Gwenc'hlan писал(а):
76972197OK, i successfully installed the game using a crack from your link allowing me to bypass the serial thing, but when i launch the game it tell me there is something wrong with my serial, do i need to download the registry ? where can i find it ?
First the warning. I take no responsibility if anything I list below does anything to your computer, your data, your time and energy. This is not because something is flawed here or dangerous, it is because this recommend install is not backed by any warranty, liability or tech support, and instead this is just free advice/suggestion just like you find other solutions on the net, in blogs, in forums, etc. Guess could also be called a disclaimer. Due to you accessing your registry, emptying temp folders, removing possible folders and running an unknown location you got the TOAW IV from and the crack/serial number hack, you get the point.
Okay try these steps.
1. totally remove the game via the uninstaller, look for a folder in windows\ and scan registry for fragments and make sure directory you installed in is gone and check your games\ or my games\ folder as well.
2. Remember to avoid using the .20, .21 and .23 patches. The reason is the version of TOAW IV located on this site is not the re-release that Matrix did, they say for changing things, I think part to counter *cough*. So if you download the game from here or anywhere unless it states it is the re-release setup (repacks don't say for some reason on other sites if this is the older or newer setup.
3. Make sure you have the registry data you need to install in advance of the game.
4. Make sure you empty your recycle bin after deleting everything related to TOAW IV, don't forget to include temp folders like c:\users\YOUR NAME\appdata\local\temp, c:\windows\temp
Note just copy from the entire item below and you can manually enter the information or copy this to like notepad or other standard (meaning no Microsoft Word) I don't even know for sure if wordpad is okay, just needs to be a standard notepad type program. Anyhow copy the info below to that new txt document. When you save it remember it will assign a .txt to the file. Just find that file and change the extension to .reg. That then is what you will double click on to get the registry entered on your computer.
1. You can use any serial number you want. I always keep it simple like 1234, 4 times
2. Name any choice you want. I would advise obviously against using your real name (okay here it didn't show name, but if the game installer does, remember to change it).
3. Installed to is your choice, I installed mine to partition E and installed from C drive. Just make the drive letter change to fit your computer setup.
4. Leave version number (I think)
5. Remember all this info as everytime you apply a patch you will need what you entered here to match 100% in what you type in for the update.
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Matrix Games\The Operational Art of War IV]
"installed to"="E:\\Matrix Games\\The Operational Art of War IV"
"installed from"="C:"
Now with no internet connection, run the installer. When you get to the window that ask for your serial number, stop don't type anything. Start the matrix universal hack/crack/serial bypass, THIS MUST BE RUN AS ADMIN or the process will not work. Run this program and wait till it has said it has completed. Once that is done go ahead and enter the same serial number you put in your registry entry above
скрытый текст
(in my case 1234-1234-1234-1234)
and finish install.
Note: NO internet connection. If you load google or firefox and you can surf the net then you did not totally disconnect or disable your network connection and now you have to start at the beginning. If you have followed these, this next piece of advice is what I recommend on anything that is from standard sources, using your firewall software (I have Norton) you will want to go into probably the program control option of your security software and make sure all the .exe files found in TOAW IV are block from accessing the internet. What do you lose, well when you first start the game, the game menu will now have a blank page with maybe internet access error instead of an ad from Matrix/Slitherine. I would leave it off as well while you are making sure the install and future patching has worked.
Now I would suggest running the game at least once. After all if it didn't install right would save you the time of updating and finding it doesn't work. Play a short scenario (if you know how to play TOAW scenarios) and then load a large scenario, make a few moves, have several turns go past and test the save feature. If any of these error, then you did something wrong in the install/crack/patch process. If you do have any issues after following these instructions post it here before trying to fix it or to reinstall.
Now this is important, I would advise using any patch from the .2x series. What they don't tell you initially is that they redid the installer and a few other items in the setup to have it work differently (I think it was to bring it in line with Steam or Steam with Matrix). So there is a revised installer that is needed to use any of the .2x patches. In addition, no one seems to be able to find .20 and you need it as .21 fixes things from .20. The .23, the link they provide is invalid. I haven't been able to locate either the .20 or the .23 patch (supposedly this is in the members area, if you registered, which you can't). You will have to play the game as is until someone post here or elsewhere the official re-release of the setup. I peeked into their ftp site and they only have the .21 patch listed, no new setup and no .23 patch.
Remember to install patches below the .2x series, make sure you run the matrix universal crack/hack/serial number (whatever you want to call it) bypass in admin mode, while applying the patch, stop at where it says serial number, don't enter anything, let the Universal program do its work and says it is successful, then enter the same serial number you used on the original setup file. I don't know what patches came out before the .20, I will look around to see if it is stored somewhere on a backup disc, drive (will take time, sorry).
So remember anytime you run the game make sure the .exe files for the game folder under matrix are not allowed/blocked by your firewall/antivirus software. All it takes is one .exe files not being blocked for a possible connection to the matrix serial number validator or checking the serial number and you have to start all over. Also be aware to not be connected to the internet while patching or testing. I don't know if you will be able to do PBEM, or 1v1 against another real person as I don't know how that would work with the above method.
I hope this helps. I tried be as verbal as I could since the translation can sometimes result in something that doesn't make sense.