Цветные фотографии США 1939-1942 [от 3342x4668 до 9063x7275, 1615]



Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 10-Май-13 15:39 (11 лет 1 месяц назад, ред. 04-Янв-14 21:29)

Цветные фотографии США 1939-1942
Разрешение: от 4698x3280 до 9063x7275
Количество файлов: 1615
Формат: jpg
Состав и описание раздачи: Цветные фотографии США, сделанные с 1939 по 1942 год. Для каждой фотографии описания нет, у меня и просто скачивание заняло очень много времени, если ещё и подписывать каждое фото, то на это может и не один год уйти.
Но при желании всю информацию можно узнать самостоятельно на сайте Библиотеки Конгресса США. Вбиваем в поиск название файла и читаем описание найденной фотки. Только забивать нужно только то. что идёт до буквы u в конце. Например есть файл с названием 1a34424u.jpg, в поиск нужно скопировать только 1a34424
Хоть и далеко не все фотографии имеют историческую ценность ( ящик с помидорами после урожая, фермерские поля, безлюдные пустыри и т.д.), тем не менее удалять из коллекции на своё усмотрение ничего не стал, выложил её такой, какая она есть на сайте Библиотеки Конгресса США
Аналогичная раздача, но в значительно худшем качествеДругие мои раздачи фотографий
Превью примеров
Rutracker.org не распространяет и не хранит электронные версии произведений, а лишь предоставляет доступ к создаваемому пользователями каталогу ссылок на торрент-файлы, которые содержат только списки хеш-сумм
Как скачивать? (для скачивания .torrent файлов необходима регистрация)
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 23-Май-13 03:21 (спустя 12 дней)

Хотелось бы ещё выкачать с этого же сайта огромную коллекцию раскрашенных фотографий городов разных стран конца 19 века
Но там слишком много фотографий (больше 6000). Плиз, помогите мне кто-нибудь, я один не справлюсь как бы не хотел. А вот если б со мной этим занялось ещё несколько человек, то всё было б реально.
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 5205

-zavis- · 23-Май-13 09:36 (спустя 6 часов)

Давайте в личке обговорим детали - готов помочь.
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 14 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 11013

T_ONG_BAK_J · 11-Авг-13 18:16 (спустя 2 месяца 19 дней)

Объявление об антикварной раздаче
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Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 8

Alexeevna · 15-Авг-13 18:29 (спустя 4 дня)

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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 15-Авг-13 20:40 (спустя 2 часа 10 мин.)

И Вам большое спасибо за комментарий. Вы единственная кто поблагодарил за проделанный труд.
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Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 212

mirandasex · 15-Авг-13 23:26 (спустя 2 часа 46 мин.)

Большое спасибо! Обожаю Америку тех лет. На мой взгляд, некоторые фотографий смотрелись бы лучше в чёрно белом варианте
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 15-Авг-13 23:48 (спустя 21 мин.)

Рад, что Вам понравилась раздача
На мой взгляд, некоторые фотографий смотрелись бы лучше в чёрно белом варианте
Цветная фотография такого качества даёт полное ощущение реальности, словно смотришь в окно машины времени.
Чёрно-белая к сожалению такого эффекта не даёт, всё кажется слишком неестественным чтоб ею проникнуться.
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Top Bonus 03* 1TB

Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 28

123silk · 17-Авг-13 02:39 (спустя 1 день 2 часа)

Присоединюсь к Alexeevna. Это - гениальная раздача. Большое Вам спасибо, warlock24!
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 18

Matthew_Ramone · 28-Авг-13 17:20 (спустя 11 дней)

Спасибо за раздачу.
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Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

ALEX_____00000 · 03-Окт-13 19:01 (спустя 1 месяц 6 дней)

warlock24 писал(а):
59411470Хотелось бы ещё выкачать с этого же сайта огромную коллекцию раскрашенных фотографий городов разных стран конца 19 века
Но там слишком много фотографий (больше 6000). Плиз, помогите мне кто-нибудь, я один не справлюсь как бы не хотел. А вот если б со мной этим занялось ещё несколько человек, то всё было б реально.
Готов поучаствовать
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Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 122

dleleria · 23-Окт-13 02:25 (спустя 19 дней)

Спасибо за проделанную работу.
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Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 518

alekzander2708 · 30-Окт-13 08:18 (спустя 7 дней, ред. 02-Ноя-13 09:21)

огромное спасибо за Очень интересную колекцию!
в ней есть просто обалденно интересные кадры, а качество самих фото - просто шикарное.
правда есть и 15-20% дублей(повторяющихся и просто похожих кадров) и просто брака(нерезкие кадры), что сильно мешает просмотру и портит общее впечатление.
в любом случае - спасибо. фотографиии уникальные и очень интересные - качайте - не пожалеете!
ПС:что поразило на сайте по ссылке - есть даже фото моего родного города вековой давности...
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Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 7

kapones · 25-Ноя-13 21:25 (спустя 26 дней)

Большое вам спасибо!
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Стаж: 10 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 247

rustam46 · 16-Дек-13 08:22 (спустя 20 дней)

Спасибо большое!
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Dead Sun

Стаж: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 30

Dead Sun · 22-Дек-13 23:06 (спустя 6 дней)

Большое спасибо, потрясающая раздача!
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Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 15

Arkkitehti · 28-Дек-13 06:30 (спустя 5 дней)

Огромное спасибо за проделанный труд!
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 30-Дек-13 16:09 (спустя 2 дня 9 часов, ред. 03-Янв-14 13:05)

Меня осенило, как скачивать с Библиотеки Конгресса США фотки с минимум затрат времени, даже если они разбросаны по разным каталогам на сервере. Причём сохраняя подписи к ним, которые стоят на сайте.
Нужна Мозила + дополнение к ней DownThemAll! + быстрый интернет + немного свободного времени.
Ниже набросал инструкцию для этой коллекции
На первый взгляд покажется что слишком много действий, но это не так. На описанную процеду уйдёт лишь несколько минут времени, а сотня фотографий с подписями уже отправится на скачивание.
1) Открываем в Мозиле http://www.loc.gov/pictures/search/?st=grid&co=pgz
2) Выделяем мышкой все превьюшки на странице. Жмём правой кнопкой мышки. Выбираем пункт "Показать исходный код выделенного фрагмента".

2) Откроется окно с Html кодом, копируем, что выделено в блокнот.

3) В блокноте, в верхней Панели выбираем пункт "Правка", а в нём подпункт "Заменить"

/service/ меняем на /master/ Жмём заменить всё.

Вторым заходом _75x75px.jpg меняем на u.tif

Третьим заходом убираем alt="digitized item thumbnail" (Меняем на Пустоту)

Четвёртым заходом title= меняем на alt=

4) Сохраняем всё что написано в Блокноте, сохраняем как html документ (В конце сохраняем имени дописуем .html, а в типе файлов выбираем "Все файлы".

Если что-то начнёт ругаться о кодировке -- можно проигнорировать, и всё равно сохранить. Нам это не помешает.
5) Открываем сохранённый html документ в Мозиле. к счастью гигантские тиффы в нём не отобразятся. В любое свободное место кликаем правой кнопкой и выбираем "DownThemAll!"

6) В открывшемся окне выбираем вкладку "Изображения и вложения". Выбираем путь сохранения и маску переименования *text*.*ext*

7) Вот и всё, дожна пойти закачка тифов ко всем фоткам на странице, причём c названиями и подписями.
Я это к чему? Сейчас я не могу заниматься выкачиванием коллекций с Библиотеки конгресса США. нахожусь не дома, а интернет для скачивания тифов здесь совсем хилый и да и места на нынешнем компе совсем нет. И я не теряю надежды, что всё таки кто-то с быстрым инетом придёт на помощь и поучаствует в скачивании фотографий . Тем более что уже процесс частично автоматизированный. И никто никого никуда не торопит. В день можно уделять минимум своего времени на это, главное чтобы комп работал и качал то, что ему задали.
Ребята, поможете? С Наступающим всех кстати.
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Urban Needle

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 61

Urban Needle · 03-Янв-14 12:03 (спустя 3 дня)

Во-первых, спасибо Вам за все эти коллекции, очень интересно и познавательно! Я просто в восторге от этих фоток!
Я сейчас качаю коллекцию цветных фотографий городов разных стран, мне это потом оформить как раздачу или как лучше сделать?
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 03-Янв-14 12:21 (спустя 17 мин., ред. 03-Янв-14 12:21)

Urban Needle писал(а):
Я сейчас качаю коллекцию цветных фотографий городов разных стран, мне это потом оформить как раздачу или как лучше сделать?
Какую коллекцию Вы имеете в виду? Эту или что-то другое?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Urban Needle

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 61

Urban Needle · 03-Янв-14 12:24 (спустя 3 мин.)

warlock24 писал(а):
Какую коллекцию Вы имеете в виду? Эту или что-то другое?
Эту, да.) А что, ее уже кто-то скачал, и она есть на трекере? Пардон, лень было поискать.
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 04-Янв-14 23:22 (спустя 1 день 10 часов)

По теме раздачи: на днях мне попался Ютубовский ролик, где показан Нью-йорк 1939 года в цвете
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Top Loader 02* 300GB

Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1114

warlock24 · 22-Июл-14 10:43 (спустя 6 месяцев, ред. 22-Июл-14 10:43)

Нужна помощь выкачивании коллекции по Гражданской войне в США 1861—1865 годов.
Личного времени это почти не займёт. Уже придумал как усовершенствовать способ о котором писал выше.
Я пришлю готовые веб-странички, с которых в 2 клика можно скачивать сотни фотографий и они уже автоматически будут подписанны.
Всё что нужно это браузер Mozilla Firefox + дополнение DownThemAll!+ нормальный инет, не совсем дохлый. Личного времени повторяюсь это займёт минимум , главное чтобы комп был включён, ваше присутствие за ним не будет нужно.
Одному просто даже в автоматическом режиме такой большой обьём выкачивать очень долго.А чем больше человек будет участвовать, то тем скорее всё будет выкачано.
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 43

elcovvitalii · 21-Мар-20 03:36 (спустя 5 лет 7 месяцев, ред. 21-Мар-20 03:36)

Для каждой фотографии описания нет
спарсил названия.
часть 1
$a[] = "1a33782u.JPG";
$b[] = "Bean field under cultivation, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33783u.JPG";
$b[] = "Cultivating a field, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33784u.JPG";
$b[] = "Harrowing a field with a diesel tractor, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33785u.JPG";
$b[] = "Bean field [and canning factory] Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33786u.JPG";
$b[] = "Bean fields, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33787u.JPG";
$b[] = "Bean canning factory in the field, Seabrook farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33788u.JPG";
$b[] = "Part of string bean factory and field system, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33789u.JPG";
$b[] = "Day laborers (from nearby towns or migrant) picking string beans among the poles for overhead irrigation, Seabrook Farms, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33790u.JPG";
$b[] = "Low flying planes from which dust or insecticide is spread onto crops by men who "follow the season" up the east coast, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33795u.jpg";
$b[] = "View from the Skyline Drive, Virginia.";
$a[] = "1a33796u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain farm along the Skyline Drive, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33797u.jpg";
$b[] = "Field along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33798u.jpg";
$b[] = "Field of a mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33799u.jpg";
$b[] = "A woman painting a view of the Shenandoah Valley from the Skyline Drive, near an entrance to the Appalachian Trail, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33800u.jpg";
$b[] = "View in the mountains along Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33801u.jpg";
$b[] = "A mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33802u.jpg";
$b[] = "A mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33803u.jpg";
$b[] = "Horse in the pasture of a mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33804u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain farms along the Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33805u.jpg";
$b[] = "A view of the mountains along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33806u.jpg";
$b[] = "The road along the Skyline Drive, with a light snowfall in the rocks beside, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33807u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fields along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33808u.jpg";
$b[] = "A mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33809u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of a valley from the Skyline Drive, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33810u.jpg";
$b[] = "A woman painting a view of the Shenandoah Valley from the Skyline Drive, near an entrance to the Appalachian Trail, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33811u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain farms along the Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33812u.jpg";
$b[] = "View in the mountains along the Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33813u.jpg";
$b[] = "Railroad crossing along the Skyline Drive, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33814u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of fields and wooded foothills from the Skyline Drive, Virginia";
$a[] = "1a33815u.jpg";
$b[] = "View along the Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33816u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Mountain farms along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33817u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Valley along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33818u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Mountains along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33819u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Cornshocks in mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33820u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Mountain farm along the Skyline Drive, Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33821u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Mountain farms along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33822u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Cornshocks in mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33823u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Field of a mountain farm along the Skyline Drive in Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a33824u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain farm along Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33825u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain farm along Skyline Drive, Va.";
$a[] = "1a33826u.jpg";
$b[] = "Connecticut town, probably Stonington, on the sea.";
$a[] = "1a33827u.jpg";
$b[] = "Burning the autumn leaves in Norwich, Connecticut";
$a[] = "1a33828u.jpg";
$b[] = "A view of the old sea town, Stonington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33829u.jpg";
$b[] = "Connecticut town, probably Stonington, on the sea";
$a[] = "1a33830u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cheesecloth covering used in growing shade grown tobacco; the stalks lying on the ground are left after the tobacco is cut; Suffield, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33831u.jpg";
$b[] = "Connecticut town on the sea, probably Stonington";
$a[] = "1a33832u.jpg";
$b[] = "A square with old houses in an old fishing village, Stonington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33833u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm auction, Derby, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33834u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm auction, Derby, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33835u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm auction, Derby, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a33836u.jpg";
$b[] = "A horse-drawn digger in operation on a (potato) farm run by a French-Canadian, Caribou, Aroostook county, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33837u.jpg";
$b[] = "Potato farms in Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33838u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farms in the Aroostook County, Me., Oct. 1940 : potatoes";
$a[] = "1a33839u.jpg";
$b[] = "Potato farm in Aroostook county, Me., after the potatoes have been harvested";
$a[] = "1a33840u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm in the vicinity of Wallagrasse, Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33841u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children gathering potatoes on a large farm, vicinity of Caribou, Aroostook County, Me. Schools do not open until the potatoes are harvested.";
$a[] = "1a33842u.jpg";
$b[] = "Potato farms in Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33843u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm in the vicinity of Van Buren, Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33844u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children gathering potatoes on a large farm, vicinity of Caribou, Aroostook County, Me. Schools do not open until the potatoes are harvested";
$a[] = "1a33845u.jpg";
$b[] = "Trucks outside of a starch factory, Caribou, Aroostook County, Me. There were almost fifty trucks in the line. Some had been waiting for twenty-four hours for the potatoes to be graded and ...";
$a[] = "1a33846u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farms in the vicinity of Caribou, Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33847u.jpg";
$b[] = "A starch factory along the Aroostook River, Caribou, Aroostook County, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33848u.jpg";
$b[] = "Potato farms showing layout of land and buildings, vicinity of Caribou, Aroostook, Me.";
$a[] = "1a33849u.jpg";
$b[] = "Commuters, who have just come off the train, waiting for the bus to go home, Lowell, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33850u.jpg";
$b[] = "Factory buildings in Lowell, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33851u.jpg";
$b[] = "Brockton, Mass., Dec. 1940, second-hand plumbing store";
$a[] = "1a33852u.jpg";
$b[] = "Headlines posted in street-corner window of newspaper off[ice] (Brockton Enterprise) ... Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33853u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children in the tenement district, Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33854u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children in the tenement district, Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33855u.jpg";
$b[] = "Detail of industrial building in Massachusetts";
$a[] = "1a33856u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Sylvia Sweets Tea Room, corner of School and Main streets, Brockton, Mass.]";
$a[] = "1a33857u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lowell, Mass., street";
$a[] = "1a33858u.jpg";
$b[] = "Railroad cars and factory buildings in Lawrence, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33859u.jpg";
$b[] = "Detail of industrial building in Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33860u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street scene, [Mystic, Connecticut]";
$a[] = "1a33861u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Children with adult in the tenement district, Brockton, Massachusetts]";
$a[] = "1a33862u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Douglas Shoe Factory, Spark St., Brockton, Mass.]";
$a[] = "1a33863u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Train and several sets of railroad tracks in the snow, Massachusetts]";
$a[] = "1a33864u.jpg";
$b[] = "Massachusetts farm, possibly around Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33865u.jpg";
$b[] = "Skating, vicinity of Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33866u.jpg";
$b[] = "Near the waterfront, New Bedford, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33867u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street corner, Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33868u.jpg";
$b[] = "Industrial area in Massachusetts, possibly around New Bedford";
$a[] = "1a33869u.jpg";
$b[] = "Industrial town in Massachusetts, possibly New Bedford";
$a[] = "1a33870u.jpg";
$b[] = "Skating, vicinity of Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33871u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men and a woman reading headlines posted in street-corner window of Brockton Enterprise newspaper office on Christmas Eve, Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33872u.jpg";
$b[] = "Skating, vicinity of Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33873u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men reading headlines posted in street-corner of Brockton Enterprise newspaper office, Brockton, Mass.";
$a[] = "1a33874u.jpg";
$b[] = "Going to town on Saturday afternoon, Greene Co., Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33875u.jpg";
$b[] = "Going to town on Saturday afternoon, Greene County, Georgia";
$a[] = "1a33876u.jpg";
$b[] = "Going to town on Saturday afternoon, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33877u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33878u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton, Greene County, Ga.?";
$a[] = "1a33879u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land, near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33880u.jpg";
$b[] = "Workers going home from an afternoon of chopping cotton, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33881u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton, near Greene County, Ga.?";
$a[] = "1a33882u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33883u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33884u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33885u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33886u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Company, Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33887u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33888u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33889u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Greene Co., Ga., eroded farm land]";
$a[] = "1a33890u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Greene Co., Ga., eroded farm land]";
$a[] = "1a33891u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Greene Co., Ga., eroded farm land]";
$a[] = "1a33892u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33893u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33894u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains, Greene County, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33895u.jpg";
$b[] = "Georgia?";
$a[] = "1a33896u.jpg";
$b[] = "Georgia?";
$a[] = "1a33897u.jpg";
$b[] = "Near White Plains, Ga.?";
$a[] = "1a33898u.jpg";
$b[] = "Near White Plains, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33899u.jpg";
$b[] = "Near White Plains, Ga., ca. 1941.";
$a[] = "1a33900u.jpg";
$b[] = "House near White Plains, Ga.?";
$a[] = "1a33901u.jpg";
$b[] = "Landscape on the Jackson farm, vicinity of White Plains, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33902u.jpg";
$b[] = "Landscape on the Jackson farm, vicinity of White Plains, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33903u.jpg";
$b[] = "Corn field, Ga.?";
$a[] = "1a33904u.jpg";
$b[] = "A negro Farm Security Administration borrower plowing on the Jones farm, vicinity of Greshamville, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33905u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Greensboro Lumber Co., Greensboro, Ga.";
$a[] = "1a33906u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33907u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side shows at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33908u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barker at the grounds at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33909u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of the grounds at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33910u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33911u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33912u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33913u.jpg";
$b[] = ""Backstage" at the "girlie" show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33914u.jpg";
$b[] = "Poster for a side show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33915u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33916u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland, "backstage" at the "girlie" show";
$a[] = "1a33917u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barker at the grounds at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33918u.jpg";
$b[] = "On the ferris wheel at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33919u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side shows at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33920u.jpg";
$b[] = ""Backstage" at the "girlie" show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33921u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33922u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barker at the grounds of the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33923u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side shows at the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33924u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Vermont state fair, Rutland";
$a[] = "1a33925u.jpg";
$b[] = "Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, (capitol)";
$a[] = "1a33926u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Prince Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands]";
$a[] = "1a33927u.jpg";
$b[] = "View down the main street from the Grand Hotel, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33928u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the steep streets on the hillsides, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33929u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in a town [Frederiksted, St. Croix], in the Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33930u.jpg";
$b[] = "French village, a small settlement on St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33931u.jpg";
$b[] = "On the coast of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands?";
$a[] = "1a33932u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the steep hillside streets, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33933u.jpg";
$b[] = "[St. John's Anglican Church, King Street, St. Croix, Virgin Islands]";
$a[] = "1a33934u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the steep streets on the hillsides, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33935u.jpg";
$b[] = "View down the main street from the Grand Hotel, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33936u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the steep streets on the hillsides, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33937u.jpg";
$b[] = "The coast of St. Thomas? Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33938u.jpg";
$b[] = "French village, a small settlement on St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33939u.jpg";
$b[] = "View down the main street from the Grand Hotel, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33940u.jpg";
$b[] = "French village, a small settlement on St. Thomas Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33941u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Virgin Islands, general view of the sea coast in the vicinity of Christiansted, Saint Croix";
$a[] = "1a33942u.jpg";
$b[] = "The harbor, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33943u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar farms along the northern coast, Saint Croix Island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33944u.jpg";
$b[] = "St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33945u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street scene, Christiansted, St. Croix Island, Virgin Islands?";
$a[] = "1a33946u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower who lives in village La Vallee, St. Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33947u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of sea coast, vicinity of Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33948u.jpg";
$b[] = "Along the waterfront, Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33949u.jpg";
$b[] = "Along the waterfront, Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33950u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ruins of an old sugar mill and plantation house, vicinity of Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33951u.jpg";
$b[] = "Along the waterfront, Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33952u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in Christiansted, St. Croix? Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33953u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ruins of an old sugar mill and plantation house, vicinity of Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33954u.jpg";
$b[] = "A farm road near one of the "villages" on the northern coast, Saint Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33955u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in Christiansted, St. Croix Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33956u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cultivating sugar cane of the Virgin Islands Company land, vicinity of Bethlehem, St. Croix";
$a[] = "1a33957u.jpg";
$b[] = "Houses on St. Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33958u.jpg";
$b[] = "A cattle farm, vicinity of Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33959u.jpg";
$b[] = "A farm road near one of the "villages" on the northern coast, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33960u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cultivating sugar cane on the Virgin Islands Company land, vicinity of Bethlehem, St. Croix";
$a[] = "1a33961u.jpg";
$b[] = "Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands. Catholic [i.e. Anglican] Church";
$a[] = "1a33962u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cultivating sugar cane on the Virgin Islands Company land, vicinity of Bethlehem, St. Croix";
$a[] = "1a33963u.jpg";
$b[] = "The harbor, Frederiksted, Saint Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33964u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33965u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in a town in the Virgin Islands, Christiansted, St. Croix?";
$a[] = "1a33966u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane fields on the north-west part of the island, St. Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33967u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane fields on the north-west part of the island, St. Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33968u.jpg";
$b[] = "House in the Virgin Islands, Christiansted, St. Croix?";
$a[] = "1a33969u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Two people kneeling, working in a field, possibly in Puerto Rico]";
$a[] = "1a33970u.jpg";
$b[] = "Kentucky";
часть 2
$a[] = "1a33972u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane country, the Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33973u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman in her garden, Virgin Islands?";
$a[] = "1a33974u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in the village of La Vallee, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33975u.jpg";
$b[] = "The main shopping street, Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33976u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cultivating sugar cane on the Virgin Islands Company land, vicinity of Bethlehem, Saint Croix";
$a[] = "1a33977u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading cargo on a freighter in the harbor of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Because there is no pier, the ship must anchor far from shore";
$a[] = "1a33978u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Virgin Islands? St. Croix?";
$a[] = "1a33979u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrower, vicinity of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33980u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Virgin Islands company housing project, vicinity of Bethlehem, Saint Croix";
$a[] = "1a33981u.jpg";
$b[] = "Frederiksted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands ... church";
$a[] = "1a33982u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street scene, Christiansted, St. Croix island, Virgin Islands?";
$a[] = "1a33983u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the old fort built by the French, Frederiksted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33984u.jpg";
$b[] = "Housewives at the seashore waiting for the fishing boats to come in, Frederiksted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33985u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the old fort built by the French, Frederiksted, Saint Croix island, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33986u.jpg";
$b[] = "Housewives at the seashore waiting for the fishing boats to come in Frederiksted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33987u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrower, vicinity of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33988u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33989u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrower cultivating his sugar cane field, vicinity of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. He lives in one of the homestead houses";
$a[] = "1a33990u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman in her garden, Virgin Islands?";
$a[] = "1a33991u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrower plowing his garden with one of the few plows used on the island, vicinity of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33992u.jpg";
$b[] = "Houses in Saint Croix island, city of Christiansted, Virgin Islands. Catholic [i.e. Anglican] church in the background";
$a[] = "1a33993u.jpg";
$b[] = "Part of the harbor, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33994u.jpg";
$b[] = "Part of the harbor, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33995u.jpg";
$b[] = "The harbor, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33996u.jpg";
$b[] = "Along the waterfront, Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33997u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrower, vicinity of Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands";
$a[] = "1a33998u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Virgin Islands, sugar cane country";
$a[] = "1a33999u.jpg";
$b[] = "A street in a town of the Virgin Islands, Christiansted, Saint Croix";
$a[] = "1a34000u.jpg";
$b[] = "National parks of New York City.";
$a[] = "1a34001u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane worker and his woman, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34002u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA - T[enant] P[urchase] borrower? by his field, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34003u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane land, Yabucoa Valley? Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34004u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower? in her garden, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34005u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA - T[enant] P[urchase] borrower? in her garden, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34006u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34007u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA - T[enant] P[urchase] borrowers? by their house, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34008u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA - T[enant] P[urchase] borrowers? in front of their house, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34009u.jpg";
$b[] = "Man in a sugar-cane field during harvest, vicinity of Rio Piedras? Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34010u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrowers harvesting sugar cane cooperatively on a farm, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34011u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower and participant in the sugar cane cooperative, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34012u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane workers resting at the noon hour, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34013u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane worker in the rich field, vicinity of Guanica, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34014u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower? in a sugar-cane field, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34015u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower who is a member of a sugar cooperative, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34016u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane workers resting, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34017u.jpg";
$b[] = "Small farms in the southwest, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34018u.jpg";
$b[] = "On the coast of Puerto Rico?";
$a[] = "1a34019u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA - T[enant] P[urchase] borrowers? in their garden, by their house, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34020u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane workers resting, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34021u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower who is a member of a sugar cooperative, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34022u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tobacco string in the tobacco barn? vicinity of Barranquitas? Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34023u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rice and papaya in the lunch of a sugar worker on a plantation, vicinity of Guanica, Puerto Rico?";
$a[] = "1a34024u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rice and papaya in the lunch of a sugar worker on a plantation, vicinity of Guanica, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34025u.jpg";
$b[] = "Son of one of the FSA farmers on the Rio Piedras project who brought lunch to his father, working in the sugar cane field, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34026u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lunch of a sugar worker on a plantation, vicinity of Puerto Rico?";
$a[] = "1a34027u.jpg";
$b[] = "Child of an FSA - R.R. borrower? in front of their house, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34028u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane land, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34029u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands]";
$a[] = "1a34030u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children in a company housing settlement, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34031u.jpg";
$b[] = "Puerto Rico?";
$a[] = "1a34032u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower and member of Yauco tomato cooperative, planting tomatoes on his farm in the hills, vicinity of Yauco, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34033u.jpg";
$b[] = "Burning a field of sugar cane, vicinity of Guanica. This destroys the leaves and makes it easier to cut the cane";
$a[] = "1a34034u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower who is a member of a sugar cooperative, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34035u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane land, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34036u.jpg";
$b[] = "Man in a sugar cane field during harvest, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34037u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rice in a lunch of a sugar worker on a plantation, vicinity of Guanica, Puerto Rico?";
$a[] = "1a34038u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children of FSA-RR borrower? on their farm, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34039u.jpg";
$b[] = "Average annual precipitation, Kentucky River Basin : drainage area 6966 square miles";
$a[] = "1a34040u.jpg";
$b[] = "Federal housing project on the outskirts of the town of Yauco, Puerto Rico. About an acre of land for gardens is provided with each house";
$a[] = "1a34041u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane land, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34042u.jpg";
$b[] = "Vicinity of Corozal, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34043u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34044u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crane at a "central" gathering place for sugar cane crop, vicinity of San Sebastian, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34045u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration farmers working in a sugar cane field, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. This is part of an FSA cooperative";
$a[] = "1a34046u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tomato crates at the Yauco cooperative tomato growers' association, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34047u.jpg";
$b[] = "Picket - tobacco workers";
$a[] = "1a34048u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower and member of Yauco tomato cooperative, planting tomatoes on his farm in the hills, vicinity of Yauco, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34049u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tomatoes at the Yauco Cooperative Growers' Association, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34050u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower and member of Yauco tomato cooperative, planting tomatoes on his farm in the hills, vicinity of Yauco, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34051u.jpg";
$b[] = "FSA borrower and participant in the sugar cane cooperative, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34052u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sorting and packing tomatoes at the Yauco Cooperative Tomato Growers Association, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34053u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane workers, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34054u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southwestern Puerto Rico in the vicinity of Guanica?";
$a[] = "1a34055u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crane at a "central" sugar cane gathering place, San Sebastian vicinity, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34056u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration borrowers harvesting sugar cane cooperatively on a farm, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34057u.jpg";
$b[] = "Harvesting sugar cane in a burned field, vicinity of Guanica, Puerto Rico. Burning the sugar cane gets rid of the dense leaves and makes cutting the unharmed stalks easier";
$a[] = "1a34058u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm Security Administration farmers working in a sugar cane field, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. This is part of an FSA cooperative";
$a[] = "1a34059u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane workers, vicinity of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34060u.jpg";
$b[] = "Malaria poster in small hotel, Puerto Rico ... San Juan";
$a[] = "1a34061u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sugar cane land, Yabucoa Valley? Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34062u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34063u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34064u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tobacco country, vicinity of Barranquitas? Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34065u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in San Juan, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34066u.jpg";
$b[] = "Apartment houses near the cathedral in old part of the city, San Juan";
$a[] = "1a34067u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street in San Juan, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34068u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tobacco country, vicinity of Barranquitas, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34069u.jpg";
$b[] = "A town in Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34070u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34071u.jpg";
$b[] = "A land and utility municipal housing project, Ponce, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34072u.jpg";
$b[] = "A town in Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34073u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Greene Co. Ga., eroded farm land]";
$a[] = "1a34074u.jpg";
$b[] = "Puerto Rico, San Juan";
$a[] = "1a34075u.jpg";
$b[] = "Puerto Rico, Dec. 1941, San Juan";
$a[] = "1a34076u.jpg";
$b[] = "Small farms in the hills, vicinity of Corozal, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34077u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cultivating tobacco at the [Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration] experimental area, vicinity of Cayey, Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34078u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the flat cattle country in the south western tip of Puerto Rico";
$a[] = "1a34083u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scene at square dance in rural home in McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34084u.jpg";
$b[] = "Abandoned brick wall with wooden beams of a building, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34085u.jpg";
$b[] = "Low leafy plants growing in rows, with leaves like grape leaves, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34086u.jpg";
$b[] = "Abandoned brick plant near Muskogee, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34087u.jpg";
$b[] = "Corn near Muskogee, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34088u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scene at square dance, McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34089u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat near Muskogee, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34090u.jpg";
$b[] = "Couples at square dance, McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34091u.jpg";
$b[] = "Orchestra at square dance in McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34092u.jpg";
$b[] = "Round dance between squares at dance in McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34093u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scene at square dance, McIntosh county, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34094u.jpg";
$b[] = "Orchestra during intermission at square dance; notice sweated shirt of host, McIntosh County, Oklahoma";
$a[] = "1a34095u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children asleep on bed during square dance, McIntosh County, Okla.";
$a[] = "1a34096u.jpg";
$b[] = "Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34097u.jpg";
$b[] = "Home of Jim Norris, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34098u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jack Whinery, homesteader, and his family, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34099u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. [Jim] Norris with homegrown cabbage, one of the many vegetables which the homesteaders grow in abundance, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34100u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, tying up cauliflower, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34101u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, shooting hawks which have been carrying away his chickens, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34102u.jpg";
$b[] = "Harvesting corn, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34103u.jpg";
$b[] = "Faro Caudill drawing water from his well, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34104u.jpg";
$b[] = "School at Pie Town, New Mexico is held at the Farm Bureau Building";
$a[] = "1a34105u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Faro Caudill [family] eating dinner in their dugout, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34106u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt which she made, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34107u.jpg";
$b[] = "Filling station and garage at Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34108u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bill Stagg, homesteader, in front of his barn, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34109u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jim Norris and wife, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34110u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bill Stagg, homesteader, with pinto beans, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34111u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bill Stagg turning up his beans, Pie Town, New Mexico. He will next pile them for curing";
$a[] = "1a34112u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bill Stagg turning up pinto beans, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34113u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34114u.jpg";
$b[] = "Church, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34115u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crowd eating free barbeque dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34116u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fruit wagon at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair. There is no fruit grown in this section and the people depend on outside truckers to bring it in";
$a[] = "1a34117u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Norris with homegrown cabbage, one of the many vegetables which the homesteaders grow in abundance, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34118u.jpg";
$b[] = "Les Thomas, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34119u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jim Norris, homesteader, cutting a head of cabbage, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34120u.jpg";
$b[] = "Harvesting new corn from the field of Jim Norris, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34121u.jpg";
$b[] = "Church at Pie Town, New Mexico. This building was a cooperative community enterprise";
$a[] = "1a34122u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wife of Jim Norris with canned goods, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34123u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fruit wagon at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34124u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pinto bean warehouse, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34125u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rodeo at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34126u.jpg";
$b[] = "Group of homesteaders in front of the bean house which was used for exhibit hall at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34127u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men in front of outdoor fire, Pie Town Fair, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34128u.jpg";
$b[] = "Many automobiles were parked in the grove at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34129u.jpg";
$b[] = "Homesteader feeding his daughter at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair free barbeque";
$a[] = "1a34130u.jpg";
$b[] = "Son of Jim Norris, homesteader, tying corn into bundles, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34131u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gathering corn in the field, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34132u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jack Whinery and Jim Norris, homesteaders, looking at roots of stalk of corn, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34133u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pinto beans, main crop at Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34134u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rodeo at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34135u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jim Norris, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34136u.jpg";
$b[] = "People at the Fair, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34137u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cutting the pies and cakes at the barbeque dinner, Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34138u.jpg";
$b[] = "Serving pinto beans at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair barbeque";
$a[] = "1a34139u.jpg";
$b[] = "Harvesting new corn from the field of Jim Norris, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34140u.jpg";
$b[] = "Saying grace before the barbeque dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34141u.jpg";
$b[] = "Homesteader and his children eating barbeque at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34142u.jpg";
$b[] = "Homesteader feeding his daughter at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair free barbeque";
$a[] = "1a34143u.jpg";
$b[] = "The school at Pie Town, New Mexico is held in the Farm Bureau building, which was constructed by cooperative effort";
$a[] = "1a34144u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grace was said before the barbeque was served at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34145u.jpg";
$b[] = "Getting ready to serve the barbeque dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34146u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men of the community of Pie Town, New Mexico eating at the barbeque";
$a[] = "1a34147u.jpg";
$b[] = "Serving up the barbeque at the Pie Town, New Mexico, Fair";
$a[] = "1a34148u.jpg";
$b[] = "Main Street, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34149u.jpg";
$b[] = "Team pulling a car out of the mud; the roads near Pie Town, New Mexico are not improved";
$a[] = "1a34150u.jpg";
$b[] = "Dugout house of Faro Caudill, homesteader with Mt. Allegro in the background, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34151u.jpg";
$b[] = "School children singing, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34152u.jpg";
$b[] = "School children singing, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34153u.jpg";
$b[] = "Friends meeting at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34154u.jpg";
$b[] = "Initial pin souvenirs at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34155u.jpg";
$b[] = "Llano de San Juan, New Mexico, Catholic Church";
$a[] = "1a34156u.jpg";
$b[] = "Driving calves into the corral for roping at the rodeo of the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair";
$a[] = "1a34157u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tying a ribbon on a calf's tail was one of the feature attractions at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair rodeo";
$a[] = "1a34158u.jpg";
$b[] = "Field of beans and farmstead of Bill Stagg, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34159u.jpg";
$b[] = "Llano de San Juan, New Mexico, Catholic Church";
$a[] = "1a34160u.jpg";
$b[] = "R. Rohlfs";
$a[] = "1a34161u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt that she made, Pie Town, New Mexico. A community settled by about 200 migrant Texas and Oklahoma farmers who filed homestead claims ... Mrs. Stagg helps ...";
$a[] = "1a34162u.jpg";
$b[] = "Door and window in a Spanish-American home, Costilla, New Mexico";
часть 3
$a[] = "1a34164u.jpg";
$b[] = "Exhibit of crops and vegetables at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair.";
$a[] = "1a34165u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, coming out of his dugout home, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34166u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, with his work burros in front of his barn, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34167u.jpg";
$b[] = "Garden adjacent to the dugout home of Jack Whinery, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34168u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jack Whinery, homesteader, repairing fence which he built with slabs, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34169u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jack Whinery and his family, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34170u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jack Whinery, homesteader, with his wife and the youngest of his five children, Pie Town, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34171u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the vicinity of Mt. Sneffels, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34172u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ouray, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34173u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountain streams in Ouray County, Colorado run yellow because of the tailings from the gold mills";
$a[] = "1a34174u.jpg";
$b[] = "Million dollar highway [U.S. 550] is cut through massive rocks in Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34175u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in Pleasant Valley near Ridgway, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34176u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rocks and stream along the Million Dollar Highway, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34177u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the vicinity of Mt. Sneffels, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34178u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking down the valley toward Ouray from the Camp Bird Mine, Ouray County, Colorado.";
$a[] = "1a34179u.jpg";
$b[] = "Detail of the mill at the Camp Bird Mine, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34180u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mill at the Camp Bird Mine, Ouray [County], Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34181u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mill at the Camp Bird Mine, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34182u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the vicinity of Mt. Sneffels, Ouray County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34183u.jpg";
$b[] = "Improvised protection for a stream bank, Ridgway, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34184u.jpg";
$b[] = "South-western Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34185u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34186u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34187u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34188u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34189u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34190u.jpg";
$b[] = "Distributing surplus commodities, St. Johns, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34191u.jpg";
$b[] = "Peach trees in an orchard, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34192u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hauling crates of peaches from the orchard to the shipping shed, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34193u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hauling crates of peaches from the orchard to the shipping shed, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34194u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crates of peaches in the orchard, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34195u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pickers in a peach orchard, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34196u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hauling crates of peaches from the orchard to the shipping shed, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34197u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crates of peaches being gathered from pickers to be hauled to the shipping shed, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34198u.jpg";
$b[] = "A branch of peaches in an orchard, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34199u.jpg";
$b[] = "Peaches [i.e. apples] on a tree, orchard in Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34200u.jpg";
$b[] = "Home of a fruit tree rancher, Delta County, Colo.";
$a[] = "1a34201u.jpg";
$b[] = "Winner at the Delta County Fair, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34202u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hay stack and automobile of peach pickers, Delta County, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34203u.jpg";
$b[] = "Delta County Fair, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34204u.jpg";
$b[] = "Delta County Fair, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34205u.jpg";
$b[] = "Delta County Fair, Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34206u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34207u.jpg";
$b[] = "Flour mill, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34208u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards and farming land, Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34209u.jpg";
$b[] = "On main street of Cascade, Idaho ...";
$a[] = "1a34210u.jpg";
$b[] = "Road cut into the barren hills which lead into Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34211u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards and irrigation ditch, Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34212u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34213u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevator, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34214u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34215u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34216u.jpg";
$b[] = "Milk and butter fat receiving depot and creamery, Caldwell, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34217u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards and farming land, Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34218u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards, farm lands and irrigation ditch at Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34219u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards, farm lands and irrigation ditch at Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34220u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cherry orchards, farm lands and irrigation ditch at Emmett, Idaho";
$a[] = "1a34221u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat farm, Walla Walla, Washington";
$a[] = "1a34222u.jpg";
$b[] = "Canning plant where peas are principal project, Milton-Freewater, Oregon";
$a[] = "1a34223u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat farm, Walla Walla, Washington";
$a[] = "1a34224u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat land, Walla Walla, Washington";
$a[] = "1a34225u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat farm, Walla Walla, Washington";
$a[] = "1a34226u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat farm, Walla Walla, Washington";
$a[] = "1a34227u.jpg";
$b[] = "Stand of virgin ponderosa pine, Malheur National Forest, Grant County, Oregon";
$a[] = "1a34228u.jpg";
$b[] = "Truck load of ponderosa pine, Edward Hines Lumber Co. operations in Malheur National Forest, Grant County, Oregon";
$a[] = "1a34229u.jpg";
$b[] = "Horse breeding ranch, Grant Co., Oregon";
$a[] = "1a34230u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34231u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34232u.jpg";
$b[] = "Central tower from which cable buckets carry materials used in the construction of Shasta dam, California";
$a[] = "1a34233u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34234u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34235u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34236u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shasta dam under construction, California";
$a[] = "1a34237u.jpg";
$b[] = "[View of Mount Shasta, Calif.]";
$a[] = "1a34242u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34243u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34244u.jpg";
$b[] = "Student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34245u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34246u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of the parachute to students, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34247u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Civilian training school], students and instructors, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34248u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34249u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Civilian pilot training school], returning from practice flight, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34250u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor and students studying a map, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34251u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34252u.jpg";
$b[] = "Instructor explaining the operation of a parachute to student pilots, Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34253u.jpg";
$b[] = "Families of migratory workers in front of their row shelters, FSA ... labor camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34254u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys playing marbles, FSA ... labor camp, Robstown, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34255u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gardens are planted in front of the row shelters, FSA ... labor camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34256u.jpg";
$b[] = "Row shelters, FSA ... labor camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34257u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys flying a kite in front of community center, FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34258u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Boy] building a model airplane [as girl watches], FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34259u.jpg";
$b[] = "Young woman at the community laundry on Saturday afternoon, FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34260u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman at the community laundry on Saturday afternoon, FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34261u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys flying a kite in front of the community center, FSA camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34262u.jpg";
$b[] = "Community clothesline, FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34263u.jpg";
$b[] = "Migratory worker, FSA ... camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34264u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys sitting on truck parked at the FSA ... labor camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34265u.jpg";
$b[] = "Child of a migratory farm laborer in the field during the harvest of the community center's cabbage crop, FSA labor camp, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34266u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boy building a model airplane while other children look on, FSA labor camp, Robstown, Tex.";
$a[] = "1a34271u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lincoln, Nebraska";
$a[] = "1a34272u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Grocery store, Mt. Orab, Ohio, Route 74]";
$a[] = "1a34273u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Grand Grocery Co.], Lincoln, Neb.";
$a[] = "1a34274u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Eagle Fruit Store and Capital Hotel], Lincoln, Nebraska";
$a[] = "1a34275u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shot putter, University of Nebraska";
$a[] = "1a34276u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cemetery at edge of Romney, West Va.";
$a[] = "1a34277u.jpg";
$b[] = "Church near Junction City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34278u.jpg";
$b[] = "Seed and feed store, Lincoln Nebraska";
$a[] = "1a34279u.jpg";
$b[] = "Country school near Portsmouth, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34280u.jpg";
$b[] = "Work horses near Junction City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34281u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro boy near Cincinnati, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34282u.jpg";
$b[] = "Seed and feed store, Lincoln, Nebr.";
$a[] = "1a34283u.jpg";
$b[] = "Road out of Romney, West Va.";
$a[] = "1a34284u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wisdom, Montana";
$a[] = "1a34285u.jpg";
$b[] = "Landscape, Northeast Utah";
$a[] = "1a34286u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lincoln, Nebraska";
$a[] = "1a34287u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Children playing by road near school house, Kansas?]";
$a[] = "1a34288u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Man shovelling ears of dried corn from wagon through feed store window]";
$a[] = "1a34293u.jpg";
$b[] = "Abandoned shacks, vicinity of Beaufort, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34294u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Negro church in a corn field, Manning, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34295u.jpg";
$b[] = "Houses which have been condemned by the Board of Health, but are still occupied by Negro Migratory workers, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34296u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena's Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34297u.jpg";
$b[] = "4th of July celebration, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34298u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fourth of July picnic by Negroes, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34299u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration by a group of Negroes, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34300u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34301u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fourth of July picnic by a group of Negroes, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34302u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34303u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration by a group of Negroes, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34304u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Fourth of July celebration, St. Helena Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a34305u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southeastern Georgia?";
$a[] = "1a34306u.jpg";
$b[] = "Typical southeastern Georgia farm with newly harvested field of oats";
$a[] = "1a34307u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34308u.jpg";
$b[] = "Typical southeastern Georgia farm with newly harvested field of oats";
$a[] = "1a34309u.jpg";
$b[] = "Georgia oat field? Southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34310u.jpg";
$b[] = "Harvesting oats, southeastern Georgia?";
$a[] = "1a34311u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cabin in southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34312u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cabin in Southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34313u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cabin in Southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34314u.jpg";
$b[] = "House in southern U.S.";
$a[] = "1a34315u.jpg";
$b[] = "Spreading fertilizer from 4-mule team wagon, Georgia";
$a[] = "1a34316u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining and sulfuric acid plant, Copperhill, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a34317u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining and sulfuric acid plant, Copperhill], Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a34318u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train bringing copper ore out of the mines, Ducktown, Tenn. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34319u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining and sulfuric acid plant, Copperhill], Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a34320u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining and sulfuric acid plant, Copperhill], Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a34321u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train bringing copper ore out of the mine, Ducktown, Tenn. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34322u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining and sulfuric acid plant, Copperhill], Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a34323u.jpg";
$b[] = "Planting corn along a river in northeastern Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a34324u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train bringing copper ore out of the mine, Ducktown, Tenn. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34325u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining section between Ducktown and Copperhill], Tennessee. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34326u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining section between Ducktown and Copperhill], Tennessee. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34327u.jpg";
$b[] = "Planting corn along a river in Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a34328u.jpg";
$b[] = "Copper mining section between Ducktown and Copperhill], Tennessee. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land";
$a[] = "1a34329u.jpg";
$b[] = "Natchez, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34330u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southern U.S., Mississippi?";
$a[] = "1a34331u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negroes fishing in creek near cotton plantations outside Belzoni, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34332u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negroes fishing in creek near cotton plantations outside Belzoni, Miss. Delta";
$a[] = "1a34333u.jpg";
$b[] = "Natchez, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34334u.jpg";
$b[] = "Natchez, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34335u.jpg";
$b[] = "Natchez, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34336u.jpg";
$b[] = "An old house almost hidden by sunflowers, Rodney, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34337u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day-laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34338u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34339u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton, near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34340u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34341u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34342u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton, near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34343u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss. Delta";
$a[] = "1a34344u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34345u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss. Delta";
$a[] = "1a34346u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34347u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34348u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marcella Plantation, Mileston, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34349u.jpg";
$b[] = "Backyard of Negro tenant's home, Marcella Plantation, Mileston, Miss. Delta";
$a[] = "1a34350u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marcella Plantation, Mileston, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34351u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34352u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34353u.jpg";
$b[] = "Day laborers picking cotton near Clarksdale, Miss.";
$a[] = "1a34354u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bayou Bourbeau plantation, a Farm Security Administration cooperative, vicinity of Natchitoches, La. Three Negro children sitting on the porch of a house";
$a[] = "1a34355u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro tenant's home beside the Mississippi River levee, near Lake Providence, La.";
$a[] = "1a34356u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm in southern U.S. ... Louisiana?";
$a[] = "1a34357u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bayou Bourbeau plantation operated by Bayou Bourbeau Farmstead Association, a cooperative established through the cooperation of FSA, Natchitoches, La.";
$a[] = "1a34358u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro tenant's home beside the Mississippi River levee, near Lake Providence, La.";
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 4 года 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2

tubule · 21-Мар-20 03:39 (спустя 3 мин.)

[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 43

elcovvitalii · 21-Мар-20 03:41 (спустя 2 мин.)

часть 4
$a[] = "1a34360u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys fishing in a bayou, Schriever, La.";
$a[] = "1a34361u.jpg";
$b[] = "A cross roads store, bar, "juke joint," and gas station in the cotton plantation area, Melrose, La.";
$a[] = "1a34362u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys fishing in a bayou, Schriever, La. Cajun children in a bayou near the school. Terrebonne, a Farm Security Administration project";
$a[] = "1a34363u.jpg";
$b[] = "Clothes of swimmers hanging on a telegraph pole, Lake Providence, La. The children from the nearby farms and neighborhoods go swimming, on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, in the lake";
$a[] = "1a34364u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southern U.S. ... Louisiana?";
$a[] = "1a34365u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bayou Bourbeau plantation operated by Bayou Bourbeau Farmstead Association, a cooperative established through the cooperation of FSA, Natchitoches, La.";
$a[] = "1a34366u.jpg";
$b[] = "An old tenant house with a mud chimney and cotton growing up to its door, which is occupied by Mulattoes, Melrose, La.";
$a[] = "1a34367u.jpg";
$b[] = "A store with live fish for sale, vicinity of Natchitoches, La.";
$a[] = "1a34368u.jpg";
$b[] = "Field of Burley tobacco on farm of Russell Spears, drying and curing barn in the background, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34369u.jpg";
$b[] = "Taking Burley tobacco in from the fields after it had been cut, to dry and cure in the barn, on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34370u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cutting Burley tobacco and putting it on sticks to wilt before taking it into the curing and drying barn on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34371u.jpg";
$b[] = "Burley tobacco is placed on sticks to wilt after cutting, before it is taken into the barn for drying and curing on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34372u.jpg";
$b[] = "Taking burley tobacco in from the fields, after it has been cut to dry and cure in the barn, on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34373u.jpg";
$b[] = "Burley tobacco is placed on sticks to wilt after cutting, before it is taken into the brn for drying and curing, on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34374u.jpg";
$b[] = "Burley tobacco is placed on sticks to wilt after cutting,before it is taken into the barn for drying and curing, on the Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34375u.jpg";
$b[] = "Taking Burley tobacco in from the fields, after it has been cut, to dry and cure in the barn, Russell Spears' farm, vicinity of Lexington, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34376u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmers and townspeople in center of town on Court Day, Compton [i.e. Campton], Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34377u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmers and townspeople in the center of town on court day, Campton, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34378u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmers and townspeople in the center of town on Court Day, Campton, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34379u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34380u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmers and townspeople in center of town on Court day, Campton, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34381u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34382u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34383u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34384u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34385u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmers and townspeople in town on Court day, Campton, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34386u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34387u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34388u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, [Campton], Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34389u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34390u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34391u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34392u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountaineers and farmers trading mules and horses on "Jockey St.," near the Court House, Campton, Wolfe County, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a34393u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro migratory workers and one shack, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34394u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro migratory workers by a shack, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34395u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro migratory workers by a "juke joint" (?), Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34396u.jpg";
$b[] = "Living quarters and "juke joint" for migratory workers, a slack season; Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34397u.jpg";
$b[] = "Migratory laborers outside of a "juke joint" during a slack season, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34398u.jpg";
$b[] = "Houses which have been condemned by the Board of Health but are still occupied by Negro migratory workers, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34399u.jpg";
$b[] = "Negro migratory workers by a shack, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34400u.jpg";
$b[] = "Houses which have been condemned by the Board of Health but are still occupied by Negro migratory workers, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34401u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shacks of Negro migratory workers, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34402u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shacks condemned by Board of Health, formerly (?) occupied by migrant workers and pickers, Belle Glade, Fla.";
$a[] = "1a34407u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Houses and factories]";
$a[] = "1a34408u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Black troops at the Memorial Day parade, Washington, D.C., probably Constitution Avenue]";
$a[] = "1a34409u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Christmas trees and wreaths in store window display]";
$a[] = "1a34410u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Small farm of John P. Collins, Taunton, Mass.]";
$a[] = "1a34411u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Houses and factories]";
$a[] = "1a34412u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Brick building]";
$a[] = "1a34413u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Boy beside store window display of Christmas ornaments]";
$a[] = "1a34414u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Boy looking at store window display of toys]";
$a[] = "1a34415u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Children aiming sticks as guns, lined up against a brick building, Washington, D.C.?]";
$a[] = "1a34416u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Row houses, corner of N and Union Streets S.W., Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a34417u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Row houses, corner of N and Union Streets S.W., Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a34418u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Children in street, Washington, D.C]";
$a[] = "1a34419u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Children on row house steps, Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a34420u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Row house or school(?), Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a34421u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Shulman's market, on N at Union Street S.W., Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a34422u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Laundry, barbershop and store, Washington, D.C.?]";
$a[] = "1a34423u.jpg";
$b[] = "[House in Washington, D.C.?]";
$a[] = "1a34424u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Shulman's Market at the southeast corner of N Street and Union Street S.W., Washington, D.C., with a 1931 Chevrolet car parked in front]";
$a[] = "1a34425u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Car in front of Shulman's Market on N at Union St. S.W., Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34426u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Laundry, barbershop and stores, Washington, D.C.?]";
$a[] = "1a34427u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Eroded land]";
$a[] = "1a34428u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Field of cotton]";
$a[] = "1a34429u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Girl with doll standing by fence]";
$a[] = "1a34430u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Girl next to barn with chicken]";
$a[] = "1a34431u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Sunflower plants]";
$a[] = "1a34432u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Man outdoors, possibly a farmer]";
$a[] = "1a34433u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Field with tree stumps]";
$a[] = "1a34434u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Man, possibly a farmer or agricultural laborer]";
$a[] = "1a34435u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Grading and packing onions, Rice County, Minnesota]";
$a[] = "1a34436u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Trees in a reforestation project, Md.?]";
$a[] = "1a34437u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Field or pasture]";
$a[] = "1a34438u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Sunrise or sunset]";
$a[] = "1a34439u.jpg";
$b[] = "Timber, reforestation project, Md. (?)";
$a[] = "1a34440u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Cows on a hillside]";
$a[] = "1a34441u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Sunflower plants]";
$a[] = "1a34442u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Trees in a reforestation project, Md.?]";
$a[] = "1a34443u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Trees in reforestation project, Md.?]";
$a[] = "1a34444u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Guernsey cow or calf lying on the ground]";
$a[] = "1a34445u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Tree in a rural area]";
$a[] = "1a34446u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Field with farm equipment in distance]";
$a[] = "1a34447u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Gas pump with clothesline, barn and horse-drawn wagon in background]";
$a[] = "1a34448u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Baskets of eggplants]";
$a[] = "1a34449u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Man in bill cap and dungaree coat, possibly a farmer]";
$a[] = "1a34456u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies";
$a[] = "1a34459u.jpg";
$b[] = "Trampas, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34460u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34461u.jpg";
$b[] = "Questa vicinity, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34462u.jpg";
$b[] = "Vista northward into Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34463u.jpg";
$b[] = "Questa, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34464u.jpg";
$b[] = "General store, near Questa, Taos County, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34465u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cerros, near Costilla, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34466u.jpg";
$b[] = "Village of La Alama, near Questa, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34467u.jpg";
$b[] = "La Alama, near Questa, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34468u.jpg";
$b[] = "Placita, New Mexico, on the Rio Pueblo";
$a[] = "1a34469u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34470u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mountain, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34471u.jpg";
$b[] = "Romeroville, near Chacon, Mora Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34472u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking north from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains above Penasco, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34473u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mountain";
$a[] = "1a34474u.jpg";
$b[] = "Vista westward over the Rio Grande valley from the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos [Mountains] near Questa, Taos County, N[ew] M[exico]";
$a[] = "1a34475u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mt., New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34476u.jpg";
$b[] = "Valley of Chacon, Mora County, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34477u.jpg";
$b[] = "Village in New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34478u.jpg";
$b[] = "Village of Placita near Penasco, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34479u.jpg";
$b[] = "Village of Trampas, Taos County, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34480u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking north from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains above Penasco, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34481u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side altar in the church dedicated to San Lorenzo and San Felipe de Jesus, Trampas, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34482u.jpg";
$b[] = "The main altar in the church, Trampas, N.M. There are paintings on the wall behind the altar";
$a[] = "1a34483u.jpg";
$b[] = "An altar in the church dedicated to the Trinity, Trampas, N.M.";
$a[] = "1a34484u.jpg";
$b[] = "Side altar in the church dedicated to the Madonna and to Santiago Matamoro, Trampas, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34485u.jpg";
$b[] = "The altar of Nuestra Senora del Carmel on the south wall of the church, Trampas, N.M.";
$a[] = "1a34486u.jpg";
$b[] = "Altar in the church, Trampas, New Mexico. The prevailing colors are grey and blue. A Coca-Cola bottle is used as a candle holder";
$a[] = "1a34487u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of the church, Trampas, N[ew] M[exico]";
$a[] = "1a34488u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Santo bulto and a painting of the Dolorosa in the church, Trampas, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34489u.jpg";
$b[] = "Plaza of Trampas, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34490u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Spanish-American village in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains dating back to 1700 which was once a sheep raising center, Trampas, Taos County, New Mexico. Due to the over-grazing ...";
$a[] = "1a34491u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34492u.jpg";
$b[] = "Questa, Taos County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34493u.jpg";
$b[] = "General store, Chacon, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34494u.jpg";
$b[] = "Church of Trampas, Taos Co., N[ew] M[exico]";
$a[] = "1a34495u.jpg";
$b[] = "An altar in the church dedicated to the Trinity, Trampas, N.M.";
$a[] = "1a34496u.jpg";
$b[] = "Trampas, Taos County, New Mexico, a Spanish-American village in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains dating back to 1700 which was once a sheep raising center. Due to overgrazing and ...";
$a[] = "1a34497u.jpg";
$b[] = "Plaza of Costilla, near the Colorado line, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34498u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mts., N.M.";
$a[] = "1a34499u.jpg";
$b[] = "Valley of Chacon, Mora County, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34500u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34501u.jpg";
$b[] = "Placita, New Mexico, on the Rio Pueblo";
$a[] = "1a34502u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34503u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chapel, Vadito, near Penasco, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34504u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of the church, Trampas, N[ew] M[exico]";
$a[] = "1a34505u.jpg";
$b[] = "Trampas, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34506u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34507u.jpg";
$b[] = "Moreno Valley, Colfax County, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34508u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mountains, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34509u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mountains, looking north into Colorado";
$a[] = "1a34510u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sangre de Cristo Mountains, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34511u.jpg";
$b[] = "Questa, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34512u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mountains in northern New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34513u.JPG";
$b[] = "Placita, near Penasco, Taos Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34514u.JPG";
$b[] = "Placita, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34515u.JPG";
$b[] = "Chacon, Moro Co., N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34516u.JPG";
$b[] = "Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, Charlottesville, Va.";
$a[] = "1a34517u.JPG";
$b[] = "Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, Charlottesville, Va.";
$a[] = "1a34518u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rotunda of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.";
$a[] = "1a34519u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34520u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34521u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34522u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34523u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34524u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34525u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34526u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34527u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34528u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor and girl at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34529u.jpg";
$b[] = "Courtyard of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34530u.jpg";
$b[] = "Courtyard of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34531u.jpg";
$b[] = "Steps of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34532u.jpg";
$b[] = "Steps of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34533u.jpg";
$b[] = "Courtyard of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34534u.jpg";
$b[] = "Garden of the Pan American Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34535u.jpg";
$b[] = "Front view of the Pan American Union, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34536u.jpg";
$b[] = "Front view of the Pan American Union, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a34537u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34538u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Ground crew making a routine overhaul of a patrol plane, Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34539u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Ground crew making overhaul of a patrol plane. Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34540u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Ground crew making overhaul of a patrol plane. Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34541u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34542u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34543u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Flying field from the hangar. Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34544u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Flying field of Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34545u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34546u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34547u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34548u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34549u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34550u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34551u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34552u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. Ground crew making a routine overhaul of a patrol plane at base headquarters of Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34553u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34554u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34555u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine. The hangar of Coastal Patrol #20";
$a[] = "1a34556u.jpg";
$b[] = "Civil Air Patrol Base, Bar Harbor, Maine";
$a[] = "1a34557u.jpg";
$b[] = "Wheat, Pennsylvania";
часть 5
$a[] = "1a34559u.jpg";
$b[] = "A farm, Bethel, Vt.";
$a[] = "1a34560u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland along the upper Delaware River in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34561u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland along the upper Delaware River in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34562u.JPG";
$b[] = "Farmland along the upper Delaware River in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34563u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland along the Delaware River, N.Y.";
$a[] = "1a34564u.jpg";
$b[] = "Church along the Delaware River, N.Y.";
$a[] = "1a34565u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland along the upper Delaware River in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34566u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland along the upper Delaware River in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34567u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the Catskill country, in New York State";
$a[] = "1a34568u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the Catskill Mountains, Richmondsville, N.Y.";
$a[] = "1a34569u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the Catskill Mountains, Richmondsville, N.Y.";
$a[] = "1a34570u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the Taconic range, near the Hudson River Valley in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34571u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farmland in the Taconic range, near the Hudson River Valley in New York state";
$a[] = "1a34572u.jpg";
$b[] = "White Mountains National Forest, New Hampshire";
$a[] = "1a34573u.jpg";
$b[] = "White Mountains National Forest, New Hampshire";
$a[] = "1a34574u.jpg";
$b[] = "[A view looking northeast from the fire tower manned by Barbara Mortensen, a fire and airplane lookout on Pine Mountain, Gorham vicinity, N.H.]";
$a[] = "1a34575u.jpg";
$b[] = "A view looking through the White Mountains from the fire control tower manned by Barbara Mortensen, a fire and airplane lookout on Pine Mountain, Gorham vicinity, N.H. View is to the south";
$a[] = "1a34576u.jpg";
$b[] = "A view looking northeast from the fire tower manned by Barbara Mortensen, a fire and airplane lookout on Pine Mountain, Gorham vicinity, N.H.";
$a[] = "1a34577u.jpg";
$b[] = "A view looking south through the White Mountains from the fire tower manned by Barbara Mortensen, a fire and airplane lookout on Pine Mountain, Gorham vicinity, N.H.";
$a[] = "1a34582u.jpg";
$b[] = "Garage mechanic near Newark, N.J. Badge denotes member of Office of Defense Transportation";
$a[] = "1a34583u.jpg";
$b[] = "Camouflage class at N[ew] Y[ork] University, where men and women are preparing for jobs in the Army or in industry, New York, N.Y. This model has been camouflaged and photographed. The girl ...";
$a[] = "1a34584u.jpg";
$b[] = "Camouflage class in New York University, where men and women are preparing for jobs in the Army or in industry, New York, N.Y. They make models from aerial photographs, re-photograph them, then ...";
$a[] = "1a34585u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations exhibit by OWI in Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. View of entrance from 5th Avenue";
$a[] = "1a34586u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rockefeller Plaza, exhibit [for] United Nations by OWI, New York, N.Y. Between photographic displays is [the] Atlantic charter in frame with transmitters at each end and where voices of Roosevelt, Churchill and ...";
$a[] = "1a34587u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations exhibit put on by OWI in Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. Central motif was this frame containing copy of Atlantic charter, with amplifiers at each end broadcasting speeches by Roosevelt, ...";
$a[] = "1a34588u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations exhibit put on by OWI in Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. Central motif was this frame containing copy of Atlantic charter, with amplifiers at each end broadcasting speeches by Roosevelt, ...";
$a[] = "1a34589u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations exhibit by OWI in Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. View of entrance from 5th Avenue";
$a[] = "1a34590u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations exhibit by OWI at Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. Close-up of photographic display and seals of the nations";
$a[] = "1a34595u.jpg";
$b[] = "John L. Walter, conductor at Proviso yard of the C&NWRR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]. Mr. Walter has been employed on the railroad for 45 years, 32 of them as conductor. ...";
$a[] = "1a34596u.jpg";
$b[] = "Frederick Batt, brakeman, on the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34597u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welder at the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad] locomotive shops, 40th Street shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34598u.jpg";
$b[] = "A worker in the roundhouse at the C & NW RR., Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34599u.jpg";
$b[] = "A young worker at the C & NW RR 40th Street shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34600u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two employees at the roundhouse at Proviso yard, C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34601u.jpg";
$b[] = "Workers at the roundhouse of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad] Proviso Yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34602u.jpg";
$b[] = "A welder who works in the round-house at the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad's Proviso yard";
$a[] = "1a34603u.jpg";
$b[] = "Greasing a locomotive at the 40th Street shops of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]";
$a[] = "1a34604u.jpg";
$b[] = "Spreading asbestos mixture on boiler of a locomotive at the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], 40th Street locomotive shops";
$a[] = "1a34605u.jpg";
$b[] = "Worn tires on locomotive wheels are refaced on this machine in the wheel shop of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34606u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section of a locomotive frame, which will be welded to replace a broken locomotive frame, Chicago, Ill. Workman is indicating what place must be cut. At the 40th Street shop of C&NWRR ...";
$a[] = "1a34607u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on the cab of a locomotive brought in for repair at the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], 40th Street shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34608u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on the cylinder of a locomotive at the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], 40th Street shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34609u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on the boiler of a locomotive at the 40th Street shops of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34610u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on the boiler of a locomotive at the 40th Street shops of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34611u.jpg";
$b[] = "Apparatus used at the laboratory at the C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's], 40th Street yards for analysing solutions of metals used in locomotives and the railroad plant, ...";
$a[] = "1a34612u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on a switch engine at the 40th Street shops of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34613u.jpg";
$b[] = "Laboratory worker at the research laboratory at the C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] 40th Street yard, examining paint samples used on freight cars and coaches of the ...";
$a[] = "1a34614u.jpg";
$b[] = "Locomotive lubrication chart in the laboratory of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad. The laboratory assistant in foreground is working at a precision balance. Chicago, Ill";
$a[] = "1a34615u.jpg";
$b[] = "Locomotives lined up for coal, sand and water at the coaling station in the 40th Street yard of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34616u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the yards of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad. On the right are three of the west coast streamliners, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34617u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of yard and some of the locomotive shop of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad] at 40th Street. On the tracks on the right are ...";
$a[] = "1a34618u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on a locomotive at the 40th Street shop of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34619u.jpg";
$b[] = "Truck trailers line up at a freight house to load and unload goods from the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34620u.jpg";
$b[] = "The yardmaster's office at the receiving yard, North Proviso(?), C & NW RR, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34621u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad roundhouse, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34622u.jpg";
$b[] = "A general view of a classification yard at C & NW RR's Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34623u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hump master in a Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad yard operating a signal switch system which extends the length of the hump track. He is thus able to control movements ...";
$a[] = "1a34624u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switch lists coming in by teletype to the hump office at a Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34625u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of a classification yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34626u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking toward the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad classification yard. The trestle runs from the ice house to the yard. The old cars in the foreground are used as living ...";
$a[] = "1a34627u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of the hump yard at Proviso yard, C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34628u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad yards, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34629u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of the hump, Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad classification yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34630u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the yards of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34631u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of a classification yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34632u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train (or "cut") being pushed out of a receiving yard toward the hump. A brakeman rides each train to signal the engineer in the locomotive at the rear; Proviso yard, C ...";
$a[] = "1a34633u.jpg";
$b[] = "Painting a car at the repair or "rip" tracks at North Proviso(?), C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34634u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train being pushed over the hump at the Proviso yard, C & NW RR., Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34635u.jpg";
$b[] = "Work goes on 24 hours a day at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34636u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad classification yards, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34637u.jpg";
$b[] = "A general view of a classification yard at C & NW RR's Proviso(?) yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34638u.jpg";
$b[] = "Truck trailers loading and unloading at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34639u.jpg";
$b[] = "A train pulling out of the freight house at C & NW RR's Proviso(?) yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34640u.jpg";
$b[] = "Car jacked up for repairs on the repair tracks, North Proviso, C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad] Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34641u.jpg";
$b[] = "Train pulling out of the freight house at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso Yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34642u.jpg";
$b[] = "Train going over the hump at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34643u.jpg";
$b[] = "Train going over the hump at the C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34644u.jpg";
$b[] = "Train going over the hump at the C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34645u.jpg";
$b[] = "Locomotives over the ash pit at the roundhouse and coaling station at the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad yards, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34646u.jpg";
$b[] = "The regular tracks of the South Yards, at C & NW RR's Proviso (?) yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34647u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of a classification yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso (?) yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34648u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of a Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad freight house. A long line of truck trailers are loading and unloading goods, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34649u.jpg";
$b[] = "The freight house at a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad yard. In the foreground are old cars used as living quarters for some yard workers and itinerant help; Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34650u.jpg";
$b[] = "View in a departure yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso (?) yard at twilight, Chicago, Ill. Brakeman is signaling with a red flare and the ...";
$a[] = "1a34651u.jpg";
$b[] = "View in a departure yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso (?) yard at twilight, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34652u.jpg";
$b[] = "Worker inspecting a locomotive on a pit in the roundhouse at the C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34653u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the roundhouse at a yard of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34654u.jpg";
$b[] = "Greasing a locomotive in the roundhouse at Proviso (?) yard, C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34655u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the roundhouse at a Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34656u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switchman throwing a switch a C and NW RR's Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34657u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switchman throwing a switch at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34658u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the rip tracks at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34659u.JPG";
$b[] = "General view of part of classification yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34660u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the Proviso yard of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad, Chicago, Ill. In the background is the coal chute and roundhouse";
$a[] = "1a34661u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freight cars in the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad classification yard(?), Chicago, Ill. General view of Proviso yard";
$a[] = "1a34662u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tracks at Proviso yard of C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34663u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tracks at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34664u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the departure yards at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34665u.jpg";
$b[] = "Caboose on the caboose track at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34666u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tracks leading into the freight house at Proviso yard. This is said to be the largest covered freight house in the world. C&NWRR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34667u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sam Cell, working on the truck of a car at the rip tracks of C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34668u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mike Evans, a welder, at the rip tracks at Proviso yard of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34669u.jpg";
$b[] = "A.S. Gerdee, of 3251 Maypole(?) Street, working as a switchman at Proviso yard of C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34670u.jpg";
$b[] = "John Sabados washing up after a day's work at the rip tracks at Proviso yard of C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34671u.jpg";
$b[] = "Joseph Klesken washing up after a day's work at the rip tracks at Proviso yards of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34672u.jpg";
$b[] = "Melrose Park (near Chicago), Ill, C&NWRR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]. William London has been a railroad worker 25 years - now working at the roundhouse at the Proviso yards";
$a[] = "1a34673u.jpg";
$b[] = "Melrose Park (near Chicago), Ill; C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]; L. Logan, of West Chicago, boilermaker at the roundhouse at the Proviso yard";
$a[] = "1a34674u.jpg";
$b[] = "Melrose Park (near Chicago), Ill.; C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]; Roy Nelin, a box packer in the roundhouse at the Proviso yard";
$a[] = "1a34675u.jpg";
$b[] = "James Lynch, a roundhouse worker, C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad][Proviso yard]";
$a[] = "1a34676u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad locomotive shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34677u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad]; locomotives in the roundhouse at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34678u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], working on a locomotive at the 40th Street railroad shops, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34679u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the classification yards of the C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34680u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of one of the classification yards of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] Railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34681u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], a general view of a classification yard at Proviso Yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34682u.jpg";
$b[] = "C&NWRR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], towerman R.W. Mayberry of Elmhurst, Ill., at the Proviso yard. He operates a set of retarders and switches at the hump, Melrose Park (near Chicago), ...";
$a[] = "1a34683u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], railroad worker cultivating the small Victory garden in the Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34684u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], railroad workers cultivating a little Victory garden at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34685u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], putting the finishing touches on a rebuilt caboose at the rip tracks at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34686u.jpg";
$b[] = "C & NW RR [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad], tank cars going over the hump at Proviso yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34687u.jpg";
$b[] = "Locomotive in a railroad yard, Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] RR (?), near Chicago, Ill.(?)";
$a[] = "1a34688u.jpg";
$b[] = "View in a departure yard at C & NW RR's [i.e. Chicago and North Western railroad's] Proviso(?) yard, at twilight, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34689u.jpg";
$b[] = "Repair tracks of the Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] R.R.";
$a[] = "1a34690u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freight cars being maneuvered in a Chicago and Northwestern [i.e. North Western] railroad yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34691u.jpg";
$b[] = "Belt Railway, looking toward the west yard of clearing yard, taken from bridge of hump, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34692u.jpg";
$b[] = "Belt Railway, looking toward the west yard of clearing yard, taken from bridge of the hump, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34693u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indiana Harbor Belt RR, switchman demonstrating signalwith a "fusee"- used at twilight and dawn - when visibility is poor. This signal means "go ahead." Calumet City, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34694u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indiana Harbor Belt RR, switchman demonstrating signal with a "fusee" - used at twilight and dawn - when visibility is poor. This signal means "back up." Calumet City, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34695u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indiana Harbor Belt RR, switchman demonstrating signal with a "fusee" - used at twilight and dawn - when visibility is poor. This signal means "stop." Calumet City, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34696u.jpg";
$b[] = "Daniel Senise throwing a switch while at work in an Indiana Harbor Belt Line railroad yard";
$a[] = "1a34697u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indiana Harbor Belt R.R., switch engine in yard near Calumet Park stockyards, Calumet City (near Chicago), Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34698u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indiana Harbor Belt RR, switch engine in yard near Calumet park stockyards, Calumet City (near Chicago), Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34699u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. freight train about to leave for the West Coast from Corwith yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34700u.jpg";
$b[] = "John Paulinski, car inspector, blue flagging a train for inspection, at Corwith yard, Santa Fe RR trip, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34701u.jpg";
$b[] = "Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad conductor George E. Burton and engineer J.W. Edwards comparing time before pulling out of Corwith railroad yard for Chillicothe, Illinois; Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34702u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe RR freight train about to leave for the West Coast from Corwith yard, Chicago, Ill., Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34703u.jpg";
$b[] = "Activity in the Santa Fe R.R. yard, Los Angeles, Calif. All switch lights, head lights and lamps have been shaded from above in accordance with blackout regulations. The heavy light streaks are ...";
$a[] = "1a34704u.jpg";
$b[] = "Activity in the Santa Fe R.R. yard, Los Angeles, Calif. Due to blackout regulations, flood lights, switch lights, locomotive headlights and lights on the bridge in background have been shaded to cast ...";
$a[] = "1a34705u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switch lights in Santa Fe R.R. yards, Los Angeles, Calif. Due to blackout regulations all such lights are hooded. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34706u.jpg";
$b[] = "Retiring a locomotive driver wheel, Shopton, Iowa. The tire is heated by means of gas until it can be slipped over the wheel. Contraction on cooling will hold it firmly in shape. ...";
$a[] = "1a34707u.jpg";
$b[] = "Retiring a locomotive driver wheel, Shopton, Iowa. The tire is heated by means of gas until it can be slipped over the wheel. Contraction on cooling will hold it firmly in place. ...";
$a[] = "1a34708u.jpg";
$b[] = "Retiring a locomotive driver wheel in the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railway locomotive shops, Shopton, near Fort Madison, Iowa. The tire is heated by means of gas until it can be ...";
$a[] = "1a34709u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working with a small steam drop hammer at the blacksmith shop in the Santa Fe R.R. shops, Topeka, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34710u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. locomotive shops, Topeka, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34711u.jpg";
$b[] = "Washing one of the Santa Fe R.R. 54 hundred horse power diesel freight locomotives in the roundhouse, Argentine, Kansas. Argentine yard is at Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34712u.jpg";
$b[] = "The giant 10 million bushel grain elevator of the Santa Fe R.R., Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34713u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. yards, Argentine, Kansas. Argentine yard is at Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34714u.jpg";
$b[] = "The giant Santa Fe R.R. 10 million bushel grain elevator, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34715u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. yards and shops, Argentine, Kansas. Argentine yard is at Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34716u.jpg";
$b[] = "Servicing engines at coal and sand chutes at Argentine yard, Santa Fe R.R., Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34717u.jpg";
$b[] = "Night view of part of Santa Fe R.R. yard, Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a34718u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of the city and the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, Amarillo, Texas. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34719u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators near Amarillo, Texas; Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34720u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grain elevators along the route of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, Amarillo, Texas. Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34721u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm land in Texas panhandle near Amarillo, Texas. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34722u.jpg";
$b[] = "Amarillo, Texas, general view, Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34723u.jpg";
$b[] = "Amarillo, Texas, general view, Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34724u.jpg";
$b[] = "Amarillo, Texas, general view, Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34725u.jpg";
$b[] = "Yardmaster in railroad yards, Amarillo Texas";
$a[] = "1a34726u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. streamliner, the "super Chief," being serviced at the depot, Albuquerque, N.M. Servicing of these diesel streamliners takes five minutes. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34727u.jpg";
$b[] = "In the Santa Fe R.R. yards, Belen, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34728u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. yard, Gallup, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34729u.jpg";
$b[] = "A completely overhauled engine on the transfer table at the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad locomotive shops, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is now ready to go into service";
$a[] = "1a34730u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hammering out a draw bar on the steam drop hammer in the blacksmith shop, Santa Fe R.R. shops, Albuquerque, N[ew] Mex[ico)";
$a[] = "1a34731u.jpg";
$b[] = "Passing a section house along the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad, Encino vicinity, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34732u.jpg";
$b[] = "West bound Santa Fe R.R. freight train waiting in a siding to meet an east bound train, Ricardo, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34733u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. train stopping for coal and water, Laguna, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34734u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Santa Fe R.R. tie plant, Albuquerque, N[ew] Mex[ico]. The ties made of pine and fir, are seasoned for eight months. The steaming black ties in the center have just come ...";
$a[] = "1a34735u.jpg";
$b[] = "A completely overhauled engine on the transfer table at the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad locomotive shops, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is now ready to go into service";
$a[] = "1a34736u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. streamliner, the "Super Chief," being serviced at the depot, Albuquerque, N[ew] Mex[ico]. Servicing these diesel streamliners takes five minutes";
$a[] = "1a34737u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. west bound freight stopping for water, Melrose, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34738u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. train, Melrose, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34739u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. near Melrose, New Mexico";
$a[] = "1a34740u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. line going to Albuquerque, New Mexico, past the Isleta Indian reservation, Isleta, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34741u.jpg";
$b[] = "Indian houses and farms on the Laguna Indian reservation, Laguna N[ew] Mex[ico]. In the background is Mount Taylor. The Santa Fe R.R. crosses the reservation";
$a[] = "1a34742u.jpg";
$b[] = "A freight train stopping for coal and water at a siding enroute to Gallup, New Mexico, near Laguna, N.M.";
$a[] = "1a34743u.jpg";
$b[] = "Flagman standing behind his train to flag oncoming trains at a small siding between Laguna, N[ew] Mex[ico] and Gallup, N[ew] Mex[ico]. Sant Fe R.R., Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34744u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Santa Fe R.R. crosses the Southern Pacific R.R. at Vaughn, N[ew] Mexi[ico]. A Southern Pacific RR freight passing Vaughn";
$a[] = "1a34745u.jpg";
$b[] = "Landscape along the Santa Fe R.R., Willard, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34746u.jpg";
$b[] = "West bound Santa Fe R.R. freight train stopping for water, Tolar, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34747u.jpg";
$b[] = "Westbound freight train stopping for water, Melrose, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34748u.jpg";
$b[] = "East bound track of the Santa Fe R.R. across desert country near South Chaves, N[ew] Mex[ico]";
$a[] = "1a34749u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. going through Yucca, Arizona; a watering and refueling stop";
$a[] = "1a34750u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. freight train rounding a curve between Ash Fork and Gleed, Arizona";
$a[] = "1a34751u.jpg";
$b[] = "West-bound passenger train going around a curve on the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad between Winslow and Seligman, Arizona, [near] Gleed, Arizone";
$a[] = "1a34752u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. freight train rounding a curve between Ash Fork and Gleed, Arizona";
$a[] = "1a34753u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. freight train rounding a curve between Ash Fork and Gleed, Arizona";
$a[] = "1a34754u.jpg";
$b[] = "A east bound Union Pacific railroad freight train waiting in a siding, Alray, Calif. Coming up through Cajon Pass. The Santa Fe tracks are used by the Union Pacific as far east ...";
$a[] = "1a34755u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. line leaving Cadiz, Calif. This town is a junction point with a branch going to Phoenix, Ariz.";
$a[] = "1a34756u.jpg";
$b[] = "Santa Fe R.R. crosses the Colorado River into California between Topock, Arizona and Beal, California";
$a[] = "1a34757u.jpg";
$b[] = "Flagman standing at a distance behind a Santa Fe R.R. west bound freight train during a stop, Bagdad, Calif.";
часть 6
$a[] = "1a34759u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the cuts through the mountains, near Cajon, Calif., Cajon Pass, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a34760u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freight train with two helper engines climbing the steep grade of Cajon Pass (westbound), Cajon, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a34761u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freight train going up Cajon Pass through the San Bernardino Mountains, Cajon, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a34762u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mojave Desert country, crossed by the Santa Fe R.R., Cadiz, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a34763u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mojave Desert country, crossed by Santa Fe R.R., Cadiz, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a34764u.jpg";
$b[] = "Automatic dumper at the co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34765u.jpg";
$b[] = "Co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Workman is doing the preliminary sorting, picking out the discards. Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34766u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34767u.jpg";
$b[] = "Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip";
$a[] = "1a34768u.jpg";
$b[] = "Washing oranges at an orange packing co-op, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34769u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drying oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34770u.jpg";
$b[] = "Packing oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34771u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a machine for putting tops on crates at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34772u.jpg";
$b[] = "Growers bringing in their crop to a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34773u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading oranges into refrigerator car at a co-op orange packing plant";
$a[] = "1a34774u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading oranges into a refrigerator car at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe R.R. trip";
$a[] = "1a34775u.jpg";
$b[] = "Diesel switch engineer moving freight cars at the South Water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill. The N.Y. Central is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities ...";
$a[] = "1a34776u.jpg";
$b[] = "Diesel switch engine moving freight cars at the South water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill. The N.Y. Central is one of the railroads that lease terminal facilities ...";
$a[] = "1a34777u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the ...";
$a[] = "1a34778u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the south Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the ...";
$a[] = "1a34779u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill. A C and O R.R. caboose. the C and O is one of the ...";
$a[] = "1a34780u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water street Illinois Central Railroad freight terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34781u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water Street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34782u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water street Illinois Central Railroad freight terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34783u.jpg";
$b[] = "Diesel switch engine moving freight cars at the South Water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34784u.JPG";
$b[] = "Trucks unloading at the inbound freight house of the Illinois Central Railroad, South Water Street freight terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34785u.JPG";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water Street Illinois Central Railroad freight terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34786u.JPG";
$b[] = "General view of part of the South Water Street freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34787u.JPG";
$b[] = "Illinois Central R.R., freight cars at the South Water Street freight terminal, Chicago, Ill. The C & O and Nickel Plate Railroads lease part of this terminal from the I.C.R.R.";
$a[] = "1a34788u.JPG";
$b[] = "Night view of part of the South Water street freight terminal of the Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34789u.JPG";
$b[] = "Illinois Central R.R., Chicago, Ill. Vernon Brower, riding the foot board of a diesel switch engine at the South Water Street freight terminal";
$a[] = "1a34790u.JPG";
$b[] = "Freight cars at the South Water Street Illinois Central Railroad terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34791u.JPG";
$b[] = "Illinois Central R.R., freight cars in South Water Street freight terminal, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34792u.JPG";
$b[] = "Daniel Anastazia, blacksmith's helper at the roundhouse of the Rock Island R.R., Blue Island, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34793u.JPG";
$b[] = "Thomas Madrigal greasing a locomotive in the roundhouse, Rock Island R.R., Blue Island, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34794u.jpg";
$b[] = "John Kelseh [i.e., Kelsch], blacksmith, at his forge in the blacksmith shop at the roundhouse, Rock Island R.R., Blue Island, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34795u.jpg";
$b[] = "Daniel Anastazia, blacksmith's helper, Rock Island R.R., Blue Island, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34796u.jpg";
$b[] = "Chicago and North Western R.R., Mrs. Thelma Cuvage, working in the sand house at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa. Her job is to see that sand is sifted and cleaned for use in ...";
$a[] = "1a34797u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freight Depot of the U.S. Army consolidating station, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34798u.JPG";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Dorothy Lucke, employed as a wiper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34799u.JPG";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R. Cloe Weaver, mother of four children, employed as a helper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa. She is learning to operate the turntable. Her husband works for a structural ...";
$a[] = "1a34800u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Irene Bracker, mother of two children, employed at the roundhouse as a wiper, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34801u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Marcella Hart, mother of three children, employed as a wiper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34802u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Elibia Siematter, employed as a sweeper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34803u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., Mrs. Elibia Siematter, working as a sweeper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34804u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women wipers of the Chicago and North Western Railroad cleaning one of the giant "H" class locomotives, Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. Marcella Hart and Mrs. Viola Sievers";
$a[] = "1a34805u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., women wipers employed at the roundhouse cleaning one of the giant "H" class locomotives, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34806u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. & N.W. R.R., women wipers at the roundhouse cleaning one of the giant "H' class locomotives, Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34807u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Viola Sievers, one of the wipers at the roundhouse giving a giant "H" class locomotive a bath of live steam, Clinton, Iowa. Mrs. Sievers is the sole support of her mother ...";
$a[] = "1a34808u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women workers employed as wipers in the roundhouse having lunch in their rest room, C. & N.W. R.R., Clinton, Iowa";
$a[] = "1a34809u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., general view of part of the yard, Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34810u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., general view of part of the yard, Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34811u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., general view of part of the yard, Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34812u.jpg";
$b[] = "Track repair work at the Bensenville yard of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad, Bensenville, Ill. Track repair and work on the cinder pits at the roundhouse";
$a[] = "1a34813u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section crew at work on the track, C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34814u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cleaning an engine near the roundhouse, C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34815u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the Galewood yard of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34816u.jpg";
$b[] = "C. M. St. P. & P. R.R., general view of part of Galewood yard, Chicago, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34817u.jpg";
$b[] = "General view of part of the Bensenville freight yard of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34818u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section crew of the [Chicago], Milwaukee [St. Paul and Pacific] R.R. at work, Bensenville, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34819u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading a freighter with coal at one of the three coal docks owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34820u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading coal into a freighter at one of the Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34821u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading a lake freighter with coal for shipment to other lake ports, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34822u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading coal into a lake freighter at the Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34823u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading coal into a lake freighter at the Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34824u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading a lake freighter with coal at the Pennsylvania R.R. coal docks, for shipment to other Great Lake ports, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34825u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading coal into a lake freighter at the Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34826u.jpg";
$b[] = "After the ore is weighed in the "Hewlett" [i.e. "Hulett"] machine it is dropped in the waiting hopper cars below; Pennsylvania R.R. iron ore docks, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34827u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading iron ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloader, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34828u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34829u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34830u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34831u.jpg";
$b[] = "Unloading a lake freighter at the Pennsylvania Railroad iron ore docks by means of Hulett unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio. In the foreground, empty cars are waiting to pass under the unloaders to pick ...";
$a[] = "1a34832u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, a "Hulett" unloader in operation, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34833u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34834u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading iron ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34835u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. [Railroad] ore docks, unloading iron ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34836u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading iron ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34837u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, a "Hulett" ore unloader in operation, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34838u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. iron ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" ore unloaders";
$a[] = "1a34839u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. [Railroad] ore docks, unloading iron ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34840u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, unloading ore from a lake freighter by means of "Hulett" unloaders, Cleveland, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34841u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ore being unloaded from the lake steamer Algosoo of Sault Ste. Marie at Pennsylvania R.R. ore docks, Sandusky, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a34846u.jpg";
$b[] = "Partly finished open hearth furnaces and stacks for a steel mill under construction which will soon be producing vitally needed steel, Columbia Steel Co., Geneva, Utah";
$a[] = "1a34847u.jpg";
$b[] = "Steel and concrete go into place rapidly as a new steel mill takes form, Columbia Steel Co., Geneva, Utah. The new plant will make important additions to the vast amount of steel ...";
$a[] = "1a34848u.jpg";
$b[] = "Servicing one of the floodlights that turn night into day at the big construction operations for a new steel plant which will make important additions to the vast amount of steel needed ...";
$a[] = "1a34849u.jpg";
$b[] = "Servicing one of the floodlights that turn night into day at the big construction operations for a new steel plant which will make important additions to the vast amount of steel needed ...";
$a[] = "1a34850u.jpg";
$b[] = "Constructing a building on the site of a new steel mill which will soon turn out steel for the war needs, Columbia Steel Co., Geneva, Utah";
$a[] = "1a34851u.jpg";
$b[] = "Carr Fork Canyon as seen from "G" bridge, Bingham Copper Mine, Utah";
$a[] = "1a34852u.jpg";
$b[] = "Open-pit workings of the Utah Copper Company, Bingham Canyon, Utah. This is the Carr Fork side from which the company obtains huge amounts of ore. The Carr Fork bridge and main shops ...";
$a[] = "1a34853u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of the Utah Copper Company open-pit mine workings at Carr Fork, as seen from the railroad, Bingham Canyon, Utah";
$a[] = "1a34854u.jpg";
$b[] = "American Smelting and Refining, Garfield, Utah";
$a[] = "1a34855u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Willow Creek, Creede, Colorado]";
$a[] = "1a34856u.jpg";
$b[] = "Old lead mines here have been reopened, Creede, Colo. Creede for many years was "a ghost town," but has resumed the activities that made it an important lead producing center years ago, ...";
$a[] = "1a34857u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Main Street, Creede, Colorado]";
$a[] = "1a34858u.jpg";
$b[] = "[View along US 40 in Mount Vernon Canyon, Colorado]";
$a[] = "1a34863u.jpg";
$b[] = "Higgins Industries, Inc., New Orleans, La., makes torpedo boats and other boats for the Navy";
$a[] = "1a34864u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Coast Guard sentry stands watch over a new torpedo boat under construction at a southern shipyard. In addition to wooden torpedo boats, the yard also turns out many steel boats for ...";
$a[] = "1a34865u.jpg";
$b[] = "Coast Guardsman standing watch over 78-foot torpedo boat. Continual watch is kept. Higgins Industries, Inc., New Orleans, La.";
$a[] = "1a34866u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Virginia Davis, a riveter in the assembly and repair department of the Naval air base, supervises Chas. Potter, a NYA trainee from Michigan, Corpus Christi, Texas. After eight weeks of training ...";
$a[] = "1a34867u.jpg";
$b[] = "Answering the nation's need for womanpower, Mrs. Virginia Davis made arrangement for the care of her two children during the day and joined her husband at work in the Naval Air Base, ...";
$a[] = "1a34868u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Virginia Davis, a riveter in the assembly and repair department of the Naval Air Base, supervises Chas. Potter, a NYA trainee from Michigan; Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34869u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jesse Rhodes Waller, A.O.M., third class, tries out a 30-calibre machine gun he has just installed in a Navy plane, Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34870u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor at the Naval Air Base wears the new type protective clothing and gas mask designed for use in chemical warfare, Corpus Christi, Texas. These uniforms are lighter than the old type";
$a[] = "1a34871u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working inside the nose of a PBY, Elmer J. Pace is learning the construction of Navy planes, Corpus Christi, Texas. As an NYA trainee at the Naval Air Base, he gets practical ...";
$a[] = "1a34872u.jpg";
$b[] = "Learning to work a cutting machine, these two NYA employees receive training to fit them for important work, Corpus Christi, Texas. After eight weeks they will be eligible for civil service jobs ...";
$a[] = "1a34873u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Doris Duke, who is 26 and a mother of one child, Corpus Christi, Texas. Mrs. Duke is a civil service worker in the A[ssembly] and R[epair] dept. at the Navy Air ...";
$a[] = "1a34874u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women are contributing their skills to the nation's needs by keeping our country's planes in top-notch fighting condition, Corpus Christi, Texas. Wife of a disabled World War I veteran, Mrs. Cora Ann ...";
$a[] = "1a34875u.jpg";
$b[] = "Formerly a sociology major at the University of Southern California, Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis (right) now "keeps 'em flyin'" at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. She is a supervisor under ...";
$a[] = "1a34876u.jpg";
$b[] = "Jesse Rhodes Waller, A.O.M., third class, tries out a 30-calibre machine gun he has just installed on a Navy plane, Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34877u.jpg";
$b[] = "With a woman's determination, Lorena Craig takes over a man-size job, Corpus Christi, Texas. Before she came to work at the Naval air base she was a department store girl. Now she ...";
$a[] = "1a34878u.jpg";
$b[] = "Feeding an SNC advanced training plane its essential supply of gasoline is done by sailor mechanics at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. Standing on the wing is Floyd Helphrey who ...";
$a[] = "1a34879u.jpg";
$b[] = "Assembly and Repairs Dept. mechanic Mary Josephine Farley works on a Wright Whirlwind motor, Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34880u.jpg";
$b[] = ""Women in white" doctor Navy planes (motors) at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. Mildred Webb, an NYA trainee at the base, is learning to operate a cutting machine in the ...";
$a[] = "1a34881u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cadet L. Deitz at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34882u.jpg";
$b[] = "Av. Cadet Thanas at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34883u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bowen and Olsen, a riveter and her supervisor, in the Assembly and Repair Dept. at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34884u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lorena Craig is a cowler under civil service at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34885u.jpg";
$b[] = "Oyida Peaks riveting as part of her NYA training to become a mechanic in the Assembly and Repair Department at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34886u.jpg";
$b[] = "Oyida Peaks riveting as part of her NYA training to become a mechanic at the Naval Air Base, in the Assembly and Repair Department, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34887u.jpg";
$b[] = "Formerly a sociology major at the University of Southern California, Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis (right) now "keeps 'em flyin'" at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. She is a supervisor under ...";
$a[] = "1a34888u.jpg";
$b[] = "Pearl Harbor widows have gone into war work to carry on the fight with a personal vengeance, Corpus Christi, Texas. Mrs. Virginia Young (right) whose husband was one of the first casualties ...";
$a[] = "1a34889u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis, senior supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Dept. of the Naval Air Base, talking with one of the men, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34890u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women from all fields have joined the production army, Corpus Christi, Texas. Miss Grace Weaver, a civil service worker at the Naval Air Base, and a school teacher before the war, is ...";
$a[] = "1a34891u.JPG";
$b[] = "Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis has been appointed by civil service to be senior supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Department at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. She buoys up feminine ...";
$a[] = "1a34892u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ens[ign] Noressey and Cadet Thenics at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34893u.jpg";
$b[] = "J.D. Estes at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34894u.jpg";
$b[] = "It's an intricate operation - installing a 30-calibre machine gun in a Navy PBY plane, but not too tricky for Jesse Rhodes Waller, Corpus Christi, Texas. He's a Georgia man who's been ...";
$a[] = "1a34895u.jpg";
$b[] = "He's like to use that gun on the Axis. After seven years in the Navy, J.D. Estes is considered an old sea salt by his mates at the Naval Air Base, Corpus ...";
$a[] = "1a34896u.jpg";
$b[] = "After seven years in the Navy, J.D. Estes is considered an old sea salt by his mates at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34897u.jpg";
$b[] = "NYA employees receiving training in the Assembly and Repair Dept., U.S. Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34898u.jpg";
$b[] = "As an NYA trainee working inside the nose of a PBY, Elmer J. Pace is learning the construction of Navy planes, Corpus Christi, Naval Air Base, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34899u.jpg";
$b[] = "Painting the American insignia on airplane wings is a job that Mrs. Irma Lee McElroy, a former office worker, does with precision and patriotic zeal. Mrs. McElroy is a civil service employee ...";
$a[] = "1a34900u.jpg";
$b[] = "A rivet is her fighting weapon. Oyida Peaks, daughter of a Navy lieutenant, one of many women taking NYA training to become mechanics at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. After ...";
$a[] = "1a34901u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lorena Craig is cowler under civil service at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34902u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cadet L. Deitz(?) at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34903u.jpg";
$b[] = "Aviation cadets in training at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34904u.jpg";
$b[] = "Navy N2S primary land planes at the naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34905u.jpg";
$b[] = "Aviation cadet in training at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34906u.jpg";
$b[] = "Painting the American insignia on airplane wings is a job that Mrs. Irma Lee McElroy, a former office worker, does with precision and patriotic zeal. Mrs. McElroy is a civil service employee ...";
$a[] = "1a34907u.jpg";
$b[] = "Plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34908u.jpg";
$b[] = "Navy N2S primary land planes at the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34909u.jpg";
$b[] = "Feeding an SNC advanced training plane its essential supply of gasoline is done by sailor mechanics at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34910u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ensign Noressey and Cadet Thenics at the Naval Air base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34911u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34912u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor mechanic fueling a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34913u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working in the Assembly and Repair Dept. of the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34914u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working with a sea-plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34915u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34916u.jpg";
$b[] = "This sailor mechanic is inspecting a PBY plane at the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi, Texas. The ship had been reconditioned by the Civil Service employees at the Assembly and Repair ...";
$a[] = "1a34917u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mrs. Cora Ann Bowen (left) works as a cowler at the Naval Air Base; Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis is a senior supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Department, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34918u.jpg";
$b[] = "A sailor mechanic refueling a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34919u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fueling a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34920u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fueling a plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34921u.jpg";
$b[] = "At the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34922u.jpg";
$b[] = "Starting a propeller at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34923u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bowen, a riveter, and Olsen, her supervisor, in the Assembly and Repair Dept. at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34924u.jpg";
$b[] = "Aviation cadets at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34925u.jpg";
$b[] = "Aviation cadet at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34926u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sailor mechanic inspecting a PBY plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34927u.jpg";
$b[] = "Riveters at work on fuselage of Liberator Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34928u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working inside fuselage of a Liberator Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34929u.jpg";
$b[] = "Assembling Liberator Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34930u.jpg";
$b[] = "A hydraulic mechanic greasing the landing gear of a transport, before the plane leaves the last station on the assembly line at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34931u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling a wing bulkhead for a transport plane at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34932u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling a wing bulkhead for a transport plane at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34933u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling a wing bulkhead for a transport plane at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34934u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling a wing bulkhead for a transport plane at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34935u.jpg";
$b[] = "A C-87 transport plane, just off the assembly line, at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation field, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34936u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transport plane takes off on test flight, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34937u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rita Rodriguey,";
$a[] = "1a34938u.jpg";
$b[] = "Beulah Faith, 20, used to be sales clerk in department store, reaming tools for transport on lathe machine, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34939u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on wing of Consolidated Liberator Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp. plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34940u.jpg";
$b[] = "Metal tubing at the Consolidated Aircraft Corp. plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34941u.jpg";
$b[] = "Helen Bray, who left school to become a mechanic at a western aircraft plant, is making an emplanage section on a new Consolidated transport, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas. This new ...";
$a[] = "1a34942u.jpg";
$b[] = "Production of B-24 bombers and C-87 transports, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas. Cabbie Coleman, former housewife, works at western aircraft plant. Installing of oxygen racks above the flight deck";
$a[] = "1a34943u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mary Louise Stepan, 21, used to be a waitress. She has a brother in the air corps. She is working on transport parts in the hand mill, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, ...";
$a[] = "1a34944u.jpg";
$b[] = "... The causes of the existing hostilities between the United States, and certain tribes of Indians north-west of the Ohio, stated and explained from official and authentic documents, and published in obedience ...";
$a[] = "1a34945u.jpg";
$b[] = "Putting the nose section of a mighty transport plane in place in the fuselage mating fixture at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34946u.jpg";
$b[] = "Putting the nose section of a mighty transport plane in place in the fuselage mating fixture at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34947u.jpg";
$b[] = "Installing an engine at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34948u.jpg";
$b[] = "Workers on the Liberator Bombers, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., [Fort Worth, Texas]";
$a[] = "1a34949u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Servicing an A-20 bomber, Langley Field, Va.]";
$a[] = "1a34950u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading new transport planes at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34951u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lathe operator machining parts for transport planes at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34952u.jpg";
$b[] = "Frances Eggleston, aged 23, came from Oklahoma, used to do office work. Removing paper from pilot's window(?), Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34953u.jpg";
$b[] = "Riveter at work on Consolidated bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 4 года 3 месяца

Сообщений: 2

tubule · 21-Мар-20 03:42 (спустя 29 сек.)

[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 43

elcovvitalii · 21-Мар-20 06:58 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 21-Мар-20 06:58)

часть 7
$a[] = "1a34955u.jpg";
$b[] = "Installing structural parts of a C-87 transport plane in the tunnel of a tail fuselage section at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34956u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lowering an engine in place in assembling a transport plane in a Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34957u.jpg";
$b[] = "Fitting the tail of a transport plane to the wing center section in the fuselage mating fixture at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34958u.jpg";
$b[] = "Installing an engine at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34959u.jpg";
$b[] = "A mating operation on a transport plane just before it comes to the pre-assembly line at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34960u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lowering an engine in place in assembling a C-87 transport plane at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34961u.jpg";
$b[] = "Installing oxygen flask racks above the flight deck of a C-87 transport at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34962u.jpg";
$b[] = "Consolidated transport planes being loaded, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34963u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling on a Liberator Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34964u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on the wing center section at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas";
$a[] = "1a34965u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transfusion donor bottles, Baxter Lab., Glenview, Ill. Formerly a sculptress and designer of tiles, Dorothy Cole converted her basement into a workshop to tin plate needles for valves for blood transfusion bottles ...";
$a[] = "1a34966u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two Navy wives, Eva Herzberg and Elve Burnham, entered war work after their husbands joined the service, Glenview, Ill. They assemble bands for blood transfusion bottles at Baxter Laboratories. Mrs. Burnham is ...";
$a[] = "1a34967u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transfusion donor bottles, Baxter Lab., Glenview, Ill. Formerly a sculptress and designer of tiles, Dorothy Cole converted her basement into a workshop to tin plate needles for valves for blood transfusion bottles ...";
$a[] = "1a34968u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transfusion donor bottles, Baxter Lab., Glenview, Ill. Formerly a sculptress and designer of tiles, Dorothy Cole converted her basement into a workshop to tin plate needles for valves for blood transfusion bottles ...";
$a[] = "1a34969u.jpg";
$b[] = "Formerly a sculptress and designer of tiles, Dorothy Cole converted her basement into a workshop to tin plate needles for valves for blood transfusion bottles prepared by Baxter Laboratories where she lives, ...";
$a[] = "1a34970u.jpg";
$b[] = "Formerly a sculptress and designer of tiles, Dorothy Cole converted her basement into a workshop to tin plate needles for valves for blood transfusion bottles prepared by Baxter Laboratories, Glenview, Ill. She ...";
$a[] = "1a34971u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transfusion donor bottles, Baxter Lab., Glenview, Ill.";
$a[] = "1a34972u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production workers at the Vilter [Manufacturing] Company making M5 and M7 guns for the U.S. Army, Milwaukee, Wis. Ex-housewife, age 24, filing small parts. Her husband and brother are in the ...";
$a[] = "1a34973u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of the girls of Vilter [Manufacturing] Co. filing small gun parts, Milwaukee, Wisc. One brother in Coast Guard, one going to Army.";
$a[] = "1a34974u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production workers at the Vilter [Manufacturing] Company making M5 and M7 guns for the U.S. Army, Milwaukee, Wis. Ex-stage orchestra musician, checking an M7 gun with gage, after turning out on ...";
$a[] = "1a34975u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production worker at the Vilter [Manufacturing] Company making M5 and M7 guns for the U.S. Army, Milwaukee, Wis. Ex-housewife, age 49, now doing bench work on small gun parts. Son [is] ...";
$a[] = "1a34976u.jpg";
$b[] = "Agnes Cliemka, age 23, married and husband may be going into the service any day, Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Agnes used to work in a dep[artmen]t store. Checking of gasoline hose ...";
$a[] = "1a34977u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lucile Mazurek, age 29, ex-housewife, husband going into the service. Working on black-out lamps to be used on the gasoline trailers in the Air Force, Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin";
$a[] = "1a34978u.jpg";
$b[] = "Enola O'Connell, age 32, widow and mother of one child. Ex-housewife, now [she is the] only woman welder at Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin";
$a[] = "1a34979u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production workers at the Heil Company making gasoline trailer tanks for the U.S. Army Air Corps, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Elizabeth Little, age 30, the mother of two children, spraying small parts. Her ...";
$a[] = "1a34980u.jpg";
$b[] = "Helen Ryan, age 41 (with cap), widow and used to work in a show factory, Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Agnes Cliemka, age 23, married and husband may be going into the ...";
$a[] = "1a34981u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production workers at the Heil Company making gasoline trailer tanks for the U.S. Army Air Corps., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. Angeline Kwint, age 45, an ex-housewife, checking the tires of trailers. Her ...";
$a[] = "1a34982u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gist inspector, Mrs. Mary Betchner inspecting one of the 25 cutters for burrs before inserting it in the inside of a 105mm. howitzer at the Milwaukee, Wis. plant of the Chain Belt ...";
$a[] = "1a34983u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lucile Mazurek, age 29, ex-housewife, husband going into the service, working on black-out lamps to be used on the gasoline trailers in the Air Force, Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.";
$a[] = "1a34984u.jpg";
$b[] = "Enola O'Connell, age 32, widow and mother of one child, ex-housewife, now only woman welder at Heil and Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.";
$a[] = "1a34985u.jpg";
$b[] = "War production workers at the Heil Company making gasoline trailer tanks for the U.S. Army Air Corps, Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Angeline Kwint, age 45, an ex-housewife, checking the tires of trailers. Her ...";
$a[] = "1a34986u.jpg";
$b[] = "The capitol of the Virginia colony during the 18th century, which was reconstructed and restored to its original state by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., during the 1930's, Williamsburg, Va. The capitol originally ...";
$a[] = "1a34987u.jpg";
$b[] = "The Governor's Palace, Williamsburg, Va. The capitol of the Virginia colony during the 18th century which was reconstructed and restored to its original state by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., during the 1930s";
$a[] = "1a34988u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Sgt. at New Orleans, La.";
$a[] = "1a34989u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Sgt. at New Orleans, La.";
$a[] = "1a34990u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Sgt. at New Orleans, La.";
$a[] = "1a34991u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps Major in winter uniform, W[orld] W[ar] II";
$a[] = "1a34992u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps Captain in dress blue uniform, W[orld] W[ar] II";
$a[] = "1a34993u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps Major in summer uniform, W[orld] W[ar] II";
$a[] = "1a34994u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps Major in dress white uniform, W[orld] W[ar] II";
$a[] = "1a34999u.jpg";
$b[] = "Farm owned by James Pompey, who 20 years ago came from Italy on the advice of a brother, Southington, Connecticut. People of Finnish, Slav, German, and Polish extraction help him to farm ...";
$a[] = "1a35000u.jpg";
$b[] = "South Vietnam, pre-1975: SVN U.S. POW (VOLUME 1)/Leaflet Dropped By The Vietnamese Air Force Which Offers A Cash Reward Of 35,000$VN To Anyone Furnishing Information Concerning Lieutenant George E. Flynn";
$a[] = "1a35001u.jpg";
$b[] = "Nick Grillo, as a boy in Italy, dreamed of America and its opportunity, Southington, Connecticut. He saved enough money for boat passage to this country. Today, after 22 years, he is one ...";
$a[] = "1a35002u.jpg";
$b[] = "An American town and its way of life, Southington, Conn. The Memorial Day parade moving down the main street. The small number of spectators is accounted for by the fact that the ...";
$a[] = "1a35003u.jpg";
$b[] = "An American town and its way of life, Southington, Conn. The Memorial Day parade moving down the main street. The small number of spectators is accounted for by the fact that the ...";
$a[] = "1a35004u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gus Worke, a farmer who came from Germany 40 years ago, Southington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35005u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gus Worke, a farmer who came from Germany 40 years ago, Southington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35006u.jpg";
$b[] = "Children stage a patriotic demonstration, Southington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35007u.jpg";
$b[] = "At Beecher Street School, whose student body consists of half Americans of Italian descent and half of Americans of Polish descent, Southington, Conn. The Queen of the May was Emily Schwak, of ...";
$a[] = "1a35008u.jpg";
$b[] = "School children, half of Polish and half of Italian descent, at a festival in May 1942, Southington, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35013u.jpg";
$b[] = "Japanese-American camp, war emergency evacuation, [Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, Calif.]";
$a[] = "1a35014u.jpg";
$b[] = "Japanese-American camp, war emergency evacuation,[Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, Calif.]";
$a[] = "1a35015u.jpg";
$b[] = "Japanese-American camp, war emergency evacuation, [Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, Calif.]";
$a[] = "1a35016u.jpg";
$b[] = "Japanese-American camp, war emergency relocation, [Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, Calif.]";
$a[] = "1a35017u.jpg";
$b[] = "Street corner, Dillon, Mont. Dillon is the trading center for a prosperous cattle and sheep country";
$a[] = "1a35018u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bands of sheep on the Gravelly Range at the foot of Black Butte, Madison County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35019u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bands of sheep on the Gravelly Range at the foot of Black Butte, Madison County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35020u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bands of sheep [i.e. cattle] on the Gravelly Range at the foot of Black Butte, Madison County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35021u.jpg";
$b[] = "Herder with his flock of sheep on the Gravelly Range, Madison County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35022u.jpg";
$b[] = "Shepherd with his horse and dog on Gravelly Range, Madison County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35023u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cattle in corral waiting to be weighed before being trailed to railroad, Beaverhead County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35024u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cattle in corrals on ranch, Beaverhead County, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35025u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35026u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35027u.jpg";
$b[] = "Butte, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35028u.jpg";
$b[] = "First snow of the season in the foothills of the Little Belt Mountains, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Meagher County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35029u.jpg";
$b[] = "First snow of the season in the foothills of the Little Belt Mountains, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Meagher County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35030u.jpg";
$b[] = "First snow of the season in the foothills of the Little Belt Mountains, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Meagher County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35031u.jpg";
$b[] = "Development at the site of the mill for the Mouat Chromite mine, Stillwater County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35032u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ben Bow Mill of the Metal Reserves' Chromite development, Stillwater County, Montana. This is the first snow of the season";
$a[] = "1a35033u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35034u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35035u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35036u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35037u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35038u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ben Bow Mill of the Metal Reserves' Chromite development, Stillwater Co., Montana. This is the first snow of the season";
$a[] = "1a35039u.jpg";
$b[] = "Scrap and salvage depot, Butte, Mont.";
$a[] = "1a35040u.jpg";
$b[] = "First snow of the season in the foothills of the Little Belt Mountains, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Meagher County, Montana";
$a[] = "1a35045u.jpg";
$b[] = "Another harrier of the U-boats nears completion at an eastern boat yard, Marine Construction Co., Stamford, Conn. Many new 110-foot wooden sub-chasers are taking the water these days at yards in all ...";
$a[] = "1a35047u.jpg";
$b[] = "Another harrier of the U-boats nears completion at an eastern boat yard, Marine Construction Co., Stamford, Conn. Many new 110-foot wooden sub-chasers are taking the water these days at yards in all ...";
$a[] = "1a35051u.jpg";
$b[] = "A scene in a steel mill, Republic Steel Mill, Youngstown, Ohio. Molten iron is blown in an Eastern Bessemer converter to change it to steel for war essentials";
$a[] = "1a35052u.jpg";
$b[] = "A scene in a steel mill, Republic Steel, Youngstown, Ohio. Molten iron is blown in an Eastern Bessemer converter to change it to steel for war essentials";
$a[] = "1a35053u.jpg";
$b[] = "Slag run-off from open hearth furnace, Republic Steel Corp., Youngstown, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a35054u.jpg";
$b[] = "Slag run-off from one of the open hearth furnaces of a steel mills, Republic Steel Corp., Youngstown, Ohio. Slag is drawn off the furnace just before the molten steel is poured into ...";
$a[] = "1a35055u.jpg";
$b[] = "Iron ore piles and blast furnaces, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation mill in Etna, Pennsylvania";
$a[] = "1a35056u.jpg";
$b[] = "Blast furnace at Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation mill in Etna, Pennsylvania";
$a[] = "1a35057u.jpg";
$b[] = "Blast furnaces and iron ore at the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation mills, Etna, Pennsylvania";
$a[] = "1a35058u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drill press operator, Allegheny Ludlum Steel[e] Corp., Brackenridge, Pa.";
$a[] = "1a35059u.jpg";
$b[] = "Navajo two-step";
$a[] = "1a35060u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ladle of molten iron is poured into an open hearth furnace for conversion into steel, Allegheny Ludlum Steel[e] Corp., Brackenridge, Pa. Note the safety latch on the crane hook";
$a[] = "1a35061u.jpg";
$b[] = "Back into production go these carloads of scrap metal, Allegheny Ludlum Steel[e] Corp., Brackenridge, Pa. The melting of alloy steels for defense work requires that steel mill scrapyards such as this be ...";
$a[] = "1a35062u.jpg";
$b[] = "White-hot steel pours like water from a 35-ton electric furnace, Allegheny Ludlum Steel[e] Corp., Brackenridge, Pa. The finest quality steels and alloys are produced in these furnaces, which allow much greater control ...";
$a[] = "1a35063u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bessemer converter (iron into steel), Allegheny Ludlum Steel[e] Corp., Brackenridge, Pa.";
$a[] = "1a35064u.jpg";
$b[] = "Manufacture of self-sealing gas tanks, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a35065u.jpg";
$b[] = "Electronics technician, Goodyear Aircraft Corp., Akron, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a35066u.jpg";
$b[] = "Formerly an aircraft dock, this huge building -- thought to be the largest in the world with no interior supports -- is now the scene of many busy shops turning out aircraft ...";
$a[] = "1a35067u.jpg";
$b[] = "Large pipe elbows for the Army are formed at Tube Turns, Inc., by heating lengths of pipe with gas flames and forcing them around a die, Louisville, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35068u.jpg";
$b[] = "This sheet of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill at the plant is now ready for drying, B.F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. Synthetic rubber made by the "ameripol" process is derived ...";
$a[] = "1a35069u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stacks";
$a[] = "1a35070u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stacks";
$a[] = "1a35071u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stacks";
$a[] = "1a35072u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stacks";
$a[] = "1a35073u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stacks";
$a[] = "1a35074u.jpg";
$b[] = "Casting a billet from an electric furnace, Chase Brass and Copper Co., Euclid, Ohio. Modern electric furnaces have helped considerably in speeding the production of brass and other copper alloys for national ...";
$a[] = "1a35075u.jpg";
$b[] = "A battery of 1,000 and 2,000 pound furnaces roaring threats to the Axis. These are rotary, oil-fired melting furnaces at Aluminum Industries Inc. Destination of the finished aluminum products is kept secret";
$a[] = "1a35076u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women war workers";
$a[] = "1a35077u.jpg";
$b[] = "Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. Side view of a glass furnace melting the carefully compounded batch required for the production of Fiberglas thermal insulation being installed in the hulls of naval vessels ...";
$a[] = "1a35078u.jpg";
$b[] = "Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, Ohio. Intense heat is needed to melt the inorganic ingredients of the batch from which Fiberglas insulation wool is manufactured. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, ...";
$a[] = "1a35079u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section of the batch house at a plant of the Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. In the bins are stored the raw materials for the batch from which fiberglass materials vital to ...";
$a[] = "1a35080u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section of the batch house at a plant of the Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. In the bins are stored the raw materials for the batch from which fiberglass materials vital to ...";
$a[] = "1a35081u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section of the batch house at a plant of the Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. In the bins are stored the raw materials for the batch from which fiberglass materials vital to ...";
$a[] = "1a35082u.jpg";
$b[] = "Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Akron, O[hio]";
$a[] = "1a35083u.jpg";
$b[] = "Busy stacks give evidence of all-out war production effort at a plant of Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Akron, Ohio";
$a[] = "1a35084u.jpg";
$b[] = "16-inch coast artillery gun stamped "Watervliet Arsenal 1921," Ft. Story, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35085u.jpg";
$b[] = "16-inch coast artillery gun, Ft. Story, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35086u.jpg";
$b[] = "Man of the Fort Story, Va. coastal defense";
$a[] = "1a35087u.jpg";
$b[] = "Man of the Fort Story, Va., coastal defense";
$a[] = "1a35088u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men of Fort Story operate an azimuth instrument, to measure the angle of splash in sea-target practice, Fort Story, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35089u.jpg";
$b[] = "Man of the Fort Story, Va. coastal defense";
$a[] = "1a35090u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sunset silhouette of flying fortress, Langley Field, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35091u.jpg";
$b[] = "Servicing [an] A-20 bomber, Langley Field, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35092u.jpg";
$b[] = "Servicing [an] A-20 bomber, Langley Field, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35093u.jpg";
$b[] = "The kind of man Hitler wishes we didn't have. A bomber pilot, captain in a bombardment squadron, just before he climbs aboard his huge YN-17 bombing plane";
$a[] = "1a35094u.jpg";
$b[] = "Here's our mission. A combat crew receives final instructions just before taking off in a mighty YB-17 bomber from a bombardment squadron base at the field, Langley Field, Va.";
$a[] = "1a35095u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hitler would like this man to go home and forget about the war. A good American non-com at the side machine gun of a huge YB-17 bomber is a man who knows ...";
$a[] = "1a35096u.jpg";
$b[] = "One of America's new warships of the air, a mighty YB-17 bomber, is pulled up at a bombardment squadron hangar, Langley Field, Va. It is all set to taxi out to a ...";
$a[] = "1a35097u.jpg";
$b[] = "When Malindy sings";
$a[] = "1a35098u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35099u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35100u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35101u.jpg";
$b[] = "Parris Island, S.C., barrage balloon";
$a[] = "1a35102u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35103u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35104u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35105u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35106u.jpg";
$b[] = "[U.S. Marine Band drummer, probably at the Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.]";
$a[] = "1a35107u.jpg";
$b[] = "Barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35108u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider pilot in training at Page Field, is watching take-offs, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35109u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider pilot in training at Page Field, watching take-offs, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35110u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35111u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35112u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenants studying glider piloting at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35113u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35114u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training, ready for take-off at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C. Power towing plane in background";
$a[] = "1a35115u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant by the power towing plane for the gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35116u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant by the power towing plane for the gliders at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35117u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine power plane which tows the training gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35118u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenants, glider pilots in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35119u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35120u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marines finishing training at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35121u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps lieutenant studying glider piloting at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35122u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training, ready for take-off, at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35123u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine glider pilot at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35124u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training, at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35125u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine with the gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35126u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35127u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine statue at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35128u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine statue at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35129u.jpg";
$b[] = "Preparing for take-off at the glider pilot training program, Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35130u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant by the power plane which tows the training gliders at Page Field, Parris, Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35131u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35132u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine gliders being towed from Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35133u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35134u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35135u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35136u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Field, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35137u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders being towed from Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35138u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders being towed from Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35139u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35140u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35141u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight over Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35142u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35143u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight out of Parris island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35144u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine with the training gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35145u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine statue at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35146u.jpg";
$b[] = "A marine Lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35147u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35148u.jpg";
$b[] = "A marine glider pilot in training, a lieutenant, at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35149u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training, ready for take-off at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35150u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant with the towing plane for the gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35151u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant with the power towing plane for the gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35152u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35153u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, pilot with the power towing plane for the training gliders at page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35154u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, pilot with the power towing plane for the gliders at Parris Island's Page Field, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35155u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, pilot with the power towing plane at page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35156u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenants, pilots, by the power tow-plane for the training gliders at Parris Island's Page Field, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35157u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps lieutenant studying glider piloting at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35158u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, pilot with the power towplane for the training gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
часть 8
$a[] = "1a35160u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35161u.jpg";
$b[] = "[U.S. Army Air Forces pilot in front of a YB-17 bombing airplane, probably Langley field, Virginia]";
$a[] = "1a35162u.jpg";
$b[] = "Aerial tug boat, which tows gliders for Marine pilots in training out of Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35163u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35164u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35165u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight, out of Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35166u.jpg";
$b[] = "Training gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35167u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps glider in flight, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35168u.jpg";
$b[] = "A Marine Corps glider being towed by a power plane from Page Field, at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35169u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine lieutenants, pilots, by the power tow-plane for the training gliders at Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35170u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine parachuting at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35171u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps gliders in flight from Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35172u.jpg";
$b[] = "Training gliders at the Marine [Corp]'s Page Field, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35173u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35174u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35175u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marines finishing training at Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35176u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35177u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35178u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35179u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35180u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35181u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine Corps barrage balloons, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35182u.jpg";
$b[] = "U.S. Marine Corps, bedding down a big barrage balloon, Parris Island, S.C.";
$a[] = "1a35183u.jpg";
$b[] = "New River Marine Base, motor detachment, North Carolina";
$a[] = "1a35184u.jpg";
$b[] = "Marine motor detachment, New River, N.C.";
$a[] = "1a35185u.jpg";
$b[] = "Driver of Marine truck, New River, N.C.";
$a[] = "1a35186u.jpg";
$b[] = "Driver of Marine truck at New River, N.C.";
$a[] = "1a35187u.jpg";
$b[] = "High above, over a true "home of the brave," the floating folds of the Star Spangled Banner symbolize the American way of life to soldiers in training for the battles that will ...";
$a[] = "1a35188u.jpg";
$b[] = "High above, over a true "home of the brave," the floating folds of the Star Spangled Banner symbolize the American way of life to soldiers in training for the battles that will ...";
$a[] = "1a35189u.jpg";
$b[] = "High above, over a true "home of the brave," the floating folds of the Star Spangled Banner symbolize the American way of life to soldiers in training for the battles that will ...";
$a[] = "1a35190u.jpg";
$b[] = "This husky member of a construction crew building a new 33,000-volt electric power line into Fort Knox is performing an important war service. Thousands of soldiers are in training there, and the ...";
$a[] = "1a35191u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank commander, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35192u.jpg";
$b[] = "A young soldier of the armored forces holds and sights his Garand rifle like an old timer, Fort Knox, Ky. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities and its rugged, ...";
$a[] = "1a35193u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 and M4 tank company at bivouac, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35194u.jpg";
$b[] = "Light tank going through water obstacle, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35195u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tank and crew using small arms, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35196u.jpg";
$b[] = "Halftrack infantryman with Garand rifle, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35197u.jpg";
$b[] = "Halftrack infantryman with Garand rifle, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35198u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank commander, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35199u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank commander, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35200u.jpg";
$b[] = "The crew of an M-3 tank learn all the ways of causing trouble for the Axis with a 75-mm. gun, a 37-mm. gun and four machine guns, Fort Knox, Ky. The Fort ...";
$a[] = "1a35201u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tanks and crews, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35202u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crewman of an M-3 tank, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35203u.jpg";
$b[] = "An M-3 tank in action, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35204u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switzerland. 6-61.";
$a[] = "1a35205u.jpg";
$b[] = "Good man, good gun: a private of the armored forces does some practice shooting with a 30-calibre Browning machine gun, Fort Knox, Ky. The gun is mounted on a pedestal for anti-aircraft ...";
$a[] = "1a35206u.jpg";
$b[] = "General soil map, Benton County, Arkansas";
$a[] = "1a35207u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-4 tank line, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35208u.jpg";
$b[] = "Light tanks, Fort Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35209u.jpg";
$b[] = "A young soldier of the armored forces holds and sights his Garand rifle like an old timer, Fort Knox, Ky. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities and its rugged, ...";
$a[] = "1a35210u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-4 tank crews of the United States, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35211u.jpg";
$b[] = "Infantryman with halftrack, a young soldier of the armed forces, holds and sights his Garand rifle like an old timer, Fort Knox, Ky. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities ...";
$a[] = "1a35212u.JPG";
$b[] = "Infantryman with halftrack, a young soldier of the armed forces, holds and sights his Garand rifle like an old timer, Fort Knox, Ky. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities ...";
$a[] = "1a35213u.jpg";
$b[] = "Soil erosion potential in Ohio : by major land resource area";
$a[] = "1a35214u.jpg";
$b[] = "Colored mechanic, motor maintenance section, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35215u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank crew standing in front of an M-4 tank, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35216u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank driver, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35217u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank driver, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35218u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tanks in action, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35219u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tanks in action, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35220u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tanks in action, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35221u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tanks in action, Ft. Knox., Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35222u.jpg";
$b[] = "A good job in the air cleaner of an army truck, Fort Knox, Ky. This Negro soldier, who serves as truckdriver and mechanic, plays an important part in keeping army transport fleets ...";
$a[] = "1a35223u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-3 tank, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35224u.jpg";
$b[] = "M-4 tank, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35225u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank crew standing in front of M-4 tank, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35226u.jpg";
$b[] = "Parade of M-4 (General Sherman) and M-3 (General Grant) tanks in training maneuvers, Ft. Knox, Ky. Note the lower design of the M-4, the larger gun in the turret and the two ...";
$a[] = "1a35227u.jpg";
$b[] = "This husky member of a construction crew building a new 33,000-volt electric power line into Fort Knox is performing an important war service, Ft. Knox, Ky. Thousands of soldiers are in training ...";
$a[] = "1a35228u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tank commander, Ft. Knox, Ky.";
$a[] = "1a35229u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welder making boilers for a ship, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35230u.jpg";
$b[] = "Communist China railroads and selected roads, June 1961.";
$a[] = "1a35231u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welder making boilers for a ship, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35232u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welder making boilers for a ship, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35233u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welders making boilers for a ship, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35234u.jpg";
$b[] = "Maintenance mechanic in largest coal press in world, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35235u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mechanical operator on boiler parts, Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35236u.jpg";
$b[] = "Maintenance man at the Combustion Engineering Co. working at the largest cold steel hydraulic press in the world, Chattanooga, Tenn. This press can shape steel plates several inches in thickness";
$a[] = "1a35237u.jpg";
$b[] = "Construction work at the TVA's Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35238u.jpg";
$b[] = "Truck driver at TVA's Douglas Dam, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35239u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crane operator at TVA's Douglas Dam, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35240u.jpg";
$b[] = "A carpenter at the TVA's new Douglas dam on the French Broad River, Tenn. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet ong, with a 31,600-acre reservoir area extending 43 ...";
$a[] = "1a35241u.jpg";
$b[] = "Carpenter at work on Douglas Dam, Tennessee (TVA)";
$a[] = "1a35242u.jpg";
$b[] = "Gas welding a joint in a line of spiral pipe at the TVA's new Douglas Dam on the French Broad River, Tenn. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet ...";
$a[] = "1a35243u.jpg";
$b[] = ""Big Pete" Ramagos, rigger at work on dam (TVA) Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35244u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transformer at TVA's Chickamauga Dam near Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35245u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Men working on telephone lines, probably near a TVA dam hydroelectric plant]";
$a[] = "1a35246u.jpg";
$b[] = "Above the construction work, the aggregate storage pile which provides crushed stone and sand, Fort Loudon [i.e., Loudoun] Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35247u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switchyard at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, vicinity of Sheffield, Ala., 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River";
$a[] = "1a35248u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transmission towers in the switchyard of TVA's Chickamauga Dam, near Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35249u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transmission line towers and high tension lines that carry current generated at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, near Sheffield, Ala.";
$a[] = "1a35250u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transmission line towers and high tension lines that carry current generated at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, near Sheffield, Ala.";
$a[] = "1a35251u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transmission line towers and high tension lines that carry current generated at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, near Sheffield, Ala.";
$a[] = "1a35252u.jpg";
$b[] = "Transmission towers in the switchyard of TVA's Chickamauga Dam, near Chattanooga, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35253u.jpg";
$b[] = "Section of one of the switchyards from which high tension lines carry current generated at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, Sheffield vicinity, Ala. Located 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee ...";
$a[] = "1a35254u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switchyard at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, vicinity of Sheffield, Ala., 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River";
$a[] = "1a35255u.jpg";
$b[] = "Generator works at the winding of a generator stator in a new addition to TVA's hydroelectric plant at Wilson Dam, Sheffield vicinity, Ala. Located 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee ...";
$a[] = "1a35256u.jpg";
$b[] = "The countryside near the TVA site of the Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35257u.jpg";
$b[] = "The countryside near the Tennessee Valley Authority dam site, Douglas Dam vicinity, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35258u.jpg";
$b[] = "The countryside near the Tennessee Valley Authority dam site, Douglas Dam vicinity, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35259u.jpg";
$b[] = "Countryside near the TVA site of the Douglas dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35260u.jpg";
$b[] = "Early stage of construction work at the TVA's Douglas Dam, Tenn. In the background is a log coffer dam";
$a[] = "1a35261u.jpg";
$b[] = "Construction work at the TVA's Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35262u.jpg";
$b[] = "General soil map, Lamar and Delta Counties, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35263u.jpg";
$b[] = "Tightening a nut on a guide vane operating seromotor in TVA's hydroelectric plant, Watts Bar Dam, Tennessee. Located 530 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River, the dam has an authorized ...";
$a[] = "1a35264u.jpg";
$b[] = "Generator hall of the powerhouse, Chickamauga Dam, Tenn. The dam, located near Chattanooga, 471 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River, has an authorized power installation of 81,000 kw., which can ...";
$a[] = "1a35265u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switch yard at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, vicinity of Sheffield, Ala., 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River";
$a[] = "1a35266u.jpg";
$b[] = "Eight generator units in the generator room of a new addition to TVA's hydroelectric plant at Wilson Dam, Sheffield vicinity, Ala. Located 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River, the ...";
$a[] = "1a35267u.jpg";
$b[] = "Construction at Douglas Dam (TVA), Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35268u.jpg";
$b[] = "Construction at TVA's Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35269u.jpg";
$b[] = "Welder at work on Douglas Dam, Tenn. (TVA)";
$a[] = "1a35270u.jpg";
$b[] = "Excavating within the log cofferdam during an early stage of construction, Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35271u.jpg";
$b[] = "Early stages of construction work at the TVA's Douglas Dam, Tenn.";
$a[] = "1a35272u.jpg";
$b[] = "Construction of Douglas Dam, TVA";
$a[] = "1a35273u.jpg";
$b[] = "Insulators and transmission wires in the switchyard of the TVA's Chickamauga Dam, located near Chattanooga, 471 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River. The [dam] has an authorized power installation of ...";
$a[] = "1a35274u.jpg";
$b[] = "A large electric phosphate smelting furnace used in the making of elemental phosphorus in a TVA chemical plant in the Muscle Shoals area, Alabama";
$a[] = "1a35275u.jpg";
$b[] = "TVA chemical plant, electric furnace loaded with phosphate, vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama";
$a[] = "1a35276u.jpg";
$b[] = "TVA chemical plant, where elemental phosphorus is made, vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama";
$a[] = "1a35277u.jpg";
$b[] = "Smoke stack of TVA chemical plant where elemental phosphorus is made, vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama";
$a[] = "1a35278u.jpg";
$b[] = "A large electric phosphate smelting furnace used to make elemental phosphorus in a TVA chemical plant in the vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Ala.";
$a[] = "1a35279u.jpg";
$b[] = "Electric phosphate smelting furnace used to make elemental phosphorus in a TVA chemical plant in the vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama";
$a[] = "1a35280u.jpg";
$b[] = "New Orleans minstrels (No.27)";
$a[] = "1a35281u.jpg";
$b[] = "Mounting motor [on a] Fairfax B-25 bomber, at North American Aviation, Inc., plant in [Inglewood], Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35282u.jpg";
$b[] = "A wing brace assembly for a B-25 bomber is prepared for the assembly line of an aircraft plant, North American Aviation, Inc., Calif. With plenty of speed, a 1,700-mile cruising range and ...";
$a[] = "1a35283u.jpg";
$b[] = "Making wiring assemblies at a junction box on the fire wall for the right engine of a B-25 bomber, North American Aviation, Inc., [Inglewood], Calif. Forward of this wall will be mounted ...";
$a[] = "1a35284u.jpg";
$b[] = "Riveting team working on the cockpit shell of a B-25 [i.e. C-47] bomber at the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood [i.e. Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach], Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35285u.jpg";
$b[] = "B-25 bombers on the outdoor assembly line at North American Aviation, Incorporated, almost ready for their first test flight, Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a35286u.jpg";
$b[] = "Punching rivet holes in a frame member for a B-25 bomber, the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35287u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman working on an airplane motor at North American Aviation, Inc., plant in Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35288u.jpg";
$b[] = "B-25 bomber planes at the North American Aviation, Incorporated being hauled along an outdoor assembly line with an "International" tractor, Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a35289u.jpg";
$b[] = "New B-25 bombers lined up for final inspection and tests at the flying field of an aircraft plant, North American Aviation, Inc., Calif. It performs at the 25,000-foot ceiling";
$a[] = "1a35290u.jpg";
$b[] = "B-25 bombers lined up at North American Aviation, Incorporated, almost ready for their first test flight, Kansas City, Kansas";
$a[] = "1a35291u.jpg";
$b[] = "Assembling B-25 bombers at North American Aviation, Kansas City, Kan[sas]";
$a[] = "1a35292u.jpg";
$b[] = "Another North American B-25 bomber rolls off the final assembly line to join other ships on the outdoor assembly line, North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35293u.jpg";
$b[] = "North American B-25 bomber is prepared for painting on the outside assembly line, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35294u.jpg";
$b[] = "Another North American B-25 bomber rolls off the final assembly line to join other ships on the outdoor assembly line, N[orth]";
$a[] = "1a35295u.jpg";
$b[] = "View of the B-25 final assembly line at North American Aviation's Inglewood, California, plant";
$a[] = "1a35296u.jpg";
$b[] = "Employees on the "Sunshine" assembly line at North American's plant put the finishing touches on another B-25 bomber, Inglewood, Calif. In addition to the battle-tested B-25 ("Billy Mitchell") bomber, used in General ...";
$a[] = "1a35297u.jpg";
$b[] = "On North American's outdoor assembly line, employees rush a B-25 to completion, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35298u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two women employees of North American Aviation, Incorporated, assembling a section of a wing for a P-51 fighter plane";
$a[] = "1a35299u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sheet metal parts are numbered with this pneumatic numbering machine in North American's sheet metal department, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35300u.jpg";
$b[] = "A young woman employee of North American Aviation, Incorporated, working over the landing gear mechanism of a P-51 fighter plane, Inglewood, Calif. The mechanism resembles a small cannon";
$a[] = "1a35301u.jpg";
$b[] = "A young woman employee of North American Aviation, Incorporated, working over the landing gear mechanism of a P-51 fighter plane, Inglewood, Calif. The mechanism resembles a small cannon";
$a[] = "1a35302u.jpg";
$b[] = "Clerk in one of the stock rooms of North American Aviation, Inc., checking to see if the proper numbers of parts were received and placed in the proper bin, Inglewood, Calif. This ...";
$a[] = "1a35303u.jpg";
$b[] = "On North American's outdoor assembly line, a painter cleans the tail section of a P-51 fighter prior to spraying the olive-drab camouflage of the U.S. Army, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35304u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cowling and control rods are added to motors for North American B-25 bombers as they move down the assembly line, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35305u.jpg";
$b[] = "Cowling and control rods are added to motors for North American B-25 bombers as they move down the assembly line, North American, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35306u.jpg";
$b[] = "An employee in the drill-press section of North American's huge machine shop runs mounting holes in a large dural casting, Inglewood, Calif. This plant produces the battle-tested B-25 ("Billy Mitchell") bomber, used ...";
$a[] = "1a35307u.jpg";
$b[] = "Metal parts are placed on masonite by this woman employee before they slide under the multi-ton hydropress, North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35308u.jpg";
$b[] = "In North American's modern machine shop, another aircraft part is finished on a huge turret lathe, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35309u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at North American Aviation, Inc., [a] woman is working in the control surface department assembling a section of the leading edge for the horizontal stabilizer of a plane, ...";
$a[] = "1a35310u.jpg";
$b[] = "Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant";
$a[] = "1a35311u.jpg";
$b[] = "Switch boxes on the firewalls of B-25 bombers are assembled by women workers at North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant";
$a[] = "1a35312u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at the North American Aviation, Inc., [a] woman is in the control surface department assembling a section of the leading edge for the horizontal stabilizer of a plane";
$a[] = "1a35313u.jpg";
$b[] = "A nose wheel and landing gear assembly for a B-25 bomber under construction in a western aircraft plant, North American Aviation, Inc., Calif. A front section of the plane shows in the ...";
$a[] = "1a35314u.jpg";
$b[] = "Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American [Aviation, Inc.]'s Inglewood, Calif., plant";
$a[] = "1a35315u.jpg";
$b[] = "Huge drop hammers work day and night forming sheet metal parts for United Nations bombers and fighters at the North American Aviation, Inc., plant, Inglewood, Calif. The heavy hemp rope is used ...";
$a[] = "1a35316u.jpg";
$b[] = "Member[s] of the experimental staff at the North American Aviation, Inc., plant, observe wind tunnel tests on an accurate scale model of the B-25 ("Billy Mitchell") bomber, Inglewood, Calif. This plant produces ...";
$a[] = "1a35317u.jpg";
$b[] = "An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. This plant produced the B-25 bomber";
$a[] = "1a35318u.jpg";
$b[] = "An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the plant of the North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. The model maker holds an exact miniature ...";
$a[] = "1a35319u.jpg";
$b[] = "P-51 ("Mustang") fighter plane in construction, North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35320u.jpg";
$b[] = "Employees at North American Aviation, Incorporated, assembling the cowling on Allison motors for the P-51 fighter planes, Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35321u.jpg";
$b[] = "Bomb bay gasoline tanks for long flights of B-25 bombers await assembly in the plant of North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. This plant produces the battle-tested B-25 ("Billy Mitchell") bomber used ...";
$a[] = "1a35322u.jpg";
$b[] = "P-51 ("Mustang") fighter planes being prepared for test flight at the field of the North American Aviation, Inc., plant in Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35323u.jpg";
$b[] = "P-51 ("Mustang") fighter planes being prepared for test flight at the field of North American Aviation, Inc., plant in Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35324u.jpg";
$b[] = "P-51 "Mustang" fighter in flight, Inglewood, Calif. The "Mustang", built by North American Aviation, Incorporated, is the only American-built fighter used by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain";
$a[] = "1a35325u.jpg";
$b[] = "The careful hands of women are trained in precise aircraft engine installation duties at Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35326u.jpg";
$b[] = "A noontime rest for a full-fledged assembly worker at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company";
$a[] = "1a35327u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working with the electric wiring at Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35328u.jpg";
$b[] = "A noontime rest for a full-fledged assembly worker at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company. Nacelle parts for a heavy bomber form the background";
$a[] = "1a35329u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women are trained as engine mechanics in thorough Douglas training methods, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35330u.jpg";
$b[] = "Girl inspectors at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company make a careful check of center wings for C-47 transport planes";
$a[] = "1a35331u.jpg";
$b[] = "American mothers and sisters, like these women at the Douglas Aircraft Company, give important help in producing dependable planes for their men at the front, Long Beach, Calif. Most important of the ...";
$a[] = "1a35332u.jpg";
$b[] = "With careful Douglas training, women do accurate electrical assembly and installation work, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35333u.jpg";
$b[] = "F.W. Hunter, Army test pilot, Douglas Aircraft Company plant at Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35334u.jpg";
$b[] = "Girl inspector confers with a worker as she makes a a careful check of center wings for C-47 transport planes, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35335u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lunchtime brings a few minutes of rest for these women workers of the assembly line at Douglas Aircraft Company's plant, Long Beach, Calif. Sand bags for protection against air raid form the ...";
$a[] = "1a35336u.jpg";
$b[] = "A girl riveting machine operator at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant joins sections of wing ribs to reinforce the inner wing assemblies of B-17F heavy bombers, Long Beach, Calif. Better known as ...";
$a[] = "1a35337u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women workers install fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17 bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Long Beach, Calif. Better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-17F ...";
$a[] = "1a35338u.jpg";
$b[] = "Men and women make efficient operating teams on riveting and other jobs at the Douglas Aircraft plant, Long Beach, Calif. Most important of the many types of aircraft made at this plant ...";
$a[] = "1a35339u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women become skilled shop technicians after careful training in the school at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Long Beach, Calif. Most important of the many types of aircraft made at this plant ...";
$a[] = "1a35340u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman at work on motor, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35341u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women at work on bomber, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35342u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two assembly line workers at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company enjoy a well-earned lunch period, Long Beach, Calif. Nacelle parts of a heavy bomber form the background";
$a[] = "1a35343u.jpg";
$b[] = "Girl worker at lunch also absorbing California sunshine, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
часть 9
$a[] = "1a35345u.jpg";
$b[] = "Flexible performance of C-47 transport planes is due in part to their two 1,200 horsepower radial engines and to their three-blade variable-pitch propellers, Long Beach, Calif. Picture taken at the Douglas Aircraft ...";
$a[] = "1a35346u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35347u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur public[iz]ing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35348u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur public[iz]ing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35349u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35350u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35351u.jpg";
$b[] = "Annette del Sur publicizing salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35352u.jpg";
$b[] = "An A-20 bomber being riveted by a woman worker at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant at Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35353u.jpg";
$b[] = "Riveter at work at the Douglas Aircraft Corporation plant in Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35354u.jpg";
$b[] = "A fast, hard-hitting new A-20 [i.e., B-25] attack bomber is brought for a test hop to the flight line at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company";
$a[] = "1a35355u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman machinist, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35356u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women workers install fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17F bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif. Better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-17F is ...";
$a[] = "1a35357u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women are trained to do precise and vital engine installation detail in Douglas Aircraft Company plants, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35358u.jpg";
$b[] = "Lieutenant "Mike" Hunter, Army pilot assigned to Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35359u.jpg";
$b[] = "Women at work on C-47 Douglas cargo transport, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35360u.jpg";
$b[] = "This girl in a glass house is putting finishing touches on the bombardier nose section of a B-17F navy bomber, Long Beach, Calif. She's one of many capable women workers in the ...";
$a[] = "1a35361u.jpg";
$b[] = "Carefully trained women inspectors check and inspect cargo transport innerwings before they are assembled on the fuselage, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35362u.jpg";
$b[] = "Students at Washington High School at class, training for specific contributions to the war effort, Los Angeles, Calif. Ralph Angar, instructor, explains propeller characteristics to student[s] in the aeronautics class";
$a[] = "1a35363u.jpg";
$b[] = "Learning how to determine latitude by using a sextant is Senta Osoling, student at Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles, Calif. Navigation classes are part of the school's program for training its students ...";
$a[] = "1a35364u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys trained in the fundamentals of navigation may become technicians in the armed service, Los Angeles, Calif. Thomas Graham, a member of the Victory Corps at Polytechnic High School, is learning to ...";
$a[] = "1a35365u.jpg";
$b[] = "Boys trained in the fundamentals of navigation may become technicians in the armed service, Los Angeles, Calif. Thomas Graham, a member of the Victory Corps at Polytechnic High School, is learning to ...";
$a[] = "1a35366u.jpg";
$b[] = "Students at Washington High School at class, training for specific contributions to the war effort, Los Angeles, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35367u.jpg";
$b[] = "Students at Washington High School at class, training for specific contributions to the war effort, Los Angeles, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35368u.jpg";
$b[] = "Working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Vultee [Aircraft Inc.], Nashville, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35369u.jpg";
$b[] = "This woman worker at the Vultee-Nashville is shown making final adjustments in the wheel well of an inner wing before the installation of the landing gear, Nashville, Tenn. This [is] one of ...";
$a[] = "1a35370u.jpg";
$b[] = "A candid view of one of the women workers touching up the U.S. Army Air Forces insignia on the side of the fuselage of a "Vengeance" dive bomber manufactured at Vultee's Nashville ...";
$a[] = "1a35371u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35372u.jpg";
$b[] = "Capping and inspecting tubing: two women are shown capping and inspecting tubing which goes into the manufacture of the "Vengeance" dive bomber made at Vultee's Nashville division, Tennessee. The "Vengeance" (A-31) was ...";
$a[] = "1a35373u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35374u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35375u.jpg";
$b[] = "Drilling horizontal stabilizers: operating a hand drill, this woman worker at Vultee-Nashville is shown working on the horizontal stabilizer for a Vultee "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee. The "Vengeance" (A-31) was originally designed ...";
$a[] = "1a35376u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two women workers are shown capping and inspecting tubing which goes into the manufacture of the "Vengeance" (A-31) dive bomber made at Vultee's Nashville division, Tennessee. The "Vengeance" (A-31) was originally designed ...";
$a[] = "1a35377u.jpg";
$b[] = "Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee";
$a[] = "1a35382u.jpg";
$b[] = "The water stretching machine of an eastern parachute manufacturer stretches shroud lines so as to make them more adaptable to the finished product, Manchester, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35383u.jpg";
$b[] = "The utmost precision is required of these operators who are cutting and drilling parachute packs in an eastern factory, Manchester, Conn. Their work is under constant close supervision. Pioneer Parchute Company";
$a[] = "1a35384u.jpg";
$b[] = "Making harnesses, Mary Saverick stitching, Pioneer Parachute Company Mills, Manchester, Conn.";
$a[] = "1a35389u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations Fight for Freedom : colored, white and Chinese Boy Scouts in front of Capitol, They help out by delivering poster to help the war effort";
$a[] = "1a35390u.jpg";
$b[] = "Amir Khalid [right] and Amir Faisal, sons of King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. Their Royal Highnesses recently concluded an extensive visit in the United States as guests of the government. They ...";
$a[] = "1a35391u.jpg";
$b[] = "United Nations Fight for Freedom: Boy Scout in front of Capitol. They help out by delivering posters to help the war effort";
$a[] = "1a35392u.jpg";
$b[] = "Amir Khalid [right] and Amir Faisal, sons of King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. Their Royal Highnesses recently concluded an extensive visit in the United States as guests of the government. They ...";
$a[] = "1a35397u.jpg";
$b[] = "North American Aviation's B-25 medium bomber, Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35398u.jpg";
$b[] = "North American's P-51 Mustang Fighter is in service with Britain's Royal Air Force, N[orth] A[merican] Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.";
$a[] = "1a35403u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking west from the Maccabees Building";
$a[] = "1a35404u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking east toward Rackham Building, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35405u.jpg";
$b[] = "Ballin' the Jack";
$a[] = "1a35406u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking south from the Maccabees Building with the Detroit skyline in the distance, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35407u.jpg";
$b[] = "Traffic at 5:30 on Second Avenue, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35408u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking down on a parking lot from the rear of the Fisher Building, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35409u.jpg";
$b[] = "Looking north on Woodward Ave., from the Maccabee[s] Building with the Fisher Building at the far left, and the Wardell Hotel at the middle right, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35410u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Coal tower atop coal ovens";
$a[] = "1a35411u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Coal pusher apparatus with coal storage";
$a[] = "1a35412u.jpg";
$b[] = "Coal feeders on tip of coke ovens, Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35413u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Coporation, stock pile of coal and iron ore, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35414u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Cleaning out loose coke after removing a door preparatory to putting door back";
$a[] = "1a35415u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Coal tower atop coke ovens";
$a[] = "1a35416u.jpg";
$b[] = "Coke being pushed into a quenching car, Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich.";
$a[] = "1a35417u.jpg";
$b[] = "Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Detroit, Mich. General view showing tank which stores gas from the coke oven. Square building and extension in middle ground is where coal is ...";
$a[] = "1a35422u.jpg";
$b[] = "Dr. Schreiber of San Augustine giving a typhoid innoculation at a rural school, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35423u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rural school girl, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35424u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35425u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35426u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35427u.jpg";
$b[] = "Rural school children, San Augustine County, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35428u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southland Paper mill, Kraft (chemical) pulp used in making newsprint, Lufkin, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35429u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southland Paper mill, Kraft (chemical) pulp used in making newsprint, Lufkin, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35430u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southland Paper mill, Kraft (chemical) pulp used in making newsprint, Lufkin, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35431u.jpg";
$b[] = "Southland Paper Co., Kraft pulp mill under construction, Lufkin, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35432u.jpg";
$b[] = "60 foot high sulphur vat, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35433u.jpg";
$b[] = "Sulphur vat 60 feet high, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35434u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading sulphur from vat, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35435u.jpg";
$b[] = "Loading box cars with sulphur, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35436u.jpg";
$b[] = "Railroad cars loaded with sulphur, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35437u.jpg";
$b[] = "Freeport Sulphur Co., 60 foot high vat of sulphur, Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35438u.jpg";
$b[] = "Nearly exhausted sulphur vat from which railroad cars are loaded, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35439u.jpg";
$b[] = "Nearly exhausted sulphur vat from which railroad cars are loaded, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35440u.jpg";
$b[] = "Melted sulphur from the wells pouring into relay station, Freeport Sulphur Co., Hoskins Mound, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35441u.jpg";
$b[] = "House, Houston, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35442u.jpg";
$b[] = "Workers leaving Pennsylvania shipyards, Beaumont, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35443u.jpg";
$b[] = "Geologist examining cuttings from wildcat well, Amarillo, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35444u.jpg";
$b[] = "Employees at Mid-Continent Refinery, Tulsa, Okla.";
$a[] = "1a35445u.jpg";
$b[] = "De-waxing plant at Mid-Continent refinery, Tulsa, Okla.";
$a[] = "1a35446u.jpg";
$b[] = "Worker at carbon black plant, Sunray, Texas";
$a[] = "1a35447u.jpg";
$b[] = "Virgin redwood, 864 years old";
$a[] = "1a35452u.jpg";
$b[] = "Columbus Statue in front of Union Station, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35453u.jpg";
$b[] = "Columbus Fountain and statue in front of Union Station, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35454u.jpg";
$b[] = "U.S. Supreme Court building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35455u.jpg";
$b[] = "U.S. Supreme Court Building, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35456u.jpg";
$b[] = "Building of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35457u.jpg";
$b[] = "Two little girls in a park near Union Station, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35458u.jpg";
$b[] = "Little girl in a park near Union Station, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35459u.jpg";
$b[] = "Little girl in a park with Union Station in the background, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35460u.jpg";
$b[] = "Memorial Bridge, looking from the Virginia side of the Potomac River across to the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35461u.jpg";
$b[] = "War Department Building at 21st and Virginia Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35462u.jpg";
$b[] = "A soldier and a woman in a park, with the Old [Russell] Senate Office Building behind them, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35463u.jpg";
$b[] = "Woman putting on her lipstick in a park with Union Station behind her, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35464u.jpg";
$b[] = "The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.";
$a[] = "1a35465u.jpg";
$b[] = "An American pineapple, of the kind the Axis finds hard to digest, is ready to leave the hand of an infantryman in training at Fort Belvoir, Va. American soldiers make good grenade ...";
$a[] = "1a35466u.jpg";
$b[] = "[U.S. Army Medal of Honor with neck band]";
$a[] = "1a35467u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Medal of Honor]";
$a[] = "1a35468u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35469u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35470u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35471u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35472u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35473u.jpg";
$b[] = "Color guard of Negro engineers, Ft. Belvoir(?), [Va.]";
$a[] = "1a35474u.jpg";
$b[] = "Portrait of a farm boy";
$a[] = "1a35475u.jpg";
$b[] = "Portrait of a farm boy";
$a[] = "1a35476u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Display of home-canned food]";
$a[] = "1a35478u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Birmingham (near Detroit), Michigan. Kitchen utensils hanging below a spice rack with mint, caraway, thyme, and sage jars]";
$a[] = "1a55001u.jpg";
$b[] = "Crowds of French patriots line the Champs Elysees to view Allied tanks and half tracks pass through the Arc du Triomphe, after Paris was liberated on August 25, 1944";
$a[] = "1a55002u.jpg";
$b[] = "Installing one of the 4 motors on the transport plane at Willow Run";
$a[] = "1a55003u.jpg";
$b[] = "Inspecting of landing wheel of the transport planes at Willow Run";
$a[] = "1a55004u.jpg";
$b[] = "Inspecting of landing wheel of the transport planes at Willow Run";
$a[] = "1a55005u.jpg";
$b[] = "Guide at Little Norway, Blue Mounds, Wis.";
$a[] = "1a55006u.jpg";
$b[] = "[Garden of Pan American Union Building, Washington, D.C.]";
PS парсил в Internet Explorer 11. он 9 раз зависал (получилось 9 частей) поэтому могут быть пропуски.
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warlock24 · 21-Мар-20 13:40 (спустя 6 часов)

И что обычному пользователю делать с предоставленным скриптом? Набросали бы хотя бы батник.
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Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 43

elcovvitalii · 23-Мар-20 04:53 (спустя 1 день 15 часов, ред. 23-Мар-20 04:53)

warlock24 писал(а):
И что обычному пользователю делать с предоставленным скриптом? Набросали бы хотя бы батник.
Клавишей F3 можно получить название фотографии.
Переименовывать файлы не вижу смысла потому что текст длинный.
Если добавить текст на фото, испортится качество оригинала.
Описание в формате IPTC (смотреть можно в IrfanView).

php C:\1.php
Скрипт 1.php
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value)
    $length = strlen($value);
    $retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
    if($length < 0x8000)
        $retval .= chr($length >> 8) .  chr($length & 0xFF);
        $retval .= chr(0x80) .
                   chr(0x04) .
                   chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .
                   chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .
                   chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .
                   chr($length & 0xFF);
    return $retval . $value;
$d = "C:\\usa-1939-1941\\";
$a = array();
$b = array();
$a[] = "1a33782u.JPG";
$b[] = "Bean field under cultivation, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33783u.JPG";
$b[] = "Cultivating a field, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
$a[] = "1a33784u.JPG";
$b[] = "Harrowing a field with a diesel tractor, Seabrook Farm, Bridgeton, N.J.";
for ($x=0; $x<count($b); $x++)
if (file_exists($d.$a[$x]))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// https://www.php.net/manual/ru/function.iptcembed.php
// Путь к jpeg файлу
//$path = './phplogo.jpg';
$path = $d.$a[$x];
// установка IPTC тэгов
$iptc = array(
//    '2#120' => 'Тестовое изображение',
//    '2#116' => 'Copyright 2008-2009, The PHP Group'
'2#120' => $b[$x]
// Преобразование IPTC тэгов в двоичный код
$data = '';
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string)
    $tag = substr($tag, 2);
    $data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
// Встраивание IPTC данных
$content = iptcembed($data, $path);
// запись нового изображения в файл
$fp = fopen($path, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $content);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
PS путь к фото:
$d = "C:\\usa-1939-1941\\";
Ограничение времени выполнения скрипта

//Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in pandoge_com.php on line 19
1. пропущенные файлы:
20.03.2020  23:46         2 093 139 1a33971u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:46         4 032 368 1a34163u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:36         1 847 272 1a34359u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:48         6 162 475 1a34558u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:35         5 261 787 1a34758u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:45         2 657 450 1a34954u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:44         1 823 279 1a35159u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:56         3 240 931 1a35344u.jpg
20.03.2020  23:44         4 871 123 1a55007u.jpg
2. забыл в парсере сделать экранирование кавычек.
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\1.php on line 47
необходимо подставить обратный слеш \ перед внутренними кавычками.
Ускорить процесс: в Notepad++ делаем замену.
' => \'
"; => ';
= " => = '
3. увеличивать ограничение времени выполнения скрипта не пришлось.
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