Gary S. Coyne - The Laboratory Companion: A Practical Guide to Materials, Equipment, and Technique / Лабораторный помощник: практическое пособие по материалам, оборудованию и технике [1997, PDF, ENG]

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mpv777 · 03-Апр-10 13:01 (14 лет 2 месяца назад, ред. 03-Апр-10 13:03)

The Laboratory Companion: A Practical Guide to Materials, Equipment, and Technique
Лабораторный помощник: практическое пособие по материалам, оборудованию и технике

Год выпуска: 1997
Автор: Gary S. Coyne
Жанр: Справочник для научных лабораторий
Издательство: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 978-0471184225, 0471184225
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц: 549
Книга является ценным справочным руководством для всех, кто работает в научных лабораториях. Спектр представленной информации охватывает широко используются материалы, оборудование и методы в большинстве лабораторий. Освещены вопросы безопасности при рассмотрении вопросов о надлежащих методах отбора, использования, очистки и обслуживания лабораторного оборудования (вакуум, сжатые газы, измерительное оборудование, криогенная и др.), и при рассмотрении стекла.
The Laboratory Companion, is a valuable reference guide for all those working in scientific laboratories. The range of information provided covers commonly used materials, equipment, and techniques found in most labs. Safety practices and safe procedures are constantly emphasized when discussing the proper methods of selecting, using, cleaning, and maintaining laboratory equipment (vacuum, compressed gases, measurement equipment, cryogenics, and other), as well as a thorough discussion of glassware.
Praise for The Laboratory Handbook by Gary S. Coyne& "This is probably the most useful volume I have encountered for many years and should be made compulsory reading for all those involved in research, particularly new research students." - Chromatographia "The book will be valuable for readers needing to understand the theory and proper using, cleaning, and storing methods of laboratory equipment. Safety issues are thoroughly covered. The book is a useful 'how-to-use' reference for students, novices, and experienced laboratory personnel." -JACS An updated version of the critically acclaimed Laboratory Handbook, this guide to laboratory materials, equipment, and techniques is an important resource for students as well as veteran scientists and lab technicians. From vacuum technology and glass vacuum systems to volumetric glassware, gas-oxygen torches, and cryogenic tanks, The Laboratory Companion provides complete coverage of all commonly used lab equipment, including essential information about its selection, use, cleaning, and maintenance. It clearly explains the historical development and rationale behind how and why things are done in the lab, and includes helpful guidelines and step-by-step procedures for each topic discussed. Since glassware is typically the most prevalent type of lab equipment, much of the book is devoted to the properties and handling of glass apparatus, with additional material on rubber and plastic tubing, corks, stoppers, and O-rings. Readers will also find broad coverage of measurement systems, high- and low-temperature apparatus and techniques, compressed gases, vacuum systems, and other essential subjects.

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