The band Krzak was formed in the beginning of the 70s, where as an instrumental quartet they recorded a couple of tracks for Polish Radio. The line-up consisted of Jan Błędowski (violin), Maciej Radziejewski (guitar), Jacek Gazda (bass) and Wojciech Grabiński (drums). They also took part in the recording of Czesław Niemen's LP "Aerolit".
However, the proper history of the band is 1975-1982 period, when they played in their most popular, still instrumental line-up: Jan Błędowski (violin), Jerzy Kawalec (bass guitar), Leszek Winder (guitar) and Andrzej Ryszka (drums, in the band since 1979). In 1981 Błędowski left Krzak and the Kawalec-Ryszka-Winder trio started to work with guitarist Andrzej Urny (ex-Dżem), who after one year joined Perfect. At that time they recorded two golden albums: "Krzak Blues Rock Band" (1981) and "Kawa Blues EP" (1981), plus also "Paczka" (1982) and three SPs.
The next important stage of their career was 1982-1983 period, in which the instrumental trio gradually transformed into 7-piece line-up, featuring also Ryszard Skibiński (harmonica, ex-Kasa Chorych), Apostolis Anthimos (guitar, SBB), Lesze Dranicki (guitar, ex-Baszta) and Jorgos Skolias (vocals). Occasionally the band worked with vocalist Ryszard Riedel (Dżem), Krzesimir Dębski (violin, String Connection), Ziut Gralak (trumpet, Tie break) and organists Wojciech Karolak, Rafał Rękosiewicz and Józef Skrzek. In that period the album "Krzak'i" was recorded (1983).
Krzak's last official performance took place on May 21, 1983, at Rock Arena Festival in Poznań. After Ryszard Skibiński's death the band played a few more club concerts in West Berlin and suspended their musical activity for over 18 years.
In 2001-2003 they band returned in their most famous line-up: Błędowski, Kawalec, Ryszka, Winder. They recorded "Live in Waltrop" and "Radio Concert 2002". On September 9, 2003 Jerzy Kawalec passed away and Krzak disbanded. Two musicians in a way continue the band's tradition in Błędowski-Winder Band.
1979 Muzyka Młodej Generacji MC (Wifon)
1979 Przewrotna samba SP (Tonpress)
1980 Funky 608 D SP (Tonpress)
1980 Czakuś / Maszkaron SP (Tonpress)
1980 Blues Rock Band (Pronit)
1981 Ściepka (Tonpress)
1982 Rock '81 (Tonpress )
1982 Paczka (Pronit)
1983 Krzak'i (Tonpress)
1991 Krzak'i re-edition (Polton)
1992 Krzak No 5 Live (Silton)
1999 Paczka Plus (Scena FM / Pomaton EMI)
2000 Blues Rock Band Live (Scena FM / Pomaton)
2002 Live in Waltrop - bootleg
2002 Niepokonani (Universal / Polskie Radio)
2005 Live in Waltrop - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 Rock Blues Band, Live 1979 - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 Paczka - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 Krzak'i - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 No. 5 - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 Ryszard Skibiński "Ostatni Koncert" remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2005 Blues Rock Band - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)
2006 Radio Concert 2002 - remastered re-edition +bonus tracks (Metal Mind Productions)