Стаж: 4 года 7 месяцев Сообщений: 7
ИгорьCAD ·
30-Июл-23 02:13
(1 год 5 месяцев назад)
приветствую всех - такая появляется фигня, у кого получилось побороть? AntiCC поставил
Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 52
Lavrentii1213 ·
05-Авг-23 07:59
(спустя 6 дней)
Проколупался пару часов с установкой АЕ2023 на последнюю Макось с М2, описываю подробно, тк нигде нет РАБОЧЕЙ пошаговой инструкции
1. Качаем торрент остюда например n n m c l u b .to /forum/viewtopic.php?t=1648571
2. На ПЕРВОМ шаге нужна AntiCC 1.7 [RiD].pkg, найти которую -- целое приключение. Нашёл в этом образе: n n m c l u b .to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1640733
3. Далее ставим сам пакет АЕ из dmg (из торрента)
4. Ставим патч из торрента
5. Пробуем запуститься -- если не получилось, открываем терминал и пробуем запуститься оттуда, чтобы увидеть сообщение об ошибке:
/Applications/Adobe\ After EFfects\ 2023 ... /MacOS/AfterEffects
(как-то так, пишу с другого компа, точно путь не помню) Тут у меня была ошибка типа
code signature not valid for use in process
6. Находим в гугле pdf где описано что с этим делать: https://bayfiles.com/h3i3o5y5p6/Primer-Running_cracked_apps_on_newer_versions_of_macOS_pdf
Детальная копипаста ниже, но вкратце надо:
- убрать атрибуты карантина с проблемного файла (это будет биб-ка глубоко внутри пакета, типа
cd /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2023/Contents/Frameworks/AfterFXLib.framework/Versions/A/
(путь опять же примерный)
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine AfterFXLib
xattr -cr AfterFXLib
И заново подписать либу:
codesign --force --sign - AfterFXLib
После этого у меня всё запустилось.
Ниже копипаста pdf с общими рекомендациями как ломать софт от Адобе с учётом современных реалий МакОС:
скрытый текст
Primer: Running cracked apps on newer versions of macOS
Give a Person a Fish, and You Feed Them for a Day. Teach a Person To Fish, and You Feed Them for a Lifetime
The TL;DR being
• dequarantine downloaded files containing cracked apps, then mount/expand & install
• if the app doesn't launch, dequarantine the app itself
• if the app still doesn't launch, try various methods of applying a new
code signature
• if the app doesn't launch, disable the relevant part of SIP, or hope
for a better crack, or buy the app
If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with Terminal: https://bayfiles.com/ T7tfnayep0/ Take_Control_of_the_Mac_Command_Line_with_Terminal_3.0_pdf
A primary method to get cracked applications to run on newer versions of macOS is the following:
1. download a share, but don't mount or expand it yet
2. dequarantine the downloaded share
3. mount it (DMG) or expand it (zip, 7z, rar, etc.) or launch it (pkg, etc.)
4. copy or move the app into one of your Applications paths
5. if it doesn't launch, dequarantine the app itself
6. if it still doesn't launch, make a copy of the app, then re-codesign
the original with a deep code-signing run
7. if it still doesn't launch, delete the re-signed original, rename the
copy to the original name, make another copy, then scan the primary app and all of its nested app bundles for modified or added files, then re-codesign only those files individually without the deep argument, working your way up from the deepest files up to the root of the app, and then sign the app itself without the deep argument
8. if it still doesn't launch, and if you have applied ad-hoc signatures,
delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to the original name, then
repeat steps 6 & 7 with a valid code-signing certificate
9. if it still doesn't launch, and if you have used a non-Apple certificate,
delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to the original name, then
repeat steps 6 & 7 with a valid Apple-issued code-signing certificate 10.if it still doesn't launch, delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to
the original name, download a trial version of the app, and in that trial version, check the files modified or added in the cracked version (step 7) for special requirements or entitlements, and apply modified versions of those requirements or entitlements with the codesign command when repeating steps 6 & 7, this time only with actual certificates (third-party or Apple-issued)
11.if it still doesn't launch, neither with a third-party certificate nor with an Apple-issued certificate, disable the fs portion of System Integrity Protection (SIP)
12.if it still doesn't launch, ask or hope for a better crack, or buy the app
Apple has locked down macOS a lot lately, and some of the main components of this lockdown are code-signing, notarization, quarantine, and Gatekeeper. Applications signed with legitimate code-signing certificates (CSCs) that haven't been notarized by Apple will not launch on Catalina. (Some might launch, but they will in all likelihood be translocated to an ad-hoc sandbox, losing functionality, file system access, throwing errors, etc.) It's the same for cracked software: as part of a crack, one or more files in an application bundle will have to be modified, and this breaks the integrity of the app's original code signature. When some cracking teams re-sign the app bundle with their CSC, in almost all occurrences, it is without an Apple-issued CSC and definitely without notarization. Therefore, cracked applications will fail upon launch at first.
The reason is Gatekeeper, which blocks the app's execution. In the past, you have often heard that you should disable Gatekeeper, but that's definitely not necessary, and if at all, it should only be a last resort. The reason is that Gatekeeper itself doesn't jump into action by default. A Gatekeeper scan can become activated by an extended attribute (XA)
called com.apple.quarantine. Every file downloaded in the GUI by traditional means to the user's macOS volume will receive such a quarantine XA. So the way to get a non-notarized application or command-line interface (CLI) to launch or execute is to remove the quarantine XA from the file.
That should be the first step to undertake after you have downloaded a file containing a cracked app. If it's a zip or any other archive, don't expand it yet. If it is a DMG, don't mount it. Before you do that, you have to remove the quarantine XA first. This XA is inherited by all files that will be extracted from the archive or copied to your volume from the DMG. The command to dequarantine a file is xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /foo ... please note that /foo is a placeholder for the full path; in Terminal, you can type in "xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine", add one more whitespace, and then drag the file you want to dequarantine and drop it into the Terminal window: the actual path will be printed, and you can then press [RETURN]. Please also note that sometimes there are quarantine XAs attached to a cracked (or legit!) app, even if you removed the XA from your download. It happens when, for example, a developer's build processes puts those XAs onto code that is later nested in the final build or when a cracker doesn't remove his own system's quarantine XAs from the app before or after applying the crack & distributing it. So sometimes you have to also dequarantine the final app again that you've copied into your Applications folder. To see if there are any XAs left from the originating file system, you can run xattr -l /foo
In many cases, removing the quarantine XA is sufficient to get an application running that has become cracked, unsigned, without code- signing integrity, validly signed but not notarized, or signed with a third- party certificate. The dequarantine procedure will ensure that Gatekeeper remains asleep and that the app, upon the first launch, will not be scanned. Since it might be too tedious for some to remove the quarantine manually when needed, there are some automated ways to do it: you can use the application Hazel to automatically run the above command on every file downloaded to any of your download locations, or you can use
Rixstep's freeware tool Keymaster Solo, or you can use Rixstep's appleclean command-line utility, which removes the quarantine XAs of all files in the folder that is specified. The problem with these automated or broad approaches is that you will dequarantine all downloaded files, even the ones that don't need it. Of course, you can also create your own Finder QuickAction in Automator that will run the xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine command.
Some applications, however, are secured more tightly, for example, by applying library validations or self-checks on their own code signature. A good cracker can find those self-checks in the code and disable them. Other problems might arise from applications that are cracked but not re- signed by the cracker: some applications might fail even with the quarantine XA removed, or the application wants to install privileged helper tools that macOS will block, if the code signature has not been applied correctly, or the application has certain components or functionality that otherwise require a valid & unbroken code signature. Then you probably have to re-codesign the app yourself. First, you need to remove all XAs and Finder detritus from an application with the command xattr -cr /foo—otherwise, code-signing will fail. The next step is the signing itself, which always revolves around the basic command codesign --force --sign <commonName> /foo ... the argument <commonName> is the x.509 common name of the CSC you are using. If you don't have a CSC in your macOS keychain, use the dash - to give your app a so-called ad-hoc signature.
There are two ways to go about code-signing an app, a quick & dirty approach, and a discrete one. Interestingly, a quick & dirty approach often works. But you can also do it manually: with the quick & dirty approach you apply a deep code-signing run with the basic command codesign -- force --sign <commonName> --deep /foo ... please note that if the target is not writable, you either have to move it to a location owned by you, for example, the Desktop, apply the code-signing there, and then move the
target back. Or you can leave the target file where it is and execute the codesign command with root privileges by running it as sudo codesign instead of codesign. If you sudo-codesign a target with a non-Apple CSC, the process will only appear to work because the signature will be invalid ("unavailable"). Sudo-signing only works with ad-hoc signatures or with CSCs issued by Apple. If you don't have an Apple-CSC, and if you don't want to apply an ad-hoc signature, you have to move the target to a writable location and change the ownership of the target file, for example, from root:wheel or root:admin to you, e.g. to 501:20. Then you can codesign with your own third-party CSC, move the target back, and switch ownership back to its original setting.
The more discrete approach is to examine the cracked app with the command codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=4 /foo to see which components in the app bundle have been altered. The codesign command will print a list of modified or added files at the end of the output. If the modified code is a nested bundle, for example, an updater app within a framework, you have to execute this command for the nested bundle as well. Then you need to re-sign only those modified or added components one by one, without using the --deep argument, starting with the file that is located deepest in the app bundle, and work your way up until you reach the root of the bundle. As the last step, you sign the app bundle itself, again without using the --deep argument. Please don't forget to always run the xattr -cr /foo command, unless you use a file manager that doesn't leave behind detritus as macOS Finder does. The discrete way to re-sign is often necessary with more complex apps, that have nested code, special frameworks, or will try to install privileged helper tools. Sometimes it's sufficient to use an ad-hoc signature, but in many cases, especially with privileged helpers, you will need a real CSC. It doesn't need to be a CSC issued by Apple, so a third-party CSC, for example, a self-signed root, could already be enough. Nota bene: to get a Safari extension to work, you will most probably need to re-sign using an Apple-issued CSC, and you can get an Apple Development CSC for free if you have an Apple ID, a free Apple developer account, and Xcode installed.
Occasionally even the discrete way to re-sign an app bundle will fail. It is often due to certain requirements or entitlements slapped onto specific components during the initial signing process performed by the developer. You can print or export those original requirements and entitlements when you examine the uncracked trial version of an app. The command codesign -dvvvv --requirements reqs.txt --entitlements ents.xml /foo will export the original requirements and entitlements of a file, and if you re- sign a file, you can add those original entitlements & requirements with codesign --force --sign <commonName> --requirements /bar/reqs.txt -- entitlements /bar/ents.xml /foo ... please note that like /foo, the term /bar is just a placeholder for the actual path. Before applying requirements and entitlements during code-signing, you first have to examine the contents of req.txt and ents.xml, because (a) they might need cleaning up, especially the xml, and (b) those files might contain references to the original developer's CSC or the Apple Team ID. If that's the case, you need to substitute those parts to reflect your code-signing certificate.
But using the method of applying specific requirements or entitlements is usually not necessary, not even for a crack that wants to install a privileged helper tool. We have yet to come across an app that requires such an approach. Usually, if you sign a privileged helper or an auxiliary service, it's sufficient if the code signature of the helper is the same as the one of the main app bundle. The codesign command will not add any specific entitlements, but it will at least automatically add a basic version of the right requirements to the cracked executable. The only thing that's necessary in most cases is that the signature of the cracked component matches that of the main app bundle.
However, it can still happen that an app doesn't launch, for example, if it's a crack that doesn't disable signature self-checks or library validation, which you might encounter in security or privacy related software. A new code signature applied to a non-working crack after-the-fact will most likely fail. In those cases, you can only ask or hope for a better crack solution. A quick remedy is to disable a specific part of SIP, macOS' system integrity protection. Restart your Mac and boot into Recovery
Mode using [CMD]-R, open the Recovery Terminal and execute csrutil enable --without fs, which will keep all system protections enabled except for filesystem security. If this is too much of a risk for you, and if a better crack isn't on the horizon, then the only option left is to buy a software license & go legit.
Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 14
Kusaba ·
05-Авг-23 10:17
(спустя 2 часа 17 мин., ред. 05-Авг-23 10:17)
Спасибо за раздачу.
Lavrentii1213 писал(а):
85032602Проколупался пару часов с установкой АЕ2023 на последнюю Макось с М2, описываю подробно, тк нигде нет РАБОЧЕЙ пошаговой инструкции
1. Качаем торрент остюда например n n m c l u b .to /forum/viewtopic.php?t=1648571
2. На ПЕРВОМ шаге нужна AntiCC 1.7 [RiD].pkg, найти которую -- целое приключение. Нашёл в этом образе: n n m c l u b .to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1640733
3. Далее ставим сам пакет АЕ из dmg (из торрента)
4. Ставим патч из торрента
5. Пробуем запуститься -- если не получилось, открываем терминал и пробуем запуститься оттуда, чтобы увидеть сообщение об ошибке:
/Applications/Adobe\ After EFfects\ 2023 ... /MacOS/AfterEffects
(как-то так, пишу с другого компа, точно путь не помню) Тут у меня была ошибка типа
code signature not valid for use in process
6. Находим в гугле pdf где описано что с этим делать: https://bayfiles.com/h3i3o5y5p6/Primer-Running_cracked_apps_on_newer_versions_of_macOS_pdf
Детальная копипаста ниже, но вкратце надо:
- убрать атрибуты карантина с проблемного файла (это будет биб-ка глубоко внутри пакета, типа
cd /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2023/Contents/Frameworks/AfterFXLib.framework/Versions/A/
(путь опять же примерный)
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine AfterFXLib
xattr -cr AfterFXLib
И заново подписать либу:
codesign --force --sign - AfterFXLib
После этого у меня всё запустилось.
Ниже копипаста pdf с общими рекомендациями как ломать софт от Адобе с учётом современных реалий МакОС:
скрытый текст
Primer: Running cracked apps on newer versions of macOS
Give a Person a Fish, and You Feed Them for a Day. Teach a Person To Fish, and You Feed Them for a Lifetime
The TL;DR being
• dequarantine downloaded files containing cracked apps, then mount/expand & install
• if the app doesn't launch, dequarantine the app itself
• if the app still doesn't launch, try various methods of applying a new
code signature
• if the app doesn't launch, disable the relevant part of SIP, or hope
for a better crack, or buy the app
If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with Terminal: https://bayfiles.com/ T7tfnayep0/ Take_Control_of_the_Mac_Command_Line_with_Terminal_3.0_pdf
A primary method to get cracked applications to run on newer versions of macOS is the following:
1. download a share, but don't mount or expand it yet
2. dequarantine the downloaded share
3. mount it (DMG) or expand it (zip, 7z, rar, etc.) or launch it (pkg, etc.)
4. copy or move the app into one of your Applications paths
5. if it doesn't launch, dequarantine the app itself
6. if it still doesn't launch, make a copy of the app, then re-codesign
the original with a deep code-signing run
7. if it still doesn't launch, delete the re-signed original, rename the
copy to the original name, make another copy, then scan the primary app and all of its nested app bundles for modified or added files, then re-codesign only those files individually without the deep argument, working your way up from the deepest files up to the root of the app, and then sign the app itself without the deep argument
8. if it still doesn't launch, and if you have applied ad-hoc signatures,
delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to the original name, then
repeat steps 6 & 7 with a valid code-signing certificate
9. if it still doesn't launch, and if you have used a non-Apple certificate,
delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to the original name, then
repeat steps 6 & 7 with a valid Apple-issued code-signing certificate 10.if it still doesn't launch, delete the re-signed app, rename the copy to
the original name, download a trial version of the app, and in that trial version, check the files modified or added in the cracked version (step 7) for special requirements or entitlements, and apply modified versions of those requirements or entitlements with the codesign command when repeating steps 6 & 7, this time only with actual certificates (third-party or Apple-issued)
11.if it still doesn't launch, neither with a third-party certificate nor with an Apple-issued certificate, disable the fs portion of System Integrity Protection (SIP)
12.if it still doesn't launch, ask or hope for a better crack, or buy the app
Apple has locked down macOS a lot lately, and some of the main components of this lockdown are code-signing, notarization, quarantine, and Gatekeeper. Applications signed with legitimate code-signing certificates (CSCs) that haven't been notarized by Apple will not launch on Catalina. (Some might launch, but they will in all likelihood be translocated to an ad-hoc sandbox, losing functionality, file system access, throwing errors, etc.) It's the same for cracked software: as part of a crack, one or more files in an application bundle will have to be modified, and this breaks the integrity of the app's original code signature. When some cracking teams re-sign the app bundle with their CSC, in almost all occurrences, it is without an Apple-issued CSC and definitely without notarization. Therefore, cracked applications will fail upon launch at first.
The reason is Gatekeeper, which blocks the app's execution. In the past, you have often heard that you should disable Gatekeeper, but that's definitely not necessary, and if at all, it should only be a last resort. The reason is that Gatekeeper itself doesn't jump into action by default. A Gatekeeper scan can become activated by an extended attribute (XA)
called com.apple.quarantine. Every file downloaded in the GUI by traditional means to the user's macOS volume will receive such a quarantine XA. So the way to get a non-notarized application or command-line interface (CLI) to launch or execute is to remove the quarantine XA from the file.
That should be the first step to undertake after you have downloaded a file containing a cracked app. If it's a zip or any other archive, don't expand it yet. If it is a DMG, don't mount it. Before you do that, you have to remove the quarantine XA first. This XA is inherited by all files that will be extracted from the archive or copied to your volume from the DMG. The command to dequarantine a file is xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /foo ... please note that /foo is a placeholder for the full path; in Terminal, you can type in "xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine", add one more whitespace, and then drag the file you want to dequarantine and drop it into the Terminal window: the actual path will be printed, and you can then press [RETURN]. Please also note that sometimes there are quarantine XAs attached to a cracked (or legit!) app, even if you removed the XA from your download. It happens when, for example, a developer's build processes puts those XAs onto code that is later nested in the final build or when a cracker doesn't remove his own system's quarantine XAs from the app before or after applying the crack & distributing it. So sometimes you have to also dequarantine the final app again that you've copied into your Applications folder. To see if there are any XAs left from the originating file system, you can run xattr -l /foo
In many cases, removing the quarantine XA is sufficient to get an application running that has become cracked, unsigned, without code- signing integrity, validly signed but not notarized, or signed with a third- party certificate. The dequarantine procedure will ensure that Gatekeeper remains asleep and that the app, upon the first launch, will not be scanned. Since it might be too tedious for some to remove the quarantine manually when needed, there are some automated ways to do it: you can use the application Hazel to automatically run the above command on every file downloaded to any of your download locations, or you can use
Rixstep's freeware tool Keymaster Solo, or you can use Rixstep's appleclean command-line utility, which removes the quarantine XAs of all files in the folder that is specified. The problem with these automated or broad approaches is that you will dequarantine all downloaded files, even the ones that don't need it. Of course, you can also create your own Finder QuickAction in Automator that will run the xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine command.
Some applications, however, are secured more tightly, for example, by applying library validations or self-checks on their own code signature. A good cracker can find those self-checks in the code and disable them. Other problems might arise from applications that are cracked but not re- signed by the cracker: some applications might fail even with the quarantine XA removed, or the application wants to install privileged helper tools that macOS will block, if the code signature has not been applied correctly, or the application has certain components or functionality that otherwise require a valid & unbroken code signature. Then you probably have to re-codesign the app yourself. First, you need to remove all XAs and Finder detritus from an application with the command xattr -cr /foo—otherwise, code-signing will fail. The next step is the signing itself, which always revolves around the basic command codesign --force --sign <commonName> /foo ... the argument <commonName> is the x.509 common name of the CSC you are using. If you don't have a CSC in your macOS keychain, use the dash - to give your app a so-called ad-hoc signature.
There are two ways to go about code-signing an app, a quick & dirty approach, and a discrete one. Interestingly, a quick & dirty approach often works. But you can also do it manually: with the quick & dirty approach you apply a deep code-signing run with the basic command codesign -- force --sign <commonName> --deep /foo ... please note that if the target is not writable, you either have to move it to a location owned by you, for example, the Desktop, apply the code-signing there, and then move the
target back. Or you can leave the target file where it is and execute the codesign command with root privileges by running it as sudo codesign instead of codesign. If you sudo-codesign a target with a non-Apple CSC, the process will only appear to work because the signature will be invalid ("unavailable"). Sudo-signing only works with ad-hoc signatures or with CSCs issued by Apple. If you don't have an Apple-CSC, and if you don't want to apply an ad-hoc signature, you have to move the target to a writable location and change the ownership of the target file, for example, from root:wheel or root:admin to you, e.g. to 501:20. Then you can codesign with your own third-party CSC, move the target back, and switch ownership back to its original setting.
The more discrete approach is to examine the cracked app with the command codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=4 /foo to see which components in the app bundle have been altered. The codesign command will print a list of modified or added files at the end of the output. If the modified code is a nested bundle, for example, an updater app within a framework, you have to execute this command for the nested bundle as well. Then you need to re-sign only those modified or added components one by one, without using the --deep argument, starting with the file that is located deepest in the app bundle, and work your way up until you reach the root of the bundle. As the last step, you sign the app bundle itself, again without using the --deep argument. Please don't forget to always run the xattr -cr /foo command, unless you use a file manager that doesn't leave behind detritus as macOS Finder does. The discrete way to re-sign is often necessary with more complex apps, that have nested code, special frameworks, or will try to install privileged helper tools. Sometimes it's sufficient to use an ad-hoc signature, but in many cases, especially with privileged helpers, you will need a real CSC. It doesn't need to be a CSC issued by Apple, so a third-party CSC, for example, a self-signed root, could already be enough. Nota bene: to get a Safari extension to work, you will most probably need to re-sign using an Apple-issued CSC, and you can get an Apple Development CSC for free if you have an Apple ID, a free Apple developer account, and Xcode installed.
Occasionally even the discrete way to re-sign an app bundle will fail. It is often due to certain requirements or entitlements slapped onto specific components during the initial signing process performed by the developer. You can print or export those original requirements and entitlements when you examine the uncracked trial version of an app. The command codesign -dvvvv --requirements reqs.txt --entitlements ents.xml /foo will export the original requirements and entitlements of a file, and if you re- sign a file, you can add those original entitlements & requirements with codesign --force --sign <commonName> --requirements /bar/reqs.txt -- entitlements /bar/ents.xml /foo ... please note that like /foo, the term /bar is just a placeholder for the actual path. Before applying requirements and entitlements during code-signing, you first have to examine the contents of req.txt and ents.xml, because (a) they might need cleaning up, especially the xml, and (b) those files might contain references to the original developer's CSC or the Apple Team ID. If that's the case, you need to substitute those parts to reflect your code-signing certificate.
But using the method of applying specific requirements or entitlements is usually not necessary, not even for a crack that wants to install a privileged helper tool. We have yet to come across an app that requires such an approach. Usually, if you sign a privileged helper or an auxiliary service, it's sufficient if the code signature of the helper is the same as the one of the main app bundle. The codesign command will not add any specific entitlements, but it will at least automatically add a basic version of the right requirements to the cracked executable. The only thing that's necessary in most cases is that the signature of the cracked component matches that of the main app bundle.
However, it can still happen that an app doesn't launch, for example, if it's a crack that doesn't disable signature self-checks or library validation, which you might encounter in security or privacy related software. A new code signature applied to a non-working crack after-the-fact will most likely fail. In those cases, you can only ask or hope for a better crack solution. A quick remedy is to disable a specific part of SIP, macOS' system integrity protection. Restart your Mac and boot into Recovery
Mode using [CMD]-R, open the Recovery Terminal and execute csrutil enable --without fs, which will keep all system protections enabled except for filesystem security. If this is too much of a risk for you, and if a better crack isn't on the horizon, then the only option left is to buy a software license & go legit.
Спасибо за информацию.
У меня хоть и не M2, но круто, когда люди пишут инструкции по решению проблем.
Стаж: 4 года 7 месяцев Сообщений: 7
ИгорьCAD ·
06-Авг-23 01:15
(спустя 14 часов)
Lavrentii1213 писал(а):
85032602Проколупался пару часов с установкой АЕ2023 на последнюю Макось с М2, описываю подробно, тк нигде нет РАБОЧЕЙ пошаговой инструкции 1. Качаем торрент остюда например n n m c l u b .to /forum/viewtopic.php?t=1648571
2. На ПЕРВОМ шаге нужна AntiCC 1.7 [RiD].pkg, найти которую -- целое приключение. Нашёл в этом образе: n n m c l u b .to/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1640733
3. Далее ставим сам пакет АЕ из dmg (из торрента)
4. Ставим патч из торрента 5. Пробуем запуст спасибо за шпаргалку - 1-5 старт и работает!
Стаж: 4 года 7 месяцев Сообщений: 7
ИгорьCAD ·
24-Авг-23 16:49
(спустя 18 дней)
привет всем, прогу установил, работает, сделал простенький проект и тут самое интересное - экспортировать проект кому-нибудь удалось? Adobe Media Encoder поставил отсюда https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6180575 но AE не видит AME - что делать кто знает?
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 1
ElsieV ·
26-Авг-23 12:36
(спустя 1 день 19 часов)
ИгорьCAD писал(а):
приветствую всех - такая появляется фигня, у кого получилось побороть? AntiCC поставил
У кого вылезает такая ошибка, попробуйте установить по методу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD1ISL64A6Y&ab_channel=TechArena24 У меня на Air M2 встало отлично.
Стаж: 11 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 8
marina.malina ·
30-Авг-23 22:37
(спустя 4 дня)
ThelightAngel писал(а):
84117938Те, кто сталкивался с проблемой вылетает после 30 секунд работы - решила путем отключить интернет, включить прогу, включить интернет. Держит.
Стаж: 11 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 1
Lithium999 ·
22-Сен-23 19:43
(спустя 22 дня)
Доброго дня
А есть ли версия 23?
Стаж: 14 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 7
bellow ·
23-Сен-23 13:13
(спустя 17 часов)
все проблемы решились после удаления старого СС с помощью AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool
Стаж: 13 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 1
kiosab ·
30-Сен-23 13:21
(спустя 7 дней, ред. 30-Сен-23 13:21)
После обновления на Sonoma перестала работать. Переуставливал, заменял файл вручную. Решить не удалось. Вижу, что ранее у кого-то была аналогичная проблема. Кто знает как решить? M2.
Photoshop и Premier при этом после обновления работают нормально
Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев Сообщений: 3
theairdj ·
01-Окт-23 20:01
(спустя 1 день 6 часов)
kiosab писал(а):
85266448После обновления на Sonoma перестала работать. Переуставливал, заменял файл вручную. Решить не удалось. Вижу, что ранее у кого-то была аналогичная проблема. Кто знает как решить? M2.
Photoshop и Premier при этом после обновления работают нормально
на м1 тоже слетел. может кто знает как решить проблему?
Стаж: 2 года 3 месяца Сообщений: 2
ekooner34 ·
04-Окт-23 00:57
(спустя 2 дня 4 часа)
++++ такая же ерунда на м1
До обновления все летало, теперь вообще не понятно что с этим делать((
На ютубе нашел видео 20 года по этой ошибке, показаны были команды для терминала, уже попробовал но не катит, нужно другое решение проблемы!
Стаж: 16 лет 7 месяцев Сообщений: 4
BRed ·
08-Окт-23 19:14
(спустя 4 дня)
Intel Soma такая же петрушка на 22ом. поставил 23 он работает но тоже переодически вылетает с ошибкой а иногда с таким же окном
Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 11
le_patron ·
09-Окт-23 17:23
(спустя 22 часа)
m1 Ventura встает и работает. сделано четко по инструкции. После установки заблокированы исходящие соединения литтл снитчем. Спасибо за раздачу!
Стаж: 16 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 3
tretyaks ·
12-Окт-23 13:35
(спустя 2 дня 20 часов, ред. 12-Окт-23 13:35)
При установке: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700)
По инструкции: Следуйте: Contents > MacOS - в этой папке нет файла Install... Только некий applet, нажатие на который запускает терминал и заканчивается той же ошибкой.
OS Sonoma, есть официальный Creative Cloud, нужна именно 22-я версия, но на сайте Adobe она уже не доступна.
Видео удалено пользователем:(
Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 3
alkasar007 ·
18-Окт-23 12:54
(спустя 5 дней)
накатил соному на макбук про 2019 интел и перестал работать АЕ, переустановка з этой раздачи не помогает
Стаж: 15 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 13
molodoy11 ·
19-Окт-23 18:31
(спустя 1 день 5 часов, ред. 19-Окт-23 18:31)
при запуске install after effects выходит вот такое окно
Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF
что я делаю не так?
m1 pro mac os monterey
походу всё, халява закончилась
Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 3
KalininArtur ·
19-Окт-23 21:12
(спустя 2 часа 40 мин., ред. 19-Окт-23 21:12)
yrodod писал(а):
85317585Ещё + к проблеме на Sonoma — m1 pro . Не помогает ничего
f I l e c r . c o m/macos/adobe-after-effects-1022/?id=208840565000.
поставил - работает. без танца с бубном
Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев Сообщений: 25
yrodod ·
21-Окт-23 06:13
(спустя 1 день 9 часов)
KalininArtur писал(а):
yrodod писал(а):
85317585Ещё + к проблеме на Sonoma — m1 pro . Не помогает ничего
f I l e c r . c o m/macos/adobe-after-effects-1022/?id=208840565000.
поставил - работает. без танца с бубном
Работает! Большое спасибо !!!
Стаж: 2 года 1 месяц Сообщений: 1
music.kazna ·
22-Окт-23 18:54
(спустя 1 день 12 часов, ред. 22-Окт-23 18:54)
bellow писал(а):
85230521все проблемы решились после удаления старого СС с помощью AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool
очень верно!
так же файл Install After Effects на рабочий стол скопируйте и потом уже открывайте
Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 61
p4te ·
23-Окт-23 14:54
(спустя 19 часов)
А вот с чем связано то, что под Windows уже давно есть новые версии Adobe , а для МАС какие то прошлогодние?
Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 13
teslics ·
23-Окт-23 18:26
(спустя 3 часа)
KalininArtur писал(а):
yrodod писал(а):
85317585Ещё + к проблеме на Sonoma — m1 pro . Не помогает ничего
f I l e c r . c o m/macos/adobe-after-effects-1022/?id=208840565000.
поставил - работает. без танца с бубном
встаньте на раздачу пожалуйста
Стаж: 3 года 6 месяцев Сообщений: 4
hahed25990 ·
01-Ноя-23 14:46
(спустя 8 дней)
"After Effects warning: Unknown Exception."
Стаж: 14 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 10
old_9_dlo ·
29-Ноя-23 21:01
(спустя 28 дней, ред. 29-Ноя-23 21:01)
p4te писал(а):
85363745А вот с чем связано то, что под Windows уже давно есть новые версии Adobe , а для МАС какие то прошлогодние?
Странно, но куда-то исчезли все новые версии для Маков Вот скрин из моего профиля - будущие закачки - теперь в МУСОРКЕ! (картинку можно увеличить, чтобы нормально просмотреть)
Стаж: 14 лет 6 месяцев Сообщений: 123
EgoIstichnaya ·
07-Дек-23 19:48
(спустя 7 дней)
при установке пишет another rid realece, затем при запуске пишет after effects can't continue unexpected failure during startup . как-быть? вообще не могу разобраться, и перестанавливал, и патчил, и пробовал с Anticc и с самим CC. в чем может быть причина?
Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев Сообщений: 4
raman44 ·
20-Дек-23 19:53
(спустя 13 дней, ред. 20-Дек-23 19:53)
При установке failed with error code 146/ Ставил после удаления этой же версии. перестала запусткаться. Кажется +1 к проблеме по sonoma
Стаж: 9 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 1
utkohvost ·
02-Янв-24 12:44
(спустя 12 дней)
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 10
gasulka ·
12-Янв-24 19:17
(спустя 10 дней)
какая версия сейчас на Sonoma работает нормально из крякнутых?
Стаж: 12 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 3
ulmas_saidov ·
14-Янв-24 13:06
(спустя 1 день 17 часов, ред. 14-Янв-24 13:06)
Добрый день. Помогите пожалуйста с решением проблемы при запуске. Патч скопировал в ручную так как терминал не видит афтер.
Стаж: 13 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 1
travelina ·
31-Янв-24 09:42
(спустя 16 дней)
На ventura 13.4.1 процессор М2 встала без проблем. Четко по инструкции