Hey Guys!
I am not able to speak russian, but just use a translator.
After having spent hours on trying to get the Catalogue to work and losing my mind a couple of times over it, I finally managed to do it.
The problems I had with the software are the following:
1. The .exe not being able to locate the Data folder and the Media folder.
2. The .exe starting but being stuck in the loading screen, Task Manager Task: TMDVD.Client -> SplashWindow and almost using no system resources (thats how I knew the program is not starting right or failing to load something).
Here is how I got the Catalogue to work (for me):
All the Files (40,4 GB) are located on E:\ meaning it is installed on another drive which is not the source ( C:\ ) of Windows running. My System drive is C:\ . I am on Windows 10.
I figured this is important to be said, since somebody asked if the EPC needs to be installed on C:\ .
Continuing on here is my directory path for all the files:
Having had the issues with data and media being loaded, my goal was to make the directory path as short as possible.
So I went to my installation drive and put the TecDoc 2020 Q1 right at the beginning.
-> I think, since it now works, it is ESSENTIAL you name the TecDoc directory: TecDoc 2020 Q1 (!!!)
Before the EPC worked as intended I had different names for this folder, like just "TecDoc 2020" or "tecdoc2020q1".
-> So my installation path is this: E:\TecDoc 2020 Q1
-> In the installation folder I have these three folders: Data - Media - Program
Now lets focus on the beloved configfile.xml :
To make things short, this is the EXACT content of my configfile.xml :
(Make sure you only open and edit any .xml file using a program which is intended for editing XML content, like Notepad++ , XMLSpy, Oxygen XML Editor)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Controlfile xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<string>E:\TecDoc 2020 Q1\Data</string>
<string>E:\TecDoc 2020 Q1\Media</string>
You can copy and paste the .xml content using one of these .xml editors straight into your configfile.xml .
Make sure your .exe is named Catalogue.exe and make sure you also have this file: Catalogue.exe.config it MUST be filetype: CONFIG-FILE.
Do not edit any of its content.
Solving the last problem I had:
On accident I realized that I forgot to copy one of the .dll files so I had a different error message on startup which made me notice the following:
Windows tends to block .dll files from different computers/systems for security reasons.
So what I had to do is this:
You go to the properties of each .dll files and you are going to see a little text message at the bottom under the categorie of security:
The text states:
The file is from another computer. Access has been blocked for security reasons.
There is a "permit" button next to the text which you need to press.
Now click on "Take Over Changes" and than press "OK."
Do this for every single .dll and also the one located in the folder \Program\sectool .
The last thing I did was making sure Catalogue.exe is always ran by Administrator under the compatibility tab in the properties section of the .exe .
If everything works out as planned you now start Catalogue.exe ( \TecDoc 2020 Q1\Program\Catalogue.exe ), the SplashWindow (loading screen) pops up for a short time (!!!) and the TecDoc 2020 Q1 Catalogue will finally open up.
Congratulations you got it work.
Changing your settings, searching parts and all other features which are named by the Author of the this thread are usable without any errors.
Hopefully my 10-12 hours of trying all sorts of things, partly learning XML and reading through countless posts help you getting the TecDoc 2020 Q1 Catalogue to work and potentially help with future releases.