[PS2] [SOFT] Free McBoot, ESR Patcher [ENG] [CD]

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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 02-Фев-17 19:45 (7 лет 11 месяцев назад)

SquareFun писал(а):
72399077и что, они вырастают? надо два скрина для сравнения
да, большие конечно на этой картинке они. неужели не помнишь: давно биос пс2 не запускал видать?
а, как примитивно оказывается, тупо по числу сохранений. я то думал у пс2 есть внутренний счетчик которые учитывает число запущенных игр на ней за всю ее жизнь, или еще лучше - число игрочасов. а тут простой подсчет сохранков. тем более если игры с "жирными" сейвами, совсем непрезентабельно будет
но в любом случае, очень прикольный эффект, за стока лет общения с консолью первый раз про него узнал, что называется век живи век учись
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Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 3231

fiuke · 02-Фев-17 20:00 (спустя 14 мин.)

гы а вот оно чо...с opl их не видно,а с диска тож только MATRIX ибо пообрублены все логотипы биосов,не шибкое вродь как ОТКРЫТИЕ
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 461

Merseyside_Red · 03-Фев-17 12:01 (спустя 16 часов)

так я малец не понял)) это они в последней версии мсбута сделали стандартное лого сони с башнями растущим?раньше ведь было лого программы..
а по поводу башень растущих тоже читал давно давно где то, я так понимаю оно работает на просто голой пс2 без мсбутов?внимательность всего лишь походу)
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 12:24 (спустя 22 мин.)

ага, в гугл-картинках есть похожие.. Да, там на самом деле башни разные.
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 14:05 (спустя 1 час 41 мин., ред. 03-Фев-17 14:05)

ссылка на картинки не та. и зачем ты идентичный пост два раза запостил?
не, просто добавили совместимость fmcb с системой подсчета сейвов
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 14:23 (спустя 17 мин.)

чтоб було
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 14:37 (спустя 13 мин.)

а причем там компонент кабель, я ни одной башни не увидел
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 15:30 (спустя 53 мин., ред. 03-Фев-17 15:30)

низнай, я из адресной строки в браузере скопировал ссылку поиска плагином гугл-поиска по картинке
вот какое там примерно картинко було -
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 18:17 (спустя 2 часа 46 мин.)

ну ты не то скопировал, попробуй счас по своей ссылке пройти
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 18:55 (спустя 38 мин.)

всё я правильно скрпировал из адресной строки браузера. Только засада в том, что эта ссылка скорее всего адаптирована к моей конкретной конфигурации браузера. Соответственно, если у кого что не так, и нет конкретных плагинов, например гугл-поиска по картинкам, или что ещё там с настройками.., то скорее всего у него не будет искомого результата, и я эту ссылку кинул как пример, что можно по картинке найти такие же - чтобы сравнить несколько. Вот так, не всё же тупо кликать - и мозгой шевельнуть иногда не вредно.)
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 19:01 (спустя 5 мин.)

смотрю чё-та ты загнул, и еще из меня дурака выставить пытаешься
еще раз, по той ссылке вылазят гугл-картнки по запросу "ps2 component cable". никакие адаптации, плагины и прочее - тут не при чем
скорее всего ты искал раньше картинку компонент-кабеля, вот и осталась старая ссылка в буфере обмена
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 19:12 (спустя 11 мин.)

значит чуешь за собой.. моей вины тут нет))
И не нужно делать с меня неадеквата кто сам не понимает что он он делает.) Как описал - так всё и було).
Когда в браузере установлен плагин "Search By Image (by Google)", то при нажатии пр кнопки на картинке есть опция "искать в гугле", и вот когда на неё жмешь, то и возникает экран с набором картинок, и при этом в поисковой строке гугла автоматом прописывается тег, который связан с данным поисковым запросом по данной картинке - гугл сам подбирает этот тег.) И вот на таком экране я и скопировал ссылку из адресной строки.)
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 19:39 (спустя 26 мин.)

значит ты искал компонент кабель, а потом внутри страницы перешел на эти башни хреновы - а адрес в адресной строке браузера не обновился (аджакс гребаный, веб30 и вся фигня)
еще раз: ты сам то хоть пробовал нажать счас на ту ссылку что вставил и перейти?
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 19:51 (спустя 12 мин., ред. 03-Фев-17 19:51)

это твои гадания на кофейной гуще)).
а на самом деле, когда работает плагин Search By Image (by Google), то он кажет набор картинок и связанный с такой картинкой текстовый тег, который автоматом прописывается в поисковой строке гугла, и который гугл автоматом определяет - САМ. Так что "ps2 component cable" - это не я прописывал, а гугл.
И да, я переходил по своей оставленной ссылке, и мой браузер её обрабатывает в соответствии со своими настройками, и показывает вышеуказанный набор каринок, сходных с https://mygaming.co.za/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/PS2-intro-screen.jpg . А то, что у тебя не кажет картинку подобную https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72404418#72404418 - то выше уже пояснял - https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72406120#72406120
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 20:05 (спустя 13 мин., ред. 03-Фев-17 20:05)

да ни у кого "казать" не будет, у кого этого плагина нет
а что ты ссылку дал недостоверную - эту исключительно твоя вина, никто левые плагины ставить не обязан чтобы посмотреть картинку
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 20:12 (спустя 7 мин.)

какую дал - такую и дал)), при этом своей головой думать никому не запрещено))
Так что твоё перманентное желание заставить меня чувствовать себя виноватым - не прокатило.))
да и сам не кручинься)). всего хорошего).
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 21:12 (спустя 59 мин.)

SquareFun писал(а):
72406652Так что твоё перманентное желание заставить меня чувствовать себя виноватым - не прокатило.))
ну да, ты левую неработающую ссылку подсунул - а виноват кто-то другой (я наверное?)
SquareFun писал(а):
72406652при этом своей головой думать никому не запрещено))
и что я должен был думать? как я по бесмысленному набору буковок и циферок типа CAQSlQEJs-T-7nb_1ePwaiQELEKjU2AQaBAgACAEMCxCwjKcIGmAKXggDEiawDJcGOewBpxlAqBm1DJYG5xWANIM0gTSCNOkmiTTLLc0tiCSGNBowbFif_1PAMZllNS_1ApMEorqPGouYak5x2iG0O_1PJD6WeBmY7ES8LDqUwyyx6Qay4HRIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRd3DguDA должен догадаться что имелись ввиду башни, а не ps2+component+cable, на результаты поиска по которому ссылка на самом деле и ведет? не надо непродуманность своих действий сваливать на кого-то другого
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 21:40 (спустя 28 мин.)

ага)) мне больше заняться нечем))
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Стаж: 10 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 13878

rut328746 · 03-Фев-17 21:42 (спустя 1 мин.)

вот если бы тебе самому дали такую ссылку, и ты не знал бы про плагин, ты бы догадался что она на самом деле ведёт не туда, куда она на самом деле ведёт?
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 31096

SquareFun · 03-Фев-17 21:53 (спустя 10 мин.)

понятия не имею))
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Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 112

BullyRuss · 03-Фев-17 22:39 (спустя 46 мин.)

Merseyside_Red писал(а):
72403359так я малец не понял)) это они в последней версии мсбута сделали стандартное лого сони с башнями растущим?раньше ведь было лого программы..
а по поводу башень растущих тоже читал давно давно где то, я так понимаю оно работает на просто голой пс2 без мсбутов?внимательность всего лишь походу)
Оно по умолчанию отключено, дабы меню консоли быстрее грузилось. Включить можно в настройках fmcb (Configure OSDSYS options - Skip Sony Logo - off).
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 461

Merseyside_Red · 03-Фев-17 23:03 (спустя 24 мин.)

ты про новую версию да?или в любой версии?у меня 1,94 менять не хочу так как занимает 800 кб всего на мемке, место экономит, правда о последней версии по весу не скажу ниче не тестил.
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Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 3231

fiuke · 04-Фев-17 10:47 (спустя 11 часов)

боюсь что ты на 9вятке и не увидишь ничего акромя ULE
последний стабильный----- https://yadi.sk/d/9rDJi8bnxmxg4 ------FMCB
скрытый текст
Changelog for the FMCB v1.9 series
v1.952 - 2016/06/18
*Corrected OSD setting initialization.
v1.951 - 2016/05/21
*Fixed USB device support; added 2s delay to the boot process + 10s timeout to the FMCB core.
*Updated code to work reliably with the PS2SDK.
*Added button hints to FSCK.
*Corrected flipped button processing (OK -> Quit) in FSCK.
v1.95 - 2016/01/06
*Fixed language support in FSCK.
*Fixed ESR support.
v1.95 - 2016/01/04
*Fixed alpha blending for the hacked OSD.
*The FMCB version number can now be accessed through the %VER% variable in FREEMCB.CNF, for the top and bottom delimiters.
*Updated for use with the latest PS2SDK.
*Updated to build with the new PS2SDK, for stability. This includes the use of the new USB modules.
*Changed all KELF/KIRX files to type 01 (Update files), for compatibility with Debugstation consoles.
*Changed PSX updater module to be loaded from a memory card instead.
*DVD video disc sector reading is now enabled by loading a dummy DVD player-flagged KIRX from a memory card.
*Cleaned up sources and corrected (non-critical, disassembly-related) mistakes in the v1.00 and v1.01 kernel patches.
*Added FSCK tool for FHDB.
*Removed HDD support for the PSX, allowing FMCB to boot on a PSX that has lost its HDD unit.
v1.94 - 2014/06/25
*Corrected the stack address of all cores (FMCB main core, MBR and EE ELF loader).
*Corrected the buffer overflow bug within the OSD history updating function.
*Added an additional IOP reset for the PSX to load the standard PS2 modules into the IOP, since that the the reinitialization of libcdvd seemed to cause the CD/DVD drive to strangely malfunction.
*Restructured the initialization code, for better integration of #3.
*The CD/DVD drive boot certification code has been replaced with a simpler one that was copied from the Sony OSD.
*Updated to be compilable with the latest PS2SDK revision.
*Compiled with the latest PS2SDK revision for enhanced stability.
*The IOP will now be reset for programs that are loaded from the HDD. Sony does this, presumably to clear the IOP of modules like DEV9 (or in our case, hack'ish stuff like IOMANX), which would cause problems if loaded twice.
*Standardized the crt0 module's argument buffer size for the EE ELF loader, FMCB core and main body.
*Corrected region handling for when an unsupported regions.
*Fixed the default language selection, for export consoles that have the language set to Japanese (usually caused by having a dead battery) or some bogus setting.
v1.93 - 2013/09/03
*Fixed support for the PSX (DVR unit). It will now boot properly, and sets the EE and CD/DVD drive into "PS2 mode".
*Changed the way arguments are passed to the OSD program. FMCB will no longer parse and repeat the arguments, but passes the arguments directly to the OSD program "as-is".
*Recompiled the FMCB configurator to have the updated FMCB release version number. Also, with this recompilation, the Protokernel patch within it has been updated (Note: This doesn't really matter because the patch from the FMCB binary would have already been applied).
*The MBR program's EELOAD module had it's argument storage widened, so that it can take in 16 user arguments (To avoid buffer overflows, since the code within it was always limiting the number of accepted arguments to 16).
*Added a clone of the kernel update for the SCPH-10000 (v1.01) and SCPH-15000.
*Fixed OSD configuration setup for the SCPH-50009. Its OSD sets its "region" field to 2 instead of 1, despite this console being in the NTSC region.
*Modified the "inner browser" setting to allow the user to specify how FMCB/FHDB will handle booting into the OSD (Either always boot into the browser or not, or just let the browser have its default behaviour).
For those who wish to edit this setting by hand, the valid values are as follows: 0 = AUTO, 1 = force ON (always boot into the browser), 2 = force OFF (always stay out of the browser). It was made this way for backward compatibility.
*Removed the "return to loader" option, since I had no intent on maintaining it. The user can put uLaunchELF basically anywhere, and uLaunchELF isn't part of FMCB anyway.
*FMCB will now no longer display the FMCB logo when software like the DVD player quits, to match the behaviour of the OSD program.
v1.92 - 2013/08/22
*Fix for the SCPH-70000 series consoles: Added a IOP reset at the start of FMCB, so that the IOP will contain the same modules across all console models.
*Fixed the kernel patch (See PS2SDK updates for today and yesterday) for the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000.
*Removed IOP reset from the EE ELF loader, as some homebrew software depend on the loaded modules for file access.
*The patch for sceCdForbidDVDP() will now be specially invoked earlier on for the Protokernel OSD, as the bulk of the patch code is run after sceCdForbidDVDP() is run by the OSD. This solves DVD booting.
*Adjusted DVD video/ESR-patched disc booting code, so that a definite result will result (Either a BootError or the disc boots).
*Optimized code.
*Fixed OSDSYS patch for the SCPH-10000 with boot ROM v1.00. The HDD modules should now be loaded when the card is inserted in slot 1.
*Added code that kills all threads but the main thread. When control is wrenched from the hacked OSD, any thread created by the OSD is left behind and that can result in weird behaviour (e.g. if the stray thread(s) reinitializes a RPC connection with the IOP, especially during an IOP reset). This fixes ELF launching on the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000, when the OSD is reloaded.
v1.91 - 2013/08/19
*Fixed ESR support.
*Removed calls to FlushCache() before ExecPS2(). The Sony documents say that it's a requirement because the game might be running on an unpatched Protokernel.
However, FMCB will patch the kernel at startup and this is not required.
*Changed the splash image to a 16-bit bitmap. 30KB of space is saved... but the overall gain (after packing) is minimal because graphics isn't a really compressible sort of data.
*For FHDB: The HDD unit will not be powered-off when the ROM OSD is used.
v1.90 - 2013/08/17 (Initial public release)
*Updated ATAD drivers.
*Rebuilt the FMCB configurator to use bin2o and to have slightly cleaner code.
*Removed the incomplete support for the PSBBN since it's not possible to ever support it without it losing some functionality.
*Removed support for the osd110 and fsck110 folders, as I've learned that those aren't official directories.
*Fixed the generation of the system data (Related to the history file) icon: The Sony OSDs have this weird bug whereby the size of the icon file is exactly 1776 bytes in size, despite the actual data within the icon file being far shorter than that.
Unfortunately, not doing that meant that at least the HDDOSD would deem the icon file as being invalid. :/
*Added support for the Chinese consoles (Magicgate region 09, folder letter C. e.g. SCPH-50009).
*If a valid HDD OSD installation cannot be loaded, FHDB will attempt to use the ROM OSD instead.
*Fixed the rescue mode.
*Fixed DVD player launching (DVD player selection code has been replaced with one similar to the one used by Sony).
*Optimized core core.
*FHDB will now disable the HDD update checking feature of the ROM OSD if the ROM OSD has to be used in place of the HDD OSD. A loop would occur if the user did not enable the SkipHDD option.
*If the DVD player cannot be booted, the OSD will now be relaunched with "BootError".
*The BootError argument is now recognized.
*If BootError, BootBrowser or BootClock is specified, any inserted disc will no longer be fastbooted.
Closed-beta update 2:
*Items stored on a USB device can be booted from off the hacked OSD menu, when FMCB is booted from Memory Card Slot 2.
*FMCB configurator will now load USB modules that are stored in hdd0:__sysconf/FMCB/.
*The system data save will now be created in two languages: Japanese, for Japanese consoles. And in English for everything else.
Closed-beta update 1:
*The SkipHdd option is now re-enabled, unless when the HDD modules are installed.
*(Fast) Disc booting support fixed.
*Programs can now be launched from the hacked OSD menu.
*Programs stored on a USB device can now be launched from the hacked HDDOSD.
*The HDD unit will now be switched off if a disc is (fast-)booted from the HDDOSD.
*Support for the PSBBN has been added, although it will not be modified in any way during runtime.
*Fixed path generation by the FMCB configurator for targets stored on the HDD unit.
*The MBR had the path to FSCK v1.10 fixed (hdd0:__system/fsck110).
скрытый текст
*Fixed size computation of the unused areas of the HDD unit by making it compliant with the homebrew APA driver.
2016/01/09 - v0.97
*Added animations to UI.
*Select button will be CIRCLE for Japanese consoles and CROSS for everything else.
*Shifted the PAL screen to the right by 4.
*Re-added quit confirmation message.
2016/01/07 - v0.97
*Added support to install FMCB for the PSX, from a PS2.
*Added HDD space check.
2016/01/06 - v0.97
*Fixed language support.
*Added new warning against the use of multi-installations.
2016/01/02 - v0.97
*Updated to be compilable with the latest PS2SDK revision.
*Compiled with the latest PS2SDK revision for stability.
*Updated to support FMCB v1.95.
*Enlarged output buffers for S-commands within SECRMAN to 16-bytes, as CDVDMAN can assume that these output buffers are 16-bytes long.
*Added support for DEX units.
*Revamped the GUI.
*HDD unit will only be shut off if HDD support is disabled.
*Changed fonts to the Google Noto fonts.
*Added warning messages for users of unsupported consoles (ROM v2.30) and for users with HDDs that need maintenance/replacement (for FHDB).
2014/06/25 - v0.96
*Updated to be compilable with the latest PS2SDK revision.
*Compiled with the latest PS2SDK revision for stability.
2013/10/13 - v0.95
*Fixed required space calculating, which was using the wrong IFDIR macro. It probably wouldn't have really affected required space calculation though, but it's good to do it right.
*Fixed the returned error code for cache initialization failures, for multi-installations. The installer should no longer say that the installation completed successfully if the cache cannot be initialized.
*Added support for the SCPH-10000 (v1.01) and SCPH-15000 kernel update.
*Recompiled with the new PS2SDK, so that the installer can receive its fixes.
2013/08/14 - v0.94H BETA
*Activated HDD support.
*Included FMCB v1.9 for the memory card (retail PS2 + PSX supported) and HDD OSD (Browser update v2.00).
*Corrected Japanese language strings (some strings were in the wrong order).
*The startup device will now be checked, and the program will quit if it was started from an unsupported device.
*The program will now quit if the resource files (e.g. fonts) cannot be loaded, instead of getting stuck at a black screen.
*Updated to compile with the latest PS2SDK revision.
*Updated all locales (Locales not updated will have English strings for the missing lines). The Dutch, French, Portuguese and Spanish translations are the only ones which are fully updated.
*Added support for the Chinese consoles (Magicgate region 09, folder letter C. e.g. SCPH-50009).
*Cleaned up region-letter parsing (Only 'A', 'C', 'E', 'H' and 'I' will be recognised). I don't think that other letters are used.
*Fixed the recording of the paths of the cross-linked files in the multi-install uninstallation log file.
It's recommended to backup your card, format it, reinstall FMCB, before finally copying your data back onto the card, if your FMCB multi-installation was made with any version of installer v0.94 prior to v0.94D/H.
2013/07/18 - v0.94C BETA
*Fixed the UDNL module yet again. The UDNL module was not calculating the size of the used portion of memory properly.
*Updated Dutch and French localizations.
*Added Portuguese translation.
2013/07/16 - v0.94B1 BETA
*Fixed an old bug in the UDNL clone module, which was left behind by Sony.
*Added the Spanish, Italian and Dutch localizations.
2013/07/14 - v0.94B BETA
*Changed the background image from a bitmap to PNG image, to save space.
*Standardized how a message box is flashed (during status updates) between this software and the others I'm writing (Added DisplayFlashStatusUpdate()).
*Totally disabled HDD support. Leftover code was causing multi-installations and normal cross-regional installations of FMCB v1.8c to fail.
*Added German and French localizations.
2013/07/12 - v0.94A BETA
*Added tentative HDD support for FHDB (disabled and unused at the moment).
*Updated the language strings to support FHDB.
*Updated cleanup code to support the HDD and more than 18 folder items. Now supports cleaning up subdirectories.
*Adjusted the location FMCB.XLF and OSDSYS.XLF (install/ to install/SYSTEM/).
*Fixed the bug whereby installing FMCB will still continue despite the card having insufficient space.
*Updated uLaunchELF to v4.42d.
2013/07/09 - v0.94 BETA
*Improved crosslinking stability (bug found in MCTools that results in a NULL pointer - used memset() in the wrong place) when installing. However, it won't improve the reliability of the system: If you have been getting filesystem corruption (as in, your saves become inaccessible after multi-installs are made), this won't fix it.
*New UI that (finally!) has progress bars and less cryptic messages like "Error code -5".
*MC dumping and restoration operations can be cancelled half-way.
*Multi-language support to go with the rest of the PS2.
*Full compatibility with the first release of the SCPH-10000 (03/2000 release, with boot ROM v1.00).
*FreeType is now used instead of Fontm, so that compatibility with the PSX can be achieved (but probably not doable at the moment... but SOON!).
*Improved MC dumping performance by about twice.
*Files and folders in the BOOT and APPS folders will be copied "as-is". Yes, feel free to add/remove stuff from the BOOT folder as well!
*Should be finally bootable from a CD/DVD disc that uses the ISO9660 filesystem.
*Users no longer have to disconnect and re-insert the memory card between raw-I/O operations (multi-install installations/cleanup, memory card restorations etc.)
*XSECRMAN, which just hooked onto the boot ROM SECRMAN module and extended its exported function set, has been retired. Full SECRMAN and SECRSIF modules have replaced XSECRMAN and SECRMAN_RPC.
*Installations can now be made in several forms: Normal, cross-regional and cross-model. Multi-installations introduce controlled filesystem corruption, which isn't exactly a safe thing and it's a hack. The Memory Card filesystem was never designed for soft links, and working around this limitation with a hack probably isn't the best idea.
*Adjusted the design of the UI's buttons to make them more visible (Lengthened + changed their orientations + changed the way they reflect their highlighted state).
*MCMAN from the PS2SDK was taken and modified to have its cache invalidation function exported. This is so that MCMAN can have its internal cache invalidated to prevent it from using an outdated cached copy of clusters.
*The initialization and flushing of the MCTOOLs cache is now done by functions in the system.c file. This is because flushing of the cache must be strictly done immediately after the crosslink operation completes.
*Added a call to PollSema before the actual call to WaitSema is made within SyncFlipFB(). That way, the screen won't be redrawn prematurely before a VBlank start event occurs.
*Added a call to SyncFlipFB() before the VRAM memory clear in UploadDefaultResources(), to send too unsent DMA tags to the GS. gsKit sometimes crashes because gsKit_send() assumes that the DMA tag buffer is empty.
2012/11/04 - v0.93B1 BETA
*Rewrote the MCTOOLs EE-side RPC client. Since libpad may cause crashes if the pad DMA buffer is stored on the stack, it means that it's impossible for GCC to ensure that buffers on the stack are aligned to 64-byte boundaries even with the ALIGNED directive.
All parameters passed to the RPC server on the IOP are now written to a shared transmission buffer.
*Increased the size and alignment of all buffers to 64-bytes, where SifWriteBackDataCache() will be used with them. This is to ensure that weird behaviour resulting from DCache flushes do not ever appear.
*Changed the compilation parameters for the MCTOOLs and SECRMAN RPC server modules. Turned optimization level down to O2 to prevent bugs from being introduced through overly aggressive optimization, and enabled usage of the gp register.
*Added a free space check.
*Modified the DeleteCrossLinkedFiles() and CreateCrossLinkedFiles() functions, to support more than 6 cross-linked files.
*Compatibility for the first SCPH-10000 unit should now be restored. mc:/BIEXEC-SYSTEM/osdsys.elf is now an additional cross-linked file.
*ExecOSD() has been replaced with Exit(). By right, the CRT should call Exit(), but it seems like the homebrew CRT is buggy and crashes instead.
2012/04/07 - v0.93B BETA
*Fixed RPC registration in all RPC server modules. Previously, they passed a pointer to the address of the RPC server buffer instead of the address of the RPC server buffer itself, to sceSifRegisterRpc().
*Reduced the stack size of the MCTOOLS RPC server.
*Increased the stack size of the SECRMAN_RPC RPC server, since it seems like 0x800 bytes is really way to insufficient.
*Adjusted the compilation flags of all modules, enabling -O3 and -mno-check-zero-division.
*Fixed a critical bug in the EE_memcpy() functions in all modules that have it: The DMA start address was not incremented after address and transfer length alignment was performed.
The bug never occurs, since all buffers used in the EE-side of the installer are all aligned to 64-byte boundaries.
*MCTOOLs was updated to free up it's allocated cache memory if an error occurs, so that it won't run into the "Out of memory" error (That usually happens when a memory card's parameters were misread either because of a corrupted/damaged or substandard card).
*Changed the size of the RPC transmit buffer for the EE MCTOOLS client (Rounded up to 16).
2011/11/03 - v0.93A BETA
*Changed buffer alignment to 64-byte alignment for all buffers that will have data flushed back into from the Data Cache. Other buffers now use 16-byte alignment.
*Fixed the age-old buffer "alignment issue" (The phantom that was responsible for mysteriously corrupting the stack has been vanquished!). !!CRITICAL!!
Turns out, data buffers specified with SifCallRpc() will have data read from and written to in groups of 16... and some of the calls to SifCallRpc() within the EE-side clients like MCTOOLS pass the address of a 32-bit variable to it. The result? The SIF overwrites data beyond the end of that 32-bit variable when it does it's usual 16-byte block writes!
I know that SifSetDma() won't fix alignment and padding issues on it's own, so I actually expected the SIF library to fix those issues lol.
*Fixed the issue with the "done!" messages disappearing. =3
Somehow, I can now see why the messages were disappearing, after getting some sleep! XD
It's because of the fact that the status messages are displayed 2 lines after the "Copying <file>..." message is first displayed. The system will bring the cursor back 2 lines, write the status and then bring the cursor back forward 2 lines. The problem is that this behaviour should not exist for the last file copied (The cursor position should only be brought back ONE line!). D:
2011/10/02 - v0.93 BETA
*Fixed a design fault that caused a resource leak. The File Descriptors (FDs) used in the CopyFile() function were constantly overwriting each other, which probably caused some opened files to be left unclosed and it's FD never feed up.
*Improved how the log messages are displayed, to give more accurate status updates.
Since the file copy process is asynchronous, file copy status messages were previously incorrectly tagged with the files.
An error that occurred might not refer to the file that was being written to the card, but the file that was being read from the source as another file was being written to the card.
*Somehow fixed the stack corruption issue. And hence, all variables that were declared as static for that reason are now normal variables.
*Added a check for an existing FMCB configuration file (CNF). Provides the user with an option to retain the existing configuration file.
*Changed the format and name of the multi-installation uninstall file.
*Added support for the APPS folder, and added the required resources for the APPS folder to this package.
*Support for the a pad connected to port 2 has been added.
*Drivers that have DMA support like MCTOOLS and SECRMAN_RPC have been modified to be able to handle DMA transfers involving buffers not aligned to 16-byte boundaries or the transfer size is not a multiple of 16.
2011/09/20 - v0.92 BETA
*FMCB installations should now be faster. Files are being read in as the files are being written to the memory card asynchronously.
*Fixed a bug in MCTOOLS where deletion of unused clusters doesn't work properly and trashes up the FAT and directory records.
*Changed the uninstallation part of the FMCB installer to use the ROMVER string that was recorded into the FMCB uninstall file (SYS-CONF/uninstall.dat).
It's important as the console used for uninstalling the old FMCB installation might be of a different region code from the console used for making that old installation.
*Added more checks and warnings to the installer.
*Changed the properties that the crossed linked directory entries will come with. Directories will now be non-copyable and all directory entries are read-only.
*Split off process of uninstalling of FMCB from the process of downgrading to a normal installation by removing the cross-linked files and folders.
This was not only to prevent a possible failure that could occur by performing file I/O after manipulating the card's filesystem layout, but to give users more flexibility and reduce the number of writes to the cards.
*Consolidated all checks into one function to reduce the amount of redundant code.
*Corrected some errors in the uninstallation file generation function. It might remove the wrong file during an event of failure.
*Declared some buffers as global. Hopefully, that will make things easier to manage and to reduce the amount of stack overflows.
*Re-written the prerequisite check system. Now all checks and error messages are displayed from a single function to save space.
*The uninstaller has been fixed.
*The installer system has been altered to be easier to understand and to be simpler in design.
2011/09/16 - v0.91 BETA
*Introduced a page caching system into MCTOOLS to reduce the number of reads and writes to the memory card.
*The graphics corruption issue has been resolved by changing the way the screen and menus were rendered (Now, everything is drawn in the "ONESHOT" mode).
*The OSDSYS update path is now being determined. Normal installs should now work for older consoles that do not look for osdmain.elf.
*Additional checks and warnings have been added to avert the possibility of data corruption because of MCMAN's internal filesystem cache.
*The bug where memalign() was not used properly has been fixed. Previously, calls to memalign() would only allocate 16 bytes of memory, and that allocated buffer would usually overflow with almost no visible consequences.
*Logging messages were changed to become clearer.
*The dumping and restoring memory cards should now be faster too. A double-buffering system has been installed.
2011/09/14 - v0.90 BETA
*Initial release
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FMCB v1.952 - release 2016/06/18
What is FMCB?
Free Memory Card Boot (FMCB) is a homebrew software which is designed to setup your PlayStation 2 console
and provides you with a means of launching homebrew software, without the need for any extra hardware,
modifications to your console or dangerous tricks like the legendary swap trick.
FMCB was originally developed by Neme and Jimmikaelkael,
but they have been kind enough to provide me with access to its source code, for me to make some improvements to it.
What is FHDB?
Free Harddisk Drive Boot (FHDB) is basically FMCB that gets installed onto the PlayStation 2 console's HDD unit.
It does everything like FMCB does, but is meant to be used with the SONY HDDOSD (Browser update v2.00).
Patched/modified copies of the HDDOSD may not work, although non-Sony disks are supported by FHDB itself.
***Whether the hacked HDD OSD supports non-Sony disks or not depends on whether it was modified to support non-Sony disks.***
Modifying or getting a pre-modified copy of the HDDOSD is not under this project,
which is why that topic will not be discussed here.
What does FMCB v1.9 offer?
For mere humans:
*Smaller, faster and more stable.
*The HDD unit is now supported (FHDB).
*The "Early Japanese"/PCMCIA units (SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000) are fully supported.
*The PSX (DVR unit) and compatible Debugstation (e.g. "TEST" consoles) consoles are supported.
*Chinese consoles are now supported (e.g. SCPH-50009).
*When you leave the CD/DVD tray ejected, FMCB/FHDB will not stall.
*Your play history will now be updated (The towers in the background of the "Sony computer entertainment" screen should continue to grow taller and greater in numbers)
Technical changes:
*Initialization code has been cut down.
*Some IRX modules (init.irx and chkesr.irx) have been removed
(superceded by code that runs from the EE, like their Sony originals).
*DVD player selection code has been replaced with one similar to the one used by Sony.
*The console initialization code has been replaced with a Sony-like version.
*CNF parsing code has been optimized.
*The memory map has been adjusted slightly, so everything now fits below Sony's idea of "user memory" (below 0x00100000).
*Support for the Protokernel and all HDD OSDs have been added.
*(For the HDDOSD version of FMCB only) ELFs can be booted from any partition on the HDD.
The format of the path is <partition>:<full path to file on pfs:/>.
(e.g. hdd0:__sysconf:pfs:/FMCB/FMCB_configurator.elf).
This can be easily set using the included FMCB/FHDB configurator.
*The CD/DVD drive will now be stopped if a normal ELF is started
(Under the assumption that most homebrew ELFs probably won't ever use the drive).
*The user's history file (the file which affects the towers within the "Sony Computer Entertainment" startup screen)
will now be updated whenever Playstation/Playstation 2 game/software discs are launched,
as well as DVD video discs.
*Reloading the OSD from within the OSD triggers a full reload of FMCB, because I felt that it'll be cleaner.
*The location of ESR will now be checked only when ESR is requested to be loaded.
*The embedded EELOAD module has been cleaned up, and loads at 0x00082000 instead (Like rom0:EELOAD does).
*FMCB has been split into two. The part of FMCB which remains resident will be copied into its place during runtime,
allowing the initialization part of it to have the entire PlayStation 2 for initialization
and drawing something nice on the screen (Not done at the moment as it makes FMCB quite a fair bit larger).
*Full support for the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000.
Not only will it patch up the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000 kernels fully (Applies OSD argument-passing patch),
it also includes its own HDD support modules and can act as a replacement for the Sony system driver update.
*Support for the PSX. Its XMB is not supported, meaning that there will be no hacked XMB for the PSX.
*Supports non-Sony HDD units
(Support for non-Sony HDD units within the HDD OSD/browser v2.00 update depends on the HDD OSD itself).
*New FMCB configurator program which supports the HDD unit.
*Added support for the Chinese consoles (Magicgate region 09, folder letter C. e.g. SCPH-50009).
*Added support for Debugstation consoles that can boot FMCB (DTL-H101xx, DTL-H301xx and later).
Other notes/known bugs/known issues:
*The PSBBN is not supported.
*Although the HDDOSD is a requirement for using FHDB, it is still possible to use FHDB without the HDDOSD.
However, if no valid HDDOSD installation is detected, FHDB will power-off the HDD Unit and
attempt to use the ROM OSD instead.
*Although the new FMCB configurator supports saving of the FMCB configuration file to the HDD,
only FHDB will be able to access it. Do not save the FMCB configuration file to the HDD if it is to be used with FMCB.
*When ATA support is installed (installed whenever compatibility with the SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000 is required),
FMCB will always attempt to load the HDD update from the HDD unit.
There is currently no way to disable this.
This will also happen on Japanese expansion-bay units,
if an installation of FMCB which was made with compatibility for the SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000 is run on it.
*If you wish to go back to entirely using the Sony stuff, use the Sony Utility Disc to re-install the HDDOSD.
The full FMCB installer installs a homebrew MBR program, which cannot be uninstalled because that would leave
your HDD will be unbootable (even if it has the HDD Browser installed there).
*The FMCB configurator's code is messy and I don't feel good about the way it currently works.
I heard (and feel) that it's occasionally unstable, so please don't do weird things with it like spamming on
the load/save configuration buttons.
*The icon mapping is different for the HDD OSD. The early OSDs of the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000 on the other hand,
totally do not support the text formatting syntax.
This means that the OSD cannot be nicely decorated and only normal ASCII can be used.
This also means that exchanging the configuration files for FHDB and FMCB will result in cosmetic issues.
*When a program/game quits, the FMCB logo will not be shown before the OSD is loaded.
This is so that it'll fit in with the design of the Sony OSD, but the trigger keys will still work like normal.
*When the "inner browser" setting is set to anything other than "AUTO",
settings like "Skip logo" will have no effect (The Sony logo will always get skipped).
This is due to how the browser behaves upon receiving commands like "BootBrowser" and "BootClock".
Jimmikaelkael and Neme, the original developers and maintainers of FMCB.
l_Oliveria, for providing comments, being the solo tester for the early builds of FMCB, as well as providing information regarding compatibility for the SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000.
krHACKen, for providing the resources I used for getting HDD OSD support working (sample files and test results).
Someone who wants to remain anonymous.
...And all testers!
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Free Memory Card Boot (FMCB) installer v0.972 - 2016/06/09
As the title suggests, this program installs Free Memory Card Boot (FMCB) and Free HDD Boot (FHDB).
All retail consoles should be supported, and no additional files should be required.
A memory card dumping and restoration facility within the installer is provided, for users to back-up the content of their cards.
A dump of a memory card in slot 1 will get saved as mc0.bin, and a dump of a card in slot 1 will get saved as mc1.bin.
The file will be saved to the directory where the main executable of this installer resides in.
Caution! You can only make one dump of a card from each port. Making additional dumps will overwrite the previous dump.
Lastly, please do give feedback.
Other than the bugs listed below, I do hope that this release has met the requirements of the public.
How to setup this software:
Extract the whole archive to any location supported device. Do not delete any files, including the stuff in the lang folder.
If you omit files, the installer may not work (it will return back to the browser).
The only supported device is the USB mass storage device.
What's the difference between the different installation modes?
A long time ago when FMCB v1.8b was just released, only the multi-installation mode existed (other than the normal installation).
It allowed users to make an installation of FMCB that worked on all consoles within the same region by introducing crosslinking
(controlled corruption) into the memory card's filesystem.
That was to save space, because it used to create about 20 crosslinked files due to the developers not knowing which exact
boot ROMs will look for version-specific update files.
The older PlayStation 2 consoles were coded to boot an update for only its ROM version,
meaning that a console with v1.20 will only boot osd130.elf.
Newer consoles will look for a different file.
This practice was scrapped by Sony later on (at boot ROM v1.60).
The multi-installation of v1.8C now allows cross-regional installations to be done,
but still uses controlled filesystem corruption.
However, with the discovery of exactly which boot ROMs will look for version-specific update files,
it has been found that only a handful of models actually have this need.
The number of times the FMCB binary needs to be copied has been reduced to 5.
With the small binary size of v1.8c, the amount of space required for a cross-regional installation without
crosslinking has been greatly reduced.
Basically, a normal cross-regional installation does exactly the same thing as a multi-installation,
but duplicates the FMCB binary instead of crosslinking entries.
It's safer and does not go against the limitations (and design) of the memory card filesystem.
Installation types:
Normal - For your PlayStation 2 and similar models.
Normal, cross-model - For your PlayStation 2 and all models within your region.
Normal, cross-region - For all PlayStation 2 consoles, from all regions.
Multi-installation - For all PlayStation 2 consoles, from all regions. Uses controlled filesystem corruption to save space.
Doing so might result in _SEVERE_ data loss.
Do not delete uninstall.dat from the SYS-CONF folder either, or you will probably be stuck with the multi-install files forever (Unless you use the cleanup utility, but it has it's own limitations).
Known bugs and limitations:
-Memory card dumps are not always correctly made. Please use another tool to back up your memory cards.
Supported installation media:
*USB Mass Storage Device
Files and folders:
The following folders exist within this package.
The content of folders is not user-customizable, unless otherwise specified.
/INSTALL - Installation files
/APPS - (User-customizable) Contains files/folders that will be copied to the APPS folder on the memory card
/APPS-HDD - (User-customizable) Contains files/folders that will be copied to the PP.FHDB.APPS partition on the HDD unit.
/BOOT - (User-customizable) Contains files/folders that will be copied to the BOOT folder on the memory card
/BOOT-HDD - (User-customizable) Contains files/folders that will be copied to hdd0:__sysconf/FMCB on the HDD unit.
/SYS-CONF - System configuration files
/SYSTEM - System files
/lang - Language files for the installer
/licenses - Licenses, of software libraries used within the installer.
The APPS folder is for user programs (apps).
The BOOT folder is for storing programs related to the boot process, like uLaunchELF (BOOT.ELF) and ESR (ESR.ELF).
If programs are added, the FMCB/FHDB configuration file (FREEMCB.CNF/FREEHDB.CNF) must be updated.
Otherwise, they will not be used by FMCB.
Jimmikaelkael and Neme, as they were the original developers of FMCB.
Silverbull, for help with UDNL's construction (and with various issues related to the kernels).
Jimmikaelkael (Yes, again), as his MCMAN and MCSP modules, and the MCID file of FMCB v1.7 were used as referrences. FMCB v1.8C was also released by him.
Ross Ridge, as his page on the PS2 Memory Card filesystem was invaluable: http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca:11068/mymc/ps2mcfs.html
"Someone who wishes to remain anonymous"
JNABK, since I'm still using the icons he provided me with for use in PS2ESDL.
l_Oliveria for contributing information related to the special needs (required kernel patches) of the SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000, as well as information related to the boot ROM updates.
...And to all contributers and testers!
Anyone else missed here was not intentional.
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 461

Merseyside_Red · 04-Фев-17 13:39 (спустя 2 часа 51 мин.)

на девятке фмсбут вообще и не надо) там запускается все с чипа с папки бут..
последний стабильный не совсем стабильный.Что по весу там?сколько весит?
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Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 3231

fiuke · 04-Фев-17 14:32 (спустя 53 мин.)

да тож вроде метр..-там в документации всё есть,он тож идёт пустой т.е. не нуби пак
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Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 461

Merseyside_Red · 04-Фев-17 15:18 (спустя 46 мин.)

смысл вообще тогда обновляться, если все корректно работает быстро запускается
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Стаж: 9 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

RamNadrim · 10-Фев-17 13:13 (спустя 5 дней)

Здраствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста. Не грузит Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. Испоьзую Freeboot и E2OPL. Меню грузит , а при начинании игры виснет(черный экран)
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Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 7998

DruchaPucha · 10-Фев-17 13:16 (спустя 2 мин.)

А причём тут FMCB? Надо пенять на корявый E2OPL.
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Pentium E5200

Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 108

Pentium E5200 · 28-Фев-17 03:00 (спустя 17 дней, ред. 28-Фев-17 03:00)

А с какими лиц играми прокатывает еще создание мемки? Консоль не чипованная, а дисков лицензионных есть немного...и кстати если создать мемори карту можно будет с диска самописного играть или только с флешки?Просто с флешки говорят некоторые игры тормозят...п.с. может кто в москве ессно за вознаграждение создать мемку на своей чипованной консоли?
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Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев

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Рамфоринх · 15-Ноя-17 14:03 (спустя 8 месяцев)

Здрасти, два вопроса (хотя может потом ещё появятся)
В конфигураторе фримакбута есть пункт скрин сеттингс, а там пункт Интерлейс, можно выбрать офф или он. У меня было он, я поставил на офф, так что это типа деинтерлейс в играх теперь будет и лесенка будет сглаживаться?
Можно ли перенести фри макбут с одной карты памяти на другую? Есть какой то лёгкий способ?
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