[Nintendo Switch] Don't Starve Together / Dont Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition + Hamlet DLC [NSZ][RUS (+Mod.)/Multi7]



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AndroidMania200 · 23-Апр-22 11:13 (2 года 10 месяцев назад)

А как поиграть в кооперативе в Don't Starve Together? В меню не дает выбрать доп игроков, при запуске сервера тоже нет никакой кнопки на присоединение игроков. Сколько не нажимай кнопки на втором контроллере. тоже ничего не происходит
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

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omg_gods · 24-Апр-22 08:42 (спустя 21 час, ред. 24-Апр-22 08:45)

AndroidMania200 писал(а):
83034789как поиграть в кооперативе в Don't Starve Together
Прежде всего определяем два отдельных контроллера в системных настройках (здесь, в примере — 2 половинки джойконов):

Затем запускаем игру, Играть вне сети, в главном меню нажимаем кнопку + на втором джойконе, выбираем или создаём другой системный игровой профиль для второго игрока, затем можно создавать оффлайн-игру и играть вместе в сплит-скрине вдвоём.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 26-Май-22 06:24 (спустя 1 месяц 1 день)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v131072 к Together до версии 1.0.2.
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Стаж: 6 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 4

Boba_fat · 29-Май-22 21:05 (спустя 3 дня)

omg_gods Зря вместе поставил. Дст обновляют раз в месяц два а на сингл они сейчас забили.
Увидел старое меню крафта аж прослезился, но в портативе сложно играть все мелкое. Паузы тоже нет. Не знаю делали ли Клей обнову на свич но версия дст не актуальна.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 13-Авг-22 17:31 (спустя 2 месяца 14 дней, ред. 13-Авг-22 17:31)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v196608 к Together до версии 1.1.0, внесённые изменения:
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Контентные изменения вплоть до реворка WX-78, а именно — Waterlogged, Hallowed Nights, Year of the Catcoon, The Eye for an Eye (кроссовер с Террарией), Wanda Update, реворки The Wolfgang и WX-78, переработанное меню крафта, некоторые сезонные события, много новых скинов, исправление некоторых проблем Nintendo Switch-версии!

Так получается больше сидов, вместе, на 1 раздаче, обе игры становится полегче скачать.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 21-Окт-22 12:02 (спустя 2 месяца 7 дней, ред. 21-Окт-22 12:02)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v262144 к Together до версии 1.2.0, внесённые изменения:
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Hey everybody,
Today we have released a new update for Don't Starve Together on Nintendo Switch, and it's time for an update on our progress.
This update brings Switch content up to the most recent version of the game before today's update for the other platforms.
Due to the nature of the approval process on Switch, we unfortunately can't promise to get these updates out at the same time as other platforms in the future, but we're closing the gap. We anticipate to update Switch for you again toward the end of November.
Summer Cawnival Updates
Added 3 new carnival games: Nest Defender, Cuckoo Spinwheel, and Birdhouse Ball Drop.
More prizes are now available at the Prize Booth, including: Light Catchers, the Mini Tower Drop egg ride, and 3 new Midsummer Night Light designs.
The Gold Mystery Box is now available at the Prize Booth with 12 unique statuettes to collect.
Crow Kids now enjoy festive treats and sit by the campfire.
For more information about this update, please see the update notes here.
The Curse of Moon Quay
Someone has been meddling... or should we say, monkeying around with the forces of the Constant, leaving an unstable rift between worlds in their wake. With new sea-faring foes, creatures and resources now free to pour into the Survivors' world, the ocean is more dangerous than ever before... but is this just the start of what's to come?
For more information about this update, please see the update notes here.
Wickerbottom Refresh - One For the Books
Like any good librarian, Ms. Wickerbottom believes in the preservation and distribution of knowledge. Well… most knowledge, that is. There are some things that must be kept hidden away from the eyes of the public. Who knows what could happen if certain secrets fell into the wrong hands?
Wickerbottom can no longer be forced to fall asleep.
Wickerbottom can now craft the following new books:
The Angler's Survival Guide
Pyrokinetics Explained
Overcoming Arachnophobia
Tempering Temperatures
Lux Aeterna
Practical Rain Rituals
Lunar Grimoire
Apicultural Notes
Horticulture, Expanded
The Everything Encyclopedia
Lux Aeterna Redux
Wickerbottom can also build a cabinet to help conserve her books.
Tuned Wickerbottom’s stats when it comes to eating stale and spoiled food and her health.
Shadow Creatures now Spawn when Wickerbottom attempts to read her books while insane
Added the Hostile Flare.
Added the Fencing Sword for riposting fences.
For more information about this update, please see the update notes here.
Get Yourself Spooky!
In addition while we have to wait a bit before the newest update hits switch, we can get a little spooky with some Hallowed Nights Drops!
Free spooky costumes are also available to everybody for a limited time, so enjoy them before the event ends and they go back from whence they came!
That's not all. During Hallowed Nights, logging in for the first time will earn you a "Trick or Treat Chest" containing one of 18 costume sets. Items from the Hallowed Nights Collection and Costume Collection will have increased drop rates for the duration of the event!
And don't forget!
The Annual Klei Halloween Costume and Fan Art Submission Event is coming October 27th and will run through November 1st. If you haven't seen this event before, check out our submissions for 2021 and 2020!
Participants will receive a full character costume skin set, so you won't want to miss out!
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 05-Дек-22 12:42 (спустя 1 месяц 15 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v327680 к Together до версии 1.3.0, внесённые изменения:
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[Game Update]v130
Release Date: 11/30/22
Update Information:
Hi everyone,
Today we have released a new update for Don't Starve Together on Nintendo Switch, this is a big update, so stay with me here. There's a lot to cover!
Game Changes
Hallowed Nights is now active.
A Little Drama Changes:
The Survivors can use the Stage to show off a little bit for whoever is watching
The Survivors can don special costumes to help them tell other stories as well.
Costumes can be found in the Briars set piece.
Added the Mannequins to hold (and show off!) their equipment.
Playstyle, Game Mode, and Preset changes:
Added Relaxed preset:
Survivors will be damaged but not killed by starving, freezing, overheating, or from the darkness.
Survivors will take 35% less damage from all sources.
Hound waves and Shadow Creatures from low sanity are set to Less.
Ghosts can revive at the Florid Postern and the world will not reset when everyone is dead.
Wildfires are disabled.
Game Modes, Presets, and Intention changes:
Added a server Playstyle indicator which is determined by the world settings.
Users will pick a Playstyle when creating a new server, which will apply the appropriate preset world settings.
The Playstyle indicator will be displayed in the server browser where the server intention was previously displayed.
Changing the world settings will update the Playstyle indicator to the best matching playstyle.
The settings controlled by the Wilderness and Endless game modes can now be set in world settings.\
Wilderness and Endless Game modes have been converted to presets. Existing worlds will be retrofitted.\
The preset "No Giants Here" has been removed. Existing worlds will not be affected by this.
Server intention has been removed (Social/Cooperative/Competitive/Madness).
New world settings:
Temperature Damage: Default / Nonlethal (will damage but not kill survivors)
Hunger Damage: Default / Nonlethal (will damage but not kill survivors)
Darkness Damage: Default / Nonlethal (will damage but not kill survivors)
Max Health Penalty: Enabled / Disabled
Spawn Mode: If survivors should spawn at the Florid Postern or at a random location.
Survivor Death: If you will turn into a ghost or be brought back to the survivor select menu.
Ghost Sanity Drain: Controls if there will be a sanity drain on all players when anyone is a ghost.
Death Reset Timer: Controls how long you have before the world regenerates when all survivors are dead.
Basic Resources: If basic resources, such as saplings and berry bushes, should respawn over time.
Quality of Life Changes:
Recipe Cards can now be found throughout the world.
Reading a card will say the recipe for a Crock Pot dish.
Recipe Cards can be found in Tumbleweeds, Graves, Sunken Chests, and some boons.
Food and Crock Pot Changes:
Added 2 Egg Crock Pot recipes.
Added a Tallbird Egg Crock Pot recipe.
Added 2 Beefalo feed Crock Pot recipes.
Adjusted the Stuffed Fish Heads and Veggie Burger cooking priority to prevent multiple results.
Banana Shake can no longer be made with meat, fish, or monster meat.
Frozen Banana Daiquiri can no longer be made with meat or fish and adjusted the priority to remove the random chance of getting Banana Shake.
Ice Cream is now classified as Goodies.
Beefalo can now eat Roasted Birchnut.
Changed the time for Tallbirds to lay a new egg to be more inline with other food sources.
The Fire Pit and Campfire will now drop a charcoal when the fire goes out, if it was fueled to the max stage.
Added information, while a ghost, to help new players learn how to revive.
Added the Turf-Raiser Helm, a new helmet that you can get from the Antlion.
Community feedback tweaks and changes:
Added a loading protection which will protect survivors while the game is loading from things like transferring to the caves.
The Cartographer's Desk can now erase Blueprints, Tackle Adverts, Sketch, Costume Patterns, and Recipe Cards, turning it into one Papyrus.
Updated the Scarecrow skins selection UI.
Added cooking, fishing, and farming themed boons to the world generation.
Ancient Stonework turf blueprint can now be found via the Distilled Knowledge.
Digging up the turf in the ruins will now give the turf object.
Ruins Turf and Imitation Ruins Turf Blueprints can now be crafted at the Ancient Pseudoscience Station.
Tallbirds without a nest will now make a new nest, but only on rocky or dirt turf.
Added the Snazzy Pitchfork (golden pitchfork)
Increased the number of uses for the Tent and Siesta Lean-to to better reflect their crafting cost.
The Camper's Tent now restores health at the same rate as the Tent.
The Straw Roll will now restore some health while sleeping.
The Furry Roll will now affect your body temperature while sleeping.
Trail Mix can now be made with raw Birchnuts.
The Tin Fishin' Bin now holds up to 20 fish.
The Tin Fishin' Bin can now be built on dock tiles.
The Bookcase can now be used to open skins gifts.
The Insulated Pack and Seed Pack-It are no longer burnable.
Added a confirmation popup for the Reset Now button when all players are dead.
Steeped Lunar Essence can now mutate Wobster Mounds and birds.
The Distortion Setting has been changed to control the intensity.
The Lazy Forager can now be repaired with nightmare fuel.
Changed the materials required for building all stages of the Hermit Home. It no longer requires seasonal items.
Skittersquids now always drop a Light Bulb.
Masts placed on land and the Mannequin can now be rotated with the Fencing Sword.
When Warly inspects food, he will now comment if it is something he ate recently.
Trick or Treat Chest and Pantomimed Snazzy Pitchfork for login bonus rewards have been re-enabled for a short period
Bug Fixes
Fixed a save/load bug where the Campfire's fire would load at the center of the world.
Fixed a bug where Gobblers and The Crabby Hermit would think the Banana Bush is a Berry Bush.
Fixed Walter's Guest of Honour hair and hat.
Fixed an image artifacting bug with UI images.
Fixed an idle animation bug.
Fixed invisible baby beefalo hooves.
Fixed some old set pieces from generating old Farm Plots; they now generate Drying Racks instead.
Fixed a Tallbird Nest save/load bug.
Fixed a rare save file corruption when spawning Bearger.
Fixed hatching Tallbird Eggs not using all heating and cooling sources.
Fixed planted Carrots and Catcoon Dens not regrowing after being burnt.
Fixed being unable to see default skins with the weaveable filter on.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 25-Янв-23 16:50 (спустя 1 месяц 20 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v393216 к Together до версии 1.4.0.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 14-Мар-23 08:27 (спустя 1 месяц 19 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v458752 к Together до версии 1.5.0, внесённые изменения:
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[Game Update] - 150
Release Date: 03/13/23
Update Information:
Let's get ready to slumber!! The Year of the Bunnyman has begun!
To celebrate the Year of the Bunnyman we have added a new activity in the game, some new item drops and some new streaming items!
Summon Cozy Bunnymen to the surface for a slumber party.
Join in the frivolity of pillow fighting and "spin the carrot".
Formally challenge one or more Bunnymen to a Pillow Fighting Pit for a chance to win Lucky Gold Nuggets.
Buy different grades of Pillow to both arm and armor yourself for the Pit.
Purchase old items and new snacks as well as new Rabbit Lamps to decorate your base.
We've also added some new skins to the game.
The Masquerader Survivors Chest can be purchased in a chest for $8.99 usd and contains skins for: Willow, Warly, Wortox, Wes, and Woodie. As always, these items will be available as drops in game and are also weaveable using spool.
Change List:
  Hide contents
New Features
Bunnyman Shrine added.
Cozy Bunnymen added.
Pillow Fight Pit added.
Pillow weapons and armor available at the Bunnyman Shrine.
Rabbit Lamps, Nightcap and new snacks available at the Bunnyman Shrine.
Adjustments were made to Woodie’s Snowfallen skin’s forehead and cheeks.
Adjusted Wes’ Snowfallen eye colouration to be slightly blue.
Adjusted Wormwood’s Snowfallen skin to have more shading.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with Wortox getting permanently stuck red when loading a world in a dying state.
Fixed a crash related to the Ancient Guardian and cavern spider webbing.
Fixed Wendy’s Usurper's Handwraps having spots of no colour.
Fixed Wes’ The Fool having different hair when in the custom idle animation.
Fixed Werepigs skipping an animation during attacks causing it to snap to the next animation.
Fixed a leg detachment issue in Woodie’s Weremoose animations when running upwards.
Fixed all base skin character hands to have less transparent spots where colour should have been.
Fixed Wormwood’s Moonbound base skin having green hand leaves in the custom idle animation.
Fixed the Puppy Cap having a different shading for the ear muffs in certain viewing angles.
Fixed Merms chopping down Winter's Feast Trees.
Fixed Lazy Forager not playing sounds when being repaired.
Notes for Modders
Pickable component using TheWorld as the picker will now issue a new event pickedbyworld with the same parameters sent as the event picked.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 14-Апр-23 23:25 (спустя 1 месяц)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v524288 к Together до версии 1.6.0, внесённые изменения:
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Update 1.6.0 (Nintendo Switch - released April 14, 2023)
A fresh start and a change of surroundings is just the thing for someone looking for their first big scientific breakthrough. Unfortunately for Wilson, his surroundings were about to change far more drastically than he anticipated.
Wilson Changes
Wilson becomes more seasoned over time by getting "insight" that he can spend on learning new skills.
Wilson can use "insight" to open new abilities in categories of "Beard" "Torch" and "Alchemy"
The Insight persists between games.
New NPC encounter
A new creature can be found in the world.
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Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 15-Апр-23 00:51 (спустя 1 час 25 мин.)

Очень жду апдейт в одиночный донт старв
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 30-Май-23 06:45 (спустя 1 месяц 15 дней, ред. 30-Май-23 06:47)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v589824 к Together до версии 1.7.0, внесённые изменения:
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Update 1.7.0 (Nintendo Switch - released May 29, 2023)
From Beyond: Taking Root
As the power struggle between the moon and shadows escalates, the pressure is mounting for our Survivors. Loyalties will be forged and tested as new rifts start to slowly expand...
New Features
Rifts spewing lunar energy will begin to open in the world, either by defeating the Celestial Champion or by server settings.
The first creatures to spew forth are very interested in gardening.
New and powerful equipment can be crafted from these extra-planar thralls, with the right crafting station.
This content is part of a 3 part set of content updates in the "From Beyond" arc and is available now on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.
A hint at things to come
We also wanted to give you a little taste of the next update. If you don't want spoilers, don't click below and just move to the next section. I know it's tempting, but be strong - you can do it, I believe in you.
This is a sample of the gear you will be able to acquire if you choose to take advantage of the powers that Charlie will bring into the world in the next update.
I know, right?
Till next time friends, Thank you. And have fun out there!

Мажоритарную долю Klei в январе 2021-го выкупили китайцы (Tencent), поэтому не думаю, что к старым играм теперь будут часты обновления.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 23-Авг-23 08:20 (спустя 2 месяца 24 дня)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v655360 к Together до версии 1.8.0, внесённые изменения:
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Update 1.8.0 (Nintendo Switch - released August 22, 2023)
Hey everyone, thank you very much for your patience. Content for three updates are included in today's 1.8.0 update for Don't Starve Together Nintendo Switch Edition, starting with the Cult of the Lamb x Don't Starve Together Crossover, the Skill Spotlight for Wormwood, Wolfgang, Woodie, and finally, From Beyond: Terrors Below, completing this update. Check out more information about each of these below:
Cult of the Lamb x Don't Starve Together
We've had our eyes on a Crossover with Cult of the Lamb for quite some time. We may have our plates full with our 2023 roadmap but we couldn't resist the temptation to do a bite-sized crossover for you all. This update will be available today on PC, Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch!
Something wooly this way comes! A charming change-up is coming to the Constant, and we can hardly contain our shear excitement. You’ll have it baa-d for this culty collab!
Crossover Content
The Crown trinket can now be found in Wet Pouches that are fished from the oasis lake.
Offering the Crown trinket to the Antlion will reward the players with new blueprints.
The Thermal Stone now pacifies the Antlion for 4 days.
The Beach Toy now pacifies the Antlion for 3 days.
Fixed the rounding errors when calculating the Antlion tribute values.
Increased the odds of getting your first Desert Goggles Blueprint and Beach Toy from a Wet Pouch.
Added a missing validation check for skill tree skill selections.
Skill Spotlight: Wormwood, Wolfgang, Woodie
Wolfgang Skillset added
Wormwood Skillset added
Woodie Skillset added
Survivors can now craft large Support Pillars to create areas safe from quake debris and cave ins.
Equipment forged from the Brightsmithy and Shadowcraft Plinth are now no longer prototype-able but can be repaired using specific repair kits.
When they reach a fully broken state, they can no longer be equipped until repaired.
Equipment changes:
Umbralla can now be activated on the ground to generate an area of effect rain barrier.  Please note that acid rain does not heal the Umbralla while it is activated like this.
Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer provide acid rain immunity.
Void Cowl and Void Robe no longer drain sanity when equipped.
Ramping shadow planar damage buff now only requires equipping Void Cowl instead of the full set.
Void Robe now blocks negative sanity auras (e.g. from monsters or other scary objects).
Brightshade weapon buffs now only require equipping Brightshade Helm instead of the full set.
Brightshade Helm now prevents Charlie attacks when standing in darkness.
Brightshade Armor now has minor damage reflection.
Dreadstone Armor and Dreadstone Helm no longer drain sanity when not self-repairing.
From Beyond: Terrors Below
Something sinister is seeping to the surface, and new horrors have taken up residence in the dark. Will our Survivors be able to band together to push back the encroaching darkness, or are the cracks in their resolve already starting to show?
New Features
Dark Miasma will spew from Shadow rifts opened by defeating the Ancient Fuelweaver or by server settings.
New shadow thralls will emerge from the Miasma bringing new materials to craft new “Horrible” tools and gear.
Start of a new Scrapbook feature.
Additional Notes
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Merms not defending nearby Wurt players who are under attack.
Fixed the Void Set not losing its amplified damage bonus when getting hit.
Fixed a crash with a Fire Dart hitting Wormwood's summons.
Fixed Wolfgang losing collision when being hit while on a Mighty Gym.
Fixed a case where the Mighty Gym goes invisible when skinned.
Fixed players wearing the Void Cowl hat and having their head go invisible for a frame while mining.
Fixed an engine crash related to boats hitting a burnt tree.
Fixed two crashes related to the Turf-Raiser Helm.
Fixed skill tree selections getting removed during a save cycle in offline mode.
Fixed a crash related to Woodie's werebeaver form as a ghost.
Fixed Wolfgang's work crits working on Dreadstone Pillars with a tool unsuitable for the job.
Fixed Wolfgang's work crits not breaking Mini Glaciers.
Fixed Pillars losing their collision when going out of range letting creatures walk through them.
Fixed Woodie's were meter draining during the transformation animation.
Fixed up beard hair turf that had been changed to lunar rift turf.
Fixed Wormwood's Compost Care, Photosynthesis, and Bramble Trap Specialist skills not functioning when unlocked.
Fixed Wormwood's Saladmander not regenerating its health when it first loads in.
Fixed Wolfgang's Thermbell not being able to be given to the Antlion.
Fixed a crash related to Wormwood's summons being frozen.
Fixed Wormwood's summons losing their summoner if hit with an indirect attack.
Fixed skill trees that were stuck in a respec loop when going into and out of caves.
Fixed an issue with Moonstorms sometimes showing up in wrong locations on clients.
Fixed a crash when a skinned Mighty Gym is destroyed while being used.
Fixed Wormwood's summons being attacked by Abigail.
Fixed Wormwood's Photosynthesis regenerating in darkness.
Fixed a typo in Walter's speech.
Fixed Wanda's watch description in the Scrapbook.
Fixed incorrect and missing turfs.
Fixed not updating scrapbook entries when when using the "Inspect" action.
Fixed the buttons pressed to activate the "Shop" option in the Item Collection to match the helpbar text.
Fixed Above Average tree trunks not turning transparent when obstructing a large part of the screen.
Fixed missing sort options in the Item Collection.
Fixed a crash when loading a world, or when going into or out of the Caves.
Fixed Ping not appearing in the server listings.
Fixed the Scrapbook notification getting stuck on the screen even after you look at the Scrapbook.
Fixed an issue where fissures were set to None in world generation settings having no fissures for the Ink Blights to spawn.
Confirmation popup will now show when using controllers to make the offering to Beckoning Hand or Grainy Transmission.
Brightshade Bomb explosions will now draw aggro.
Brightshade Bomb explosions can now be used to destroy Dreadstone Outcrops.
Fixed a crash sometimes when Brightshade Bomb hits Sentrypede.
Fixed a crash sometimes when Deadly Brightshades are frozen.
Fixed animation layering when wearing Void Cowl or Brightshade Helm.
Fixed animation layering when attacking with a whip weapon.
Fixed minor animation bugs with Antlion, Dragonfly and Ryftstal.
Fixed Wigfrid's Moonbound head skin always having her signature hat.
Fixed a crash when loading a game in split screen.
Fixed an issue where players could keep taking miasma damage after leaving the caves if they were taking damage while using the exit.
Fixed controller support for the offerings to enable Rifts.
Dread Mite damage can now be blocked by Bone Armor.
Cleaned up and brought back all the jumping animations where hats pop off the head for a few frames (except when wearing a full head covering like Void Cowl).
Improved Nitre Formations mining actions.
Fixed bug where Dreadstone Stacks could be broken in ways not using stronger tools.
Fixed bug with Ryftstals sometimes not being removed when the Rift closes.
Fixed bug with multiple Grainy Transmissions persisting in a world.
Fixed bugs where the head symbols can be dislocated during some animations when wearing Void Cowl.
Fixed Warly's Shadow Jacket's upper arm missing and skin tone variants added.
Fixed Wortox's Shadow Torso having hands.
Fixed Walter's Triumphant skin set having a small shift in skin tone.
Fixed Walter's Crooked Cap missing an inventory icon.
Fixed Walter's Shadow Shirt forcing one set of arms.
Fixed Wolfgang's Moonbound skin having spillover artwork around its border.
Lunar Rifts will now try very hard to spawn outside of base areas.
Brightshade plant target priority was changed to make controller players have a better time targeting the plants.
Improved controller targeting priority for Unseen Hands during Ancient Fuelweaver fight.
Mushrooms added to world regrowth; world settings to come at a later time.
Wagstaff will no longer stick around after defeating the Celestial Champion if rifts are already open or if they are turned off through world settings.
Adjusted the Monkey Queen's rewards to streamline obtaining each and allows for more trades afterwards to be worth doing.
Wagstaff will no longer cause spiders to come out of their dens when walking over webbing.
Fixed an issue where random parts of the map could be missing after loading a world.
Fixed an issue where ground textures would be missing or disappear, including the Archive Orchestrina puzzle and meteor scorch marks.
Fixed black bars appearing randomly on the minimap.
Fixed graphical corruption when zooming the minimap in and out.
Fixed positioning of Enlightened Crown, Ocean Fishing Rod, and Antlion Hat containers in split screen.
Fixed Mushrooms not saving their growth time correctly.
Fixed Mushrooms being able to be picked up when they shouldn't.
Fixed a crash with Terrorclaws trying to attach itself to a boat.
Fixed a crash with Brightshade Vines being hit.
Fixed herd members forming herds too quickly making multiple herds next to each other.
Fixed a sound on the Brightshades when they entangle a plant.
Fixed insanity sound effects playing over each other going in and out of lunacy areas.
Punching bags will no longer have their damage indicators grow in size while idle.
Burnt small trees will no longer have a small thin white line on it when zoomed out.
Lunar tree saplings will no longer have a small white pixel floating off in the distance.
Replanted plants will now correctly be included for arena detection.
Removed duplicate tradable components being added onto Enlightened Shards.
Fix the world not looking for good arena spots when loading from a world where a timer is active.
Lunar Rifts will once again be tile aligned to fit the turf theme.
Punching bags will now properly show zero damage received when fully blocking incoming damage.
Fixed an uncapped particle system that could cause crashes if repeatedly started.
Fixed an item duplication issue with Lunar Rifts terraforming pickable items such as reeds or grass.
Fixed a crash related to portals during a rollback.
Fixed Astral Detectors pointing to Celestial Altar pieces when carried by players.
Fixed a crash related to the Crab King when going away during its arm spawn phase.
Moonblind birds will no longer get stuck on trees and other colliding objects when landing.
Login Rewards
For a limited time, log in to Don't Starve Together and get The Lamb, The Lamb's Blade, Flock's Chest, and The Lamb's Reward item skins inspired by Cult of The Lamb.
Twitch Items
We're also dropping some new items over on Twitch inspired by Cult of the Lamb. From now until Sept. 7th you can get the Camellia Flowerbed on Twitch.tv. Head over here for more information.
Cult of the Lamb
Don’t let the Lamb starve in this Cult of the Lamb x Don’t Starve Together crossover update! In Cult of the Lamb, will you last in the new survival game mode? Can you unwrap the quest to convert Webber to your cult? This free crossover update adds Penitence mode, 7 cult decorations from Don’t Starve Together and Webber as a follower form!
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Настя Силкова

Стаж: 13 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 1

Настя Силкова · 17-Сен-23 16:13 (спустя 25 дней, ред. 17-Сен-23 16:13)

После запуска together - просто черный экран. Что может быть не так? Атмосфера свежая
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 11-Окт-23 18:53 (спустя 24 дня)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v720896 к Together до версии 1.9.0.
Настя Силкова
Кроме AMS, должна быть ещё и прошивка 16.1.0. Проверьте, чтобы не было лишних читов, модов, хаков к игре.

Сообщения из этой темы [1 шт.] были перенесены в Флудилка
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 10-Ноя-23 05:51 (спустя 29 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v786432 к Together до версии 1.10.0.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 3

dictionary66 · 10-Дек-23 12:44 (спустя 1 месяц)

Товарищи, помогите разобраться с доп возможностями в DST:
1. Очень хочу поставить моды для удобства. Я пролистал кучу форумов и ресурсов по данному вопросу, но ничего внятного так и не нашел. Рабочих способов так и не нашел. Может есть у кого инфа по этому вопросу, буду крайне благодарен.
2. Как открыть персонажей, которые доступны только по покупке? Наверняка есть способ. На ПК у меня все выкуплены, тут очень обламывают ограничения.
Уж очень хочу играть с кайфом в DST на свитче.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 10-Дек-23 13:35 (спустя 51 мин.)

dictionary66 писал(а):
Уж очень хочу играть с кайфом в DST на свитче.
Это навряд ли, тут 30фпс, падающие регулярно до 20.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 106

parkour_stels · 25-Дек-23 05:03 (спустя 14 дней)

Почему Hamlet не работает?
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Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 25-Дек-23 10:49 (спустя 5 часов)

parkour_stels писал(а):
85648459Почему Hamlet не работает?
Потому что неправильно установил.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 24-Янв-24 07:48 (спустя 29 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v851968 к Together до версии 1.11.0.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 06-Мар-24 00:43 (спустя 1 месяц 12 дней)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v917504 к Together до версии 1.12.0.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 19-Апр-24 12:30 (спустя 1 месяц 13 дней, ред. 19-Апр-24 12:30)

DBI пишет, что для основной игры есть апдейт. 578406
Не тугезер.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 19-Апр-24 13:07 (спустя 36 мин., ред. 25-Май-24 07:09)

Пока тут, при следующем обновлении второй игры будет в раздаче:
скрытый текст
<в раздаче>
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 19-Апр-24 13:13 (спустя 6 мин.)

omg_gods писал(а):
Пока тут, при следующем обновлении второй игры будет в раздаче:
скрытый текст
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 01-Май-24 11:31 (спустя 11 дней, ред. 01-Май-24 23:55)

Там 2024-04-25 вышел апдейт v9 на классический ДС, очень надеюсь, что это обещанный куалити оф лайф
Есть возможность добавить его тоже?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 25-Май-24 07:14 (спустя 23 дня, ред. 25-Май-24 07:14)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт v589824 до версии 1.0.9 к первой игре и апдейт v983040 до версии 1.13.0 ко второй игре.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 1020

Jack50 · 25-Май-24 07:49 (спустя 34 мин., ред. 25-Май-24 07:49)

mich11 писал(а):
86208493Там 2024-04-25 вышел апдейт v9 на классический ДС, очень надеюсь, что это обещанный куалити оф лайф
Есть возможность добавить его тоже?
А Что он собственно добавляет? патчноты есть?
Глянул на форумах. Теперь ловушки под кроликов автоматом не убираются т.е определённо из последней пк версии апдейт завесли. Так же пишут, что зависание в руинах пофиксили.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1443

mich11 · 25-Май-24 11:04 (спустя 3 часа)

Не изучал, но это точно не то, что я ждал.
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 27128

omg_gods · 25-Июл-24 09:45 (спустя 1 месяц 30 дней, ред. 25-Июл-24 09:45)

Раздача обновлена,
добавлен апдейт апдейт v1048576 до версии 1.14.0 ко второй игре.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 