(Inspired By / Score, Mix) EVE Online: Sounds for Flying (Rettic) - 2011, MP3, 128 kbps

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Kurode · 17-Апр-12 18:26 (12 лет 2 месяца назад, ред. 30-Мар-13 19:01)

Sounds for Flying
Жанр: Inspired By / Score, Ambient, Mix
Композитор: Rettic
Год выпуска диска: 2011
Страна производитель диска: unknown yet
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps
Продолжительность: 09:38:57
Источник: WEB
Сайт-источник: rettic.com
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
ID3-теги: да
Доп. информация: Данная раздача является сборником фан-композиций для игры EVE Online за авторством Rettic. Музыка хорошо подходит в дополнение к уже привычным для игроков трекам.
Добавить Sounds for Flying в игру можно при помощи внутриигрового проигрывателя. С обновлением Retribution, внутриигровой проигрыватель был удален из клиента. Помним, скорбим, слушаем где-либо еще.
От автора: Welcome to a new series at The Chronofile: Sounds for Flying. A major part of gameplay for me is having the right music for the situation at hand. It seems purely a cosmetic decision, but I find it brings more immersion to the universe I can’t get enough of. It enhances the experience.
I spend a lot of time making sound mixes to fly to, so I figured why not share them? This will be a series of audio mixes I’ve assemble of found sounds & music that I will continue to release occasionally. Each volume will have a new theme, and new artwork designed by yours truly.
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 1: Exploration Suite - 00:56:02
Nebulae. Solar wind currents. Collapsed relics of wars past dancing a ballet under the glare of the stars.
With probes as your hands reaching across the planetary system, your purpose is to document the unrecorded, salvage the abandoned, and be wary of the awoken. Each turn might be a prosperous discovery, or the end of the line.
These are the sounds of the unknown.

Side Note: I want to reiterate that this is not my music. However, I’m not going to release any track names as to 1) not draw attention to any copyright hounds, and 2) a little mystery keeps it immersive. Some of you may recognize a track here and there. If you need to know the track list or have a question about a particular song, email me.
01 - SFF vol. 1 - Exploration Suite
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 2: Western Suite - 00:59:08
The outer rim of the ‘verse is freedom. It’s a frontier waiting to be explored. Untapped space waiting to be claimed. Unimaginable riches waiting to fill a prospector’s pockets. And the very reason empire dwellers fear null sec to their core is the same reason the rest know it as the only way to live: no Law.
This isn’t a story about the greater Alliances and their wars. This is a story about other side of 0.0: the wandering pilot looking for an upper hand in a desert landscape. It’s you and your boat, a few bullets to your name, and a gang of bandits on the other side of that jump-gate. You’re a gunslinger on a horse, in search of a little serenity.
Welcome to the wild west, space cowboy.

01 - SFF vol. 2 - Western Suite
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 3: Stationside Suite - 00:56:40
Planet dwellers imagine space stations as a beacon of the achievement of man, each a manifestation of all the wealth and artistry one could imagine. Glittering cities in the sky. We capsuleers know better, though.
If the blackness of space is dark, then most station-life doesn’t register on the prism. It’s existence in a dim-lit haze, colored only by neon signs and erotic night-life. After all, what more is a capsuleer to do in their meat bodies than enjoy the few luxuries flesh has to offer.
A trip down an alleyway to escape the market crowds may pass you by the muffled rhythms of a Gallentean all-hours dance house, or in the palms of a black market profiteer. Boosters, beats…you can find it all stationside.
The cities in the sky are definitely no glittering beacons. And you know what? We wouldn’t have it any other way.

01 - SFF vol. 3 - Stationside Suite
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 4: War Suite - 00:49:47
The Drums of War. The thunder of weaponry that sends ripples across the souls of the galaxy. The battle cry that calls the demigods of the skies to demonstrate their true power over common beings. Such is the conflict for sovereignty over worlds.
The percussive drive of the Minmatar runs blood through the fleets. The triumphant horns of the Caldari strike pride into their numbers. The throaty, droning chant of the Amarr rattle the core of their enemies. And the lamenting voice of the Gallente, a singular melody crying for peace in a universe that knows not the word.
All fates are decided here, in the chorus of war.

01 - SFF vol. 4 - War Suite
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 5: Cyberpunk Suite - 01:08:26
One note on this mix: It’s somewhat aggressive and very cerebral music, meaning, it’s not the easiest for passive listening. But it’s that much more rewarding if you do let it into your head. Enjoy.
The feeling you get the first time you plug in to the network is simultaneously the most insignificant and monumentally god-like you’ll ever feel. You are at once but a cell in the bloodstream of information connecting every capsuleer, and a neurological mainframe ready to access any spark of information at the mere thought of it.
There are the majority of capsuleers doing their part in the bloodstream of intelligence, contributing complacently to the benefit of the megacorporations, never to disrupt the flow. And then there’s the others of us—those that wield cybernetic information like a fighter wields turrets.
We are the hackers, code breakers, analyzers, and decryptors. We’re the binary shadow in your darkest corners, and we’re here to take your mind.

01 - SFF vol. 5 - Cyberpunk Suite
Sounds for Flying, Vol. 6: SpacePop Suite - 01:11:37
Unfortunately, also, this will be the final installment in this particular round of Sounds for Flying mixes. This isn’t to say they’re gone forever, but there probably won’t be another download for a few months. Other side projects call, and lets face it, I can’t churn out the nasty space jams forever.
Sounds for Flying will return in a few months with an entire new series, and an entirely new concept. Four-part suite for each faction, anyone? Look forward to it.
For now, I leave you with a slightly tongue-in-cheek, but seriously head-nodding mix I’ve wanted to do from the start.
…Because even New Eden has to party like it’s 1999.
01 - SFF vol. 6 - SpacePop Suite
SFF: Origins: The Empire Suite - 00:57:05
AD 16470: The First Amarr Emperor is crowned.
A time marking the birth of a race unwavering in their faith, resolute in their purpose, and driven to succeed by all means necessary. The ancient empire of Amarr, once established, expanded their reach like the hands of a god—bringing both the beauty of their grand theology and the terror of its judgement to the neighboring, lesser races. Twisted and glorious, the sounds of the first known Empire of New Eden arrive with a singular purpose as well—to inspire awe for the great and terrible.
01 - SFF Origins - The Empire Suite
SFF: Origins: The Republic Suite - 00:55:30
AD 22480: The Minmatar home planet of Matar is invaded.
The day the sun was blotted out of the sky by the first Amarr ships was, for some inhabitants of Matar, the last they would ever see it. Thus began the darkest days for the Minmatar people—days that would last for hundreds of years to come. Since this time, the Minmatar have become a fractured race, where survival is often every man for themselves. The sounds of the Minmatar are equally fractured—whether the industrial oppression of the enslaved, the tribal drums of vengeance, or the nomadic strum of the wondering warrior.
01 - SFF Origins - The Federation Suite
SFF: Origins: The State Suite - 00:53:01
AD 22684: Isuuaya, the first Caldari corporation, is established.
The first recorded civilization of New Eden was once a primal, war-driven people. But with the founding of their first coporation, the Caldari found a new purpose for their combative heritage, and exchanged the blade for the ultimate weapon—capitalism. During this period, the universe was introduced to the megacorporation, and was shown the power of economies wielded with militaristic precision. The sounds of the State are the cold heartbeat of industry, the zen of strategy, and a calculated mastery of the art of war.
01 - SFF Origins - The Republic Suite
SFF: Origins: The Federation Suite - 00:51:38
AD 23121: The founding of the Gallente Federation.
For some, the founding of the Gallente Federation was a liberating testament to the free will of man. For others, though, it simply marked a naive ideology that masked the dark realities of life in a cultural boiling pot. The voices of the Federation come from all corners of the galaxy and mix to form a dense fog of underground dealings, beaurocratic corruption, seedy slums, and the most elaborate pleasures. But embedded amidst all the harsh reality is the pulse of real life—its muffled heartbeat escaping the night clubs in the veiny alleys of the city.
01 - SFF Origins - The State Suite
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 2431

wzg45 · 17-Апр-12 23:21 (спустя 4 часа)

Оформите, пожалуйста, как собрание синглов.
Например, так.

Sounds for Flying (EVE Online) by Rettic\Sounds for Flying, Vol. 1 - Exploration Suite (2011)\01 - SFF vol. 1 Exploration Suite.mp3
Sounds for Flying (EVE Online) by Rettic\Sounds for Flying, Vol. 2 - Western Suite (2011)\01 - SFF vol. 2 Western Suite.mp3
Указание исполнителя, года и номера трека при этом обязательны.
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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 245

PyramidCat · 21-Апр-12 14:24 (спустя 3 дня)

Inspired By к EVE это хорошо, ибо уже приелась к сожалению эта великолепная музыка! Оценим-с
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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 197

Snuff_2.0 · 20-Окт-12 03:22 (спустя 5 месяцев)

Обалденная вещь. Даже не с чем сравнить.
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Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 197

Snuff_2.0 · 05-Авг-13 00:04 (спустя 9 месяцев)

Может где-то существует плейлист?
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