. I don’t play the game every day, you must be kidding. She’s nothing but pixels and I do go get me a life from time to time. I consult the ArianeB website and blog on a monthly basis to check if nothing has changed over there (alas, there is no rss-feed).
So why am I writing all this, one might ask. Good boy. Because I just found out that something did change. The downloadable ArianeB game has made a jump from version 4.8 to 5.0.
This means that I have now again a reason to play and update the walkthroughs I had made so far. At first glimpse version 5.0 does contain some brand new features: the image folders has grown considerably from 694 pictures to 914. Running those added images through the Irfanview image browser show me the following new situations:
the deleted pizza scene seems to be re-introduced in the game
apparently you can now take ArianeB to a fast-food restaurant
she suddenly likes Carlsberg as well (good choice)
at the bar ArianeB plays a game on an electronic device
a brand new basketball & playground scene
the lingerie shopping scene has been altered as well
So keep on tuned for the next few days (or weeks) when I will try to update the walkthroughs. Wish me luck.
The walkthroughs posted so far are:
The ArianeB 5.0 Chronicles (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 1)
Hungry Like A Wolf (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 2)
After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3)
Games For May (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 4)
Moon And Mooning (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 5)
Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB 5.0 Walkthrough part 6)
The ArianeB 5.0 Chronicles (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 1)
Entry 533
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the first of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book will take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Another warning: the game contains some graphic graphical graphics (a lame joke, I admit, but apparently it is linguistically correct) containing some full frontal nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy has forbidden looking at these then quit immediately and go and play with your marbles instead.
1.0 Playing the game
You can either play the game online or you can download the zipped file (approx. 60 MB) from Rapidshare. I suggest trying the downloadable version as the overcrowded ArianeB server is not always responding accurately.
Unzip datingsimulator.zip to a directory of your choice and double-click default.htm in the datingsimulator/dateariane folder. Allow the blocked ActiveX scripts to run, otherwise nothing will happen.
Each of the 900 images contains clickable hot points that will trigger different situations.
1.1 Variables
The starting page of ArianeB contains different variables that are used in the game, knowing these can help you in defining what to do next or where the following steps will lead.
available but still sober
drunk if no food has been consumed – game over
game over
all cans are empty (these add up to the drinks quota above)
dead drunk - game over
no food yet
candlelight steak
picnic steak
burger king
no pants
bikini topless
no clothes have been changed
maximum changes
naked under towel
topless under towel
too much kissing is not appreciated
too much touching is not appreciated
too much fumbling is not appreciated
too much dancing wears ArianeB out
too much swimming wears ArianeB out
only one bathroom visit is allowed
Spin the Bottle
only allowed to play once
only one stargaze per game
first visit
from restaurant
from lingerie
from bar
from museum
from dress
from house
No Gas
driving to the mountains without filling the empty tank is a stupid thing to do
Part 2 will show how to start the game.
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: ArianeB 5.0.
Hungry Like A Wolf (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 2)
Entry 539
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the second of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book would take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Warning: this 18+ game contains some exquisite, sorry explicit, nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy forbids you to look at thongs and titties you are not welcome.
I suppose you are ready to start the ArianeB 5.0 game. If not you may have to re-read the download and installation instructions at: The ArianeB 5.0 Chronicles (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 1).
2.0 Introduction
The game starts as you introduce yourself to ArianeB. You need to impress her without going too far. Turning on some music will put her in a romantic mood but going to fast will end the game before it has even started. Basically this introduction is the same for nearly every scenario.
2.0.1 A bad start
Introduce yourself.
Compliment her outfit.
Say something smart.
Caress her chest.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a lousy 1.
Probably the main reason why the Neanderthal man has disappeared from Earth is because he thought that touching a woman by the breasts at first contact was an appropriate way of showing your affection. We all know what happened, Ariane 45000 BC gave Neander a slap in the face and went to a cave party were she met that nice Cro Magnon type of a dude. So let’s start all over will we?
2.0.1 A better start
Introduce yourself.
Compliment her outfit.
Say something smart.
Kiss her cheek. Now that is better, isn’t it?
Turn on some music.
Kiss her while dancing.
Stop kissing.
Change music or dance again.
Soft Rock.
Kiss her while dancing.
Stop kissing.
Dip and kiss her neck. Kissing her neck too soon in the game will stop every action, but here it is quite safe to do.
Stop necking.
Go back to the couch.
2.1 A walk in the park
ArianeB hints that she is rather hungry (but not for love, yet). Nothing better for a good appetite than a walk in the park. This is the first of the many new situations in version 5.0...
2.1.1 Fun in the park 1
Go to another room
Go for a walk
Follow her to the park
Give her a push
Done swinging
Ask her for a gymnastic demonstration
Done playing on the bars
Walk back to her place
2.1.2 Fun in the park 2
Now the previous one was a funny situation but we can elaborate it a bit by taking the other alternative. Most situations in ArianeB have sideways that lead you to other pictures...
Go to another room
Go for a walk
Follow her to the park
Take the other swing
Done swinging
Climb on top and hang upside down
Ask her to show her gymnastic skills
Tell her she is doing well
Don’t mind at all
Wow! That is pretty good
Follow her back to her place.
2.2.1 We meat again
ArianeB already hinted that she was hungry and the game provides plenty of opportunity for that. We’ll have a steak...
Get wine to drink. This will put ArianeB in a good mood.
Finish drink.
Get steaks for dinner.
Drink wine. This will put ArianeB in an even better mood.
Finish drink.
Wait for the steaks.
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
2.3.1 A glimpse of better things to come 1
Before and during the dinner ArianeB has been fuelled with 3 glasses of wine. This is what will happen if you have followed the first fun in the park guide (2.1.1).
Go to the backyard.
Go swimming. ArianeB jumps in the pool with her clothes on.
On a scale of 1 to 10 you get a 5.
2.3.2 A glimpse of better things to come 2
But if you have chosen path 2.1.2 instead (the second fun at the park bit) or didn’t go to the park at all, this is what will happen next:
Go to the backyard.
Go swimming. ArianeB jumps in the pool with her clothes on.
Change clothes.
Follow her into the bedroom. Hmmm, nice room with a view.
Let her finish getting ready.
Go somewhere else.
Go to the bedroom to put some clothes on.
You rank 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
2.3.3 Skinny dipping.
Scenario 2.3.2 showed what a tipsy ArianeB is up to, but it is of course possible to take the adventure one step further. After dinner you go to the backyard but not for a jump in the pool.
Go to the backyard.
Get in the hot tub.
Change clothes.
Follow her into the bedroom.
Let her finish getting ready.
Go somewhere else.
Go back outside in a towel.
Go skinny dipping.
Jump in the pool.
Keep swimming.
Get out of the pool.
Go back inside.
Take a shower.
Follow her into the bathroom.
Wait for her to get out.
Take a shower.
Ask to stay the night. Be careful here, the wrong move will end the game.
Strip naked and wait.
Climb into bed.
Climb into bed.
Have sex.
Ung Ung Ung Ung... uhuhuhuhuh... AHH AHHH AHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a 10.
2.3.4 Dancing the night away
If you are in a dancing mood you can try the next steps. Of course we need to get ArianeB out of her clothes first.
Go to the backyard.
Get in the hot tub.
Change clothes.
Follow her into the bedroom.
Let her finish getting ready.
Go somewhere else.
Dance In the Living Room.
Rock (or Country).
Try a different style of dance / Change music and dance again.
Country (or Rock). The country image is more... revealing.
Stop Dancing.
Go to the convenience store.
Offer her 20$ to buy beer naked.
Pay for the beer and head for the jeep. Sex in the parking lot
Drink some beer.
Have sex in the parking lot. Well, this is what this game is all about isn't it?
End game. Cruising and bruising
A variation after you have bought the beer at the nightshop.
Suggest cruising downtown.
Turn around and go home.
Get a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet.
Drink whiskey.
Finish drink.
Compliment her.
Grab her breasts.
Stop fondling her boobs.
Touch her pussy.
Stop fingering her pussy.
Finish the bottle.
Carry her to bed.
Tuck her in.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a 7.
2.3.5 Basketball game
In this scenario we will go to the park after the dinner, not before. Say hello to ArianeB (2.01), go immediately to the kitchen for the wine and dine (2.2.1). After dinner we do not go to the backyard but we will head to the front door instead.
Go to the park.
Follow her to the park.
Try a shot. To make the first shot you need to hit inside the rectangle as presented here.
Her turn to shoot.
Let her shoot.
Take your shot. To make the second shot you need to hit the basketball backboard exactly where the red spot is located (of course the images in the game don’t show this).
Her turn to shoot.
Defend the basket.
Depending on the previous score the game will trigger the following: Third shot (nice)
Take your shot. To make the 3 point jumper you need to hit the basketball backboard exactly where the red spot is located (of course the images in the game don’t show this). Third shot (nicer)
But when there is a possibility for ArianeB to tie the game she will try to disturb you by showing some flesh.
Take your shot. To make the 3 point jumper you need to hit the basketball backboard exactly where the red spot is located (of course the images in the game don’t show this).
A zipped file containing these alternative pictures can be downloaded here - if you replace the originals in the /datingsimulator/dateariane/images folder with the altered images you will never miss.
2.3.6 Reward
After the basketball game...
Go back to her place.
Go to the kitchen for dessert.
Eat dessert then go somewhere else.
Go to the kitchen for dessert. Yes, you go again to the kitchen, this time it is to have an extra drink.
Have a drink.
Stop drinking.
Go somewhere else.
Go to the bedroom to put on a swimsuit.
Follow her in the bedroom.
Let her finish putting her hair up.
Go to the backyard.
Go skinny dipping.
Jump in the pool naked.
Keep swimming naked.
Get out of the pool.
Get in the hot tub.
Suggest playing Truth or Dare.
Have you ever had sex in the bathtub?
Dare her to kiss you.
Stop kissing.
Massage her shoulders.
Stop massaging shoulders.
Grab her breasts.
Stop fondling her breasts.
Kiss her nipples.
Stop sucking her tits.
Rub her lower back.
Quit rubbing her back.
Grab her butt.
Quit massaging her butt.
Massage her pussy.
Quit touching her pussy.
Make love.
Ahhh... Ahhh... AHHH...
It was wonderful.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a 10. Call me anytime! Bug story
Path 2.3.6 has to be followed exactly as written because there is a bug in the game. Here is how to trigger the bug (after you did the skinny dipping):
Get in the hot tub.
Kiss her.
Stop kissing.
Fondle her breasts.
Stop fondling her breasts.
Suddenly ArianeB is sitting in the hot tub wearing a bikini and she won't exactly be pleased if you take it off.
Food for thought
In the next walkthroughs we wil visit the different restaurants and do some trips to the city.
End of the second walkthrough. More will follow later...
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: The ArianeB 5.0 Chronicles (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 1).
After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3)
Entry 565
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the third of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book would take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Warning: this 18+ game contains some exquisite, sorry explicit, nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy forbids you to look at thongs and titties you are not welcome.
Another way to get to know ArianeB a little bit better is to take her out to a good restaurant. You can do this by introducing yourself in the appropriate way, as explained in Hungry Like A Wolf (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 2). Then you go to the kitchen and have a glass of fine wine first, if you don’t do that ArianeB will settle for a hamburger and mad cow disease isn’t exactly what we want right now.
2.0 Introduction
All the right steps can be found here.
3.1 Dinner at the bistro
Go to another room.
Get wine to drink.
Finish drink.
Suggest going out to dinner.
Wait for her in the hallway. Don’t follow her in the bedroom; there will be plenty of opportunities for that later. ArianeB puts on a ravishing black dress.
Go out to dinner.
Be seated.
Order dinner.
Continue to eat.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Pick up the check. Don’t be a scrooge, this will trigger the events that follow and it is not as if you are paying real money, is it?
3.2 Nightclub
Head out.
Go to bar.
I'm driving so club soda please.
Ask her to dance.
Keep dancing.
A man grabs ArianeB - something we will simply not allow, you can either...
3.2.1 Roller coaster fun
Punch the guy.
Retreat before a fight breaks out.
Get out from the club.
Go to amusement park.
Go on the roller coaster.
Go on the log ride.
Get wet.
Go back to her place.
On a scale from 1 to 10 you get a 7. Game over.
3.3.1 Lingerie Shopping
... but if you don't do all the heroe stuff and you just pull ArianeB away from her harasser the future will be a lot brighter.
Protect ArianeB.
Get her away from this guy.
Go lingerie shopping.
Go into the lingerie store.
The lingerie game has been completely changed in version 5.0, ArianeB will give you 3 characteristics and you have to choose the lingerie that fits will all three of them. Here are ArianeB’s possible questions:
I’m looking for underwear that’s... comfortable, fashionable, and sexy
Take a look around.
Pick a strapless bra.
Pick a thong comfortable, fashionable, and inexpensive
Take a look around.
Pick a sports bra.
Pick boy shorts. inexpensive, comfortable, and sexy
Take a look around.
Pick a sports bra.
Pick a thong. inexpensive, fashionable, and sexy
Take a look around.
Pick going braless.
Pick boy shorts.
3.3.1 continued
Wait till she tries it on.
Put clothes back and buy it.
Normally Rebecca would ask you to dance at the nightclub (and those scenarios will follow, don’t worry), but since you have been kicked out there, she looks for another place to go.
3.4.1 Strip club contest
Discuss other options with Rebecca.
Be adventurous and take a chance.
Stay and watch Rebecca's show.
Continue watching. Repeat four times until Rebecca's show is over.
See if Rebecca can talk her into it.
Encourage ArianeB to dance.
Offer her to be her coach. Showtime
The strip show has 4 or 5 options per image. The following one guarantees to success.
Remove Jacket.
Pole Dance.
Remove Skirt.
Pole Dance.
Remove Vest.
Rub Body.
Sexy Dance.
Chair Dance.
Remove Bra.
Rub Body.
Chair Dance.
Sexy Dance.
Remove Thong.
Sexy Dance.
Chair Dance.
Rub Body.
Live Sex Act.
End routine.
Contest results.
Get dressed and celebrate victory. Celebration
ArianeB is exhausted and wants to relax in the hot tub.
Take her back to her place.
Follow her in the bedroom. I promised that, didn't I?
Let her finish getting ready.
There is a bug in the game because the next picture shows ArianeB in a bikini although she has proposed to walk in the nude. For the nerds amongst us: dressed4.jpg is shown instead of dressed6.jpg or dressed9.jpg. The rest of the game is familiar for those who have read the previous walkthrough.
Go naked hot tubbing.
French kiss.
Stop kissing.
Massage her shoulders.
Stop massaging.
Grab her breasts.
Stop fondling her breast.
Kiss her nipples.
Stop sucking her tits.
Rub her lower back.
Quit rubbing her back.
Grab her butt.
Quit massaging her butt.
Massage her pussy.
Make love.
Finish. Encore
You can leave ArianeB after the hot tub debauchery or you can have some extra quality time.
Suggest spending the night...
This was probably the most spectacular scenario but there are some others of course, including a brand new scene at the lake. Here we go.
3.4.2. Let’s dump Rebecca
Follow the routines of the first part of this walkthrough: the basic introduction, the restaurant, the bar brawl, the lingerie shop… But when Rebecca finally asks ArianeB to do something together you…
Politely decline and take ArianeB home. Taking her home is not what you will do, of course.
Head to outskirts.
Take a scenic drive out of town.
At the lake there are two possibilities, take a moonlight stroll or go boating (and skiing). Water skiing
Let's rent a boat for a late night cruise.
Park the boat here.
Suggest water skiing naked.
Watch her take off her dress.
Help her put on the ski vest.
Hand her the ski.
ell here to come in.
Watch the moon set.
Suggest spending the night on the boat.
Kiss her goodbye.
End kiss. Romantic Walk
There are many romantic paths in this scenario, including a philosophical discussion whether romance is a cultural attitude or an inherently instinctive response. Of course we didn’t come to this place to discuss.
Lets take a romantic walk.
Hold her hand.
Put your arm around her.
Take her into your arms.
I’d rather pursue you. ArianeB rewards you for that sweet remark.
Hold her naked body.
Sit on the beach.
The moon’s beauty pales to your own.
Walk back to car.
No, you look fine without it. Don’t let ArianeB put her clothes back on.
Back at home ArianeB is walking around in her birthday suit. And it isn’t even her birthday yet. If you have some difficulties in understanding a woman’s hint: running around in the nude is what I call a hint. So you can immediately jump at (or on) her in the living room, go to bed or follow this nice little scenario that is called…
3.5 Photo shoot at the fountain
Going to the kitchen will trigger the fountain photo shoot. It’s a dead end street but it is nice.
Go to the kitchen and find something to do.
Go take modelling photos at the park.
Follow her to the park.
Do you have a problem posing nude?
Ask her to drop the towel and pose for a picture.
Nice artistic nude.
On my count 1 2 3.
Very revealing, but kind of a silly picture…
Go for it, ready when you are.
Be careful.
Wow, now that is worthy of desktop wallpaper.
Throw her a towel and walk her home.
Kiss her goodnight.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you get a 6. The Park Photo Shoot will end the game.
There are still plenty of places to visit in the city, but these will be discussed later.
Come and read next week another chapter of the thrilling adventures of ArianeB!
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: Hungry Like A Wolf (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 2)
Games For May (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 4)
Entry 584
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the fourth of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book would take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Warning: this 18+ game contains some exquisite, sorry explicit, nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy forbids you to look at thongs and titties you are not welcome.
Edgar Allen Poe ones wrote something like:
"Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"
But this has got nothing to do at all with part 4 of the ArianeB walkthroughs where we will give some attention to the different games inside the game.
2.0 Introduction
The second walkthrough on this blog tells you how to get acquainted with ArianeB: A better start. Basically these moves are the same for every scenario. After that we will try to play some games with her.
4.1 Rock Paper Scissors
You can let a game of Rochambeau decide how the game will evolve. Start the game with the basic introduction, but once back on the couch you will not head for the kitchen but play a good old game of rock-paper-scissors instead.
From here the game can take two directions, either you win, or either you loose. (If you tie the game will be repeated until there is a winner.)
4.1.1 You win!
Next move. You can choose between:
Go for a walk. This triggers the walk in the park.
Get some wine. There are a lot of possible scenarios after here: wining, dining,...
Have a barbecue. Take a steak to the patio. After the dinner ArianeB will decide to go shopping.
Go out to dinner. This will be the posh dinner at the bistro. After the dinner ArianeB will go to the bar.
4.1.2 ArianeB wins
Next move. Ariane B decides to have a picnic (steak dinner).
4.2 Hamburgers and some more…
All in all I am not a big fan of the rock-paper-scissors game, so I’ll skip to another scenario instead. We’ll grab a burger (veggie for me), we will impress her with our general knowledge of the fine arts and last but not least we’ll take Rebecca to the bar and play a strange variation of water polo afterwards. After the basic introduction we go to the kitchen where we will not, repeat: NOT, have a drink but immediately ask ArianeB out to dinner.
Suggest going out to dinner. Blimey, it turns out to be a hamburger joint.
Go inside.
Eat dinner.
Compliment her
Talk to her.
Leave and follow Ariane somewhere else. Junk food and art are a fine combination, thinks ArianeB. She brings you to the nearby museum.
Go downtown
Start tour. ArianeB will show you three paintings. If you can persuade her to be an art lover you will get some extra attention (she loves smart guys). The possible answers are:
Van Gogh
Hang out downtown. From here on you can decide were to go.
4.2.1 Lingerie shopping and pool games
Go lingerie shopping. The lingerie shopping scene (and its solutions) have been described in: After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3).
Agree to drinks at the club with Ariane and Rebecca.
Ask Ariane to dance.
Go back to the bar.
Buy the next round of drinks.
Watch the two of them dance together.
Let them continue to dance.
Take Ariane and Rebecca back to Ariane's place.
Vote for skinny dipping.
Take your clothes off.
Get in the pool.
It is Ariane's turn.
Close your eyes and say MARCO.
Chase after Ariane.
Let go of Ariane's breast.
Say goodbye to Rebecca. From here on the game is all yours (most scenarios have already been discussed on the previous walkthroughs).
4.2.2 The dress shopping game
Go dress shopping. The dress shopping game basically is a memory game. Out of 6 skirts and 6 blouses you have to choose a matching outfit. Choosing two skirts or two blouses will end the game. The position of the clothes on the clothing racks is randomized with every game. Here are the possible solutions:
black lace skirt - black lace top
blue shirt - blue skirt
evening gown skirt - evening gown top
pink skirt - pink top
red party skirt - red party top
white blouse - white skirt
Drive her home
4.2.3 The home decor store game
Go to home décor store.
Look around.
First test: vote for the right picture.
Keep looking.
Second test: vote for the left picture.
Keep looking.
Third test: vote for the right picture.
Buy it and take it home.
4.2.4 The bar trivia game
Go to the nightclub.
Go to bar.
I’m driving so club soda please.
Play bar trivia game.
Here is a list with all the possible questions and their answers...
Books What 19th century author is often credited with inventing the mystery novel? C
Books What was the title of Sherlock Holmes first adventure? C
Celebrities Who was not born in Canada? D
Movies In 1935, what was Bugs Bunny originally called? D
Movies What actress played Tom Cruise`s love interest in Cocktail? A
Movies What year were Bladerunner (...) and Poltergeist released? C
Movies What year were Office Space, Fight Club and The Matrix released? B
Movies Which Johnny Depp film involved a search for Satan? B
Movies Which of these war movies was set mostly in Iraq? D
Movies Who directed the Carl Sagan movie Contact? B
Movies Who played Bond in On Her Majesty`s Secret Service? A
Movies Who sang the theme song to Pump Up The Volume? A
Music How old were Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix when they died? B
Music What 80`s New Wave band sang Hungry Like The Wolf? (Duran Duran) #
Music What band is famous for creating rock operas like Tommy? B
Music What song has the lyrics "doo wop, doo be doo doo wop..."? C
Music Which Beatles song has lyrics mentioning "Father McKenzie"? A
Music Who is considered the first rap star? B
Music Who was the first African American to have a music video air on MTV? A
Television How many human looking Cylons are there in Battlestar Galactica? D
Television In CSI: Miami, what is Heratio`s last name? B
Television In Gilligan`s Island, the Skipper`s actual first name was? A
Television In Seinfeld, Jerry`s dad was called? C
Television In the A-Team, Mr. T had a fear of ...? C
Television In Three`s Company, what was Jack`s restaurant called? C
Television On Star Trek, what race had laws called The Rules of Acquisition? A
Television On The Simpsons, who shot Mr. Burns? C
Television What corporation aired the first commercial on television? B
Television What is NOT a race from Babylon 5? A
Television What superpowers do Superman and Nathan Petrelli share in common? D
Television What vampire did Buffy the Vampire Slayer send to hell? D
Television What was the evil organization on the show Dark Angel? B
Television What was the name of the slayer that rose after Buffy died? D
Television Which show was NOT a spin-off of Happy Days? A
Television Which TV show was the first to air a toilet? D
Television Who is the first winner of American Idol? C
Television Who is the host of Show Me the Money? D
Television Who killed Lillie Kane on Veronica Mars? B
Television Who lived at 1313 Mockingbird Lane? C
Let’s go home.
Probably we'll go for the spaghetti dinner the next time, and with a little luck, some photoshooting at the lake as well...
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3)
Moon And Mooning (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 5)
Entry 623
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the fifth of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book would take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Warning: this 18+ game contains some exquisite, sorry explicit, nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy forbids you to look at thongs and titties you are not welcome.
When the moon’s in the sky
Like a big pizza pie
That’s amore!
One of the new scenario’s in ArianeB 5.0 is the spaghetti dinner. Let’s see what happens….
First I’ll need to convince you one more time to do the basic introduction that can be found by clicking here: make a compliment, say something smart, give a shy kiss, try a little dance,…
5.0 Spill that spaghetti!
Alas ArianeB contains no spaghetti scene like in the famous Tintin En Suisse parody...
Go back to the couch.
Go to another room.
Get wine to drink.
Finish drink.
Make spaghetti for dinner.
Eat spaghetti. It is meatball spaghetti, the horror, for Christ's sake!
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine. ArianeB spills some sauce on her shirt and wants to clean that right a way.
Suggest taking off the shirt and cleaning it.
Finish cleaning. Now it is up to us to find a way to get shirtless ArianeB in a better mood.
Change into a swimsuit.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Go to the backyard. From here on you can do several scenarios but we'll let the game decide and play a game of...
5.1 Spin the bottle
If you return immediately from the backyard into the kitchen (so no swimming or tubbing) you can have a spin the bottle game. The bottle will decide what will happen next.
Go back inside.
Go to the kitchen for dessert.
Play spin the bottle. The game will choose one out of four possible situations...
Park Fountain Shoot. Bikini photo shoot at the park fountain. Not as revealing as the scenario that was discussed before at After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3).
Hot Tub.
Go for a drive. ArianeB will change clothes and you can go to the city.
5.2 Cosmology
Something else this time. After the basic introduction, we'll go immediately to the backyard.
Backyard. Between the hot tub and ArianeB's right hand (that we see at the left side, obviously) is a small hotspot reading…
Sit and look at the sky. A random picture of the moon or the sky will be shown. ArianeB wants to check your knowledge of astronomy. There are 4 possible questions:
5.2.1 Moon shot: Crater Copernicus
Point here. There are 2 hotpoints with the same label, be sure to choose the good one located at 317-188-371-240. It is a small round crater a bit up and left from the center, NOT the big grey area a bit up and right from the center with the same label.
5.2.2 Moon shot : Sea Of Tranquility
May be here. Easy to find, there is just one hotpoint on the screen with that particular label.
5.2.3 Star shot: Triangulus
Pick here. This is the hardest hotpoint to find as they all carry the same name. The one we are looking for is situated in the middle of the screen at location: 231-253-449-359.
5.2.4 Star shot: Aries
Maybe here? Easy to find, it is situated left and up from centre.
5.3 Teletubbies
Now that you gave the right answer ArianeB will propose to have some wine or a barbecue. We'll choose for the BBQ.
Have a Barbecue.
Get wine and go outside.
Drink wine.
Finish drink.
Eat dinner by the pool.
Wait for her in the hallway.
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her. Personally I find this shot one of the best scenes of ArianeB.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
Get in the hot tub.
Suggest playing 'Truth or Dare'.
Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? (or any of the other questions)
From here on ArianeB will accept all ToD instructions: for instance:
5.3.1 Dare her to kiss you.
This scenario leads somewhere but not were we want to go.
5.3.2 Dare her to take her top off.
Help her take off her top.
Dare he to take her panties off.
Continue. You can use your imagination or...
Dare her to go skinny dipping in the pool.
Take of your clothes and skinny dip.
5.3.3 Dare her to go skinny dipping in the pool.
Go skinny dipping.
Jump in the pool naked.
Keep swimming naked.
Get out of the pool.
Go back inside. Several possibilities from here on.
5.3.4 Dare her to go out front and check her mail wearing nothing but tennis shoes and a cowboy hat.
Follow her into the bedroom.
Get her cowboy hat for her.
Go streaking in the front yard.
On a scale of 1 to 10 you get an 8. This choice ends the game.
5.3.5 Dare her to take a shower and let you watch.
Wait for her to get out.
Take a shower.
Next week there will (probably) be the last walkthrough for ArianeB 5.0.
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: Games For May (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 4)
Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB 5.0 Walkthrough part 6)
Entry 747
ArianeB, probably the best - free - adult dating simulation game in the world, has been recently upgraded to version 5 .0. The game has been revised, half a dozen of new scenarios have been added, and there are now over 900 pictures and situations to be cherished.
Here is the sixth of a series of walkthroughs I am planning to publish. I’d like to warn you first that playing by the book would take most of the fun out of the game. But if you are one of those guys in a hurry…
Warning: this 18+ game contains some exquisite, sorry explicit, nudity. To put it in other words: if your mommy forbids you to look at thongs and titties you are not welcome.
It is not that I am passionately playing ArianeB all day long. To paraphrase the great advise given by Canadian philosopher William Shatner: "I sometimes go and get me a life but mostly it is life that gets me first".
The various walkthroughs for ArianeB 5.0 have been dealing with all major scenarios, except the one that I called Photoshoot By The Lake on the previous series (ArianeB version 4.x). But as this walkthrough can be used in its entirety on version 5.0 I don’t see the necessity to repeat it all over again.
So if you want to play (the excellent) nude photo shoot at the lake scenario go to Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB Walkthrough - Part 3 for 4.8 - Part 6 for 5.0) and have some fun. At the same time I have been testing the old 4.8 scenarios this morning and some of them still hold their liquor.
The following 4.8 walkthroughs are still playable (please note that the lingerie shop questions are different in version 5.0 though):
Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB Walkthrough - Part 3 for 4.8 - Part 6 for 5.0)
The Couch Trip (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 5)
Take The Long way Home (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 7)
The others will go somewhat astray:
Sport'n Spicy (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 2) will change its course when trying to take the car for a ride.
Skinny Dipping With A Twist (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 4) will change its course when trying to take the car for a ride.
It's A Gas! (ArianeB Walkthrough Part 6) will change its course in the hot tub.
The nice thing about ArianeB is that you can take many sidesteps while playing, some of these will show you extra scenes, others will trigger events that are still far away, but others will just screw up the scenario you had in mind. Exploring all permutations would lead to hundreds of ArianeB tutorials so I will not attempt to publish them all. (Here is one called Hot Beach Romance sent in by Daniel).
This simply means that you can reach several goals in several ways (and here are just a few of the many examples):
You can visit the strip joint and win the competition without Rebecca;
ArianeB can jump in the pool with a bikini and come out naked;
Rebecca and ArianeB will throw you out if you decide not to join the Marco Polo game... (Pity that the game ends with the intriguing swimduo10.jpg image and doesn’t allow you to go on with a girls only scenario.)
Viewing the ArianeB code
Most ArianeB warriors don’t go unprepared on a trial and error quest but have a look at the code first. As ArianeB is entirely written in html and Javascript this is quite easy. Any html page can be opened in Notepad and looked at. I use a freeware called 2xExplorer that has been on my pc since my XP SP1 days to look at the code.
Suppose that you want to reach the third option of the previous paragraph: after the Marco Polo skinny dipping game Rebecca and ArianeB say farewell and continue the party without you.
You know (by using a thumbnail viewer such as IrfanView) that swimduo10.jpg is the picture you are hunting for. Now we need to find the htm file inside the datingsimulator folder that contains a link to that particular picture. 2xexplorer takes about a second to find a file called end96b.htm. The code of end96b.htm doesn’t reveal anything so probably everything is triggered from another page.
Searching for an end96b.htm string inside other pages reveals the following code inside text96.htm:
function getout()
...and the getout function is hidden inside: pic96d.htm, pic96e.htm, pic96f.htm and pic96g.htm. Those 4 pages all contain a mapped area on the picture that will trigger the picture we are looking for…
<map name="FPMap0">
<area href="#" ONCLICK="parent.footer.getout();return false;" title="Get out of the pool" shape="rect" coords="2, 2, 798, 112">
Theoretically you can – by reading all the code in all the pages – predict every possible situation in ArianeB. But there are of course nearly 1000 possible situations and nearly 1000 htm pages to deal with.
Hacking the ArianeB code
Htm pages can be altered in any text editor, such as Notepad. Erana at Shark's Lagoon gave me permission to post the following hacks. I didn’t try these so use them at own risk:
Strip show hack: if you'd like to watch the entire strip show, just open the file text82.htm in your favorite plain text editor, and make the following changes…
The slideshow trick.
The beach scene hack.
I guess this is my last ArianeB post for quite a while. I still have my Adrian Berry book to read, my Orb Dream record to listen to, in a weak moment I promised to make a Dutch translation for some nifty software and I am in the middle of a new Unfinished Project that will be published here somewhere in this millenium...
Oh, by the way, I found out, not so long ago, that the ArianeB logo on the Metaverse website changes 9 times a day. This is done by a Javascript-script that checks the hour and publishes the appropriate picture. Neat, very neat…
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: Moon And Mooning (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 5)
ArianeB Hack-On
Entry 771
Erana the Sorceress, what's in a name?, has made an add-on for the popular ArianeB dating simulator. I could go on about this but let's pass the microphone to the girl (?) in question:
To play it, you need to download and install first a copy of version 5.0 of the original game (link checked 8th of May, 2008). This add-on is not guaranteed to work with later versions of the game.
There are over 1000 HTML files and over 900 pictures in the game; the add-on includes only the actually modified or new HTML files, so you'll need the remaining original ones in order to play it. The easiest way is to simply copy all the HTML files of the addon (found in the "files" folder) into the "dateariane" folder of the game, overwritting the un-hacked files (you might want to backup them first!).
Also, the add-on ZIP file includes only the new and/or modified images. You'll need the original JPEG files to play, too! Again, the easiest way is to copy all the new pics of the add-on (found in the "images" folder) into the game's own "images" folder (which is itself inside the "dateariane" folder).
The hack includes the following features:
- Several bug fixes, most of them regarding the bikini. Ariane really has trouble with all those bikini knots.
- Changed or added scenes.
It goes without saying that the copyright of all the pics, of the game, and of the source code remains firmly in the hands of the original game's author. Thus, commercial distribution of this hack is prohibited. Even if I (as in: it is I, Erana, the sorceress) were to give you permission (I won't), the original author surely would not. And while a fan add-on for a game that needs the original game to be played is within the fair use rights, making money out of it is certainly not. In other words: if you decide to ask money for this piece of crap and go to jail because of it, don't come whinning back to me. Is your own damn fault.
Hack by Erana the Sorceress. Creating nice spots for playable characters since 1989.
I (as in: It is I, Felix) tried to contact the creator of the original ArianeB game to get his permission to distribute the hack, but alas his mail address is more secret than Xaviera Hollander's address book. The add-on (sounds better than a hack, isn't it?) has got the following 17 features, changes and bugfixes:
1 Basket scene changed to always get the boob flashing
2 French kiss returned to the makingout scene
3 Strip show changed to turn Ariane into a natural born stripper
4 New pics added to the dress and home decor stores, old ones restored to the lingerie's
5 Bar scene changed for extra flashing fun
6 Beach scene vastly expanded
7 Entire Rebecca subplot optionally strung together
8 Yes, you can now have that threesome, but only if you made EVERYTHING right first
9 Hot tub scene rewritten with extra content
10 Finalsex slideshow instead of blank black image
11 Assorted pics in AB's laptop
12 Downtown options expanded
13 Amusement park and nude photoshoots now return home afterwards
14 Drinking, nudity and foreplay limits have been relaxed, but not removed
15 Certain actions now reset the car, stargaze and park options
16 A few surprises in the opening moves
17 Stargazing is now much more rewarding
Oh yeah, probably you are wondering right now were to download this 2 and a half MB goodie. For the moment it is right here on this place, but before you go ahead I would like to warn you that some of the new pics are rather risqué. Download dating_ariane_hack.zip (2,620,309 bytes). Update: alternative download at Rapidshare.
Note: The internet: where men are men, women are also men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents. Back to main text.
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB 5.0 Walkthrough part 6)
ArianeB 5.00 Add-On Walkthrough
Entry 789
The following hintfile has been written by Erana, the Sorceress who is responsible for the ArianeB 5.0 bug fixing add-on showing some extra scenes and situations. Of course you need to download and install the add-on first. More information how to do that can be found at: ArianeB Hack-On. Before you download the add-on it is also advised to backup your original copy of the Arianeb Dating Simulator. The add-on will only work with version 5.0.
First, the basics. To install the thing, just follow CAREFULLY the instructions in the readme.htm file. No need to repeating myself here!
Intro scene: now you have a shortcut to sidestep it. But, BY YOUR HONOR, don't use it if she never told you to "come back anytime"!
Drinking, nudity and make-out: drinks limit has been raised to about a dozen, and every drink now resets the stargazing and park options. Nudity is also now allowed by default. Face and top make-out limits have been raised to effectively more than you'll need in the game. Bottom make out limit has been raised by not so much, so you can STILL get the handjob ending if you want. Top make out now also resets the car drive. Kiss-French Kiss returned to couch make out.
Stargazing: you have three choices per stargaze, and you can stargaze in a wider number of situations, with increasingly "interesting" results. Every time you have a drink, the stargazing option is reset, too. Also, you now can not miss unless you actually want to.
Games: the randomness has been removed from basket, you always win and she always flashes you trying to prevent it. Spin the bottle now always yields park photo shoot as it can not be reached otherwise (except through one (1) certain stargazing option). RPS remains random - what's the point otherwise?
Dance laptop pics: you can see Ariane's photos wearing different clothes, based upon the clothes you have managed her to wear (not) The only effect in the game is that if you ask her about a certain nude pic, she will model it live if you "get lucky" later on. Some people have reported trouble exiting the laptop. It's an IE7 problem. Damn Bill Gates. Just use backspace. It won't cause problem at this particular part of the game, albeit it would cause them at other points.
Beach scene: going to the beach in a non-romantic context now gives you the option to sit down to admire the view and talk about Ariane's college years. Doing so and choosing the right answers opens the "crazy all-nighter" mode, where you can stay downtown as long as you want and some new options are opened, like the new dresses (sailor suit, silk kimono and Rebecca outfit). Also, going in a romantic context, you now have the possibility of having sex in the beach.
Lingerie store: repeatedly choosing no lingerie reactivates the old (version 4.7) lingerie pics.
Dress store: see above for "crazy time" new pics. Also, buying the white dress activates the "white dress pic" scene later on.
Home decor store: IF you have bought the white dress, you'll be able to buy a print of an older Ariane's photo shoot with a similar dress. If you buy it, you still have the option of remaining downtown, which is needed for later scenes. Some events only happen if you have bought that pic.
Downtown: you have the option to enter every place from downtown, also have the option of returning home, going to the outskirts or taking a trip to the amusement park.
Club: now you can actually exit the bar after having a drink. Also, the Reb and Ari erotic dance is now activated if drinks >= 4. After it, instead of ending the game, you have the choice of going home to the pool, or going to the strip club.
Strip club: Ariane never tires from stripping. Removing the top as the first action still causes you to lose, in case you want to. If Rebecca is with you, you get the option of she coming with you to a pool party, or coming home just with Ariane for hot-tubbing.
Hot tub: you can actually convince her to undress if she is drunk enough. Regular kiss and French kiss are back. If you got the live sex show and play ToD, she DOES accept the "touch your pussy" dare
Threesome (the one you all were waiting for I bet): IF you got the crazy time, AND made the live sex show, AND got Ari to show Reb the old white dress pic, AND are playing Marco Polo in the nude, AND exit the pool, Ariane will hook with Reb and she will also offer you to watch them. Whatever you do, don't get distracted later on If you stay, you'll have your own sex show while Reb tells Ari how she always had the hots for her, and later you'll have sex with Ariane (only). If you leave them alone like a gentlemen, you won't see them together, a very grateful duo of new girlfriends will allow you to have an extensive sex session with them the next day.
Final sex slide shows: instead of a boring black screen, the final "stay the night" screens gives you several pics. Just click different parts of the screen for them.
This walkthrough by Erana the Sorceress. Creating nice spots for playable characters since 1989.
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: ArianeB 5.0
Autumn Blues
Entry 1041
Recently I have been in my cynical go-get’em-all mode and I want to apologise for that. I blame it on the season but it could of course also be that my bad character is beyond fixing.
The following text (part 1 and 2) is about gameplay for adults. If your legislation forbids to read this under a certain age and if you are under that certain age you are advised to skip the first two entries of this post and to read only part 3, which is about The Sandbox of God.
On the other hand, if your religion forbids you to read about gameplay involving divine powers as well then this post is entirely not for you.
Settled? Can we go on now please?
Set 1. ArianeB add-on
I can’t deny it. Most visitors of my little blog don’t come here to read my philosophical musings, but to check the ArianeB section.
ArianeB is a free adult click-n-play game, made by an anonymous human being who roams the net under the same name. Insiders more or less know who hides behind that pseudonym but it is not my task to divulge that information. It suffices to say he is rather interested in the intersections between mathematics and 3D graphics.
I can’t blame the man, it is easier to explain the mathematical formula A ∩ (B ∩ C) = (A ∩ B) ∩ C by saying that
a: if Rebecca is skinny dipping in the pool with ArianeB and
b: if you join ArianeB in the pool for a good old game of booby touching
the chance is big that
c: the three of you are in the same pool at the same time.
That is what they call apllied mathematics.
ArianeB 5.0 still contains some bugs in the coding, meaning that some action sometimes trigger the wrong events or pictures. Erana was one of the first to create an add-on to get rid of these bugs and to add some extra features as well.
Soon after that I was contacted by Arnulf who made an add-on for the add-on, if you understand what I mean, but my appetite for ArianeB was a bit tempered by then as I had played it about a hundred times just to make these goddamn walkthroughs. So I never added Arnulf’s creation to this blog.
But when I recently checked the forum where Arnulf posts his versions I found that his add-on has now reached version number 12. It is about 16 MB big and can be downloaded from RapidShare. Expect no walkthrough from me this time. You’re on your own!
Set 2. An Afternoon at the Swimming Pool
The forum where any new incarnation of ArianeB (and the add-ons) is closely scrutinised belongs to Shark’s Lagoon. Shark has made quite a few sexy adventures and one of his most popular creations, Horny Afternoon, has now been extended to episode 3. In An afternoon at the swimming pool we meet Wendy, her nanny aptly called Nanny, a friend from school Cloé and, of course, Franck, the handyman who comes in handy in different ways.
(Part 2 of Horny Afternoon can be found here: Another very special afternoon. Some more information about Shark in old posts of mine: Sense And Sensibility and Cyberhugging.)
For those who have not the patience to play the new game until the end (and then once again because there are different endings and then once again because it is so damn good) Arnulf, oh no not HIM again!, has made a 24 minutes during movie with all the situations in the game. That 64 MB video walkthrough can be downloaded from Rapidshare as well. Damn, and I also wanted to make a visual guidel. There go my extra 1,000 visitors a week!
Set 3. The Sandbox of God
Far less people join this little blog to check The Sandbox of God walkthroughs. I can’t figure out why. Apparently the urge to procreate, even virtually, is far more appealing than playing god in a world populated by rabbits and men. But please bear with me for a moment.
This is what I had to say about the game in 2006:
The story itself is monotonous, the graphics are tacky, but in a strange way the game is very addictive. Before you know it hours have gone by because you still have not managed to create Volcano city or instigate world peace between rabbits and men.
The game is indeed very addictive and it is not very strange that it has acquired a loyal following. People have asked for a SoG sequel but for one reason or another, its maker, Mr. Chubigans wasn’t too keen to start producing one.
Until the following message appeared on Mr. Chubigan’s blog on the 24th of February of this year:
Sandbox of God 2: Ancient Warfare is coming April 20th.
But less than a month later it was already announced that the game would not meet its deadline and that the release date would probably be June of this year. June past by like a whirlwind and Mr. Chubigans was obliged to make another statement:
I think it’s time for a SOG 2 update, eh? I’ll be completely honest here: the project is stalled for now. Fred has gotten quite a few sprites done but there are still plenty more to go. On my end, only the night/day cycle is done. There is still much, much more work to do.
And the Vertigo Gaming unofficial FAQ has the following message:
Q: Sandbox of God 2?
A: I'm not prepared to say anything about that right now, and whether it's still going/canceled.
Blaming it on the season or not, this is quite depressing news. But instead of jerking off to ArianeB or Wendy, why don’t you just download The Sandbox of God and play with bunnies for a change?
If you liked this post - you might be interested in this one as well: Tentacle Day
Do you like tennis? (ArianeB 5.10 walkthrough [online version])
Entry 1049
I am like Starship Titanic on a collision course with the world. This week I was annoyed by MySpace who suddenly started to address me in French. It is a common error from multi-language websites to address me in the wrong language because I use a Dutch Windows but with a French keyboard configuration. The differences between French and Belgian keyboards are so minimal that some keyboards only exist in French such as my Dell multimedia RT 7D30. Luckily MySpace suggested that I could adjust my settings on my personal configuration page. Which I did and that is what really infuriated me. Read all about it on my MySpace blog if you care, but as the technical matter is apparently fixed I won’t bring it up here again.
A mail from Arnulf (one of the moderators at the Shark’s Lagoon Forum) made me realise two things.
First. Arnulf’s add-on for ArianeB 5.0 has now been upgraded to version 13. This version contains the Erana hack that was presented in May combined with Arnulf’s different storylines that have been ejaculating from his garbled brain since July. To install it you first need to have the original 5.0 download on your harddisk and to copy / overwrite the amended files from the hack onto the existing ones.
Second. The downloadable version of ArianeB, version 5.0, dates from March 2008 and hasn’t been updated since. The online version, however, has recently been extended with about 30 pictures. Its most recent files date from the 15th of October and include a brand new Rebecca scene, a new photo shoot at the lake and a couple of amended pictures that predict some new or enhanced situations in the future. I'll call it ArianeB 5.10, just to avoid confusion.
To experience the new scenes you have to play the game online or mirror it on your harddisk, using a website copier such as Httrack. Unless you are 18 years of age you may not continue reading further on. If you masturbate too often you will go blind. Take my word for it as my diopters are 10+ (on both eyes).
Do you like tennis? (ArianeB 5.10 walkthrough [online version])
ArianeB is an adult dating simulator with a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. The story is fairly simple, make a date with Ariane and try to get her in the sack! Of course this sounds easier than it is and that is exactly what makes this game worthwhile. The best way is to experiment with the different situations the game offers and to learn from past mistakes. But for those with a restless mind I will put some walkthroughs for the game on this space. It takes out most of the fun though.
To get to Rebecca's new strip scene (that has replaced the scene from version 5.0) you need to do the following.
Introduction (a quick one)
The upgraded online version has a hidden shortcut to skip the first sixteen frames. If you move the mouse to the top left side of the introductory image and click the ‘Introduce yourself’ hotpoint this action will bring you directly to the home plan with ArianeB waiting in the living room.
Introduce yourself (top left). ArianeB stands in the living room and asks for a suggestion.
Get wine to drink.
Finish drink.
Steak Dinner
Get steaks for dinner.
Drink wine.
Finish drink.
Wait for the steaks.
Eat steak dinner.
Compliment her.
Talk to her.
Drink wine.
Go somewhere else.
Bar Brawl
Go for a drive. Ariane is a bit tipsy and wants you to drive her car.
Go for a drive. You don't need to go to the gas station.
Go downtown.
Go to the nightclub.
Go to bar.
I'm driving so club soda please.
Ask her to dance.
Keep dancing.
A guy is getting a bit too familiar with ArianeB and this ask for some drastic, albeit not aggressive, behaviour. Punching the guy will not lead to the desired situation we’re after now…
Protect ArianeB.
Get her away from this guy.
Get out of the club.
Go lingerie shopping.
Go into the lingerie store.
To continue the game ArianeB will give you 3 characteristics and you have to choose the lingerie that fits all three of them. Here are ArianeB’s possible questions:
I’m looking for underwear that’s...
comfortable, fashionable, and sexy (Take a look around).
Pick a strapless bra.
Pick a thong
comfortable, fashionable, and inexpensive (Take a look around).
Pick a sports bra.
Pick boy shorts.
inexpensive, comfortable, and sexy (Take a look around).
Pick a sports bra.
Pick a thong.
inexpensive, fashionable, and sexy (Take a look around).
Pick going braless.
Pick boy shorts.
Wait till she tries it on.
Put clothes back and buy it.
Normally Rebecca would ask you to dance at the nightclub but since you have just been kicked out there, she looks for another place to go.
Strip Club Mania
Discuss other options with Rebecca.
Be adventurous and take a chance.
Stay and watch Rebecca's show.
Continue watching.
Repeat until Rebecca's show is over.
The current game is far from finished here but most situations have been discussed in the previous walkthroughs.
One last word about Arnulf, his latest ArianeB 5.00 update manages to combine both Rebecca scenes, the one from version 5.0 and the new one from version 5.10.
In the next few weeks I shall try to talk you through the other new situations of the game.
All ArianeB 5.0 walkthroughs can still be found on this blog:
The ArianeB 5.0 Chronicles (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 1)
Hungry Like A Wolf (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 2)
After Dinner Mints (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 3)
Games For May (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 4)
Moon And Mooning (ArianeB 5.0 walkthrough part 5)
Photoshoot By The Lake (ArianeB 5.0 Walkthrough part 6)
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 13-Мар-09 16:11 (спустя 1 мин.)

на 5,5 подходит?
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 16:24 (спустя 12 мин., ред. 17-Мар-09 14:33)

Шрам писал(а):
трабл блин
это на 5 версии ребеку было просто домой затащить
а щас в баре меня посылают((
кк там себя вести, подскажи плиз
В баре, приглашаешь танцевать Ариану, затем платишь за выпивку и смотришь,
как танцуют дамы продолжая разрешать им танцевать пока Ребекка почти не разденет Ариану.
после этого соглашаешься с ними уехать к Ариане. В момент появления их у бассейна, левее Арианы
появится предложение "зайти в дом выпить."
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 16:31 (спустя 6 мин., ред. 20-Мар-09 17:25)

Шрам писал(а):
на 5,5 подходит?
Не совсем.Я же говорю, что в этой версии всё стало значительно труднее. И довести до секса
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 13-Мар-09 17:13 (спустя 42 мин.)

в 5,0 версии сделал в баре как ты сказал
появляемся у бассейна и два вариант только либо голыми либо наполовину купаться
видимо до этого магаза надо чтото еще делать
расскажи плиз подробно что до магаза ты делал
плиз, очень интересно ребеку замутить))
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 17:20 (спустя 6 мин.)

Шрам писал(а):
в 5,0 версии сделал в баре как ты сказал
появляемся у бассейна и два вариант только либо голыми либо наполовину купаться
видимо до этого магаза надо чтото еще делать
расскажи плиз подробно что до магаза ты делал
плиз, очень интересно ребеку замутить))
Я уже писал, в одном из своих постов, что Ребека появляется в 5.5 версии. В 5.0 её нет!
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 13-Мар-09 17:50 (спустя 30 мин., ред. 13-Мар-09 17:50)

хм я же скачал сначала5 и там она есть?!
а в 5,5 она просто лежит с тобой или есть концовка типа секса7
и кстати в папке с рисунками в 5,0 версии посмтори реб1 и тд
там вроде сценки с ней есть?
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 17:57 (спустя 7 мин., ред. 15-Мар-09 12:53)

Шрам писал(а):
хм я же скачал сначала5 и там она есть?!
а в 5,5 она просто лежит с тобой или есть концовка типа секса7
Там есть две концовки, если ты выходишь и ждёшь Ариану в зале тебя в благодарность
Ариана целует за верность, если остаёшься с Ребекой спать появляется Ариана,
спите втроём,(без секса). А утром Ариана устраивает тебе скандал.
Вроде и все возможности.
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 13-Мар-09 18:13 (спустя 15 мин.)

Шрам писал(а):
и кстати в папке с рисунками в 5,0 версии посмтори реб1 и тд
там вроде сценки с ней есть?
Возможно это для будущих версий.
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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 2

spronin88 · 14-Мар-09 02:35 (спустя 8 часов)

Развести Арианну реально сложно, корчит из себя девочку. То много выпьет и засыпает, то мало выпьет. В общем без четких подсказок завалить ее трудно! Если бы и в реальной жизни девушки так выделывались...
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 14-Мар-09 03:14 (спустя 38 мин., ред. 14-Мар-09 03:14)

+1 в 5,5 чет разрабы перестарались
в 5,0 гораздо проще и понятней))
а есть еще такого плана игры?
ну и чтоб графа была не хуже
чет зацепило, интересно разводить, ну и то что по разному концовка может быть от действий))
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 14-Мар-09 06:27 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 14-Мар-09 13:26)

У меня хорошо получилось в пункте обозрения (сравнительно легко). Секс возле магазинчика,
с пивом (она должна пойти туда голой). И после снимков у фонтана.
После стрипбара в джакузи , предлагаешь рюмку вина, целуешь её, дважды
массируешь ей плечи, один раз трогаешь её грудь и предлагаешь "пойти куда нибудь ещё". Идёшь
в гостиную и джаз с поцелуями по два раза. Кликаешь по постели "просишь остаться на ночь". Не взду-
май пойти за ней в ванную. При появлении её кликаешь по ней "Пусть будет первой", затем по её попке
"пойти в постель" , и всё. Утром она оценивает тебя на "десятку".
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 39

Шрам · 15-Мар-09 23:12 (спустя 1 день 16 часов)

тоже примерно так и добился своего))
но все же ОЧЕНЬ интересно их с ребекой застукать))
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 16-Мар-09 00:18 (спустя 1 час 5 мин.)

Шрам писал(а):
тоже примерно так и добился своего))
но все же ОЧЕНЬ интересно их с ребекой застукать))
Будем ждать 6.0 версию.
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 4

Динамик · 21-Мар-09 19:13 (спустя 5 дней)

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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 21-Мар-09 19:36 (спустя 22 мин.)

Динамик писал(а):
Проще всего, грамотно пройти концовку при выезде на "Точку обозрения." И голышом возле
магазинчика с пивом. Но там ты не получаешь ночного секса.
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 4

Динамик · 23-Мар-09 10:59 (спустя 1 день 15 часов)

А как сделать чтобы к магазину с пивом подвезти её голой, у меня она постоянно одета)) Кто прошол поскажите плиз))
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 23-Мар-09 18:48 (спустя 7 часов)

Ты предлагаешь ей сменить костюм на купальный. Она одевается в полотенце.
купается в бассейне.Возвращаемся в дом и кликаем по машине. Она едет в таком
виде к магазину.Возле магазина ищем надпись:
"Предложить 20 дол. за поход голой."Она приносит пиво, кликаем по банке:
"Выпить пиво." Всё!
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 4

Динамик · 24-Мар-09 14:19 (спустя 19 часов)

yayug писал(а):
Ты предлагаешь ей сменить костюм на купальный. Она одевается в полотенце.
купается в бассейне.Возвращаемся в дом и кликаем по машине. Она едет в таком
виде к магазину.Возле магазина ищем надпись:
"Предложить 20 дол. за поход голой."Она приносит пиво, кликаем по банке:
"Выпить пиво." Всё!
Спасибо пркатило)))
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Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 130

Ketch · 26-Мар-09 01:57 (спустя 1 день 11 часов)

Кто-нибудь пробывал с фотосессией проходить дальше
"By now ArianeB is getting a bit scary and she asks you what to do next.
Say 'I'll let you decide. You can quit anytime."
Я ей говорю эти слова, она садится в тачку и уезжает.
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 26-Мар-09 21:59 (спустя 20 часов)

Ketch писал(а):
Кто-нибудь пробывал с фотосессией проходить дальше
"By now ArianeB is getting a bit scary and she asks you what to do next.
Say 'I'll let you decide. You can quit anytime."
Я ей говорю эти слова, она садится в тачку и уезжает.
Всё правильно! Пару раз она может уехать, а потом продолжить сессию. повторяйся.
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 03-Апр-09 11:45 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 05-Апр-09 00:17)

Кого интересуют такие игры у "акул", появилась новая очень похожая игра.
Размером около 30 мгб. Мне она очень понравилась.Героиня Кристал.
Давать ссылку я не имею права, Ищите Virtual Date.
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Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 130

Ketch · 04-Апр-09 22:02 (спустя 1 день 10 часов)

где искать?
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Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 187

yayug · 05-Апр-09 00:24 (спустя 2 часа 21 мин.)

Ketch писал(а):
где искать?
Я написал прямо у "акул".
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 10

FaiverMag · 05-Апр-09 08:09 (спустя 7 часов)

yayug писал(а):
Кого интересуют такие игры у "акул", появилась новая очень похожая игра.
Размером около 30 мгб. Мне она очень понравилась.Героиня Кристал.
Давать ссылку я не имею права, Ищите Virtual Date.
Штирлиц... А хоть название игры, можешь написать?
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