Slime Rancher [L] [RUS + ENG + 7] (2017) (1.4.0c) [GOG]

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Стаж: 17 лет 1 месяц

Сообщений: 341

tuggi · 29-Дек-17 02:49 (7 лет 2 месяца назад)

Спасибо за классный симулятор. А еще симуляторы на такую или похожую тему есть или не.
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Стаж: 14 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 15669

jaundiced · 09-Янв-18 16:10 (спустя 11 дней)

скрытый текст
GoodOldGames писал(а):
73085442361.1 MB · 6D7CF213899B9CCC0FDE0CAC2656034F539764C9
setup_slime_rancher_64_1.0.1e_(14253).exe 361.13 MB 378677704
Список изменений
Patch 1.0.1e (17 August 2017):
Fixed bug where fruits/veggies could sometimes not be vac'd off of trees/out of patches after reloading a game.
Patch 1.0.1d (16 August 2017):
Fixed bug where during sleep or when returning to a ranch, largos sometimes produced only one type of plort.
Fixed bug where gadget map icons were not clearing properly from the map when the gadgets were picked up/demolished.
Patch 1.0.1c (09 August 2017)
Charcoal bricks are no longer incinerated by incinerator.
Fixed bug where painted chicks did not award the 'You Monster' achievement
Fixed gadget markers in Glass Desert map displaying upside down.
Fixed bug where slimes could occasionally eat plorts through a pen wall while sleeping until morning, resulted in unexpected largos.
Patch 1.0.1b (08 August 2017)
Fixed a bug where oases in the Glass Desert were being reset.
Patch 1.0.1 (08 August 2017)
Added a map interface that gives you a general sense of where you are on the Far, Far Range. Map zones are unlocked after activating map data nodes in each zone. The map will also tracked any teleporters or extractors you’ve placed, and give you a total count of slime keys and treasure pods collected in each zone.
Optimized tracking of distant areas of the world to improve overall performance.
Added slime toys for the fire, mosaic, dervish, and tangle slimes.
A single gilded ginger now grows once a day in the Glass Desert but can be very difficult to find. Gilded ginger is the only veggie a gold slime will eat, providing extra plorts for those that manage to feed one. And while it can’t be grown in a garden, it can be used to [REDACTED]
Added a treasure pod behind the barn in the Lab to give new players a head start in building their first teleporter.
Added some new tabby slime sound effects when they steal an item.
Added intro text when starting a new save file in Adventure Mode.
Adjusted extractor cycle time from 22 hrs to 12 hrs. Please note that the 10 hours we removed did not go to waste and were recycled.
Ponds now produce infinite water, much like water sources in the wild.
Gardens now produce infinite harvests! In order to plant a new crop, you must select to replant from the garden menu. Any gardens already active before the patch will need to be replanted to become infinite.
Added Return teleporters to Hobson vaults after watching a few streams where players met untimely deaths in the vaults and lost their gold plorts and Nick almost cried for them.
Added water tutorial message on purchasing the water tank.
Adjusted Incinerator trough to prevent fire slimes despawning in the trough. As a note, an empty ash trough will not despawn a fire slime, though it will not feed them either.
Odd onion crops on the ranch will now produce a minimum of 4 odd onions, but generally 6-8 of them.
Shooting a chickadoo at a gold slime will now knock plorts out of it like other resources. As a note, chickadoos have stated that they are really not cool with this change.
Starmail popups now disappear once you’ve read the mail.
Reduced time ranch-specific tutorials stay on screen after leaving the ranch.
Optimized occlusion culling.
Optimized lighting where a near-zero intensity directional light was being unnecessarily processed on the GPU.
Optimized some miscellaneous memory usage.
Fixed bug where some players’ progress at opening slime gates and the plort puzzle door was not being tracked properly and affected their receiving certain Casey mails.
Fixed bug where you could vac fruit off a tree from an angle and get them shaking but not ever popping off.
Fixed some issues with the French translation.
Fixed bug where slimes were not turning into largos properly while sleeping at night.
Fixed bug where some new sounds could play when sleeping at night or after being knocked out.
Fixed bug where some sounds would play right as the ranch initially loaded in. Fun fact: this quirk has always persisted on the dev side and any time we test the game we hear the crickets chirping sound effect for a moment. Now when I hear crickets in real life I think of our editor.
Fixed bug where unripe phase lemons could fall through the world when their tree phased away.
Fixed bug where Dervish Gordo’s key could spawn into the ground.
Fixed a floating platform in the Glass Desert.
Fixed bug where Beatrix was being stretched when viewed at different aspect ratios.
Fixed bug where the Humble installer was not fully replacing certain files from an existing installation.
Fixed bug where some geometry would allow the player to get too close and see inside the walls. If any player claims they saw enslaved gnomes inside these walls building our levels, they are LYING.
Fixed bug where Pause Menu could interfere with other in-game UIs on Xbox.
Patch 1.0.0 Going out of GID (01 August 2017)
Slime Rancher v1.0.0 is a small patch designed to tie up a few loose ends with the existing game and offer some closure to the current iteration of Adventure mode.
Added the final Hobson journal nodes and Casey starmail to Adventure Mode. Reading both is required for ‘completing’ Adventure Mode.
Added a small new area to the end of the Glass Desert where the Hobson journals are located.
Added two new achievements.
Added a small surprise for players that complete Adventure Mode and view credits sequence.
Adjusted garden logic so that gardens will never despawn themselves mid-harvest. They will always wait to mature their crops and leave them on the ground before despawning.
Beatrix is now viewable on the title screen and in her house. Hello, Beatrix!
Added a button to re-watch the credits on the About screen. You must have completed Adventure Mode in order to access this feature.
Added logo and game splash screens at beginning of game load.
Optimized the handling of some music and sounds to reduce memory usage.
Optimized some textures to reduce memory usage.
Optimized some object management to slightly improve CPU usage.
Optimized snack layout in Monomi Park pantry to improve kitchen usage.
Improved overall balance between music tracks.
Improved sound effects for picking a fruit/veggie from tree/ground.
Made adjustments to the About page credits to showcase all the wonderful people that have contributed to Slime Rancher even though it still means leaving out people that didn’t work on it directly but made it all possible- oh Elizabeth I love you so much.
Adjusted some geometry around the Range to prevent objects getting stuck, reduce pop-in, and prevent other strange interactions.
Removed the early access version watermark from the in-game HUD and it was surprisingly cathartic.
Adjusted text spacing in the Slimepedia.
Added some planks on the pathway to the Lab. Because all great science begins with the path forged from the great science before it.
Fixed bug sometimes resulting in becoming stuck in the Ranch House when sleeping with Tarr around the Ranch.
Fixed bug sometimes resulting in certain fruits and veggies falling through the floor.
Fixed bug where Mosaic slimes still produced and managed glints while far away from the player.
Fixed some layout issues on the purchase interface in some languages
Fixed some layout issues with the Bug Reporting screen.
Fixed bug where a spring pad would respond to an echo repeatedly even though it would not launch it.
Fixed bug where extractor sounds were sometimes not played.
Fixed a gap in the geometry with the Upgraded Lab entrance.
Changelog for Patch 0.6.0d / (Windows, Linux and Mac) (added 22 June 2017):
- Fixed bug where some slime toys' effect area was smaller than intended.
- Fixed bug where the Quantum Mosaic Largo's mosaic shell was sometimes entirely hidden within its body.
- Fixed bug where sound would sometimes cut out after too much time around Dervish Slimes.
- Fixed bug where returning to Largos in a corral with an auto-feeder and plort-collector would sometimes not produce all of the proper plorts.
- Fixed bug where Diversification achievement was not properly counting Largos across all parts of the Ranch.
- Fixed bug where carrots and parsnips would sometimes become stuck against corral posts.
- Optimized some textures for a minor memory usage improvement.
- Optimized some object management for a minor CPU usage improvement.
Changelog for patch 0.6.0c (added 19 June 2017):
The Glass Desert
- The Glass Desert is the biggest and most challenging zone we’ve ever added to Slime Rancher! Featuring new slimes, resources, and unique challenges, the Glass Desert has something for every rancher brave enough to explore its sweeping dunes and secret ruins.
- The monolithic glass structures in the Glass Desert can cause a terrifying phenomenon known as firestorms. Believed to be a sudden disruption of heat from below the surface, firestorms produce massive fire columns and expel flaming crags of debris. If you’re exploring the desert when a firestorm goes off, it’s best you take cover!
- In order to fully explore the Glass Desert and collect all the slimes and resources within it, you’ll need to bring life back to it in the form of oases. Oases protect you from the harmful effects of firestorms, but you’ll first need to bring them to life before you can harness them. Search the ruins within the desert…
Mosaic Slimes
- The mosaic slime gets its name from the glittering array of glass tiles that cover its body. This glass produces a similar anomaly to those found in the desert itself, making the mosaic slime beautiful, but quite dangerous.
Dervish Slimes
- A dervish slime is a swirling, whirling bundle of energy in slimy form. Dervish slimes are commonly found in the Glass Desert, cruising across its dusty dunes at high speed atop little whirlwinds. Just don’t let them get too agitated, they have a lot of emotions swirling around inside them that might wreak havoc on your ranch.
Tangle Slimes
- Though the tangle slime may look innocent with its wide smile and colorful flower atop its head, it's actually a fearsome predator with a big appetite for tasty meat. The tangle slime earned its name from the twisting vines that it can produce to grab things in the environment. It also can produce a noxious pollen that makes slimes sneeze! It’s adorable but makes them quite agitated.
Fire Slimes
- Fire slimes are a rare breed of slime that lives on ash. Fire slimes will eat just about any food, but not without it being burned into ash first. The only way to feed a fire slime is to use an incinerator with an ash trough upgrade.
New Resources
- The silver parsnip, prickle pear, and painted hen and chicks can now be collected in the Glass Desert, the new favorite foods of the mosaic, dervish, and tangle slimes. Three new Slime Science resources have been added that can be found with extractors in the Glass Desert: Silky Sand, Glass Shard, and Pepper Jam.
Other Changes:
- Starmails from Casey have been overhauled to reduce feelings of clinginess, be less dramatic, and fit more with the tone of the game. However, the conclusion to the story remains unchanged.
- The Ancient Ruins have been expanded to connect to the Glass Desert via a special mechanism.
- A beautiful, new skybox has been added that includes dawn and dusk lighting and real time cloud formations. And the moon! Let me tell you, it's the best.
- Garden crops now have a grow-in animation because they saw how fancy the new skybox is and were like, ‘come on Monomi Park! Gimmie some love here.’
- Torches have new fire effects.
- New achievements have been added.
- New Slime Science gadgets have been added, including more teleporters and warp depots, a potted tactus, more gordo snares, Glass Desert deco, and other advanced versions of existing gadgets.
- New 7Zee Rewards Club rewards have been added to existing ranks, including the handy Market Link, Ultra Dash Boots, and the Golden Sureshot.
- Two new gordos have been added to the Moss Blanket and Indigo Quarry. One of them is quite mad. There’s also some new ones in the Glass Desert!
- Gordo eat requirements have been reduced. Or has their food simply become more fattening? No one can say for sure.
- Vacpack Upgrades obtained via the 7ZRC now show up in the Vacpack Upgrade shop as ‘sold out.’
- Gold plorts can now be deposited into the Refinery. I wonder why…?
- Extractor rare item drop rates have been increased across all extractors.
- Quantum slimes can no longer merge with a ghost in a foreign corral. The purpose of this change is to make quantum slimes a little easier to manage. They can still ghost out of their own corral, but will never ghost into another corral on your ranch.
- Fabricated teleporters now show their destination like static teleporters.
- Plort icons on the Plort Market are now de-emphasized if you haven’t discovered their zone of origin yet.
- Small tweaks to Options UI layout to better accommodate various languages.
- The incinerator has received a visual overhaul and has a new upgrade, the ash trough, that is used for corralling fire slimes.
- Changed the puddle plort logic to match puddle slimes in order to reduce frustration when dealing with them outside of water.
- Fixed bug where saving before getting Thora’s first Range Exchange offer would immediately give you said offer on game load.
- Fixed bug where flying phosphor slimes only moved north east. The great phosphor slime migration has finally ended and they are now free to fly wherever they wish.
- Fixed bug where slimes present on the Ranch would be hungry and agitated despite plentiful food available in their corral. Hallelujah!
- Fixed bug where dash boots were not nearly as efficient as advertised. Efficiency increased and advertisement reduced to meet in the middle.
- Fixed bug where honey plorts weren’t always considered extra-tasty by slimes. Tastyness has now been increased by 34.68 tastigrams.
- Fixed bug where some achievements could re-announce their awarding on game reload.
- Fixed bug where puddle slimes would sometimes disappear when leaving them alone, especially on the Docks.
- Fixed issues with puddle slime movement.
- Fixed bug where sound effects could continue to play while the game was paused or the player was in the house.
- Fixed bug where the rad camera effect could sometimes be disabled while inside a rad aura.
- Fixed a bug where vac-ing a non-tabby largo would give them tabby stripes. How did we not catch this sooner???
Changelog for update v0.6.0c (added June 15 2017):
- A small patch was issued today to address some issues related to the Glass Desert Update release:
- Changed some desert terrain slightly to improve player movement.
- Rotated one mosaic plort statue to be easier to hit
- Added a few more decorative objects in desert to help make different areas a little more identifiable.
- Made firestorm effects and music remain active in more areas of the desert.
- Made firestorm effects timing more precise.
- Updated the Main Menu to use the new skybox.
- Improved chicken efficiency to improve performance. And because an efficient hen hen is a happy hen hen.
- Added two new places to build Slime Science gadgets within the desert.
- Fixed bug where some tangle slime statues would reset to being unfilled on game reload.
- Fixed bug where fruit on garden trees could sometimes appear too low on the tree.
- Fixed bug where garden patches could sometimes end up with no crop but not allow the next crop to be planted.
- Fixed bug where small items around the oasis plant would rest just under the visible ground.
- Fixed typo in one of Ogden's Range Exchange greetings.
Changelog for update v0.6.0b (added June 13 2017):
- A small patch was issued today to address some issues related to the Glass Desert Update release:
- Reduce skybox cloud complexity on lower graphics settings to boost performance
- Replaced a broken treasure pod that awarded nothing with one that awards gold plorts. Since some of you may have already opened this pod, we added another treasure pod in the desert with gold plorts too
- Added some additional resources in the Glass Desert to make the introductory experience a little smoother
- Adjusted some colliders to prevent clipping issues
- Adjusted a few decorative objects in the Glass Desert
- Increased the time between firestorm breakouts in the desert
- Fixed incorrect favored-by listings for Silver Parsnip and Prickle Pear
- Fixed missing description for Prickle Pear
- Fixed bug causing music not actively being used to use much more memory than necessary, which could have lead to performance problems and crashes.
- Fixed bug where tutorial radar markers could get stuck.
- Fixed bug where you could re-vac ancient water blobs (and water blobs) shot from the vac.
- Fixed some bugs with distant geometry (LOD/Proxy bugs)
- Fixed a bug causing fire slimes to not periodically spawn during firestorms. See, they’re not entirely a bad thing.
Patch 0.5.1c (24th April 2017)
Capped 7Zee Rewards Club level prices at 150k, reducing costs at the very high end of the rewards club.
Puddle plorts no longer pop on touching slime toys, such as adorable rubber duckies.
Fixed bug where you could pick up Gordo Snares with the gordo on them and reuse the snare.
Fixed bug where you could re-add bait to an already baited Gordo Snare.
Fixed rendering issue with Hobson journals and water.
Fixed a fail to load game bug that could sometimes happen when saving games from very old profiles.
Контрольные суммы
CRC32: 837154DD
MD5: 2855779F57E379AA056DBB16DF7775C5
SHA-1: C32E6D2CA92BC01B84E5E312C7A6D0748BFDFAA3
SHA-256: 381211EEAD2B5B235FAAB44DD9BF5395308A96B41BACEFA119AC99559A0E2A71
Добавлена новая версия. Дистрибутив для х32 и бонусные материалы отсутствуют. Список изменений не обнаружен.
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Стаж: 10 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 806

korenkonder · 29-Янв-18 10:49 (спустя 19 дней)

Добавьте в описание шведский. Его тоже добавили ведь.
З.ы. Кому нужна 32-битная версия, можете зайти сюда: ТЫК
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Стаж: 12 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 53

Timideris · 25-Фев-18 22:47 (спустя 27 дней)

Доброго времени суток!
Качала эту игру еще в версии 0.5.0 (не помню где именно). Хочу скачать игру по вашей раздаче, но возникло несколько вопросов.
1) Если я скачаю ваш установщик мой прогресс в игре сохранится?
2) Можно ли устанавливать новую версию игры (1.1.2) поверх старой? Или нужно обязательно сносить и устанавливать заново (если так, то где мне тогда сохраненки искать)?
П.С. А какие именно бонусные материалы отсутствуют?
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Стаж: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 7

Veuossa · 04-Мар-18 16:25 (спустя 6 дней)

Сильно греется процессор (Intel Core i5-2300 2.8GHz), нагрузка 60%+ и не падает, игра не тормозит, но страшно, да и в комнате жарко становится. Кто нибудь сталкивался?
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 489

lexou37 · 07-Мар-18 19:37 (спустя 3 дня, ред. 07-Мар-18 19:37)

Veuossa писал(а):
74914095Сильно греется процессор (Intel Core i5-2300 2.8GHz), нагрузка 60%+ и не падает, игра не тормозит, но страшно, да и в комнате жарко становится. Кто нибудь сталкивался?
греется это сколько 85-95? если там 60+ то что именно страшно?? смотри через RealTemp температуру и TJ Max да и если бы вышло за лимит он бы просто вырублися
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Стаж: 17 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 3

kuparos · 10-Мар-18 14:28 (спустя 2 дня 18 часов, ред. 10-Мар-18 14:28)

добавте слаем снеговика
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Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 7

thejunglex1 · 14-Мар-18 04:14 (спустя 3 дня, ред. 14-Мар-18 04:14)

Вышла новая версия игры, Slime rancher 1.2.0 обновите раздачу пожалуйста
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Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 5

zhrvla · 14-Мар-18 11:10 (спустя 6 часов)

да, очень хочется получить обновление!
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Стаж: 8 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 7

thejunglex1 · 14-Мар-18 19:10 (спустя 8 часов)

Вышла новая версия игры, Slime rancher 1.2.0 обновите раздачу пожалуйста
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Стаж: 10 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 806

korenkonder · 29-Май-18 00:59 (спустя 2 месяца 14 дней)

Простите за то, что это может звучать как реклама, но тут выложены все версии. И даже самая последняя.
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Стаж: 13 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 52

kostrov_pasha · 21-Авг-18 18:35 (спустя 2 месяца 23 дня)

У меня запустилось все прекрасно везде выбрал руский язык и нормально работает вродебы
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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 356

bredsho · 06-Мар-19 14:29 (спустя 6 месяцев)

Забирайте с завтрашнего дня бесплатно на epicgames
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Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 44

Юсариан · 22-Мар-19 18:28 (спустя 16 дней)

Похоже обновлять версию в раздаче не планируют.
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Moderator gray

Стаж: 15 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 13380

DemonikD · 22-Мар-19 19:37 (спустя 1 час 8 мин.)

22.03.19 Торрент обновлен.
Игра обновлена до 1.3.2b
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Rayner 2009

Стаж: 15 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 144

Rayner 2009 · 10-Апр-19 00:58 (спустя 18 дней)

Пусть и поздновато, но всё же напишу отзыв
Странная игра какая-то. В стиме обзоры "крайне положительные".
А на деле игра унылая до безобразия. Прикрывается няшной красивой графикой, за которой ничего интересного толком и нет
Разные слаймы? Я вас умоляю, вы всех одинаково засасываете и закидываете в вольеры-контейнеры, заполняя доверху (вы же хотите зарабатывать деньги?). Единственное что взрывной и радиоактивный слаймы дамажили производительность тостера, с которого я играю, вот и вся уникальность
Интересный мир для исследований? Нет, он практически целиком пустой, заполнен только этими вездесущими слаймами. Которые на деле отличаются только стоимостью своего навоза!
В мире есть контейнеры, спрятанные там и тут... Единственный смысл шариться по окресностям, казалось бы. И их нельзя открыть! Мало того, они все разбиты на три категории, и чтобы открывать более элитные - нужно чуть ли не до конца игры дойти, бреед. А когда я смог открывать простейший их вид - падали только ресурсы для крафта бесполезных вещей. Которые еще попробуй унеси ибо...
Всего 4 слота инвентаря... я был уверен что он апгрейдится, оказалось нет. Результат - постоянное беганье туда-назад.
Сама игра является унылым циклическим фармом. Сначала на ферме. Позже вы открываете лабораторию, чтобы более геморно фармить еще и её вещи. Которых немало, но пользу предоставляет один лишь телепорт, фактически.
Мой геймплей выглядел как беганье от вольеров к магазину, чтобы продавать дроп слаймов. И пока я маялся этой ерундой (кстате, инвентарь не позволяет забрать всё сразу с 1 вольера если он забит, приходится в 2 захода обслуживать один) - слаймам начинало хотеться жрать, приходится бежать к грядкам, кормить их, потом опять собирать навоз... И когда у вас большая ферма, это всё становится бесконечным циклом
Я открыл лабораторию, побегал еще немного, потом почитал вики, понял что ничего интересного дальше так и не светит и снес игру.
Это самая недостойная настолько положительных отзывов игра что я видел... Ну, или вторая, по крайней мере. Первая - "Бесконечное лето"
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 28

eprst81 · 23-Июн-19 23:04 (спустя 2 месяца 13 дней)

Где обновы?
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Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 7

Corrosive_bug · 29-Июн-19 22:43 (спустя 5 дней)

а есть уже slime rancher 1.4.0 что бы выложить?
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Стаж: 5 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

Misha123456789Qq · 18-Авг-19 16:05 (спустя 1 месяц 18 дней)

почему нет гордо тусовщика?
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Стаж: 18 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 109

helam · 01-Ноя-19 17:58 (спустя 2 месяца 14 дней)

Rayner 2009 писал(а):
77181587Пусть и поздновато, но всё же напишу отзыв
Странная игра какая-то. В стиме обзоры "крайне положительные".
А на деле игра унылая до безобразия. Прикрывается няшной красивой графикой, за которой ничего интересного толком и нет
Разные слаймы? Я вас умоляю, вы всех одинаково засасываете и закидываете в вольеры-контейнеры, заполняя доверху (вы же хотите зарабатывать деньги?). Единственное что взрывной и радиоактивный слаймы дамажили производительность тостера, с которого я играю, вот и вся уникальность
Интересный мир для исследований? Нет, он практически целиком пустой, заполнен только этими вездесущими слаймами. Которые на деле отличаются только стоимостью своего навоза!
В мире есть контейнеры, спрятанные там и тут... Единственный смысл шариться по окресностям, казалось бы. И их нельзя открыть! Мало того, они все разбиты на три категории, и чтобы открывать более элитные - нужно чуть ли не до конца игры дойти, бреед. А когда я смог открывать простейший их вид - падали только ресурсы для крафта бесполезных вещей. Которые еще попробуй унеси ибо...
Всего 4 слота инвентаря... я был уверен что он апгрейдится, оказалось нет. Результат - постоянное беганье туда-назад.
Сама игра является унылым циклическим фармом. Сначала на ферме. Позже вы открываете лабораторию, чтобы более геморно фармить еще и её вещи. Которых немало, но пользу предоставляет один лишь телепорт, фактически.
Мой геймплей выглядел как беганье от вольеров к магазину, чтобы продавать дроп слаймов. И пока я маялся этой ерундой (кстате, инвентарь не позволяет забрать всё сразу с 1 вольера если он забит, приходится в 2 захода обслуживать один) - слаймам начинало хотеться жрать, приходится бежать к грядкам, кормить их, потом опять собирать навоз... И когда у вас большая ферма, это всё становится бесконечным циклом
Я открыл лабораторию, побегал еще немного, потом почитал вики, понял что ничего интересного дальше так и не светит и снес игру.
Это самая недостойная настолько положительных отзывов игра что я видел... Ну, или вторая, по крайней мере. Первая - "Бесконечное лето"
Ваши слова подтверждены детьми, все велись на графику и мультяшных колобко-слаймов, неделя, месяц и все, как отрезало, говорят гат боринг, скушно.
Словами младенцев глаголит истина.
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BuzzT · 10-Ноя-19 13:30 (спустя 8 дней)

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