William Irwin - Philosophy and Pop Culture Series/Серия "Философия поп-культуры" [2001-2009, PDF, CBR, ENG]

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Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

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Akuen · 04-Авг-11 12:00 (12 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 18-Авг-11 08:18)

Philosophy and Pop Culture Series/Серия "Философия поп-культуры"
Год выпуска: 2001-2011 г.
Автор: William Irwin
Издатель: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Язык курса: Английский
Формат: PDF, CBR
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Кол-во страниц: 305
ISBN: 978-0470-44798-7,
Серия: The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series
Описание: В книгах серии раскрываются "скрытые мотивы" культовых персонажей, ТВшоу, фильмов. Не у всех книг есть обложки!
В раздаче представлены: Terminator and Philosophy: I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am, Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul, Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy, Daily Show and Philosophy, Matrix and Philosophy, Metallica and Philosophy, Simpsons and Philosophy, South Park and Philosophy, Twilight and Philosophy, Watchmen and Philosophy, X-Men and Philosophy.
Terminator and Philosophy: I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am
The Terminator series is one of the most popular sci-fi franchises ever created, captivating millions with its edgy depiction of the struggle of humankind for survival against its own creations. This book draws on some of history's philosophical heavy hitters: Descartes, Kant, Karl Marx, and many more. Nineteen leather-clad chapters target with extreme prejudice the mysteries surrounding intriguing philosophical issues raised by the Terminator series, including the morality of terminating other people for the sake of peace, whether we can really use time travel to protect our future resistance leaders in the past, and if Arnold's famous T-101 is a real person or not. You'll say "Hasta la vista, baby" to philosophical confusion as you develop a new appreciation for the complexities of John and Sarah Connor and the battles between Skynet and the human race.
Терминатор - является одной из самых популярных научно-фантастических франшиз. Эта книга опирается на некоторые агрессивные философские учения Декарта, Канта, Карл аМаркса и др. В 19-и главах будут подняты философские вопросы, такие как: нравственности, самопожертвования, путешествия во времени, чтобы защитить наших будущих лидеров сопротивления в прошлом и др.. Скажите: ""Hasta la vista, baby" философской путанице.
Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul
Why doesn't Batman just kill the Joker and end everyone's misery? Can we hold the Joker morally responsible for his actions? Is Batman better than Superman? If everyone followed Batman's example, would Gotham be a better place? What is the Tao of the Bat? Batman is one of the most complex characters ever to appear in comic books, graphic novels, and on the big screen. What philosophical trials does this superhero confront in order to keep Gotham safe? Combing through seventy years of comic books, television shows, and movies, Batman and Philosophy explores how the Dark Knight grapples with ethical conundrums, moral responsibility, his identity crisis, the moral weight he carries to avenge his murdered parents, and much more. How does this caped crusader measure up against the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Lao Tzu?
Почему Бэтмен просто не убьет Джокера и покончит со всеми его злодействами? Можем ли мы считать, что Джокера несет моральную ответственность за свои действия? Бэтмен лучше Супермена? Если бы все последовали примеру Бэтменна, стал бы Готем-сити более безопасным местом? Бэтмен является одним из наиболее сложных персонажей когда-либо появлявшихся в комиксах, графических романах, и на большом экране. Какие какие моральные вопросы приходится решать этому супергерою, чтобы сохранить Готэм в безопасности? Прошерстив семьдесят лет истории персонажа, "Бэтмен и философия" исследует, как Темный рыцарь сталкивается с этическими головоломками, моральной ответственности, кризис самосоознания, - он несет, чтобы отомстить за убитых родителей, и не только. Так кто сокрыт под маской?
X-Men and Philosophy
Is mind reading an invasion of privacy?
What's wrong with genetic experimentation?
How many identities can one person have?
Are the X-Men advocates of civil rightsand social change?
Do mutants have "human" rights?
X-Men is one of the most popular comic-book franchises ever, captivating millions with its teeming X-Verse of genetic mutants who have been unleashing their unique special powers in the service of both good and evil since 1963. Focusing on identity and personal conflict as much as action and adventure, this bestselling series is full of complex characters and storylines that are deeply influenced by important philosophical questions. Through philosophical greats like Aristotle, Sartre, Camus, Levinas, and others, X-Men and Philosophy shows how this remarkable series speaks not only to generations of pop culture audiences, but to the very heart of the human condition.
X-Men является одним из самых популярных комиксов Вселенной Марвел, созданные в 1963 году. Серия большим количеством экшена, философских вопросов, со своей сложной символикой.
Watchmen and Philosophy
Alan Moore's Watchmen is set in 1985 and chronicles the alternative history of the United States where the US edges dangerously closer to nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Within this world exists a group of crime busters, who don elaborate costumes to conceal their identity and fight crime, and an intricate plot to kill and discredit these "superheroes."
Alan Moore's Watchmen popularized the graphic novel format, has been named one of Time magazine's top 100 novels, and is now being made into a highly anticipated movie adaptation. This latest book in the popular Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series peers into Moore's deeply philosophical work to parse and deconstruct the ethical issues raised by Watchmen's costumed adventurers, their actions, and their world. From nuclear destruction to utopia, from governmental authority to human morality and social responsibility, it answers questions fans have had for years about Watchmen's ethical quandaries, themes, and characters.
В 1985 году Алан Мур создал одну из самых захватывающих антиутопий, его работа входит в "100 лучших новел". Мрачная и тяжелая история поднимающая множество вопросов.
Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy
"This intriguing volume is the first of its kind to explore Battlestar Galactica, from Cyclons to Starbuck, with great breadth and depth. Assembling a stellar fleet of terrestrial talent, Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy is indispensable to both fans and those who want to explore philosophical and theological issues in an entertaining way."
–Judith Barad, author of The Ethics of Star Trek, Indiana State University.
Первая в своем роде книга по Battlestar Galactica, по изучению флота, главных герое и др.
The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the Desert of the Real
The many faces of Keanu Reeves as hero Neo-Christ, Buddha, Socrates-are explored in these essays on the philosophical implications of the sci-fi martial arts blockbuster The Matrix, collected by the editor of Seinfeld and Philosophy and The Simpsons and Philosophy. According to the academics assembled here, when messianic hacker Neo kick-boxes the Matrix's virtual-reality dream-prison, he is really struggling with some of mankind's biggest conundrums: the nature of truth and reality, the possibility of free will, the mind-body problem and the alienation of labor in late-capitalist society. The tacit goal here is to make philosophy fun for the general reader by orienting it to pop-culture reference points, so while some articles contain rather dense philosophical jargon, most are pitched at the level of a freshman intro course. But only a few chapters delve into the movie's aesthetics; the rest seem to use The Matrix as a peg on which to hang a canned philosophy lecture. The results are occasionally engaging, as with David Mitsuo Nixon's nifty refutation of the "reality is just an illusion" conceit, but they're too often dryly academic and liable to elicit no more than a drowsy "whoa" from the movie's legions of fans.
Авторы книги поставили для себя задачу в доступной форме рассказать о феномене Матрицы, а так же реальности, истине и т.д.
The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer
No doubt Aristotle just rolled over in his grave. An essay called "Homer and Aristotle" would appear to be a treatise on two ancient Greek thinkers; in this case, it's a depiction of Homer Simpson's Aristotelian virtues. Raja Halwani's "Homeric" essay is amusing, though, and moreover, it actually ends up being enlightening, especially for those just learning Aristotle's ethics. Bart may be a Nietzschean without knowing it; Mr. Burns is a cipher for unhappiness (except when he eats "so-called iced-cream"); and Ned Flanders raises questions about neighborly love. The Simpsons and Philosophy has a lot to say about The Simpsons, and even more to say about philosophy.
The book collects 18 essays into an unpretentious, tongue-in-cheek, and surprisingly intelligent look at philosophy through the lens of Matt Groening's vaunted animated series. The editors are quick to point out that they don't think The Simpsons "is the equivalent of history's best works of literature ... but it nevertheless is just deep enough, and certainly funny enough, to warrant serious attention." The writers of the book are mostly professional philosophers, and they are appropriately erudite. But what is truly astonishing, even for a confessed Simpsons addict, is their breadth of Simpsons knowledge, spanning all 12 seasons of the show's history. The Simpsons and Philosophy is obviously not intended to be a turning point in modern thought, but it is an excellent introduction to some core elements of philosophy.
18 эссе о грандиозном шоу "Симсоны".
Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality
The first look at the philosophy behind Stephenie Meyer's bestselling Twilight series
Bella and Edward, and their family and friends, have faced countless dangers and philosophical dilemmas in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels. This book is the first to explore them, drawing on the wisdom of philosophical heavyweights to answer essential questions such as: What do the struggles of "vegetarian" vampires who control their biological urge for human blood say about free will? Are vampires morally absolved if they kill only animals and not people? From a feminist perspective, is Edward a romantic hero or is he just a stalker? Is Jacob "better" for Bella than Edward?
As absorbing as the Meyer novels themselves, Twilight and Philosophy:
Gives you a new perspective on Twilight characters, storylines, and themes
Helps you gain fresh insights into the Twilight novels and movies
Features an irresistible combination of vampires, romance, and philosophy
Книга о том как правильно воспринимать сумеречную сагу (по крайней мере авторы считают, что ее стоит читать). Моральные проблемы вампиров: есть людей или все таки животные вкусней. Вегетарианство вампиров. Кого выбрать Белле? Ну и так далее.
Metallica and Philosophy: A Crash Course in Brain Surgery
“The most elucidative dissertation on Metallica ever written. And a kick-ass read to boot!!!”
Scott Ian, guitarist for Anthrax<!--end-->
“Like philosophy itself, Metallica’s music can scare the uninitiated, who fear their brains will hurt. This book makes both philosophy and Metallica accessible to the curious while deepening the experience of those already in the know.”
Theodore Gracyk, author of Rhythm and Noise and Listening to Popular Music
“Metallica and Philosophy is, at long last, the book which finally gives everyone’s favorite headbangers due credit for being intelligent, questioning, and even cerebral.”
Joel McIver, author of Justice For All: The Truth About Metallica
“Not just heavy metal, not just rock n’ roll, not just angst or anger or conceptual analysis, but a monster in a category of its own that shows us something dangerous about ourselves and our post-industrial culture.”
Dale Jacquette, Pennsylvania State University
"Intellectual snobs and proud low-brows alike may dismiss this as a joke- though obviously not respected academic publishers Blackwell ... as an introduction to some of the major schools of thought, it is no less worthy than popular books like Sophie's World that have also sought to bring philosophy to the mass market."
Tommy Udo, Metal Hammer
A “provocative study” on one of metal’s greatest bands, this paperback examines the connection between Metallica and highly regarded philosophers like Aristotle and Nietzsche, and “uses themes in Metallica’s work to illuminate topics such as death, metaphysics, epistemology, the mind-body problem, morality, justice and what we owe one another.” Edited by a college professor, chapters include “Alcoholica: When Sweet Amber Becomes The Master Of Puppets,” “To Live and Die: Metallica and The Meaning Of Life” and “Boys Interrupted: The Drama Of Male Bonding In Some Kind Of Monster.”
Metal Edge Magazine
Группа "Металлика" и высоко духовные вопросы
South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today
With a firm belief in the power of satire, and a number of complicated questions-including the morals of laughing at a ten-year-old's racist, sexually active hand-puppet-author and philosophy professor Arp presents an accessible collection of 22 essays on Comedy Central's controversial, long-running cartoon series South Park. Drawing on the usual suspects-Plato, Aristotle, Freud and Sartre among them-the contributors gleefully argue that the fiercely juvenile and politically incorrect show speaks to some of the most important issues of our-or any-time. In the first entry, William W. Young III draws comparisons between moralizing condemnation of South Park and the charges "leveled against Western philosophy since its beginnings" in a section titled "Oh my God! They Killed Socrates! You Bastards!" Other essays take on the "ethics of amusement" in the face of a Virgin Mary statue bleeding from a wholly inappropriate place, the existential crisis suggested by the Kenny's recurrent death and what a school mascot election between "a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich" says about America's two-party political system. Though the laundry list of philosophical issues-gender and sexuality, personal identity, the problem of evil, religious pluralism, the ethics of belief-feels familiar, and some of the writers' attempts at lowbrow humor can be embarrassingly off-mark, it's a serious but inviting roundup that high-minded South Park fans, as well as pop-philosophy devotees, will find worthwhile.
Сатира, расизм, нравственность. Кому-то действительно нужно описывать книгу по Саус Парку?
The Daily Show and Philosophy: Moments of Zen in the Art of Fake News
An entertaining and insightful examination of the Emmy-award winning American satirical news show, broadcast on Comedy Central in the US, and (in an edited edition) on More4 in the UK and CNN International around the world.
Includes discussion of both The Daily Show and its spin-off show, The Colbert Report
Showcases philosophers at their best, discussing truth, knowledge, reality and the American Way
Highlights the razor sharp critical skills of Jon Stewart and his colleagues
Faces tough and surprisingly funny questions about politics, religion, and power head on.
В книге внимательно и с долей юмора рассматриваются ТВшоу и каналы их выпускающие.
В серии вышли
24 and Philosophy: The World According to Jack
30 Rock and Philosophy: We Want to Go to There
Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser
Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Knowledge Here Begins Out There
Family Guy and Philosophy: A Cure for the Petarded
Final Fantasy and Philosophy: The Ultimate Walkthrough
Green Lantern and Philosophy: No Evil Shall Escape this Book
Inception and Philosophy: Because It's Never Just a Dream
Iron Man and Philosophy: Facing the Stark Reality
Heroes and Philosophy: Buy the Book, Save the World
House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies
Mad Men and Philosophy: Nothing Is as It Seems
South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today
Star Wars and Philosophy
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy: Everything Is Fire
The Office and Philosophy: Scenes from the Unexamined Life
The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles
True Blood and Philosophy: We Wanna Think Bad Things with You
Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality
Watchmen and Philosophy: A Rorschach Test
Ultimate Lost and Philosophy: Think Together, Die Alone
X-Men and Philosophy: Astonishing Insight and Uncanny Argument in the Mutant X-Verse
The Philosophy of Popular Culture - является другой серией!
Похожая по тематике серия книг с названием "The Philosophy of Popular Culture", издательство "THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KENTUCKY". В этой серии вышли книги:
The Philosophy of The X-Files, edited by Dean A. Kowalski
The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick, edited by Jerold J. Abrams
The Philosophy of Neo-Noir, edited by Mark T. Conard
The Philosophy of Martin Scorsese, edited by Mark T. Conard
The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film, edited by Steven M. Sanders
The Philosophy of TV Noir, edited by Stephen M. Sanders and Aeon J. Skoble
Basketball and Philosophy, edited by Jerry L. Walls and Gregor и другие.
Серии походят друг на друга, поэтому книги у них похожие.
Если кому будут нужны - я могу их выложить.
Книги похожей тематики, вне серий, их много, но основными я считаю эти:
Comics as Philosophy
Gospel of the Living Dead
Thinking on Screen - Film as Philosophy и другие.
Так же могу выложить.
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Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 6335

tyuusya · 04-Авг-11 16:05 (спустя 4 часа)

Добавьте, пожалуйста, описания на русском, и в списке книг в серии - явно укажите, что в каком формате раздаёте, а что в раздаче отсутствует.
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Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 50

Akuen · 15-Авг-11 18:02 (спустя 11 дней)

В раздачу добавлены новые книги. Обновите торрент-файл.
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 6335

tyuusya · 17-Авг-11 23:37 (спустя 2 дня 5 часов)

Akuen, в спойлерах - Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy, The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the Desert of the Real отсутствует русское описание, добавьте, пожалуйста.
Кому-то действительно нужно описывать книгу по Саус Парку?
Да, я что-то краем уха слышал про Южный парк, а про Сауспарк - ничего...
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Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 50

Akuen · 18-Авг-11 05:32 (спустя 5 часов, ред. 18-Авг-11 05:32)

А что транслитерацию отменили в названиях, а давно? и транскрипцию тоже
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Стаж: 11 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 6

ЯИнокентий · 16-Фев-13 04:11 (спустя 1 год 5 месяцев, ред. 18-Фев-13 06:11)

The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick, edited by Jerold J. Abrams
The Philosophy of Neo-Noir, edited by Mark T. Conard
The Philosophy of Martin Scorsese, edited by Mark T. Conard
буду очень признателен за эти книги
Уже нашел! Но все равно спасибо за уже существующую раздачу
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цукен олд

Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 77

цукен олд · 07-Июн-13 14:59 (спустя 3 месяца 19 дней)

Будьте добры, выложите те книги по "поп-философии", которые Вы анонсировали выше:
----серия книг с названием "The Philosophy of Popular Culture", издательство "THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KENTUCKY"
----Comics as Philosophy
----Gospel of the Living Dead
----Thinking on Screen
И если еще что-то аналогичное появилось - буду очень благодарен!
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1483

KOMANDIR1111 · 14-Май-14 10:32 (спустя 11 месяцев)

Еще раздачи из этой серии на нашем трекере
Blackwell Philosophy and Culture Series - William Irwin/Уильям Ирвин - Black Sabbath and Philosophy: Mastering Reality/"Блэк Саббат" и философия: властвуя над реальностью [2012, PDF, epub, ENG]
[английский] Jason P. Blahuta and Michel S. Beaulieu - Final Fantasy and Philosophy: The Ultimate Walkthrough / Последняя Фантазия и Философия: Полное Руководство [2009 г., EPUB / Mobi / PDF, ENG]
Robert Arp / Роберт Арп - South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today / Южный Парк и Философия: Знаешь, Сегодня Я Кое-Что Понял [2007, PDF, ENG]
William Irwin, Richard Brown, Kevin S. Decker / Уильям Ирвин, Ричард Браун, Кевин С. Декер - Terminator and Philosophy: I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am / Терминатор и Философия: Я вернусь, Ибо Таков Уж Я [PDF, ENG, 2009]
William Irwin, Gregory Bassham / Уильям Ирвин, Грегори Бэйшем - The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles / Заключительная книга о Гарри Поттере и Философии: Хогвартс Для Маглов [2010, Epub/Mobi/Pdf, ENG]
William Irwin / Уильям Ирвин - The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke / Теория Большого Взрыва: Камень, Бумага, Ножницы, Аристотель и Локк [2012, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
William Irwin, Mark T. Conard / Уильям Ирвин, Марк Т.Конард - The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'Oh! of Homer / Симпсоны и Философия: Чертыхание Гомера [2001, PDF, Epub, ENG]
William Irwin / Уильям Ирвин - Metallica And Philosophy: Crash Course In Brain Surgery / Metallica И Философия: Интенсивный Курс Хирургии Головного Мозга [2009, PDF, ENG]
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Стаж: 16 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 50

Akuen · 15-Май-14 16:42 (спустя 1 день 6 часов)

если мне не изменяет склероз, то эти книги выходили у другого издательства.
спасибо, обновлю на досуге.
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1483

KOMANDIR1111 · 15-Май-14 17:17 (спустя 34 мин.)

Обновлять необязательно. Все равно одиночные раздачи поглощены не будут - правила трекера такие.
Это скорее шпаргалка для интересующихся, но не умеющих искать.
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1483

KOMANDIR1111 · 27-Сен-14 20:15 (спустя 4 месяца 12 дней)

Ну Ваше право.
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Стаж: 13 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 76

be_nt_all · 11-Авг-16 23:09 (спустя 1 год 10 месяцев)

Хм, Что эта серия делает в художке??! Ну раз уж решили вынести весь этот кроссовер в рздел Знаменитости и кумиры (это по крайней мере логично) то и это туда же. Возможно вымышленным героям место скорее в книгах о кино, а Гарри Поттеру (вслед за Шерлок Холмсом) стоит отправится в литературоведение (философы, писавшие статьи, ссылаются на литературный первоисточник). В общем с подобным переносом я согласится готов, книги, пусть и написаные философами, больше интересны поклонникам тех вымышленных или реальных героев, кто взят в них для примера, и вообще, но в худлите сборникам [около]философских эссе делать совершенно нечего — это к гадалке не ходи.
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1483

KOMANDIR1111 · 12-Авг-16 06:55 (спустя 7 часов)

be_nt_all писал(а):
71208558Хм, Что эта серия делает в художке??!
Уже 5 лет. Поэтому оставляем.
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Стаж: 16 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 653

Yennifer · 22-Янв-23 14:29 (спустя 6 лет 5 месяцев)

Большое спасибо за замечательные книги!
Пожалуйста, выложите, что еще есть!
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