(Indian Classical) VA (Chirag Katti, Jayanthi Kumaresh, Joydeep Ghosh, Rupak Kulkarni, Sangeeta Shankar) - Music Therapy for... - Музыкальная терапия от высокого давления, артрита, сахарного диабета и мигрени - 2013, MP3, 320 kbps

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soloneba · 23-Июл-17 11:41 (6 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 23-Июл-17 22:16)

Музыкальная терапия от высокого давления, артрита, сахарного диабета и мигрени
Жанр: Indian Classical
Страна исполнителя (группы): India
Год издания: 2013
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 00:48:02 + 00:49:44 + 00:49:54 + 00:47:53
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
CD1 - Music Therapy for High Blood Pressure
01 Chirag Katti - Raag Todi
02 Jayanthi Kumaresh - Raag Puriya
CD2 - Music Therapy for Arthritis
01 Jayanthi Kumaresh - Raag Hindol
02 Joydeep Ghosh - Raag Madhuwanti
CD3 - Music Therapy for Diabetes
01 Rupak Kulkarni - Based on Raga Komal Rishabh Asavari
02 Chirag Katti - Based on Raga Puriya Dhanashtee and Raga Shree
CD4 - Music Therapy for Migraine
01 Pandit Rupak Kulkarni - Raag Ramkali
02 Sangeeta Shankar - Raag Darbari Kanada
(00:48:02) Music Therapy for High Blood Pressure
01 Chirag Katti - Raag Todi
02 Jayanthi Kumaresh - Raag Puriya
Доп. информация: https://www.timesmusic.com/album/wellness/music-therapy-high-blood-pressure-731.html
(00:49:44) Music Therapy for Arthritis
01 Jayanthi Kumaresh - Raag Hindol
02 Joydeep Ghosh - Raag Madhuwanti
Доп. информация: https://www.timesmusic.com/album/indian-classical/music-therapy-for-arthritis-732.html
(00:49:54) Music Therapy for Diabetes
01 Rupak Kulkarni - Based on Raga Komal Rishabh Asavari
02 Chirag Katti - Based on Raga Puriya Dhanashtee and Raga Shree
Доп. информация: https://www.timesmusic.com/album/wellness/music-therapy-for-diabetes-1769.html
(00:47:53) Music Therapy for Migraine
01 Pandit Rupak Kulkarni - Raag Ramkali
02 Sangeeta Shankar - Raag Darbari Kanada
Доп. информация: https://www.timesmusic.com/album/wellness/music-therapy-migraine-733.html
Доп. информация: http://sursanjeevan.com
Об исполнителе | About Artist
Pt. Shashank Katti born in a family of musicians is a reputed and well-known Sitar player from India. An 'A' graded national artist of All India Radio and Television, Katti has been performing and teaching for last four decades. Katti has several albums to his credit not only as a Sitarist but also as a Music Composer. He has recorded with almost all the big labels in India like HMV, Times Music,Venus Records, T-Series to name a few. He was appointed as an expert in documentary film 'Gandharvaveda’ based on Music Therapy produced by Films Division, India. For over a decade he has been working on 'Music Therapy' on different ailments with a team of doctors to develop a new therapy system called 'Sur-Sanjeevan'.
Pt. Shashank Katti born in a family of musicians in 1950 is a reputed, well-known Sitar player of Mumbai. His late grandfather was a 'Kirtankar' and mother, Mrs Vimal Katti was a classical singer of her time. Naturally music has been flowing in his blood from his birth. Being a professional musician he is also an electrical engineer. He started learning vocal classical music under his mother for 10 years and continued it under the able guidance of Pt. Y B Joshi for one year. Then he turned to Sitar when he was 16 years old. He started his initial lessons in Sitar from Pt. Baburao Kulkarni. After that Pt. Kamlakar Bhatawdekar - a renowned flutist and also disciple of Sitar maestro Ustad Vilayat Khan Saheb, taught young Shashank the most important 'Gaykee Ang' and turned him into a fine artist.
О сборнике | About Albums
Power of Music
Music Therapy is a concept that has been existent since ages and contrary to what most people believe, it is anything but new. In ayurveda, it is known as Gandhara Veda. This therapy is believed to have flourished during the time of Tansen, the great musician from Mughal Emperor Akbar's court. However, later as music became recognized as an entertaining art, the knowledge of treating with music or in other words, music therapy, seemed to fade away into obscurity.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of lifestyle and medication, has references on Music Therapy based on Indian Raga Music. This therapy was well-known as Gandharva ved. The references explain how the different types and pitches of sounds work on three major energy systems working in our body, which, in Ayurveda, are known as Vat Dosha, Pitta Dosha an Kaph Dosha. With this it can be easily concluded that Indian Ragas were designed with rules and regulations to regulate the working of these Doshas at their optimum levels in their functioning time period and thus for the betterment of the health of mankind.
But when the doshas are not at their optimum level, imbalance occurs in the body and ailments are generated. To treat the ailments, the Ragas must be played in a particular organized format to enhance or decrease the functioning of the affected dosha/ dodhas. Sometimes, the Ragas are to be modified according to the requirement of imbalance of the dosha.
For the last 6 years, Pt. Shashank Katti, a renowned sitar artist, has been working on music therapy. He has been devotoping a specific theory for the same with the help of well-qualified doctors and Vaidyas of Ayurveda.
In this new science, he amalgamates modern medical inventions in Ayurvedic principles with traditional Indian classical music. It was observed that after hearing certain modified Ragas at a specific stipulated time regularly for one month, patients started reporting favorable results. According to Pt. Katti, this is a supplementary therapy and is to be given along with regular medicines. Patients would eventually have to simply reduce the doses of their regular medicine with advice from the doctor.
The treatment is very simple and less stressful for the patients since it involves simply listening to certain tracks at a stipulated time.
‘Power of Music' is a music therapy system developed by Pt. Shashank Katti which decides the basic Raga, with essential modifications, to be applied for a particular ailment. Two different ragas of different times are used to treat the ailment.
Hemicrania or Migraine, as it is commonly known, is a form of headache with a peculiar set of symptoms & predisposing factors. The head is the seat of Tarpak Kapha and Prana Vayu. It is also related to pitta from its originative tissue i.e. pittadharakala. Imbalance in all these three doshas can lead to this disorder. This can be well-managed by balancing the doshas & restoring equilibrium.
The two tracks in this CD are the Ragas, Ramkali and Darbari Kanada. The morning Raga Ramkali, played on the flute, is to be heard between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., which is the time for Vat-Kaph Dosha. Raga Darbari Kanada is to be heard prior to sleeping in the night, which is the time of Kaph-Pitta Dosha.
1. Sit comfortably or lie down in a calm and quiet environment.
2. Use a good CD player and headphones to listen to the music with full concentration.
3. Try and concentrate on the music. Relax your mind and body by practicing slow breathing. Do this approximately ten times.
4. Allow music to enter you and treat your ailment.
5. Recovery should be observed at the end of each month. Remember that this is a supplementary therapy.
6. The music should be heard only at the prescribed time.
7. After recovery, reduce the frequency of dosage.
Power of music is music therapy system developed by Pt. Shashank Katti which decides the basic Raga, with essential modifications, to be applied for an ailment. Two different Ragas are used to treat the ailment.
Состав | Artists
Chirag Katti - Sitar
Jayanthi Kumaresh - Veena
Joydeep Ghosh - Sarod
Rupak Kulkarni - Bansuri
Sangeeta Shankar - Violin
Целительная музыка от высокого давления, артрита, сахарного диабета и мигрени состоит из цикла раг для разного времени суток в исполнении ведущих классических индийских исполнителей – ситариста Чирага Катти, виртуозной исполнительницы на вине Джаянти Кумареш, маэстро сарода Джойдипа Гоша, бансуриста Рупака Кулкарни и скрипачки Сангиты Шанкар. Подготовил серию доктор Пандит Шашанк Катти. Он, будучи известным ситаристом и чьи музыкальные корни тянутся на сотни лет в прошлое, вот уже много лет практикует музыкальную терапию. В искусстве лечения людей классическими индийскими рагами доктор Катти опирается на древние знания об Аюрведе (от санскр. आयु «āyu» и वेद «veda» — «знание жизни», «наука жизни», или «знание длинной жизни»), традиционной системе индийской медицины. Или, если быть точнее, Шашанк Катти углубляет, популяризирует и проводит практические музыкальные сеансы на базисе одного из разделов ведической медицины Гандхарва Веды (название которого в вольном переводе звучит как «знание музыкальных тонов» или «сведения о музыкальных тонах»). Гандхарва Веда, зародившаяся много столетий назад в древней Индии, представляет собой сочетание весьма сложных техник, используемых для изменения и благоприятного воздействия на физиологию человека. Всякая доша (любой организм по Аюрведе состоит из трех дош в разных сочетаниях, по сути, это близко к 5 первоэлементам у китайцев) балансируется одними тонами и выводится из равновесия другими. Тексты Гандхарва Веды уточняют какие конкретно раги нужно слушать в определенное время суток. Ведь человеческое тело находится под воздействием постоянно меняющихся ритмов природы и, как у всякого растения или животного, наш организм тоже чутко реагирует на смены суточных циклов.
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Simenspoft · 24-Июл-17 18:48 (спустя 1 день 7 часов)

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