Padavan XXX
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/2/52/12114052.png) Стаж: 15 лет 6 месяцев Сообщений: 228
Padavan XXX ·
29-Мар-14 08:01
(10 лет 10 месяцев назад)
-XX- писал(а):
55326972Ну чисто западные Ильфы и Петровы.
финнские ильфы и петровы ![](https://static.rutr.life/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
а так - подписываюсь.)
Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 51
fangorner ·
12-Апр-14 14:55
(спустя 14 дней)
Хороший фильм. Сатира пополам со стёбом ![](https://static.rutr.life/smiles/icon_smile.gif) Ещё бы сюжет проработать получше и вообще цены бы не было!
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/10/860710.gif) Стаж: 17 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 1042
12-Апр-14 16:35
(спустя 1 час 39 мин.)
По телеку этот ужас показывали, теперь буду знать какие страны к этому свои лапы приложили.
Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев Сообщений: 7
sky-wheel ·
21-Апр-14 18:43
(спустя 9 дней)
Шёл в кинотеатр от скуки посмотреть что-нибудь. Попал на этот фильм. Вышел в полном восторге!
Такая тонкая политическая сатира! Досталось ВСЕМ! Больше всего конечно америкосиков прокатили.
Потом в инете читал про этот фильм много комментариев. Критики разделились на два лагеря:
1) "Гумно - юмор плохой, сюжет плохой, даже там на тёмной стороне Луны должно быть всегда темно" (если честно у меня после этого коммента печенька в чай упала, потому что я несколько лет проводил наблюдения неба с помощью телескопа, и вообще активно интересовался астрономическими событиями. Поэтому про "тёмную сторону" Луны поржал, да, спасибо!:) )
2) Фильм - великолепная политическая сатира.
Оба мнения имеют право на жизнь.
Лично себя отношу ко вторым.
Пойду ещё пару раз на английском пересмотрю...
Великая Чучундра
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/95/1029095.jpg) Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 186
Великая Чучундра ·
24-Июл-14 11:41
(спустя 3 месяца 2 дня, ред. 24-Июл-14 11:41)
"на тёмной стороне Луны должно быть всегда темно"
А если от на скрывают Правду(тм)?! И на самом деле единственным источником света в Юниверсуме является Земля, которая и есть центр Мирозданья? У Луны альбедо слабое, и она плохо отражает Земной Свет, а у Солнца и звёзд - высокое, посему у каждой звезды, в т.ч. и Солнца есть тёмная сторона... и на ней, конечно живут Силы Тьмы! Пора, пора США бомбить ещё тёмную сторону Солнца, там точно полно баз Аль-Каеды и русских террористов!
P.S. За фильм спасибо!
![Top Bonus 04* 3TB](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topbonus_4.gif) Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 42
onnoyo ·
14-Сен-14 19:47
(спустя 1 месяц 21 день)
Спасибо за фильм.
sky-wheel писал(а):
63680116Гумно - юмор плохой, сюжет плохой
По сути, да. Фильм омерзителен. Он не смешной (аналогия между усами Гитлера и женской интимной стрижкой — самое смешное, что есть в этом фильме).
Я бы не удивился, если бы этот фильм сняли какие-нибудь Голливудские недорежиссёры, в надежде срубить денег, да побольше. Я решил посмотреть этот фильм, когда узнал, что режиссёр сам собирал деньги на этот фильм через интернет-пожертвования. Не думаю, что пожертвовавшие средства ожидали увидеть нечто подобное. Как и я.
sky-wheel писал(а):
63680116Такая тонкая политическая сатира!
Пожалуй, если бы не этот пункт, фильм был бы худшим из увиденных мною за последнее время он и так худший.
Политическая тематика, безусловно, есть. С натяжкой её частично можно назвать сатирой, но называть её "тонкой", это слишком. Автор практически "в лоб" сказал то, что хотел сказать.
Как-то очень зло получилось, но фильм я только что (с трудом) досмотрел, и, пока воспоминания ещё свежи, хочу предостеречь потенциальных зрителей.
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/3/18/19971318.jpg) Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 125
Mexicanets ·
14-Сен-14 20:13
(спустя 26 мин.)
onnoyoи слава зайцев, сотри его и никогда больше не смотри кино для тех, кто понимает разницу между сатирой и юмором, для тех кто не понимает открою секрет это сатира, и таких фильмов, к сожалению практически не снимают, потому как "среднестатистическому обывателю" это не интересно, трансформеры и капитан америка проще и понятней...всем хорошего просмотра
![Top Bonus 04* 3TB](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topbonus_4.gif) Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 42
onnoyo ·
15-Сен-14 00:18
(спустя 4 часа)
Mexicanets писал(а):
65142746onnoyoи слава зайцев, сотри его и никогда больше не смотри кино для тех, кто понимает разницу между сатирой и юмором, для тех кто не понимает открою секрет это сатира, и таких фильмов, к сожалению практически не снимают, потому как "среднестатистическому обывателю" это не интересно, трансформеры и капитан америка проще и понятней...всем хорошего просмотра
1. Кто такой Слава Зайцев?
2. Пожалуй, вы правы, никогда больше не буду смотреть.
3. В своём комментарии "юмор" и "сатиру" я описал в двух различных пунктах. Юмор есть в малых количествах, и моё возмущение вызвано отчасти тем, что финский режиссёр приправил свой фильм самым дешёвым американским юмором. С сатирой дела несколько лучше. И, вероятно, я бы указал сатиру как единственный плюс фильма, но в каждом втором комментарии просто кричат о ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНОЙ И НЕПРЕВЗОЙДЁННОЙ САТИРЕ НА ВСЕХ И ВСЯ, так что я не мог не отметить, что и тут всё не безукоризненно.
onnoyo писал(а):
65142421Я бы не удивился, если бы этот фильм сняли какие-нибудь Голливудские недорежиссёры, в надежде срубить денег, да побольше.
Именно этой фразой я хотел сказать, что таких фильмов полные кинотеатры и телеканалы.
5. Трансформеры смотрел (первую часть, во время выхода) — экскременты ещё те. Капитана не смотрел, но, полагаю, мнение моё едва ли будет лучше.
Вообще, сложилось впечатление, что большинство решают посмотреть этот фильм только потому, что в нём показана бредовая идея о лунных нацистах.
Некоторое время назад большое количество людей желали посмотреть фильм Стражи Галактики только потому, что в фильме показан енот с пулемётом. Я фильм не смотрел, но видел трейлер. После просмотра в ответ на вопрос "Интересный фильм?" они рассказывали о еноте, и ни слова об остальном фильме.
И даже это ощущение полного бреда фильм не даёт, предоставляя лишь послевкусие бездарного кино (как говорится, без души).
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/3/18/19971318.jpg) Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 125
Mexicanets ·
15-Сен-14 07:14
(спустя 6 часов)
onnoyoслава зайцев это великий российский модельер, удивлен, что ты про него никогда не слышал
никогда не понимал диванных хулителей, я думаю, для того, чтобы так вот обстоятельно обсирать какой то фильм, нужно быть как минимум режиссером или сценаристом, с оконченным профильным вузом в багаже, а не пользователем полулегального треккера...
если тебе что то настолько не нравится, значит дело в тебе, по настоящему плохие фильмы эмоций не вызывают, и в памяти не остаются, просто не пришло ещё понимание происходящего на экране, ничего страшного, подрастешь, пересмотришь кино (может быть) и все поймешь...
и трансформеры и капитан америка неплохие фильмы в своем роде, просто немного для другой аудитории
![Top Bonus 04* 3TB](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topbonus_4.gif) Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 42
onnoyo ·
15-Сен-14 21:44
(спустя 14 часов)
Обстоятельно, как иначе. Комментариев по типу "Фильм хороший" или "Фильм плохой" полно и без меня.
Вы используете [url=http:// СПАМ аргумент[/url], я отвечу тем же:
Однажды Бернард Шоу прогуливался по картинной галерее и увидел откровенно плохую картину, о чем тут же заявил вслух. Автор картины, стоявший рядом, возмутился:
— Как вы смеете так резко говорить, вы же сами в жизни ни одной картины не написали!
На что Шоу ответил:
— Но я же могу рассуждать о качестве омлета, хотя еще ни разу не снёс ни одного яйца.
Mexicanets писал(а):
65146243по настоящему плохие фильмы эмоций не вызывают
Отрицательные эмоции — не эмоции?
Предлагаю вспомнить о том, что шкала оценки "хороших" и "плохих" фильмов полностью субъективна. Фильм, который вы считаете "плохим", для меня может не быть таковым.
Mexicanets писал(а):
65146243если тебе что то настолько не нравится, значит дело в тебе
Я по пунктам описал своё мнение об этом фильме. С чего вы взяли, что фильм мне "настолько" не нравится? В отличие, к примеру, от данного комментария
tich666 писал(а):
56359625Да уж, фильм- полное говно на лопате. Жалко потраченного времени на просмотр. Вообще писец.
, я объяснил, в чём причина моего недовольства. Да и на плюсы фильма я тоже указал.
Плохие, даже по моему мнению, но оригинальные фильмы, у меня отрицательных эмоций не вызывают. Но когда я в новом фильме вижу то, что уже видел в десятке старых, тут уж я не могу сказать "Прощайте" нескольким часам своей жизни и с чистой совестью написать комментарий "Добротный фильм, можно посмотреть".
Mexicanets писал(а):
65146243просто не пришло ещё понимание происходящего на экране, ничего страшного, подрастешь, пересмотришь кино (может быть) и все поймешь...
Я уже упоминал о субъективности восприятия тех или иных вещей? Вы как минимум дважды в своём комментарии возвели своё мнение в ранг абсолютной истины, и с учётом истинности последнего оценили моё.
Если бы я лет 5 назад увидел этот фильм, я едва ли смог бы сказать что-либо плохое в его адрес. Я бы даже придерживался схожего со многими отписавшимися мнения о тонкой политической сатире.
Mexicanets писал(а):
65146243и трансформеры и капитан америка неплохие фильмы в своем роде, просто немного для другой аудитории
Соглашусь, я погорячился. Лично мне такие фильмы крайне неприятны. Из первых Трансформеров в памяти долгое время оставалась одна вполне пошлая сцена. При том во время просмотра мне была неприятна эта сцена, но не более, а со временем, когда я вспоминал о ней, мне она казалась всё более мерзкой. Саму сцену я уже не вспомню, но терпеть пошлость (а в «Железном Небе» с этим не всё идеально) в кино я не могу.
P.S. По моему мнению, фильм «Джанго освобождённый», о котором вы оставили далеко не самый восторженный отзыв, очень неплох. Я бы сказал, в одной лишь сцене убийства Раджа Бриттла больше сатиры, чем во всём фильме «Железное небо».
И как вообще можно назвать похожими Тарантино и Родригеса, ума не приложу.
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/3/18/19971318.jpg) Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца Сообщений: 125
Mexicanets ·
15-Сен-14 22:16
(спустя 32 мин.)
вот теперь уже понятней, наконец обозначились рамки плохо-хорошо, со своей стороны могу лишь отослать к шапке торрента, почитай что это за фильм, кто как и зачем его снял, а Тарантино, это в другой теме обсуждается, не здесь...
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/49/2019849.jpg) Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 39
Хайдер ·
08-Ноя-14 08:06
(спустя 1 месяц 22 дня)
Стаж: 19 лет Сообщений: 449
Termius ·
08-Ноя-14 09:59
(спустя 1 час 52 мин., ред. 08-Ноя-14 09:59)
Хайдер писал(а):
Ну вот и сиквел, или что-то навроде
Охренеть! Рад безумно! Похоже на то, что они решили экранизовать все мифы, связанные с нацистами ![](https://static.rutr.life/smiles/icon_smile.gif) Луна, Полая Земля. Что еще? Аненербе? Скучно, если там не про Шамбалу. Был один нацистский ученый, который доказал, что Земля не круглая, а в виде кубика. У него было очень много последователей. Даешь триквел на эту тему, только пусть это будет не куб, а Гиперкуб!
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/49/3125549.jpg) Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев Сообщений: 301
tron5566 ·
08-Ноя-14 12:48
(спустя 2 часа 49 мин.)
Пхахаха))) Трейлер это пять. Черт подери я такого не ожидал)))
Когда тираннозавр хайль лапой отдал, это нечто)
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/91/1877291.gif) Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 299
kurbads ·
11-Ноя-14 00:01
(спустя 2 дня 11 часов)
Для желающих иметь титры на всю немецкую речь см. сюда:
скрытый текст
00:00:33,412 --> 00:00:35,520
YEAR 2018
00:00:35,531 --> 00:00:37,197
<i>Liberty, this is control.</i> 3
00:00:37,208 --> 00:00:39,020
<i>Requesting lunar orbit status.</i> 4
00:00:39,041 --> 00:00:42,876
<i>Control, this is Liberty.
Touch down in t-minus 20 and counting.</i> 5
00:00:43,560 --> 00:00:46,171
<i>Approaching Terminator line.</i> 6
00:00:48,818 --> 00:00:52,251
<i>Roger that. Be advised,
radio static on the com. </i> 7
00:00:52,252 --> 00:00:57,843
<i>Roger that.
7-10 plus VGX, landing window is up.</i> 8
00:00:57,844 --> 00:01:01,970
<i>Landing vector approved...
Engage the bay.</i> 9
00:01:25,522 --> 00:01:30,512
<i>- Landing is confirmed, Liberty.
- Approaching to coordinate Delta.</i> 10
00:01:30,513 --> 00:01:34,826
<i> VGC 7-3-11.</i> 11
00:01:46,803 --> 00:01:52,812
<i>Looking good. Landing vector optimum.
Touch down in t-minus 12...</i> 12
00:01:52,813 --> 00:01:56,067
<i> 11, 10, 9... </i> 13
00:01:56,068 --> 00:01:59,986
<i> 8, 7, 6... </i> 14
00:01:59,987 --> 00:02:03,539
<i>5, 4, 3...</i> 15
00:02:03,540 --> 00:02:08,083
<i> 2, 1. </i> 16
00:02:10,329 --> 00:02:13,088
<i> Now lets, uh, drop the banners.</i> 17
00:02:13,089 --> 00:02:16,778
<i> Oh, fu...
Must we?</i> 18
00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:24,117
<i> - The Eagle has landed, baby.
- Please, keep that fool off the main frequency.</i> 19
00:02:26,553 --> 00:02:29,322
<i> Are you getting a reading
there, Sanders?</i> 20
00:02:29,323 --> 00:02:33,704
Mission control, I can confirm
vast quantities of Helium-3. 21
00:02:33,705 --> 00:02:37,142
<i> - The reading are stronger this way.
- What? You breaking up...</i> 22
00:02:37,352 --> 00:02:40,271
<i>Please be advices you may be
nearing meteor shower...</i> 23
00:02:40,272 --> 00:02:42,291
<i>Adjust communicate...
frequency...</i> 24
00:02:43,607 --> 00:02:46,582
No fucking way! 25
00:02:47,208 --> 00:02:50,683
Hey, Sand, what you doin'
with that thing hopping around over there? 26
00:02:50,687 --> 00:02:53,532
I thought you were supposed to take
some photos of me? 27
00:03:12,517 --> 00:03:15,526
- Washington, have you got a visual on...
- What was that, Houston? 28
00:03:15,527 --> 00:03:19,123
- Hey, Washington, it's Helium-3.
- What? 29
00:03:19,125 --> 00:03:21,441
It's a Helium-3 mine.
Get over here! 30
00:03:21,447 --> 00:03:24,189
Hey, there's something over here
you need to see! 31
00:03:25,707 --> 00:03:29,457
No! Sanders!
Sanders! San...ah! 32
00:03:32,708 --> 00:03:34,130
Oh, God! 33
00:03:40,632 --> 00:03:46,521
<i> Houston, Houston!Son-of-a-bitch.
I need to get out of here.</i> 34
00:04:01,552 --> 00:04:06,145
I must be trippin'. 35
00:04:15,625 --> 00:04:25,312
Subtitle upgrade by Szaki
based on zathras69's sub. 36
00:04:49,967 --> 00:04:54,429
Sieg Heil, Moon youth f¸hrer,
Renate Richter. 37
00:04:54,430 --> 00:04:55,833
Heil Hitler. 38
00:04:56,646 --> 00:05:00,509
Boys and girls,
please sit down. 39
00:05:01,613 --> 00:05:05,555
Dieter, don't you know
where to put your behind? 40
00:05:05,556 --> 00:05:09,592
Miss. Richter, since Mondf¸hrer's
65th birthday 41
00:05:09,593 --> 00:05:13,081
te appropriate salute has been
"Heil Kortzfleisch!" 42
00:05:14,356 --> 00:05:17,813
You're such an exemplary boy. 43
00:05:17,814 --> 00:05:24,003
Today we'll start with the most
unpatriotic language. 44
00:05:24,004 --> 00:05:27,486
It's the language
we unfortunately need to know 45
00:05:27,487 --> 00:05:31,535
when we return to those
who need our help. 46
00:05:32,173 --> 00:05:34,305
In english now. 47
00:05:35,035 --> 00:05:38,688
Where are we from? 48
00:05:39,418 --> 00:05:41,687
- Siegfried!
- The Earth. 49
00:05:41,792 --> 00:05:44,542
And, when did we leave? 50
00:05:44,543 --> 00:05:47,341
- Brunhilda?
- 1945. 51
00:05:47,343 --> 00:05:52,333
- And where did we go?
- The dark side of the moon. 52
00:05:52,355 --> 00:05:54,021
Brilliant! 53
00:06:17,995 --> 00:06:21,290
The National Anthem. 54
00:06:56,083 --> 00:06:59,375
- Heil Hitler!
- Hitler... 55
00:07:10,061 --> 00:07:13,508
- What's that, Mr. Adler?
- A spy from the earth. 56
00:07:13,613 --> 00:07:15,718
I captured him myself. 57
00:07:15,729 --> 00:07:18,825
He seems to he
the leader of the shock troops. 58
00:07:38,298 --> 00:07:42,668
Mr. Adler, is this a joke? 59
00:07:42,773 --> 00:07:45,677
I'll be damned! 60
00:07:49,480 --> 00:07:51,208
The White House
Washington D. C. 61
00:07:51,218 --> 00:07:53,597
Don't try to play dumb with me. 62
00:07:53,598 --> 00:07:55,963
It was your bad idea to send
those idiots to the moon? 63
00:07:56,063 --> 00:08:00,121
- Talk about disaster. - I'm not
to be contrarian madam President 64
00:08:00,158 --> 00:08:02,366
but I'm pretty sure
it was your idea. 65
00:08:02,395 --> 00:08:07,342
It was my great idea if have they succeeded.
Now it's your stupid idea, got it? 66
00:08:07,343 --> 00:08:11,527
I didn't hire you for stupid ideas.
I hired you because of your Midas touch. 67
00:08:11,528 --> 00:08:15,758
Now my approval ratings are in the toilet
and the election is just weeks... 68
00:08:16,406 --> 00:08:18,947
You dropped the ball, Vivian!
You! 69
00:08:18,948 --> 00:08:22,648
Now, I need a miracle.
Get me a miracle! 70
00:08:28,946 --> 00:08:32,552
Actually, how was sending those
two astronauts to the Moon, 71
00:08:32,604 --> 00:08:35,515
supposed to getting me re-elected?
Exactly? 72
00:08:35,838 --> 00:08:38,020
We haven't been to the Moon
for 50 years. 73
00:08:38,458 --> 00:08:40,101
One of them was black. 74
00:08:40,104 --> 00:08:41,718
Thought it would look good. 75
00:08:42,083 --> 00:08:43,703
Look good how? 76
00:08:44,540 --> 00:08:46,631
Like I said, one of them was black. 77
00:08:46,667 --> 00:08:52,380
Just think of the opportunity we wasted years
ago with that errand boy, Powell, Alan Powell? 78
00:08:52,529 --> 00:08:54,727
- Colin Powell.
- That was close. 79
00:08:55,579 --> 00:08:59,618
- And where're you going?
- The UN, to do my job. 80
00:09:11,057 --> 00:09:13,983
"The Great Dictator"
by Charlie Chaplin. 81
00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:17,543
It's one of the world
most famous short films. 82
00:09:17,544 --> 00:09:23,315
Which illustrates in just 10 minutes,
his wish that one day, the entire world 83
00:09:23,316 --> 00:09:27,662
that will be held in the great F¸hrer's
wise and gentle hands. 84
00:09:27,915 --> 00:09:30,481
- Any questions?
- I have a question. 85
00:09:30,690 --> 00:09:32,395
My sweetheart. 86
00:09:33,757 --> 00:09:35,520
Mr. Adler. 87
00:09:36,561 --> 00:09:41,504
In my classroom we are here to strictly
formal manner in addressing one another. 88
00:09:41,806 --> 00:09:45,826
To what do we owe the honor
of this visit? 89
00:09:45,827 --> 00:09:48,576
Mr. Nachrichten ¸bermittlungs-
Oberf¸hrer Adler? 90
00:09:48,947 --> 00:09:53,420
We captured an earthling.
Your expertise is required. 91
00:10:03,223 --> 00:10:06,808
- What's for lunch today?
- Sauerkraut. 92
00:10:07,037 --> 00:10:09,917
Again! Please say
that's not true! 93
00:10:10,127 --> 00:10:13,563
Does the Fuhrer eat Sauerkraut
3 times a week as well? 94
00:10:14,222 --> 00:10:18,216
No, no no!
I love me some sauerkraut. 95
00:10:18,217 --> 00:10:22,539
And Volkswagen.
Huh...Fahrvergn¸gen. 96
00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:25,691
Hey! German words, right? 97
00:10:25,792 --> 00:10:30,618
You know, it's as if, where I come from
we speak German too. You know what I'm sayin'? 98
00:10:33,865 --> 00:10:37,236
Damn! You gonna be sorry
you did that white boy. 99
00:10:42,298 --> 00:10:45,909
Capture him! No!
Capture him! 100
00:10:46,154 --> 00:10:47,952
Do not shoot! 101
00:11:24,011 --> 00:11:29,218
The fugitive is a male negro,
unarmed, but possibly angry. 102
00:11:29,226 --> 00:11:31,877
How does he look like? 103
00:11:31,878 --> 00:11:36,260
Where does he come from?
What is he wearing? 104
00:11:38,401 --> 00:11:40,372
How do I look? 105
00:11:41,952 --> 00:11:44,444
Like they say in English... 106
00:11:45,487 --> 00:11:47,229
you are a knock-out. 107
00:11:52,577 --> 00:11:54,816
How do I get out of here? 108
00:11:56,864 --> 00:11:59,157
Thanks lady.
Have a nice day. 109
00:12:00,082 --> 00:12:03,437
No, Mr. Subhuman.
That is the air lock... 110
00:12:03,920 --> 00:12:05,342
No! 111
00:12:06,177 --> 00:12:07,427
No! 112
00:12:54,286 --> 00:12:56,903
You might wanna...
cover up a bit. 113
00:12:58,840 --> 00:13:00,561
All good? 114
00:13:03,777 --> 00:13:06,634
Klaus! Don't shoot.
We need him for tests... 115
00:13:06,635 --> 00:13:10,906
No, no, no! I would not do if I was you.
Listen to me. Listen to me! 116
00:13:10,925 --> 00:13:13,927
I know a lot of important people.
They're very important people. 117
00:13:13,928 --> 00:13:16,614
I even know the President
of the United States of America. 118
00:13:16,615 --> 00:13:20,275
Now...if you kill me, then that's just a
really fucked-up situation. 119
00:13:23,613 --> 00:13:27,534
You know the president of the
United States of the Americas? 120
00:13:32,391 --> 00:13:36,019
- Take him to Dr. Richter's laboratory!
- By your command! 121
00:13:37,832 --> 00:13:41,184
Thanks, homie.
I talk to you later baby. 122
00:13:54,857 --> 00:13:57,377
Question, what is this apparatus? 123
00:13:57,500 --> 00:14:00,054
Look man, how would I know?
I'm just model. 124
00:14:00,065 --> 00:14:04,168
- A model what? Citizen?
- No man, a model model. 125
00:14:04,263 --> 00:14:07,081
Damn, what's wrong with you two?
Blind or something? 126
00:14:07,196 --> 00:14:10,236
-Shit, I'm pretty.
-Are you part of the shock troops 127
00:14:10,351 --> 00:14:15,302
- before the invasion?
- Invasion? Man, you all must be tripping? 128
00:14:15,651 --> 00:14:18,144
What is your mission? 129
00:14:18,770 --> 00:14:22,552
Look dude, I just follow the paycheck,
you know what I'm saying? 130
00:14:22,843 --> 00:14:27,244
-What is this device?
-That's my kick-ass cellphone 131
00:14:27,454 --> 00:14:29,956
-and a computer.
-What? 132
00:14:32,438 --> 00:14:35,445
That's not a computer. 133
00:14:38,817 --> 00:14:41,434
This is a computer. 134
00:14:44,556 --> 00:14:48,900
No man. That's ancient
history, homie. 135
00:14:49,625 --> 00:14:51,395
Dumb negro. 136
00:14:51,718 --> 00:14:54,829
- He talks nonsense.
- It might be a dialect. 137
00:14:55,133 --> 00:14:57,506
- Probable reason is the skin color.
- Right. 138
00:14:57,819 --> 00:15:02,704
His brain structure is
different from us Aryans. 139
00:15:04,213 --> 00:15:08,190
Let's open up his skull
and measure the brain. 140
00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:10,986
No, I need to know why he's here. 141
00:15:12,567 --> 00:15:15,535
You have 24 hours, Doctor. 142
00:15:16,256 --> 00:15:20,503
Otherwise I have to rely on
an ancient infallible technique. 143
00:15:22,656 --> 00:15:24,811
Pain. 144
00:15:25,789 --> 00:15:27,604
00:15:27,656 --> 00:15:29,582
I am telling you once again. 146
00:15:29,910 --> 00:15:35,167
One moment we received conformation
that the ship has landed successfully on the moon. 147
00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:38,334
The next, all communications stopped. 148
00:15:38,369 --> 00:15:42,319
- As though it had simply vanished.
- Or you're hiding something from us? 149
00:15:42,425 --> 00:15:46,192
Yeah, we are hiding something
on the dark side of the moon. 150
00:15:47,796 --> 00:15:53,612
I still find it very difficult to believe
that the entire purpose of the mission 151
00:15:53,645 --> 00:15:57,658
was to promote your president's
re-election. 152
00:15:57,659 --> 00:16:00,425
Well believe what you like, we had
mere senators spend 153
00:16:00,461 --> 00:16:04,950
hundred-of-million on campaigns
to get elected to dog-shit post. 154
00:16:04,951 --> 00:16:08,856
But Mr. Secretary, the expenses
involve this time only makes sense 155
00:16:08,957 --> 00:16:10,779
if there was a military purpose. 156
00:16:10,833 --> 00:16:13,268
Okay, let's get this clear. 157
00:16:13,582 --> 00:16:17,903
The United State has no
military activity on the Moon. 158
00:16:18,010 --> 00:16:20,735
What about natural resources activity? 159
00:16:20,736 --> 00:16:23,785
We know how the U.S. sometimes
mixes the two up. 160
00:16:24,396 --> 00:16:27,947
Is there any chance that you are
looking for Helium-3 up there? 161
00:16:27,964 --> 00:16:32,354
Helium-3? You just made that up,
didn't you? 162
00:16:33,877 --> 00:16:35,961
That's so silly. 163
00:16:38,290 --> 00:16:41,898
NY 164
00:16:55,384 --> 00:16:58,158
I assume these are
just preliminary idea? 165
00:16:58,159 --> 00:17:02,213
Sir, we have a very small
delivery window. 166
00:17:02,422 --> 00:17:04,223
- Sir?
- Yes, sir. 167
00:17:05,423 --> 00:17:08,542
Ma'am, and this is all. 168
00:17:18,258 --> 00:17:22,848
Anyone who is not the
head of the department, should leave. 169
00:17:31,952 --> 00:17:34,457
You idiots! 170
00:17:34,458 --> 00:17:39,100
You morons!
That's an insult to morons. 171
00:17:39,910 --> 00:17:43,083
What is this shit? 172
00:17:43,414 --> 00:17:50,605
I have a meeting with the President
of the United fucking States of the America 173
00:17:50,606 --> 00:17:52,526
tomorrow fucking morning! 174
00:17:53,076 --> 00:17:56,106
Not the President
of fucking Zambia! 175
00:17:56,107 --> 00:17:59,315
Not the President of
the fucking Janitor's Union! 176
00:17:59,316 --> 00:18:04,108
But with the president of the fucking country which
you just happen to be living in at the fucking moment! 177
00:18:04,109 --> 00:18:08,754
You pieces of hellacious shit! 178
00:18:13,265 --> 00:18:16,125
What am I supposed to tell her? 179
00:18:18,165 --> 00:18:22,081
That my employees
are not intelligent enough, 180
00:18:23,080 --> 00:18:25,856
to be fucking morons? 181
00:18:53,342 --> 00:18:56,767
- Mr. Adler.
- Call me Klaus. 182
00:18:56,768 --> 00:18:58,990
- May I?
- Of course. 183
00:19:05,906 --> 00:19:11,147
I've come to discuss
our legal union. 184
00:19:14,261 --> 00:19:18,070
- Is that a marriage proposal?
- There's no need for marriage. 185
00:19:18,378 --> 00:19:22,391
I received the confirmation of
the Department of Racial Purity. 186
00:19:25,819 --> 00:19:28,639
Our genetic match is 97%. 187
00:19:28,640 --> 00:19:31,782
How romantic. 188
00:19:32,363 --> 00:19:36,442
Science demands us
to unite physically. 189
00:19:36,443 --> 00:19:42,065
It's our destiny to produce
perfect offspring for the people. 190
00:19:43,993 --> 00:19:47,375
What about my scientific research? 191
00:19:50,861 --> 00:19:54,612
One day, Renate... 192
00:19:56,482 --> 00:19:59,811
all this will be ours. 193
00:20:01,442 --> 00:20:05,708
But first, I must conquer
the Earth. 194
00:20:05,926 --> 00:20:08,684
Wolfgang, that old fart,
stands in my way. 195
00:20:09,441 --> 00:20:12,239
In the way of final victory. 196
00:20:13,039 --> 00:20:16,813
The two of us will take on
an enormous responsibility. 197
00:20:17,546 --> 00:20:21,578
Your place is, Renate,
by my side. 198
00:20:35,590 --> 00:20:39,948
Battleship Gˆtterd‰mmerung. 199
00:20:39,979 --> 00:20:45,416
Our miracle weapon that has been
under development for 40 years. 200
00:20:45,520 --> 00:20:50,129
The dream of our beloved F¸hrer. 201
00:20:50,338 --> 00:20:55,013
But unfortunately only a dream,
until now. 202
00:20:55,222 --> 00:20:59,270
- Please Doctor.
- Watch this! 203
00:21:02,385 --> 00:21:05,112
This tiny device 204
00:21:05,113 --> 00:21:10,472
has over a 1000 times more computing
power than our biggest computers together. 205
00:21:10,682 --> 00:21:14,600
I engineered this cable 206
00:21:15,009 --> 00:21:19,582
to connect this machine
with our main computer. 207
00:21:19,986 --> 00:21:25,487
I call this Universal
Systematic Binding USB for short. 208
00:21:28,089 --> 00:21:30,555
This will lift it into the air. 209
00:21:30,591 --> 00:21:35,479
Finally, the Gˆtterd‰mmerung
will fly! 210
00:21:37,144 --> 00:21:39,621
- Yes.
- Yes. 211
00:22:29,451 --> 00:22:34,363
You saw it!
You saw it with your own eyes! 212
00:22:35,044 --> 00:22:39,892
Mein F¸hrer, please
let me return to the Earth. 213
00:22:40,291 --> 00:22:42,830
Let me get more of these devices. 214
00:22:42,935 --> 00:22:46,226
No one has ever returned. 215
00:22:46,354 --> 00:22:48,460
I will return. 216
00:22:48,461 --> 00:22:50,506
We don't have a choice 217
00:22:50,727 --> 00:22:53,527
if we want to prevent
an invasion from the Earth. 218
00:22:58,646 --> 00:23:01,872
<i>Are you willing to work
with the F¸hrer...</i> 219
00:23:01,873 --> 00:23:06,293
<i>in the name of the fatherland,
stand behind the Wehrmacht.</i> 220
00:23:06,294 --> 00:23:09,876
<i>This decision does not
resolve all of us ...</i> 221
00:23:14,794 --> 00:23:18,918
Thank you.
I thought my ears were gonna bleed. 222
00:23:19,128 --> 00:23:20,752
You're welcome. 223
00:23:34,138 --> 00:23:37,673
May I ask what's your name is? 224
00:23:38,343 --> 00:23:40,220
James Washington. 225
00:23:40,430 --> 00:23:43,029
- What's yours?
- Renate Richter. 226
00:23:43,619 --> 00:23:46,843
It is a pleasure to meet you,
Washington. 227
00:23:47,257 --> 00:23:49,006
James Washington. 228
00:23:50,695 --> 00:23:53,091
What's wrong with your skin? 229
00:23:54,030 --> 00:23:57,792
Come on now, please. You have
never met a brother before, right? 230
00:23:59,673 --> 00:24:03,304
- No, I'm an only child.
- No, no, I didn't mean like that. 231
00:24:03,315 --> 00:24:05,605
I meant a black man. 232
00:24:05,814 --> 00:24:09,467
No, and this continues to confuse me 233
00:24:09,568 --> 00:24:13,160
because you are much blacker
when I first encountered you. 234
00:24:13,670 --> 00:24:17,576
Okay girl look, either I'm black
or you're blind. 235
00:24:17,577 --> 00:24:20,687
Look, what is going
to happen to me? 236
00:24:20,697 --> 00:24:23,854
I mean, what's with this, this guy
that keeps sticking needles in me? 237
00:24:24,082 --> 00:24:27,231
- What about that other angry dude?
- My father's sticking needles into you? 238
00:24:27,345 --> 00:24:30,252
That's freaking scientist guy?
That's your dad? 239
00:24:31,033 --> 00:24:33,322
And what about, you know....? 240
00:24:34,726 --> 00:24:37,540
Mr. Nachrichten¸bermittlungs
-Oberf¸hrer Adler? 241
00:24:37,541 --> 00:24:39,829
-I'm sorry, what?
- Klaus Adler. 242
00:24:40,525 --> 00:24:43,973
He's going to be
the next fuhrer. 243
00:24:45,831 --> 00:24:47,565
And my husband. 244
00:24:49,337 --> 00:24:52,590
What? You lose a bet or
something? I mean.... 245
00:24:54,610 --> 00:24:56,551
you are...lucky you. 246
00:24:57,665 --> 00:25:00,718
Actually, lucky him. 247
00:25:05,476 --> 00:25:09,641
- I shouldn't even be here.
- You cannot leave me tied up like this. 248
00:25:11,965 --> 00:25:13,965
- Please do me a favor.
- What? 249
00:25:13,966 --> 00:25:16,591
- Play a Nazi
- And what, if I don't? 250
00:25:18,547 --> 00:25:21,535
- They will eliminate you.
- Oh great! 251
00:25:24,340 --> 00:25:27,860
Is there a different radio station? 252
00:25:28,237 --> 00:25:30,909
<i>With the upcoming war ...</i> 253
00:25:31,009 --> 00:25:34,116
- He's back.
- Looks good. 254
00:25:36,878 --> 00:25:40,715
This will solve our
little problem. 255
00:25:40,716 --> 00:25:44,494
Okay, mini Mengele.
Hey man, I don't like the look of this. 256
00:25:44,495 --> 00:25:46,475
I am coming. 257
00:25:49,731 --> 00:25:52,667
Looks very good. 258
00:25:53,623 --> 00:25:56,717
And now we just... 259
00:26:06,745 --> 00:26:11,276
- Why do not you take me with you?
- Don't worry, darling. 260
00:26:11,277 --> 00:26:14,060
After I complete my mission,
I come back to you. 261
00:26:14,096 --> 00:26:17,744
That's not what I mean.
I'm an Earthologist! 262
00:26:17,745 --> 00:26:22,100
I know everything about it.
You need me. 263
00:26:22,240 --> 00:26:26,458
You sweet little thing, where do you
get all those crazy ideas? 264
00:26:27,114 --> 00:26:29,959
Books, mostly... 265
00:26:30,231 --> 00:26:32,708
and some films. 266
00:26:44,802 --> 00:26:47,362
I shall return triumphant! 267
00:27:07,395 --> 00:27:10,451
- Heil Hitler!
- Heil Kortzfleisch! 268
00:27:10,452 --> 00:27:14,219
- Get it through your skull.
- Of course, mein F¸hrer. 269
00:27:14,640 --> 00:27:18,756
We have one more
ace up our sleeve. 270
00:27:22,403 --> 00:27:24,816
Show him what we have. 271
00:27:32,477 --> 00:27:34,863
Voila, gentlemen! 272
00:27:35,906 --> 00:27:39,379
- Doctor.
- Watch closely. 273
00:27:42,606 --> 00:27:44,404
Heil! 274
00:27:55,666 --> 00:27:57,142
Stand up, you fool. 275
00:28:01,626 --> 00:28:04,328
Sieg Heil! 276
00:28:13,842 --> 00:28:17,889
With the prisoner now being
one of us, we will go down to Earth. 277
00:28:17,935 --> 00:28:22,311
He will help us to find more
telephone computers. We return. 278
00:28:22,312 --> 00:28:25,597
And then get the
Gˆtterd‰mmerung flying. 279
00:28:25,598 --> 00:28:29,270
Oberf¸hrer Adler,
I hope you've discussed 280
00:28:30,833 --> 00:28:32,696
my return to the Earth. 281
00:28:33,340 --> 00:28:35,668
Something along those lines. 282
00:28:35,773 --> 00:28:39,791
The Reich trusts you. 283
00:28:42,591 --> 00:28:46,415
- Thank you, doctor.Take care
of your daughter for me. - Yes. 284
00:28:59,502 --> 00:29:01,271
Sieg Heil! 285
00:29:09,986 --> 00:29:13,554
See you in Valhalla. 286
00:29:39,045 --> 00:29:42,709
00:30:07,485 --> 00:30:11,819
- You smell that?
- No. We donít have time to waste. 288
00:30:12,537 --> 00:30:14,930
Take me to that president of yours. 289
00:30:15,035 --> 00:30:18,002
What? The President? 290
00:30:18,523 --> 00:30:22,357
Come on man, I thought you want me
to take you to Mac store or something. 291
00:30:24,204 --> 00:30:30,176
You said that you would know the President
of The United States of the Americas. 292
00:30:30,281 --> 00:30:32,973
Right, of course. 293
00:30:34,016 --> 00:30:35,625
That President. 294
00:30:43,320 --> 00:30:46,801
May I meet this President too? 295
00:30:46,802 --> 00:30:49,841
Renate! What are you doing here? 296
00:30:49,842 --> 00:30:53,593
Hey, Miss. Richter,
welcome to my planet. 297
00:30:54,146 --> 00:30:57,712
This is not the place for the mother
of the children of the future F¸hrer. 298
00:30:57,813 --> 00:31:00,850
And definitely not the place
for a woman. 299
00:31:06,305 --> 00:31:09,300
My place is by my man. 300
00:31:14,045 --> 00:31:17,597
- Get the hell out of my property.
- We better get out of here! 301
00:31:20,208 --> 00:31:21,927
Run for it! 302
00:31:27,708 --> 00:31:30,776
New York City 303
00:31:39,441 --> 00:31:42,127
A Volkswagen bus. 304
00:31:43,685 --> 00:31:45,963
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Now, hold on there Boss man. 305
00:31:45,989 --> 00:31:49,377
That may not be the sharpest move.
Look, look. I'll tell you what. 306
00:31:49,378 --> 00:31:54,321
Let me go talk to the brothers. All right?
They know me, you know. I'm one of them. 307
00:31:54,427 --> 00:31:56,211
Are you with me? 308
00:31:57,291 --> 00:31:59,810
Yeah! Yeah!
Now you're talking. 309
00:31:59,859 --> 00:32:02,368
All right, now. 310
00:32:06,145 --> 00:32:08,229
Wassup? 311
00:32:08,270 --> 00:32:11,273
- Doesn't he know?
- No. He'll be thrilled. 312
00:32:13,836 --> 00:32:16,170
I'm serious. You don't know how good
it's to see you all man. It's like... 313
00:32:16,802 --> 00:32:18,254
- little Africa up in this bitch.
- Thank you. 314
00:32:18,281 --> 00:32:20,508
Come on people. You all know me.
I know you do. 315
00:32:22,604 --> 00:32:24,791
- Washington.
- I mean ... 316
00:32:26,036 --> 00:32:29,791
That ain't one of yours, is it?
Because...ah, look man. 317
00:32:29,896 --> 00:32:31,563
You ain't got to
bring that shit out. 318
00:32:31,613 --> 00:32:34,116
Look man, it's all good.
Look, I'm a peace loving brother, man. 319
00:32:34,125 --> 00:32:35,607
Fuck it, man!
Yo! Yo! 320
00:32:42,769 --> 00:32:44,166
Are you all right? 321
00:32:44,303 --> 00:32:47,636
Do I fucking look alright to you
Miss crazy fucking Nazi? 322
00:32:47,779 --> 00:32:50,452
I mean...
What the hell just happen? 323
00:32:50,661 --> 00:32:52,239
You know? 324
00:32:58,180 --> 00:33:02,246
Oh, no mother-effin way! 325
00:33:09,522 --> 00:33:11,719
What did you sick
sons-a-bitches do to me? 326
00:33:11,758 --> 00:33:15,189
- I should've told you. - What?
That I look like a fucking polar bear? 327
00:33:16,452 --> 00:33:19,932
You know what? You two really, really
know how to fuck up a guys Christmas. 328
00:33:20,081 --> 00:33:23,804
Quiet, you fool!
What is wrong with you? 329
00:33:24,083 --> 00:33:27,135
We made you Aryan,
you're one of us now. 330
00:33:27,145 --> 00:33:29,692
- You should be thanking us.
- Thanking you? 331
00:33:29,871 --> 00:33:33,946
What I should have done is let those
brother come here with their size 15s 332
00:33:33,958 --> 00:33:37,583
and put a foot so far up in your ass,
can taste the toe nails for 2 fucking weeks. 333
00:33:37,708 --> 00:33:39,400
Klaus! 334
00:33:45,200 --> 00:33:49,378
Bring me to your leader,
James Washington. 335
00:34:02,311 --> 00:34:05,546
Hey, what the fuck?
Excuse me. 336
00:34:05,655 --> 00:34:08,439
Get your fucking hands off me,
you mother... 337
00:34:09,627 --> 00:34:13,140
- You can...- Is she your boss?
- Yes, she's the big cheese. 338
00:34:13,194 --> 00:34:15,953
- And she knows the president?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. They real tight. 339
00:34:20,098 --> 00:34:21,622
Come on. 340
00:34:24,059 --> 00:34:28,229
You fuckin' animal!
Do you know who I am, huh? Do you? 341
00:34:28,342 --> 00:34:31,480
You just kidnapped the wrong woman
The wrong fucking woman. 342
00:34:32,363 --> 00:34:36,807
Oh yeah. I hope you're having a good time
I'm gonna kick your fucking ass. 343
00:34:48,925 --> 00:34:50,592
Excellent. 344
00:34:51,770 --> 00:34:53,743
My turn. 345
00:34:53,940 --> 00:34:57,916
I am Commander Klaus Adler of the 4th Reich
We are based on the Moon. 346
00:34:58,072 --> 00:35:02,083
I'm told you know the president
of the United States of the Americas. 347
00:35:02,096 --> 00:35:05,011
You will take us to that
the President, because ... 348
00:35:05,131 --> 00:35:08,969
- I have a very special present for him.
- Him? 349
00:35:09,013 --> 00:35:11,562
Well he'll love that.
He just loves presents. 350
00:35:11,593 --> 00:35:13,494
As soon as my mission is accomplished 351
00:35:13,541 --> 00:35:16,611
Nazi invading forces
will be called in under my directions
352 352
00:35:16,666 --> 00:35:20,312
and we will end the good
times for the bad people. 353
00:35:20,366 --> 00:35:22,793
And just how do you propose
to do that? 354
00:35:23,739 --> 00:35:26,614
- We will simply eliminate them.
- What? 355
00:35:28,351 --> 00:35:32,590
- Sorry, that is not what we were told...
- Renate, I do not think that you... 356
00:35:38,060 --> 00:35:40,711
Yeah. Why not? 357
00:35:40,980 --> 00:35:45,694
Why don't you tell this fr‰ulein why
we're here, just like you keep telling your pupils. 358
00:35:46,458 --> 00:35:48,326
I would love to do that. 359
00:35:49,427 --> 00:35:50,910
You see... 360
00:35:51,095 --> 00:35:54,479
the National Socialist Party
is the people's party, nothing more. 361
00:35:55,000 --> 00:36:00,434
We wish to return to Earth
with our message of peace and unity 362
00:36:00,509 --> 00:36:03,550
love through virtue. 363
00:36:03,632 --> 00:36:06,928
And kindness, for example. 364
00:36:07,171 --> 00:36:10,958
We are healthy,
in mind and body. 365
00:36:11,043 --> 00:36:15,084
Our spirits are brave and true. 366
00:36:15,133 --> 00:36:20,622
We achieved that because we are strong,
disciplined in our cause. 367
00:36:21,705 --> 00:36:24,545
There is simply no belief
that can match ours... 368
00:36:24,676 --> 00:36:30,264
because peace and unity is the gift
that we bring to all mankind. 369
00:36:32,323 --> 00:36:36,729
- What you and all earthlings need to know ...
- Yeah, yeah. I get it. 370
00:36:39,854 --> 00:36:41,546
This is good. 371
00:36:43,373 --> 00:36:45,212
This is gonna work. 372
00:36:46,515 --> 00:36:49,271
You, I need. 373
00:36:50,501 --> 00:36:52,864
And you... 374
00:36:53,538 --> 00:36:55,564
I want. 375
00:36:55,828 --> 00:36:59,129
Alright, let's go meet the president. 376
00:37:20,889 --> 00:37:22,708
Madam President ... 377
00:37:23,828 --> 00:37:26,250
here is the miracle
you asked for. 378
00:37:46,119 --> 00:37:49,961
- Who is this man?
- He will lead the campaign troops. 379
00:37:59,216 --> 00:38:01,912
Renate, please... 380
00:38:07,506 --> 00:38:09,431
It's very simple. 381
00:38:10,213 --> 00:38:11,959
The world is sick... 382
00:38:12,786 --> 00:38:15,287
and we are the doctors. 383
00:38:15,821 --> 00:38:19,583
The world has anemic
and we are the vitamin. 384
00:38:19,833 --> 00:38:23,645
The world is weary,
but we are the strength. 385
00:38:24,178 --> 00:38:27,897
We are here to make
the world healthy once again. 386
00:38:28,200 --> 00:38:29,934
With hard work... 387
00:38:30,678 --> 00:38:35,312
with honesty, with clarity,
with decency. 388
00:38:36,354 --> 00:38:43,610
We are the product of
loving mothers and brave fathers. 389
00:38:44,781 --> 00:38:50,081
We are the embodiment
of love and bravery. 390
00:38:50,486 --> 00:38:56,156
We are the gift of both
God and science. 391
00:38:56,666 --> 00:38:59,895
We are the answer to the question. 392
00:39:00,561 --> 00:39:05,014
We are the promise delivered
to all mankind. 393
00:39:06,041 --> 00:39:10,260
For that we raise our hand,
to one nation. 394
00:39:10,541 --> 00:39:13,321
We step to the beat of one drum 395
00:39:13,421 --> 00:39:16,875
We march to the beat of one heart
on this world. 396
00:39:17,500 --> 00:39:21,781
We are the people who will carry
the children on our shoulders. 397
00:39:21,863 --> 00:39:26,204
In the same way as our fathers carried
us and their fathers before them. 398
00:39:26,819 --> 00:39:31,013
We are the one people united
and strong. 399
00:39:31,322 --> 00:39:36,356
We are the one people with certainty.
Moral certainty. 400
00:39:36,672 --> 00:39:40,844
We are invincible
and we have no fear. 401
00:39:42,785 --> 00:39:47,708
Because the truth makes us one. 402
00:40:02,187 --> 00:40:04,270
00:40:04,351 --> 00:40:08,269
The moon Nazis are coming. What's wrong
with you people, can't you see? 404
00:40:08,357 --> 00:40:10,363
Look, I've been there.
I'm telling you. 405
00:40:10,433 --> 00:40:14,687
They have all this moon base, they got this whole
like space thing goin' on, and they comin' to take over. 406
00:40:14,739 --> 00:40:18,593
Oh, you never listen to this right?
Listen now 'cause they comin, they comin'. 407
00:40:18,664 --> 00:40:23,593
They coming to get us all. Why
aren't you guys listening to me? I mean... 408
00:40:26,355 --> 00:40:27,884
Renate. 409
00:40:28,593 --> 00:40:30,583
James Washington. 410
00:40:30,598 --> 00:40:32,812
- I'm so glad to see you alive.
- Is that you? 411
00:40:32,822 --> 00:40:34,167
Yeah! 412
00:40:34,267 --> 00:40:37,604
Look I got one! This is the bitch
that made me white as a fuckin' snowflake. 413
00:40:37,656 --> 00:40:39,479
Come on people, help me! 414
00:40:50,791 --> 00:40:52,545
Help me! 415
00:40:53,051 --> 00:40:55,119
I saved your life. 416
00:40:59,377 --> 00:41:04,658
So, you're a formerly
dead, black model... 417
00:41:04,732 --> 00:41:07,561
who is now suddenly
a living white hobo 418
00:41:07,623 --> 00:41:12,083
after spending a weekend
on the Moon. Is that correct? 419
00:41:12,187 --> 00:41:16,068
- Yes, that's correct.
- Huh, so I was listening. 420
00:41:16,201 --> 00:41:21,927
And you're Neil Armstrong after
his sex change operation. Is this correct? 421
00:41:22,296 --> 00:41:25,809
No, that is not correct.
You were not listening at all. 422
00:41:26,288 --> 00:41:28,858
My name is Richter.
Renate Richter. 423
00:41:28,910 --> 00:41:34,484
I tried to save this man's life and
I think he's stupid, childish and ungrateful. 424
00:41:34,834 --> 00:41:39,731
Okay. Ask Miss. Moon-Nazi here, was I,
or was I not on the dark side of the Moon. 425
00:41:42,090 --> 00:41:45,625
Yes, Mr. James Washington was
on the dark side of the Moon. 426
00:41:45,729 --> 00:41:48,020
There, what did I tell you. 427
00:41:48,229 --> 00:41:53,125
I am black, but now I'm white. I went to
the dark side of the moon, but I'm now back. 428
00:41:53,145 --> 00:41:56,072
And the Nazis are coming to kill us all. 429
00:41:56,145 --> 00:42:00,316
And you guys are gonna so sorry
that you didn't listened to me. 430
00:42:04,135 --> 00:42:08,543
Mr. James Washington,
why are you so upset? So angry? 431
00:42:08,771 --> 00:42:11,715
- Get lost.
- But I don't understand. 432
00:42:11,798 --> 00:42:14,434
I mean...we made you white. 433
00:42:14,686 --> 00:42:18,400
We taught you about National Socialists
message, about peace and unity. 434
00:42:18,473 --> 00:42:21,959
You people have robbed me of everything. 435
00:42:22,028 --> 00:42:24,802
My race, my identity, my career. 436
00:42:24,865 --> 00:42:29,095
And I'm beginning to think I am flipping
mind too. I mean just everything. 437
00:42:29,554 --> 00:42:31,556
Do you know this? 438
00:42:32,730 --> 00:42:34,007
Yes. 439
00:42:34,733 --> 00:42:36,350
Wonderful. 440
00:42:36,351 --> 00:42:37,705
Come on. 441
00:42:38,212 --> 00:42:41,988
Come on in. I will explain it to you
then you'll understand it. 442
00:42:44,669 --> 00:42:47,896
You're a one strange broad.
I'll give you that. 443
00:42:48,576 --> 00:42:50,447
You know, you'll pay
the popcorn. 444
00:42:50,458 --> 00:42:55,460
00:42:57,135 --> 00:42:59,711
Man, that was bullshit. 446
00:43:07,069 --> 00:43:08,562
It was... 447
00:43:09,520 --> 00:43:14,251
- It was so long.
- Yeah. They coulda edited it down a bit. 448
00:43:15,394 --> 00:43:17,561
He was mocking the F¸hrer. 449
00:43:18,172 --> 00:43:21,288
I'm getting a sense there's a lot
about Nazis you don't know. 450
00:43:22,282 --> 00:43:26,239
- But I am a Nazi.
- Yeah, I know but you are not like... 451
00:43:26,992 --> 00:43:31,569
Well like them.
A bunch of stupid bullies. 452
00:43:32,601 --> 00:43:35,239
No, I'm sure they're good boys 453
00:43:35,358 --> 00:43:38,151
and loyal to the Reich,
and their mothers. 454
00:43:38,356 --> 00:43:41,071
Look, they are wearing the symbol of love. 455
00:43:41,454 --> 00:43:43,975
- The swastika?
- Yeah. 456
00:43:44,075 --> 00:43:46,096
I have never heard they call it
that before. 457
00:43:46,275 --> 00:43:48,953
No, no, no!
No, no, no! 458
00:43:54,375 --> 00:43:57,135
- Good evening, boys.
- What have we there? 459
00:43:57,291 --> 00:44:00,250
What we got here, blond hair, blue
eyes, nice rack. 460
00:44:00,291 --> 00:44:02,807
Even Hitler would get a hard-on. 461
00:44:03,771 --> 00:44:08,750
- I got this. Look guys, we don't want
any trouble. - Why don't you get lost hobo. 462
00:44:08,854 --> 00:44:11,093
Look, I got the funniest story to tell you.
Your not gonna believe this... 463
00:44:11,125 --> 00:44:13,198
Stop that, that is enough. 464
00:44:16,508 --> 00:44:19,393
What she needs is a good war. 465
00:44:19,597 --> 00:44:23,121
A war always make the president popular. 466
00:44:23,190 --> 00:44:27,891
Well, I might be able
to help her out there. 467
00:44:29,280 --> 00:44:30,910
How do you mean? 468
00:44:31,042 --> 00:44:35,322
One word from me, and the invasion
from the Moon begins. 469
00:44:39,695 --> 00:44:42,726
- You never break character do you?
- No. 470
00:44:44,110 --> 00:44:46,848
I can never be broken. 471
00:44:47,553 --> 00:44:50,258
- You smell so good.
- The time has come. 472
00:44:52,230 --> 00:44:54,263
I will show you my plans. 473
00:44:55,105 --> 00:44:56,770
Come back here. 474
00:45:05,877 --> 00:45:08,133
Look, look.
I've mapped out some things. 475
00:45:08,907 --> 00:45:10,360
Oh, big fella. 476
00:45:10,462 --> 00:45:12,395
All work and no play? 477
00:45:19,098 --> 00:45:23,006
Now listen, do you think
if I asphyxiate the president... 478
00:45:23,067 --> 00:45:25,544
will the troops stand in line with us? 479
00:45:27,293 --> 00:45:30,918
When I order the moon invasion. 480
00:45:31,578 --> 00:45:33,576
it will be quietless bloodshed 481
00:45:34,964 --> 00:45:38,556
After I eliminate the Moon F¸hrer,
of course. 482
00:45:49,868 --> 00:45:51,601
Klaus Adler. 483
00:46:02,278 --> 00:46:03,566
Heil Hitler! 484
00:46:05,085 --> 00:46:07,723
You name's not 'Hitler! 485
00:46:09,136 --> 00:46:14,218
So Klaus, is the clown joining us? 486
00:46:15,800 --> 00:46:18,221
What, did you all buy tickets? 487
00:46:20,870 --> 00:46:24,365
Okay, so, do you want to introduce
me to your friends? 488
00:46:25,946 --> 00:46:29,233
Get your hooks off me
you crystal noob piece-of-shit! 489
00:46:30,546 --> 00:46:33,579
I can make this worth your while.
Just please let me go. 490
00:46:33,642 --> 00:46:36,577
Do it, Moon Corporal. 491
00:46:47,514 --> 00:46:54,405
And you want to eliminate
the Mondf¸hrer? 492
00:46:58,162 --> 00:47:02,618
Do you know
the penalty for high treason? 493
00:47:09,141 --> 00:47:13,063
<i>This is flagship Siegfried speaking.</i> 494
00:47:13,163 --> 00:47:17,255
<i>We've reached the orbit and we're
ready for the Valkyries to start.</i> 495
00:47:18,541 --> 00:47:20,381
<i>Battleship Heinrich ready for attack.</i> 496
00:47:20,903 --> 00:47:23,715
<i>Battleship Biterolf ready for attack.</i> 497
00:47:31,895 --> 00:47:35,471
- The fleet is ready, mein F¸hrer.
- Excellent. 498
00:47:35,702 --> 00:47:38,568
They have to wait for my return. 499
00:47:38,657 --> 00:47:44,708
We shall then begin
the Meteorblitzkrieg. 500
00:47:44,804 --> 00:47:50,119
We'll wipe all these sub-humans... 501
00:47:50,241 --> 00:47:53,445
off the face of the Earth. 502
00:47:53,759 --> 00:47:55,426
Klaus! 503
00:48:04,913 --> 00:48:09,118
I need to tell you that I have
nothing to do with you or your plans. 504
00:48:09,166 --> 00:48:11,458
You Nazi-piece-of-shit. 505
00:48:13,261 --> 00:48:17,056
Oh well.
A blessing in disguise. 506
00:48:17,156 --> 00:48:21,338
Now I can kill all the enemies
of the Reich in one stroke. 507
00:48:24,469 --> 00:48:28,271
Farewell, puppet F¸hrer. 508
00:49:04,054 --> 00:49:07,132
He fell for the old one
last blow job offer. 509
00:49:09,429 --> 00:49:11,978
God, nazis are stupid. 510
00:49:12,456 --> 00:49:14,910
I commend you
on your marksmanship. 511
00:49:20,359 --> 00:49:25,161
Shame. She was such a nice girl
Just have to kill her later. 512
00:49:26,471 --> 00:49:28,917
So, it was real? 513
00:49:29,055 --> 00:49:33,757
- All this time.
- Never doubt a Nazi, schˆne fr‰ulein. 514
00:49:41,458 --> 00:49:44,434
Farwell, fashionista. 515
00:49:45,503 --> 00:49:47,862
I have a planet to conquer. 516
00:50:14,610 --> 00:50:19,428
I will just grab this. 517
00:50:19,967 --> 00:50:21,376
Bye! 518
00:50:23,773 --> 00:50:25,938
Good luck with the rest of your life. 519
00:50:27,813 --> 00:50:30,281
Unbe-fucking-lievable. 520
00:50:34,840 --> 00:50:38,417
They develop like ordinary women.
But look. 521
00:50:38,518 --> 00:50:43,065
Here, no hair, no hair.
Like little girls. 522
00:50:43,637 --> 00:50:48,362
And when they do have hair,
it looks like... 523
00:50:48,637 --> 00:50:51,797
the mustache of
our great F¸hrer. 524
00:50:53,751 --> 00:50:56,277
The pictures kind of turn me on. 525
00:50:58,020 --> 00:50:59,693
Sieg Heil! 526
00:51:09,011 --> 00:51:10,645
Mr. Adler. 527
00:51:11,041 --> 00:51:12,975
Where is the F¸hrer? 528
00:51:14,031 --> 00:51:17,989
The F¸hrer is dead.
Long live the new F¸hrer. 529
00:51:18,088 --> 00:51:20,972
That's me, in case
you're wondering. 530
00:51:27,157 --> 00:51:28,533
Sieg Heil! 531
00:51:29,025 --> 00:51:30,551
This way. 532
00:51:32,322 --> 00:51:33,781
Klaus! 533
00:51:56,972 --> 00:51:58,611
Heil Hitler! 534
00:52:02,627 --> 00:52:07,192
From now on, of course
it is "Heil Adler". 535
00:52:19,285 --> 00:52:21,965
Time is 536
00:52:22,561 --> 00:52:24,606
the sin. 537
00:52:25,673 --> 00:52:27,536
I'll see you in Valhalla. 538
00:53:12,257 --> 00:53:15,404
At 5.45 we'll start firing back. 539
00:53:15,920 --> 00:53:19,872
Every bomb will be retaliated. 540
00:53:20,070 --> 00:53:23,221
The Meteorblitzkrieg shall begin! 541
00:54:03,108 --> 00:54:07,164
Thank you, Kelly. Moments ago
New York has been under attack. 542
00:54:07,244 --> 00:54:12,708
Witness claim to have seen hundred of UFO's
appearing suddenly over the city and opening fire. 543
00:54:13,303 --> 00:54:17,172
Billy get that! Get that!
Are you getting that? 544
00:54:17,241 --> 00:54:19,985
Kelly, the craft is at least 60 feet across. 545
00:54:20,056 --> 00:54:24,568
I'm seeing what appears to be weapons
of some-kind dangling down from the bottom. 546
00:54:24,593 --> 00:54:28,313
Oh my God! It's opening fire!
It's opening fire! 547
00:54:28,322 --> 00:54:29,668
I'm getting the hell out of here. 548
00:54:29,742 --> 00:54:32,982
<i>There is little information.
But here's what we know at this time.</i> 549
00:54:33,245 --> 00:54:37,370
- Ok you see the thing is, that Klaus...
- I know it was you doing. 550
00:54:38,628 --> 00:54:42,200
- It's wonderful.
- It's wonderful? 551
00:54:42,466 --> 00:54:45,411
It's brilliant. I'm a wartime
president now. 552
00:54:45,487 --> 00:54:48,310
All presidents who start
a war in their first term 553
00:54:48,311 --> 00:54:51,706
always get re-elected, I thought, I was
gonna have to bomb Australia or something. 554
00:54:52,200 --> 00:54:55,410
But no, you bring me real... 555
00:54:56,566 --> 00:55:00,114
- Who are these guys anyway?
- Nazis. 556
00:55:00,640 --> 00:55:04,941
- From the moon.
- Real life Nazis? 557
00:55:05,053 --> 00:55:08,130
Holy shit, this just keeps
getting better and better. 558
00:55:08,197 --> 00:55:11,145
You are a miracle worker babe. 559
00:55:11,323 --> 00:55:15,887
They are the only guys we ever actually
managed to beat in a fair fight? 560
00:55:17,526 --> 00:55:20,952
I'm just like Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Only, you know, I'm not spastic. 561
00:55:21,064 --> 00:55:23,381
I knew you would be excited. 562
00:55:23,670 --> 00:55:30,404
So, if youíre our Roosevelt, then who's your
General Patton or you know, MacArthur? 563
00:55:30,735 --> 00:55:33,501
Mr Secretary of Defense,
do you have any thought on this? 564
00:55:33,541 --> 00:55:35,141
Send her. 565
00:55:37,330 --> 00:55:40,131
- Me?
- Hey you're the miracle worker. 566
00:55:40,237 --> 00:55:42,727
Apparently you dodge bullets too. 567
00:55:43,342 --> 00:55:47,475
- I wouldn't know... - What to wear?
You will think of something, you always do. 568
00:55:47,563 --> 00:55:49,238
Madam President... 569
00:55:49,964 --> 00:55:51,979
ready to face the music? 570
00:56:20,283 --> 00:56:24,084
It's the space Nazis! 571
00:56:42,276 --> 00:56:45,828
Take us upstate.
We need to go back to the Moon. 572
00:56:45,928 --> 00:56:48,020
We? No, no, no! See?
We rhymes with me. 573
00:56:48,031 --> 00:56:49,634
- And ain't going.
- Than, you don't get it! 574
00:56:49,635 --> 00:56:51,411
They have the Gˆtterd‰mmerung
on the Moon. 575
00:56:51,458 --> 00:56:52,880
I don't give a damn
what they have. 576
00:56:52,954 --> 00:56:56,391
- I'm not going back, to that place. No way!
- You want to look like that for the rest of your life? 577
00:56:56,480 --> 00:56:59,307
Great, now this is my fault. 578
00:57:01,057 --> 00:57:05,632
- Let me in.
- I am no hero, James. 579
00:57:06,207 --> 00:57:08,208
I need you. 580
00:57:49,075 --> 00:57:51,525
Do you know how to drive this thing? 581
00:57:52,537 --> 00:57:56,888
Well can't be any different than
playing 'wing commander' 582
00:57:56,933 --> 00:57:59,658
Let's try... 583
00:58:25,778 --> 00:58:29,834
I swear we do not have
nothing on the Moon. 584
00:58:29,904 --> 00:58:31,841
- Japan?
- It is not ours. 585
00:58:31,915 --> 00:58:33,584
- China?
- It is not us. 586
00:58:33,655 --> 00:58:35,685
It's bloody well not ours. 587
00:58:35,730 --> 00:58:39,518
- I confess.
- Yes, North Korea? Confess to what? 588
00:58:39,606 --> 00:58:41,908
The spaceships are ours. 589
00:58:42,825 --> 00:58:47,538
Our beloved leader designed
and build it himself. 590
00:58:54,171 --> 00:58:59,054
- What's so funny?
- All right, North Korea. Sit down. 591
00:59:12,277 --> 00:59:17,096
- So, it was you India, I knew that.
- No, no! This is a sign of peace. 592
00:59:17,196 --> 00:59:20,504
- This is the sign of peace.
- Just cut it out, you morons! 593
00:59:20,578 --> 00:59:25,980
These thugs are Nazis
and I mean the real, McCoy. 594
00:59:26,180 --> 00:59:29,257
They have been hiding
on the Moon just waiting to pounce. 595
00:59:29,475 --> 00:59:33,150
My question is, what do
you all planning to do about it? 596
00:59:33,212 --> 00:59:36,538
'Cause we just happen to have a little
something up our own sleeve. 597
00:59:36,614 --> 00:59:39,729
And I'm sure that you'll
be thankful for it. 598
00:59:39,927 --> 00:59:46,204
May I present to you with the Mars
exploration ship, The USS George W. Bush. 599
00:59:50,730 --> 00:59:53,712
Good work, take it to Officer Tyler,
please. 600
00:59:57,006 --> 01:00:00,557
This is trajectory, what's our status
on the orbit window? 601
01:00:01,001 --> 01:00:03,122
Commander on deck. 602
01:00:14,216 --> 01:00:18,417
The hostile fleet has launched a full scale
aerial attack against the United States. 603
01:00:18,511 --> 01:00:23,700
These Zeppelins appear to be carriers and they
are operating fully within the thermosphere. 604
01:00:23,757 --> 01:00:28,760
Each of them approximately carrying 200
enemy vessels, and are extremely... 605
01:00:29,487 --> 01:00:32,604
Hell hath no fury, Heir Adler. 606
01:00:33,006 --> 01:00:36,386
Alright kiddies, let's get
this show on the road. 607
01:00:46,534 --> 01:00:49,840
Vivian, you look great.
How is it going up there? 608
01:00:49,891 --> 01:00:51,911
Madam President, I couldn't be better. 609
01:00:51,975 --> 01:00:54,861
I am packing dozens of mega tons
of nuclear warheads 610
01:00:54,910 --> 01:00:58,681
which I am going to carefully
place up Klaus's kraut ass. 611
01:00:58,731 --> 01:01:02,057
- Just as soon I get him in my sight.
- Carry on, kick butt. 612
01:01:02,126 --> 01:01:04,951
Let's see what that baby can do! 613
01:01:38,671 --> 01:01:42,847
Working at optimum capacity.
Ammo consumption within tolerance. 614
01:01:57,260 --> 01:02:02,488
We're coming under extremely heavy fire.
We gonna need reinforcement right now. 615
01:02:05,134 --> 01:02:06,847
What the hell is the meaning of this? 616
01:02:06,904 --> 01:02:10,104
Good day mates. This is Australian ship,
Dundee 01. Ready to kick ass. 617
01:02:10,217 --> 01:02:12,111
Spitfire reporting in. 618
01:02:12,285 --> 01:02:15,216
Hanging in there W.
Canada joining the battle. 619
01:02:15,244 --> 01:02:17,995
This is a direct violation of
this nations space treaty that 620
01:02:18,028 --> 01:02:20,311
you all signed, every single one of you. 621
01:02:20,416 --> 01:02:23,041
MIR is ready to join the battle. 622
01:02:27,092 --> 01:02:29,506
That was supposed
to be destroyed. 623
01:02:29,873 --> 01:02:34,171
This is an outrage, you're all
liars, just like my ex ex-husband. 624
01:02:35,444 --> 01:02:39,870
- Calm down lady, calm down.
- Don't you lady me, Pinko. 625
01:02:39,920 --> 01:02:42,241
Okay, who didn't armed
their spaceship? 626
01:02:42,927 --> 01:02:45,897
Great, great. That's just great 627
01:02:46,562 --> 01:02:49,114
- You all gave me your word.
- But you broke yours. 628
01:02:49,135 --> 01:02:51,965
We always break ours,
that's just what we do. 629
01:02:52,445 --> 01:02:54,543
Okay, fine, fine, fine! 630
01:02:54,618 --> 01:02:58,653
Let just beat shit out of these pricks
and talk about the details later. 631
01:03:23,073 --> 01:03:25,113
Heroes of the First Fleet, 632
01:03:25,247 --> 01:03:27,857
continue your attack to the last man 633
01:03:27,978 --> 01:03:30,696
and remember you're fighting
for the Reich! 634
01:03:30,697 --> 01:03:32,781
<i>Where the hell did they come from?</i> 635
01:03:38,587 --> 01:03:42,046
Prepare an appropriate uniform
for the F¸hrer. 636
01:03:50,409 --> 01:03:53,957
The Fatherland is calling
its children! 637
01:03:54,220 --> 01:04:01,250
This device will complete
the biggest war machine of all times. 638
01:04:01,708 --> 01:04:06,250
- The Gˆtterd‰mmerung will fly!
- Heil Adler! 639
01:04:30,141 --> 01:04:32,107
This is beautiful. 640
01:04:42,403 --> 01:04:45,833
- Where the hell are we going?
- To the Gˆtterd‰mmerung. 641
01:04:46,250 --> 01:04:48,645
I think Klaus will be there. 642
01:04:58,762 --> 01:05:00,937
What did you think of that?
Adler? 643
01:05:01,259 --> 01:05:03,375
Alright, what about this
Moon business? 644
01:05:03,385 --> 01:05:06,638
What do you say we head on over
and slap them around a bit? 645
01:05:08,244 --> 01:05:11,742
Klaus, baby I'm coming
to get to get ya'. 646
01:05:23,796 --> 01:05:26,060
Attention! 647
01:05:27,325 --> 01:05:29,270
Heil Adler! 648
01:05:31,843 --> 01:05:33,520
Heil! 649
01:05:35,833 --> 01:05:37,423
As you were. 650
01:05:38,750 --> 01:05:40,796
Well? 651
01:05:41,365 --> 01:05:45,607
The Earth fleet will be
within firing range in 20 minutes. 652
01:05:48,997 --> 01:05:53,125
- Are your troops ready?
- We're waiting for Dr. Richter. 653
01:06:03,810 --> 01:06:07,860
- What the hell is this place?
- This is the Gˆtterd‰mmerung. 654
01:06:07,981 --> 01:06:10,309
It will liberate the Earth. 655
01:06:10,726 --> 01:06:12,576
Actually, 656
01:06:13,186 --> 01:06:15,937
it is the biggest war
machine ever created by man. 657
01:06:21,273 --> 01:06:27,140
- This is the bridge. There's where I'm going.
- I need to find your father, so... 658
01:06:27,240 --> 01:06:30,513
- Where do you think he at?
- I think you will find him over there. 659
01:06:30,841 --> 01:06:34,703
Try to sneak in, and please
paralyze the engines. 660
01:06:35,144 --> 01:06:40,530
- Or otherwise the earth is destroyed.
- Note to self, paralyze the engines. Got it. 661
01:06:42,187 --> 01:06:45,104
- Oh. No, no no no. - What?
- You be careful. 662
01:06:45,219 --> 01:06:46,879
- I mean you know...
- What? 663
01:06:47,519 --> 01:06:51,192
- Because you like me.
- Right... 664
01:06:51,250 --> 01:06:53,036
Oh, come on, a little.
I mean... 665
01:06:58,796 --> 01:07:00,303
You like me? 666
01:07:19,134 --> 01:07:22,265
We have a visual on the
Nazi fortress, commander. 667
01:07:24,302 --> 01:07:27,084
Obvious and overstated
as usually,Klaus. 668
01:07:27,829 --> 01:07:30,742
Alright, everyone,
let's get those nukes in action. 669
01:07:30,861 --> 01:07:34,558
- I'm declaring this fortress a free-fire-zone.
- But Commander,there are woman and children down there. 670
01:07:34,583 --> 01:07:37,761
The United States of America
does not negotiate with terrorists. 671
01:07:43,456 --> 01:07:46,665
- Prime warhead on secondary armament.
- Roger that. 672
01:07:47,129 --> 01:07:50,312
- Prepare all available ordinance for ground
bombardment.- Fire the fucking nukes! 673
01:07:53,608 --> 01:07:55,210
Nukes away. 674
01:08:32,201 --> 01:08:33,854
Job well done! 675
01:08:39,334 --> 01:08:40,734
Move! 676
01:08:46,439 --> 01:08:49,482
Who dares disturb me? 677
01:08:50,206 --> 01:08:52,330
Dr. Richter! 678
01:08:52,508 --> 01:08:56,580
- How much time do you need?
- The Gˆtterd‰mmerung will fly. 679
01:08:56,997 --> 01:09:00,018
It will be ready
for the final victory. 680
01:09:00,242 --> 01:09:02,703
Cut the crap.
How long? 681
01:09:02,717 --> 01:09:05,427
Let's say three months,
give or take a little. 682
01:09:05,532 --> 01:09:07,615
Maybe a little earlier, maybe later. 683
01:09:07,734 --> 01:09:09,853
You have three minutes. 684
01:09:11,565 --> 01:09:15,520
He cut me off. It's not that easy.
Russia wasn't conquered in a day... 685
01:09:15,531 --> 01:09:17,058
Hey, quack! 686
01:09:17,658 --> 01:09:19,166
You remember me? 687
01:09:19,271 --> 01:09:20,521
No. 688
01:09:20,729 --> 01:09:23,750
The Moon spook you
turn into a snowflake. 689
01:09:28,192 --> 01:09:31,064
Start the Helium-3 engines. 690
01:09:36,638 --> 01:09:38,171
Now! 691
01:09:41,664 --> 01:09:43,771
Start the engines. 692
01:09:58,541 --> 01:10:01,250
Oh shit, it's alive 693
01:10:31,052 --> 01:10:34,518
He sure must have the smallest
dick in the universe. 694
01:10:38,564 --> 01:10:40,173
Load the cannons. 695
01:10:43,015 --> 01:10:44,772
Time... 696
01:10:48,591 --> 01:10:50,460
to fuck back. 697
01:11:04,640 --> 01:11:07,698
Everyone, take positions around
this fat phallus 698
01:11:07,708 --> 01:11:10,758
and wait for my command
to open fire. 699
01:11:18,181 --> 01:11:21,118
- Offensive run confirmed.
- Let her rip. 700
01:11:28,854 --> 01:11:30,812
Shit! 701
01:11:32,978 --> 01:11:35,159
- Are the cannon ready to fire?
- They are. 702
01:11:35,395 --> 01:11:39,375
But the Earth is below the horizon,
on the other side of the Moon. 703
01:11:39,783 --> 01:11:41,370
We can't shoot. 704
01:11:42,322 --> 01:11:44,057
Full moon was yesterday. 705
01:11:45,114 --> 01:11:47,822
Let's make a brand new horizon. 706
01:11:47,839 --> 01:11:49,640
Fire at will. 707
01:12:45,625 --> 01:12:47,145
What the fuck? 708
01:12:58,732 --> 01:13:03,993
Reactivate the system.
Weapons sergeant. 709
01:13:24,213 --> 01:13:26,366
We'll see... 710
01:13:27,977 --> 01:13:31,520
The projectiles of Gˆtterd‰mmerung
are made out of metallic hydrogen. 711
01:13:31,850 --> 01:13:35,670
it's aggregate state can only be reached
under immense pressure... 712
01:13:36,312 --> 01:13:39,314
<i>National Anthem.
For motivation, break glass.</i> 713
01:13:39,315 --> 01:13:41,398
The impact can be quite diverse. 714
01:14:03,815 --> 01:14:05,625
It's no time to sing now! 715
01:14:08,093 --> 01:14:09,841
It's a false alarm! 716
01:14:15,248 --> 01:14:20,625
Are you all imbeciles?
Go and see what's going on! 717
01:14:21,041 --> 01:14:22,708
On the double! 718
01:14:46,806 --> 01:14:51,062
- Renate.
- I won't let you do it. 719
01:14:51,222 --> 01:14:55,104
What will you do?
Shoot me? 720
01:15:11,271 --> 01:15:13,316
Good girl... 721
01:15:15,682 --> 01:15:19,247
Renate Richter, my bride-to-be. 722
01:15:19,461 --> 01:15:22,939
You destroyed something beautiful,
something wonderful. 723
01:15:22,954 --> 01:15:26,466
A future world
full of Aryan children. 724
01:15:26,565 --> 01:15:28,942
Our Aryan children! 725
01:15:31,515 --> 01:15:35,876
But you betrayed me,
and for that you shall pay. 726
01:15:37,246 --> 01:15:40,467
Your beauty should adorn/
decorate Odin's table. 727
01:15:40,587 --> 01:15:44,763
- Klaus! Wait! Let me say something.
- Now? 728
01:15:46,917 --> 01:15:49,804
- I'm a bit busy.
- I have always respected you. 729
01:15:50,653 --> 01:15:52,997
As F¸hrer, 730
01:15:53,152 --> 01:15:54,747
and as a man. 731
01:15:55,430 --> 01:15:57,992
I've even loved you. 732
01:15:58,222 --> 01:16:00,492
I belong to you. 733
01:16:01,030 --> 01:16:02,595
To you. 734
01:16:03,548 --> 01:16:05,408
Cute little speech. 735
01:16:06,466 --> 01:16:09,172
But it is too late, my dear.
Goodbye. 736
01:16:09,486 --> 01:16:12,403
I understand.
I heil you. 737
01:16:13,876 --> 01:16:15,696
My Klaus. 738
01:16:17,608 --> 01:16:20,607
Sieg Heil, my F¸hrer. 739
01:16:38,119 --> 01:16:41,981
- Washington, do you hear me? Washington?
- Where are you? 740
01:16:42,102 --> 01:16:45,073
- You need to shut down the engine
- I'm working on it. 741
01:16:45,075 --> 01:16:46,429
Shit... 742
01:18:59,957 --> 01:19:02,306
Congratulations. 743
01:19:03,131 --> 01:19:04,780
High five. 744
01:19:07,376 --> 01:19:09,526
Well, that was disappointing. 745
01:19:13,164 --> 01:19:16,666
Do you think he suffered?
Even just a little? 746
01:19:16,777 --> 01:19:22,496
Vivian, I knew you could do it. You're foxy
and salacious, all the way. Congratulations. 747
01:19:23,171 --> 01:19:26,041
- What's Helium-3?
- Helium. 748
01:19:27,083 --> 01:19:28,718
Did you say Helium-3? 749
01:19:28,750 --> 01:19:33,113
Yes, there is like about 15 to 20 giant towers
that appear to be full of this stuff. 750
01:19:33,645 --> 01:19:36,302
- That's ours.
- It is? Why? 751
01:19:36,333 --> 01:19:41,250
Helium-3, will make the U.S. independent
of all energy needs for next thousand years. 752
01:19:42,656 --> 01:19:44,270
Yes, it is ours. 753
01:19:46,458 --> 01:19:48,906
No, no no. Hear me out.
Hear me out. 754
01:19:49,079 --> 01:19:52,628
The moon is American soil.
Moon flag, stars and stripes. 755
01:19:52,747 --> 01:19:55,180
Who beat the Moon Nazis?
We did. 756
01:19:55,301 --> 01:19:59,657
Well, yeah yeah, alright, you help out here and there,
but ultimately it's just like World War II ... 757
01:19:59,687 --> 01:20:01,543
and who won that?
We did. 758
01:20:02,079 --> 01:20:05,110
- You lie.
- You don't believe me? 759
01:20:05,209 --> 01:20:07,661
Watch the movie.
Movies do not lie. 760
01:20:08,718 --> 01:20:10,443
Not the shoes, Jesus. 761
01:20:11,605 --> 01:20:13,825
Vivian, this is the Secretary of Defense. 762
01:20:13,840 --> 01:20:17,552
- Defend Helium-3 at all costs.
- But against who? 763
01:20:17,656 --> 01:20:19,801
Against everybody! 764
01:21:58,977 --> 01:22:01,722
Please don't, never again! 765
01:22:01,932 --> 01:22:03,703
Please stop. 766
01:22:17,500 --> 01:22:19,197
What was the Earth like? 767
01:22:22,708 --> 01:22:24,062
Different. 768
01:22:26,882 --> 01:22:29,043
When can we go there? 769
01:22:30,027 --> 01:22:32,166
Soon. Soon... 770
01:22:36,132 --> 01:22:38,502
- But how?
- In peace. 771
01:22:43,326 --> 01:22:49,089
Unfortunately that's the story
of revenge. It's messy. 772
01:22:49,210 --> 01:22:52,904
Never really works out the way
you wanted to. 773
01:22:54,267 --> 01:22:56,563
I feel lonely. 774
01:22:57,592 --> 01:23:01,611
The eternal love of God, the love of God
into our hearts, or we will burn... 775
01:23:01,732 --> 01:23:04,954
burn in hell,
burning in eternal damnation. 776
01:23:05,833 --> 01:23:07,235
Renate. 777
01:23:10,304 --> 01:23:11,676
Washington. 778
01:23:25,508 --> 01:23:27,075
You are alive. 779
01:23:28,550 --> 01:23:32,375
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. 780
01:23:40,396 --> 01:23:43,270
And you're the way
you meant to be. 781
01:23:55,479 --> 01:23:58,358
Are you aware that
you are kissing a black man? 782
01:24:06,877 --> 01:24:10,093
I guess you have a lot of work
cut out for you. 783
01:25:10,625 --> 01:25:15,833
Subtitle upgraded by Szaki
based on zathras69's sub. 784
01:25:16,042 --> 01:25:20,209
www.feliratok.info.hu 785
01:25:20,416 --> 01:25:24,583
![Top Seed 02* 80r](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topseed_2.gif) Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 4493
garageforsale ·
11-Ноя-14 19:42
(спустя 19 часов)
Эх... а в Гейропе режиссёрская версия вышла.
Стаж: 19 лет Сообщений: 449
Termius ·
11-Ноя-14 22:08
(спустя 2 часа 25 мин.)
garageforsale писал(а):
65796027Эх... а в Гейропе режиссёрская версия вышла.
На 20 минут длиннее театралки.
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/91/1877291.gif) Стаж: 17 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 299
kurbads ·
12-Ноя-14 00:11
(спустя 2 часа 3 мин., ред. 12-Ноя-14 00:11)
Да. Может там окажется ясным как главные герои разобрались с леди с пушкой в поле с марихуаной и как оказались в городе? Или как они согласились переодеться.
![Top Seed 02* 80r](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topseed_2.gif) Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца Сообщений: 4493
garageforsale ·
12-Ноя-14 07:21
(спустя 7 часов)
kurbads писал(а):
65799865Да. Может там окажется ясным как главные герои разобрались с леди с пушкой в поле с марихуаной и как оказались в городе? Или как они согласились переодеться.
судя по трейлеру режиссерской версии, там это всё есть.
Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 112
alexmoviealexmovie ·
12-Дек-14 08:03
(спустя 1 месяц)
Termius писал(а):
Хайдер писал(а):
Ну вот и сиквел, или что-то навроде
Охренеть! Рад безумно! Похоже на то, что они решили экранизовать все мифы, связанные с нацистами ![](https://static.rutr.life/smiles/icon_smile.gif) Луна, Полая Земля. Что еще? Аненербе? Скучно, если там не про Шамбалу. Был один нацистский ученый, который доказал, что Земля не круглая, а в виде кубика. У него было очень много последователей. Даешь триквел на эту тему, только пусть это будет не куб, а Гиперкуб!
Поддерживаю! А еще там рептилоиды. Они, кстати, давно уже тайно правят людьми. По телеку показывали в передаче "Секретные территории".
Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 450
05-Фев-15 16:27
(спустя 1 месяц 24 дня)
Сняли чисто поугорать! И таки получилось! Именно такой настрой должен быть перед просмотром.
Великая Чучундра
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/95/1029095.jpg) Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 186
Великая Чучундра ·
15-Мар-15 10:36
(спустя 1 месяц 9 дней)
Жду второй части!!! В продолжении будет зигующий тирекс и живой Гитлер-Рептилоид! Йа! Ктулху фхтагн!
Стаж: 12 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 486
Aleks1586 ·
22-Авг-15 17:13
(спустя 5 месяцев 7 дней)
DaMoS2006 писал(а):
55246583Мне всегда были интересны детали.Это же фильм ни какой связи с реальностью не имеет. Даже с "вероятной реальностью"! На темной стороне луны должно быть темно ВСЕГДА даже когда там атакуют тупорылие америкосы!И звук в вакууме не распространяться даже если без этого не будет эффектной перестрелки!Только пару удачных шуток (все таки это "комедия")))мешают назвать этот фильм "Очередной Американский Пук!"бляд!
Деточка, ты в школу ходил? С темной стороны Луны никогда не видно Землю, а вот Солнце над ней бывает регулярно (правда, восход там раз в 27 дней).
И вообще, это ПАРОДИЯ (да еще и фантастическая!), а в пародии "связь с реальностью" необязательна. Это же стёб!!!
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/1/24/8214724.jpg) Стаж: 16 лет Сообщений: 364
_whitest_ ·
01-Янв-16 13:24
(спустя 4 месяца 9 дней)
Я не понимаю, кому что не нравится, народ 0_0 Шикарный фильм!
Во-первых, фильм краунфандинговый - и это просто демонстрация величия краудфандинга, уровень получился голливудский.
Во-вторых, этот фильм будет смешным для того, кто знает историю 20 века и последних десятилетий в частности. Там огромным катком прокатились по самим нацистам, как, пожалуй, никто другой. И с этим же катком поехали следом на США. Неужели никто не помер со смеху, когда предвыборная кампания президента США построилась на чистой нацистской пропаганде? Это же бомба! Так откровенно никто по США ещё не прокатывался.
Да, есть несколько пошлых и тупых моментов, но они как бы специально для массового зрителя, фильм не совсем семейный. И они скорее подчёркивают абсурд происходящего. Зато ирония есть в каждом кадре, начиная с мотоцикла с люлькой на лунной базе, блин.
Зигующий негр - это же то, чего ждали уже лет 70 в кино, это просто должно было там быть.
Кого не устраивает сюжет - народ, это сказка про фашистов с Луны! Вам этого недостаточно для перечёркивания любых претензий на реалистичность? Это сказка, сатира, а не научно-документальное кино с драматическим сюжетом.
А то, что каждая космическая держава втайне от других оборудовала свои космические станции вооружением? А как америкосы сразу начали внаглую пилить Гелий-3? А как президент США был только рад внезапной войне, лишь бы на выборах победить? Да в этом фильме обстебали практические каждый аспект внешней политики США, честно и откровенно, как это на самом деле есть.
А как наш негр начал прыгать с табличкой в виде обычного городского сумасшедшего?
Этот фильм это намеренная клоунада про современный мир и США в частности, довольно тонкий для тех, у кого в голове кроме попкорна что-то есть осталось. Иначе да, здесь только и можно увидеть как белого негра и смазливую девочку в мини-юбке, ага.
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/1/30/7386530.jpg) Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 470
yesbird ·
03-Дек-16 01:53
(спустя 11 месяцев)
Великолепно ! Простебали всех и вся, причем на 2-3 планах, графика сделана очень качественно, в духе ретро-фантастики ("Небесный капитан и мир будущего") - особенно порадовали боевые космические цеппелины. Сравнимо с "Life of Brian" и "Top Secret" - в любой момент может произойти все, что угодно - фантазия авторов не знает границ, к тому же провокаторы они классные.
Cубъектам с заштампованной психикой смотреть не стоит. Автору как всегда в таких случаях респект.
Стаж: 14 лет 11 месяцев Сообщений: 450
10-Фев-17 19:05
(спустя 2 месяца 7 дней)
Отличное изделие финского(народного!) кинематографа! С нетерпением жду второю часть,надеюсь Тимо не подкачает!
![Top Bonus 05* 10TB](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/s_topbonus_5.gif) Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев Сообщений: 23
gabriil666 ·
20-Фев-17 21:24
(спустя 10 дней)
Смотрел первй раз давненько, но фильм понравился.
По моему мнению, тут закидывают говно на вентелятор посмотревшие трейлер и ждавшие резни в духе стар варс. Но фильм тонок и сатиричен,и не оправдал их ожиданий.
Моё мнение - смотреть.
Да, не блещет прям боевиком и комедей, но знающии поймут.
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/1/30/7386530.jpg) Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 470
yesbird ·
03-Июн-17 16:29
(спустя 3 месяца 10 дней, ред. 03-Июн-17 16:29)
Termius писал(а):
Хайдер писал(а):
Ну вот и сиквел, или что-то навроде
Охренеть! Рад безумно! Похоже на то, что они решили экранизовать все мифы, связанные с нацистами ![](https://static.rutr.life/smiles/icon_smile.gif) Луна, Полая Земля. Что еще? Аненербе? Скучно, если там не про Шамбалу. Был один нацистский ученый, который доказал, что Земля не круглая, а в виде кубика. У него было очень много последователей. Даешь триквел на эту тему, только пусть это будет не куб, а Гиперкуб!
Да - нарезают понемногу - я им даже деньжат подкинул - не удержался. А земля не круглая и не в виде кубика, а представляет собой сферу, полую внутри и мы живем на его внутренней поверхности (cм. А. и Б .Стругацкие "Обитаемый остров" (Массаракш - мир наизнанку), НОМ - "Звездный ворс" (концепция твердого космоса), работы института Аненербе (запрещен в РФ)).
![Старожил](https://static.rutr.life/ranks/oldbie_2.gif) ![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/0/25/239925.png) Стаж: 18 лет 4 месяца Сообщений: 5209
HyperHammer ·
19-Июн-18 17:41
(спустя 1 год)
Эпичнейшая комедия, когда там уже вторая часть появится?
![](https://static.rutr.life/avatars/1/30/7386530.jpg) Стаж: 16 лет 1 месяц Сообщений: 470
yesbird ·
23-Окт-18 03:50
(спустя 4 месяца 3 дня)
HyperHammer писал(а):
75530688Эпичнейшая комедия, когда там уже вторая часть появится?
Получил от них письмо: писал(а):
Iron Sky The Coming Race hits theaters on January 16, 2019 Troopers! We are happy to finally, after five years of excruciating production, faced by tremendous challenges, to give you the release date for our proudest, greatest achievement so far: Iron Sky The Coming Race hits theaters on January 16, 2019, starting its’ international rollout from our home turf Finland, followed by theatrical releases all around the world. It wasn’t an easy road to get there, and we’ll tell you more about that later - but now, let’s celebrate the fact that finally we have a date.